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If someone posted that they were still in horrendous withdrawals after 50 years, would we believe it? After all, if all time frames are to be respected, then why not 50 years? Why not 60?


This is nonsense, i am sorry but i would say withdrawal can last 6 years tops, in very rare cases maybe a year longer.


Are you absolutely sure about that?


If a doctor tells me that benzo wd can't last beyond 3 weeks, why should I believe your arbitrary number?


No one knows if any one of us on here is a real person or whether or not we are telling the truth. There are plenty of people out there who would call BS after reading your story. How does that make you feel?


Every day I see more and more why protracted people disappear into the shadows. Why would you come on a benzo support forum to get called a liar when you could easily get the same thing from the general public or an ignorant doctor?


People that pepper the word "Hell" and "Beast" liberally throughout posts are the drama types.


I sincerely hope that you don't have to endure the same kind of benzo wd I did, because if you do you will quickly understand that there is no way to exaggerate it. "Drama"....yea.....


I think that people who are tapering or who are still early in benzo wd should avoid reading and commenting on any of the protracted threads. You think that negativity expressed by people who are in protracted wd is damaging but just imagine what it might be like if you have been dealing with this for a couple of years or more and have to be careful of everything you say so as not to upset people who are a few months off. Sometimes it sucks. Your brand of negativity isn't helping us any more than ours is helping you, trust me.


Oh yea, and one word of advice- don't get too cocky about your recovery. I have found that every time I got too confident I was reminded that I am not the one in charge of this.

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If someone posted that they were still in horrendous withdrawals after 50 years, would we believe it? After all, if all time frames are to be respected, then why not 50 years? Why not 60?


This is nonsense, i am sorry but i would say withdrawal can last 6 years tops, in very rare cases maybe a year longer.


Are you absolutely sure about that?


If a doctor tells me that benzo wd can't last beyond 3 weeks, why should I believe your arbitrary number?


No one knows if any one of us on here is a real person or whether or not we are telling the truth. There are plenty of people out there who would call BS after reading your story. How does that make you feel?


Every day I see more and more why protracted people disappear into the shadows. Why would you come on a benzo support forum to get called a liar when you could easily get the same thing from the general public or an ignorant doctor?


People that pepper the word "Hell" and "Beast" liberally throughout posts are the drama types.


I sincerely hope that you don't have to endure the same kind of benzo wd I did, because if you do you will quickly understand that there is no way to exaggerate it. "Drama"....yea.....


I think that people who are tapering or who are still early in benzo wd should avoid reading and commenting on any of the protracted threads. You think that negativity expressed by people who are in protracted wd is damaging but just imagine what it might be like if you have been dealing with this for a couple of years or more and have to be careful of everything you say so as not to upset people who are a few months off. Sometimes it sucks. Your brand of negativity isn't helping us any more than ours is helping you, trust me.


Oh yea, and one word of advice- don't get too cocky about your recovery. I have found that every time I got too confident I was reminded that I am not the one in charge of this.


A entire posts with one motive. To bring someone down. Having a bad day?


I find you one pain where the sun don't shine.


You like finding posts with hope and shattering them to derive pleasure from someone else's misery. I'm sorry, but I call it as I see it.


If this post is removed, so be it. I'm to a point I can do with or without support. Only thing wrong here is my stomach, so it's no biggie.


Looks like to me, you would try to help people instead of pulling what you want out of threads, turning it around to fit where you stand.

This isn't the first time you have done it either.


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There have been far too many personal derogatory remarks on this thread. Your time would be spent more productively helping other members out.  The OP has not been back to this thread for whatever reason.  It has become grounds for personal arguments. I will once again say to everyone:


Refrain from personal disparaging comments, this is clearly mentioned in the forum rules and guidelines:


•Be polite towards, and respectful of, your fellow Buddies. We do not tolerate attacks upon fellow members. Any account created for the purposes of causing arguments and/or ill-feeling, will be banned.



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Diaz- Pam:Oh and incidentally Xana, seeing as you always love to pick on my posts,<blockquote>


Xana:Sorry to disappoint you Diaz, but I do not spend my days searching the forum for your posts to pick on. I was referring to all the people who gave no sympathy but chose to disbelieve another person's story of suffering.


If it seems that we clash occasionally that is simply because we have different views on issues. I don't agree with lots of things I read here and usually will offer a different view. Surely this is what a forum actually is?


Diaz-Pam:Your different view could have been expressed without quoting my specific post, seeing as I was not the only one, or the first, to question the OP's validity, but it's okay. I'm used to you doing this kind of thing now, because it's definitely not the first time it's happened. When you get the opportunity to make an issue of something I've said, you will take it. It's happened far too often for it to just be a chance occurrence. Obviously I just rub you up the wrong way.


I usually ignore most of your posts and refrain from commenting on them, even if I disagree, because I know it will probably get you going if I do. Perhaps you should do the same thing. Or better yet, maybe you should just put me on ignore and then you won't be tempted to disagree with me at all.


Hmmm, this is sounding very much like telling me not to speak my mind.... not very appropriate on an open forum, I am afraid. :o

I quoted your specific comment because it was directed at me. You used my name and suggested that I 'pick on your posts'. I actually don't think I have read any of your posts in weeks and I come on here every single day (sadly).


Please feel free to disagree with me. I am always happy to back up why I believe something. Don't worry about 'getting me going' as I am not sensitive enough to be offended if someone holds a different viewpoint.


In the case at hand, you (and others) were questioning the truthfulness of anther member. I choose to believe what people say unless I am given evidence to the contrary. I do not lie myself and I guess I am sometimes led to believe others when what they say is not true. I would rather remain naive in this instance than chancing hurting someone else.


Seems simple to me.  :D   


Wow - how you can twist things!! Go back and read the posts properly. I was talking about you specifically quoting my comment in your very first comment here. That was completely unnecessary because you then said you were directing it at everyone who was suspicious, yet you chose my post to highlight.


This isn't the first time you have chosen my posts to specifically single out to pick at. This would actually be at least the fourth time, and frankly I'm gettng a bit tired of it. Just ignore my posts in future, as I usually ignore yours, and we'll both be happy.


I apologise pianogirl, but I needed to say that to get the facts straight, and to not allow them to be twisted as they were. I have no intentions of continuing this nonsense with Xana, because nonsense is exactly what it is.

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Go outside and listen to some birds with a cup of chammomile,  ;D that is pretty funny.


but the truth is and i wrote this before that when i was benzo free for 7 years the first time and although i didn't know it back then i was having so many protracted w/d. i was not healed at all and i was led back on to the benzo's because i wasn't healed and i didn't know any better. so protracted w/d can last that long and especially if your not doing the right things like i wasn't.


also, we don't necessarily know what kind of "suffering" anyone is still experiencing and they may not know if they have an underlying issue or if there is some auto-immune thing that has surfaced. or if their stomach aches after eating a certain food that they want to put it all onto protracted w/d because they don't know what else could possibly be wrong.


but i would say having a brain tumor removed isn't necessarily a protracted w/d from benzo's, it's a pretty heavy duty operation. how do we know if something else happened during the surgery?


but i do agree that there probably are many protracted people who disappear into the shadow's because they don't wish to instill fear into anyone and they don't understand what could be taking so long. i feel that way when i post a topic that says i am 11 months out and still bed-ridden. i feel pretty badly when i get to read about all the things that most of you do when i am still laying in bed all day because my nervous system is still thrashed.


but whatever i have to do to get well is what i will do and if it takes another 7 years i am here. i hope it doesn't and i did turn a little corner so healing is happening.

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This isn't the first time you have chosen my posts to specifically single out to pick at.


Don't flatter yourself!


And Oscar, I would have expected better of you. We certainly don't need a resident doctor or psychiatrist with you on board.


I'm sorry Pianogirl but all the action happens when I am asleep under here in the land of Oz hanging upside down in my cave. I won't add any more to this thread. No point at all. I'm going to the beach.  :)


Clicking the 'unnotify' button right now to conserve my anger for any facebook issues that need my insightful comments. Ha, ha!

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You are right Oscar,I would go back on benzos also if I was still suffering greatly after being off for years,and that is saying a lot because I hate those drugs with a passion.I just can't believe a human being can suffer like the poster said that she was suffering for 27 years;it just seems like the body would give up,or you would become immune to the pain.
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I would never reinstate on pills because it's not living, it's walking around numb, plus one doesn't emotionally and maturely grow on them, not like they should!


The OP could have a few residual effects like an anxiety attack or the occasional dizzy spell, but these things are part of life anyway. I think after so long, people can't say it was their drug of choice that causes them vertigo, anxiety, etc. It may have been an underlying issue to begin with. I just don't see how you still could blame your addiction and its aftermath for 27 years. It is very possible it's something else. Everyone's brain is different, therefore it cannot be conclusive!


As far as what I posted earlier, I may have been a bit slamming, who knows! I simply cannot stand to see  people have their hopes up and someone comes along and uses them as their piss post because it's a green day.


I was there and I know what that was like! The last thing I needed to hear was a futile remark while my blood was boiling. I know the poster didn't care if it was boiling or not, but it mattered to me!



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Then prove me wrong and just ignore my posts from now on.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!


No one gets to tell me to shut up - here or anywhere else in the free world where I live!


Have a lovely day in beautiful sunny Queensland!  :smitten:

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As far as what I posted earlier, I may have been a bit slamming, who knows! I simply cannot stand to see  people have their hopes up and someone comes along and uses them as their piss post because it's a green day.


What the?

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As far as what I posted earlier, I may have been a bit slamming, who knows! I simply cannot stand to see  people have their hopes up and someone comes along and uses them as their piss post because it's a green day.


What the?


It has nothing to do with you whatsoever.

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It has nothing to do with you whatsoever.


Oh really?


Am I lost?


Here was I thinking this was a public forum where people exchange their views and try to offer support for others suffering. I am so sorry. I seem to have strayed into a little club where I apparently have to keep my big gob shut.


I think it must be the benzos that are causing me to be so confused. I wasn't thinking straight.  :idiot:


Thanks so much for letting me know.

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It has nothing to do with you whatsoever.


Oh really?


Am I lost?


Here was I thinking this was a public forum where people exchange their views and try to offer support for others suffering. I am so sorry. I seem to have strayed into a little club where I apparently have to keep my big gob shut.


I think it must be the benzos that are causing me to be so confused. I wasn't thinking straight.  :idiot:


Thanks so much for letting me know.


Where in that post does it say Xana? It doesn't. It just has nothing to do with you. I think you're a childish person, and I'm not trying to shut your gob.


It simply has zero to do with you.

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OK, enough is enough everyone.  If you want to have petty squabbles, move them away from the open forum.


It's agreed that this thread is upsetting to many, so move on and discontinue posting here and let is slide down to the back pages.


I fail to see any degree of support going on here and that is the purpose of this forum.  When I greet new members I tell them what a kind and caring community we have.  Posts like this totally contradict that.


You don't need to agree with each other or even like each other, but just leave this alone now!





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Where in that post does it say Xana? It doesn't. It just has nothing to do with you. I think you're a childish person, and I'm not trying to shut your gob.


It simply has zero to do with you.



Is there something about the word 'community' that eludes you?


One does not have to direct comments to specific people on these public forums.


If I am 'childish'  I take that as a compliment as I love children and usually find them much better company that adults. They are far more accepting of differences. They are usually positive and happy. They have open minds and think creatively. I am a teacher and mother of four and have always marvelled at the way small minds grow and revel in discovery.


So I thank you.


Xana (The Childish One.)


PS I just saw your comment, Pianogirl, after I posted. I am sorry but when someone attacks me for no reason I feel compelled to respond. All I ever said was in support of a person who was being called a liar basically. I don't know why this upsets people. Can you please clarify that comments do not have to be directed at a single person, please?

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Where in that post does it say Xana? It doesn't. It just has nothing to do with you. I think you're a childish person, and I'm not trying to shut your gob.


It simply has zero to do with you.



Is there something about the word 'community' that eludes you?


One does not have to direct comments to specific people on these public forums.


If I am 'childish'  I take that as a compliment as I love children and usually find them much better company that adults. They are far more accepting of differences. They are usually positive and happy. They have open minds and think creatively. I am a teacher and mother of four and have always marvelled at the way small minds grow and revel in discovery.


So I thank you.


Xana (The Childish One.)


Community or not, not everything has something to do with you. This isn't a classroom or a nursery. It's a place to talk about addiction and recovery.

I don't understand how you got tangled up in my business in the first place. You assumed that my post was about you, but it wasn't.

Not everything is about you, sorry.



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