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    For nearly 20 years, BenzoBuddies has assisted thousands of people through benzodiazepine withdrawal. Help us reach and support more people in need. More about donations here.

Remeron (Mirtazapine) Withdrawal Support Group


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Thanks pokey for referring me to this thread.


I'm trying to figure out if I'm experiencing a benzo wave or if it's mirtazapine withdrawal.


I took Remeron for about 5.5 months to help with withdrawal issues from benzos and overall thought it was very helpful. The first few weeks definitely caused some extra symptoms but most were short lived and it was great to be sleeping well again.


After about 3.5 months on Remeron I was still experiencing some side effects from benzo withdrawal but tolerable so I began to slowly taper the Remeron down. I did drop faster than 10% a month as went from 7.5mg to nothing in a period of about two months. Usually dropping by 1mg every week. I'd feel off for a day or two but then fine and slept well for the most part of the taper.


Stopped it in mid April and felt 99% normal after a day or two. Felt fine with no issues for about 3 and half weeks when I started getting a bit of cogfog, then a week later sweaty hands and anxiety, then a few weeks later depression and sometimes racing thoughts, now im having trouble with sleep too and loss of appetite/nausea. I get into bed and feel fine but just cant pass out and if i do, usually wake up sweaty.


First thought was it was just a benzo-wave, but then I thought you usually get slammed hard and then things slowly recede, however this time it's like it just slowly builds and builds which is not what I was used to from the benzo WD.


Could this be remeron withdrawal instead? Is it normal to hit a few weeks later and does it start slow and build, or hit hard like benzo WD


Tempted to go back on the remeron at a low dosage but not sure if thats the right thing to do. Any input would be greatly appreciated


Im sensitized to foods again, caffeine makes my hands shake and sweat whereas over the past few months I was able to tolerate it well. I was super sensitive for first few months off of benzos so that points to benzo WD, however I have a loss of appetite and nausea, as well as worse depression than during benzo withdrawal and those were things I felt the mirt caused. I'd honestly rather it be mirt withdrawal as from reading seems a lot more tolerable than benzo WD, but still after nearly almost a month window, its hard to be back where I was only shortly after my jump from benzos.

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To all of you questioning whether or not to reinstate Remeron, or go up, etc......


Please, please,  do yourselves a favor.    If you're off, stay off, if you are tapering, dont go up or reinstate.  I am 21 months off Remeron and still in hell.  This is just me, of course, but I've been seeing so man others with similar issues. 


I think its a matter of suffer now and pay the price of insomnia, anxiety, , dizziness, nausea, etc, or take it for longer and pay a worse price.  Sorry to be so negative about Remeron, but I''ve been off Benzos for 37 months, and off Remeron for 21 months.  I think the Remeron WD has been much worse than the benzo, which was pretty awful


So, take my suggestions as from someone who clearly has his own opinion, but these drugs are lethal for many, so dont take any chances. Get off them and stay off them, no matter what symptoms surface.  You'll be happier down the road.  My journey through hell has been going on for years like many others.  Do yourselves a big favor.  You may not realize the wisdom of this until years from now, but whatever results you get now will seem like nothing the longer you stay on Remeron.  IMHO.  Good luck to you all.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I was on remeron 15mg for about a year. It was helping a lot with post WD insomnia. This past month I have been on 30mg but I'm starting to think it's having a stimulating effect that's overshadowing the sedative effect. Is this possible? Last night I had the worst bout of insomnia that I've had in a long time. I slept about 2 hours and am now wide awake. If it is becoming stimulating I need to go back down to 15mg. My question is how quickly can I do this with only being on 30mg for a month. Do I have to do a 10% cut at a time or can I be more prompt about it.


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Remeron at higher dose is activating, sedating at lower. You won't get the sedating effect at 30 mg. This happens ideally at <7.5mg. It should be relatively easy to cut from 30mg to 15mg and then again to 7.5mg. Obviously you need to listen to your body though.


I'm currently hanging out around 3.5mg and while it does make me drowsy, it does nothing for sleep quality. It's only been recently that my body has started to sleep on its own. Yes, the Remeron does give me a little push, but I'm sleeping harder and staying asleep due to my own healing.

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Yeh I originally heard that remeron looses its sedation affect at higher doses, but did not realize it becomes activating at higher dose like 30mg. Who in the hell wants to be wired up when they are dealing with insomnia, depression and anxiety. I have a touchy physiology and it does not need to be activated. I need calm. I have emailed my doc and asked for multiple strength tabs so I can start cutting. SHould I follow the 10% rule/3 weeks or do you think I can cut a bit more than that at a time since I have been on 30mg for 36 days?


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Well, remember that Remeron is first and foremost an AD. It's only prescribed for insomnia and sleep issues off-label. A lot of people with severe depression have no problems sleeping so something activating is actually good for them.


The question of how you should taper is entirely up to you. If you feel like you're going to encounter problems, then try cutting slowly and see how it goes. I had no problems cutting from 15 to 7.5 and then again to 3-something in a couple of weeks. When I taper off for good, I'll take a little more time to ensure that my body adjusts but mostly to make sure that I'm well off enough to handle any problems.


Everyone is different but my thinking is, I need to first attend to my benzo-related problems before worrying about the Remeron. I've never had a problem getting off of ADs in the past, so being as how I'm on such a low dose, I don't personally see a problem with this but like I said, we all react differently.

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I've been through a lot of ups and downs. I've tapered off 3 meds. You'd think I'd have enough sense not to get on another and in retrospect I don't think my doc should have ever suggested remeron for me but I can't blame it all on him. I honestly don't think I'll make it through this taper. Something is telling me this is going to be hell and I'll either die or take to much of something. I just can't do this anymore.
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I've been through a lot of ups and downs. I've tapered off 3 meds. You'd think I'd have enough sense not to get on another and in retrospect I don't think my doc should have ever suggested remeron for me but I can't blame it all on him. I honestly don't think I'll make it through this taper. Something is telling me this is going to be hell and I'll either die or take to much of something. I just can't do this anymore.


Hi Pokey,

I know the anguish you are experiencing.

I am currently @3.65 mgs of remeron. I am slowly trying to get off this drug AGAIN.  I've been on....and off completely for 7 months in 2014.....a low dose of this stuff since 2012-13? It is no longer working that well as a sleep aid, but every time I've tried to eliminate it completely, I get so nauseated and anxious that I cave. I'm with you. I just can't do this anymore. 😞

So now I'm between a rock and a hard place. I have NO support from my GP. He wants me to just stay on and wishes I would go on more.....more remeron...more drugs period. He simply doesn't understand why I wouldn't stay on this low dose for the rest of my life.

I really don't think you'll have a problem going back to a lower dose. If you get back down to 15....or even 7.5, it's at that point you may want to slow your pace considerably, but I honestly can't predict how your body is going to handle the reduction.

Remeron.....like all drugs....can affect people differently, and therefore it stands to reason that getting off of it will also have a wide range of possibilities. Many people struggle. Many people breeze off of it. For example, 'Builder' often reports how easy it was for him to discontinue remeron. However, I'm pretty sure he was still on Valium at the time. If so, that would definitely be a variable in his lack of symptoms. Others, me included, struggle. I am on NO other meds.

So I guess we have to ask ourselves if getting off remeron is worth all the trouble. As I said, it only helps minimally at this point. But then again, it isn't increasing any symptoms either.

A gastroenterologist I saw recently said..."so in essence you're taking a placebo". Really Doc? Well then why can't I just get off of it?

I know I haven't helped much, but I just want you to know I understand, and wish us both some well deserved peace and comfort as we age.



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Just wanted to share my experience in case it helps. I was only on Remeron for 5 years for sleep. It stopped working for me at all doses. I had to taper off (which I did too fast looking back at it). My doc gave me Klonopin to help get off it BC my w/d was bad... as bad as benzo withdrawal. But adding the benzo and then having to come off it too made things worse. I believe you definitely can do it but my advice is to go slow. If you find you are one that doesn't have a tough time coming off it you can go faster but why not be cautious and potentially prevent some intense symptoms if possible.
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  • 1 month later...



Reading this, I'm getting real scared to continue


I started Remeron for anxiety and appetite..... I have lost a lot of weight during this benzo hell..... I am in a BAD wave (since May)... My last dose

of benzo was Feb 3


I started on Tues (Aug 16)... Should I stop? 


I withdrew from Cymbalta in 2012 (HELL) and then the K in 2016 (MORE HELL)....

I can't handle another withdrawal ...



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Reading this, I'm getting real scared to continue


I started Remeron for anxiety and appetite..... I have lost a lot of weight during this benzo hell..... I am in a BAD wave (since May)... My last dose

of benzo was Feb 3


I started on Tues (Aug 16)... Should I stop? 


Get off it while you still can and not have an awful withdrawal from it.  This stuff has been the worst for me, even worse than the benzo.  Cut your losses.  Anything you get from stopping it now will be minor compared to the hell it can be after taking it for a long time.  IMO.  Good luck.


I withdrew from Cymbalta in 2012 (HELL) and then the K in 2016 (MORE HELL)....

I can't handle another withdrawal ...

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I Don't know what to do?


I can't handle another withdraw.


I'm only one week in.


You're so early in Remeron.  Just stop it or even taper before you get too far into it.  The only benefit I ever got from that was sleep while tapering the benzo. 

it wasnt worth it.     

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So here I am, down to around 2mg every night. It seems an insignificant amount, and I think I'm starting to withdraw. Sleep is still happening, in fact it's often dark and heavy though not very refreshing. My biggest issue at this point is DP and I'm not entirely sure it's from the benzos or the Remeron or a combination of both. Many of the withdrawal symptoms of ADs closely resemble benzos, so I won't know, until I'm off the Remeron for good and even then I won't know definitively.


The interesting thing about this is that by the time I go 24 hours between dose, I feel better. It's only after taking a dose and sleeping that I again feel like crap again. So, I don't know, maybe I'll need to try going every other day and then every other two days and on and on. I wish there was more guidance on this.


I'm curious then, what's a good point at which to jump? I'm not keen on going all the way down to zero, and truth be told, I don't have enough pills left to do a long, slow taper to zero, but I'm also not really sure if going below 1mg is going to do anything but prolong things.

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Hi there, I jumped from remeron about 1 mo ago. Long story, I had to jump because I changed doctors, and new doctor refused to order it. She's a real gem..

I knew this might happen, and I was stabilized on it for months,7.5 mg..

So for 2 mos I went down to 3.5, then for a month I took a crumb..then jumped..

It took about 4 days, and my head felt full, pressurized, similar to benzo wd..so I had some trazadone stashed for emergencies. I started on traz to help with sleep. That's my main problem now, insomnia, since jumping remeron..

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I guess I'll go down as low as my stash will let me. I counted my pills and I have about 28 left, so figure almost a year of slow tapering if I want to drag it out that long. Right now it's not even the sleep issues that are bothering me, it's the fatigue and depersonalization but I can't state for certain that it's actually the Remeron and not benzo-related.


Overall my sleep has changed over the past 5 months. Even before when I was withdrawing, the Remeron didn't help very much, and at 3.7mg it was giving me fitful, dreamy nights. Now, I don't know, it's just different. It's deeper most nights. I'm not waking up as much.


Once I'm off it, I'm off and whatever happens, happens. I can't be on medications for the rest of my life. My brain has to get this right at some point.

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  • 5 weeks later...

HI Blandthrax and others: Been a while since I have been back here. I'm in the process of tapering off remeron(Mirt). I was at 30mg but it was to activating for me so decided to head back towards 15 and try that for a while. I have tapered to 20mg at this point. I sleep like the dead, but wake up most mornings feeling like crap and may feel crappy all day. I think you mentioned earlier that when you come to 24 hours since your last dose thats when you feel the best during the day. I have experienced that too, BUT not all the time. I can feel crappy 24 hours a day many days. Some mornings I wake up slightly nauseated and often still very tired and drag through the day. I'm starting to wonder if something more serious is going on but hope its only WD. Have you, or others here had periods during their taper when you feel like you surely must be slowly dying from something. When I went from 30mg to 26.25 to 22.5 mg I did not feel this crummy. Now that I have gone to 20 mg Maybe its just catching up with me possibly?????? Any thoughts would be appreciated  :'(


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Hi Pokey,

I am so sorry to hear that your remeron taper is giving you a little grief.

I too am on a low dose of remeron.

I was down to about 2.3 mgs, (I get mine compounded into a liquid), and I started experiencing horrible symptoms, so went back up to 3.75. That dose used to work very well at giving me an ok sleep. However, this time going back up to 3.75 has not eliminated the morning ugliness.

I also fear that I have some kind of disease/condition other than withdrawal. As a matter of fact, I have convinced myself I have fibromyalgia. If it is fibro, it's an atypical form. There are 100 different forms of rheumatic diseases. Many of my symptoms line up with symptoms of some of them,

But.....I never had these symptoms BEFORE benzo withdrawal! That's what's so frustrating. Did the withdrawal CAUSE this, or did the benzo I was taking hide/control this 'other' condition? The million dollar question.

Are your symptoms in ANY way affected by weather changes or stress? Mine are.

If I were you, I'd "invest" in compounding your remeron so that you can at least be certain that you are getting the exact dosage you want, and then go very, VERY, slow in reducing the dose.

As always, wishing you good luck and good health Pokey.





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Hope u dont mind me jumping in. Been on remeron 2 months 7.5. It stopped working.

Do I need to taper or should I just stop?


I always hesitate to give advice like this because one individual can, (and often does), react so differently than another.

If I were you, I would consider a taper. I'm guessing it wouldn't necessarily have to be  be a snail-paced taper.

In other words, I really don't think it's the greatest idea to CT. I wouldn't do it for myself.

Good luck in your decision.

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Im in a situation...


I have been off benzos for 5 weeks now. (YEAH) and was put on remeron almost a month ago for my horrible insomnia.  It works great but about 2 weeks later I noticed I was getting the really bad fog and I feel like a complete sedated zombie all day. oh yeah.... I am take 6.8mg of remeron.  Just a bit under 7.5 - I have a scale I use.


The problem is it is making my days more miserable than it has too.  My question is "If I tapered down to 4.0 would it be more sedating?  Honestly I have no idea what to do.  I am totally stuck now on it so not sure where to go with it.  It is hard to drive and work now.


Hope you can give me some advice.



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Im in a situation...


I have been off benzos for 5 weeks now. (YEAH) and was put on remeron almost a month ago for my horrible insomnia.  It works great but about 2 weeks later I noticed I was getting the really bad fog and I feel like a complete sedated zombie all day. oh yeah.... I am take 6.8mg of remeron.  Just a bit under 7.5 - I have a scale I use.


The problem is it is making my days more miserable than it has too.  My question is "If I tapered down to 4.0 would it be more sedating?  Honestly I have no idea what to do.  I am totally stuck now on it so not sure where to go with it.  It is hard to drive and work now.


Hope you can give me some advice.



I am very sorry you are in such a bind. And.....I wish I had the answers for you. But I don't.

I have been on and off 3.75 mgs or less for a few of years now. In 2014 I had successfully discontinued, following a very controlled taper, using compounded liquid remeron, and remained totally drug free for over 7 months. Then....I had eye surgery that knocked me for a loop, so I reinstated @ 3.75mgs.

For the last 2 years, I have tried and tried to get off again, but without success.

My body is so fragile and unbalanced right now that I simply couldn't withstand another horrific withdrawal. So I guess you could say I'm between a rock and a hard spot.

I do not think that you dropping lower in your dose will all of a sudden be beneficial in the sleep department. If anything, if you noticed that 7.5 had stopped working, it's highly unlikely that anything less would help.

As I see it, you have a couple of options: a) keep plodding on with a slow and controlled taper, or b) go back up...or beyond the 7.5 mgs.

Sounds to me like we are in similar situations. We will get through this, but obviously the smoother the path the better. 😉


PS. I understand that you have a jewellery scale. That will surely help in making exact reductions in your dose if you choose to go that route.



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Im in a situation...


I have been off benzos for 5 weeks now. (YEAH) and was put on remeron almost a month ago for my horrible insomnia.  It works great but about 2 weeks later I noticed I was getting the really bad fog and I feel like a complete sedated zombie all day. oh yeah.... I am take 6.8mg of remeron.  Just a bit under 7.5 - I have a scale I use.


The problem is it is making my days more miserable than it has too.  My question is "If I tapered down to 4.0 would it be more sedating?  Honestly I have no idea what to do.  I am totally stuck now on it so not sure where to go with it.  It is hard to drive and work now.


Hope you can give me some advice.



I am very sorry you are in such a bind. And.....I wish I had the answers for you. But I don't.

I have been on and off 3.75 mgs or less for a few of years now. In 2014 I had successfully discontinued, following a very controlled taper, using compounded liquid remeron, and remained totally drug free for over 7 months. Then....I had eye surgery that knocked me for a loop, so I reinstated @ 3.75mgs.

For the last 2 years, I have tried and tried to get off again, but without success.

My body is so fragile and unbalanced right now that I simply couldn't withstand another horrific withdrawal. So I guess you could say I'm between a rock and a hard spot.

I do not think that you dropping lower in your dose will all of a sudden be beneficial in the sleep department. If anything, if you noticed that 7.5 had stopped working, it's highly unlikely that anything less would help.

As I see it, you have a couple of options: a) keep plodding on with a slow and controlled taper, or b) go back up...or beyond the 7.5 mgs.

Sounds to me like we are in similar situations. We will get through this, but obviously the smoother the path the better. 😉


PS. I understand that you have a jewellery scale. That will surely help in making exact reductions in your dose if you choose to go that route.


Thanks for the reply.  I don;t have an issue with sleep now but it is the DP/DR zombie state during the day that I am having issues with, I guess I am wondering which you kind of answered for me is if 3.75 has a more sedetive effect that 7 or 7.5?  I don;t want to taper if it is known to be even more of a sedetive effect.  I think I can get away with sleeping fine on around 4mg, I just don;t want to make any crazy moves and make my already zombied body even worse.  Id like to get it lower and hope the zombie state lifts a little. 


If I do taper it would be ridiculously slow.  Like .02 a week.

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