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It's interesting that the OP was actually online while I was making my previous post, yet has now logged off without posting anything more. I would have thought that someone who was genuine would have wanted to impart a bit more information, when some of us have appeared to be confused by what they said.


I'm sorry to say it, but I have a feeling that this is one of those "OMG!!!" scaremongering posts that will come along every so often. This is exactly what people DON'T need to see here. We have enough people who are scared and suffering already, without this kind of cruelty.


However, if I'm wrong, I will happily apologise to the OP. So please OP, come back and prove me wrong. Please give us more information, because if this is true it is indeed worrying, but I still maintain that there must be causes for the problems other than benzo withdrawal, especially after 27 years.


Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear! Do none of you remember Polenta's story?


I can only hope this person hasn't gone off and killed themselves after this load of comments.


You doubters had better hope you are correct or you might be feeling very ashamed of yourselves.


Great support!  :thumbsup: 

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Yes Kat, I think you need to re-read the first post, and also the OP's intro post. Four years on and then 27 years off.


No one is trying to be unkind. I would have to be one of the least judgemental people here, but it's just that if you take all the stated information into account, there are a lot of unanswered questions and doubts over the validity of this post.


I definitely don't want to dismiss the poster if they are genuine. I think it is possible they are genuine, but if they are I honestly don't believe the problems are purely because she was on a benzo for only four years.


The questions I would like answered are what benzo was she on, what was the dose and what was the reason she was put on the benzo in the first place? Is it possible that this condition is what has been causing her all this distress over the years? Benzos don't cure anything. All they do is mask underlying symptoms.


I guess we'll never know though unless the OP decides to come back and clarify the situation, which I would welcome.


When I was posting regularly, there were at least a couple of posters who appeared to be having a lot of difficulties, one after only one dose, and another I think after less than a week!  They posted for a very long time of the sufferings they encountered, describing them in long and excruciating details, and garnered a lot of sympathy and help.


Sometimes I think we need to give people the benefit of the doubt. If we can't help them then maybe it's better to ignore them and try to help the ones we can.  Varely strikes me as someone who is in need and I hope he/she contacts me if I can be of help.


I'm not judging anyone here, just offering my thoughts.  I wish everyone well.  Even though I was steadily on lorazepam for over 25 years I didn't have half the symptoms that the above-mentioned folks had.

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Sometimes I think we need to give people the benefit of the doubt.


Exactly. People need to keep in mind that a lot of doctors don't even acknowledge benzo wd beyond a couple of weeks or a month, but most of us know that benzo wd can indeed last a lot longer than that.


How do YOU feel when someone essentially tells you that you are crazy for thinking you are in benzo wd a few months after your last dose? Imagine how someone else would feel if they were going through this years down the road and not even the benzo community believed them.


Or what about the person who took 14 pills and is still dealing with wd a year or two later? Hard to believe, yes. But is it impossible?



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Thank you Kat! You said it much more tactfully than I did.

I used to be very skeptical on here too. In fact I once would have thought someone only on 5mg Valium for a short time couldn't possible have much trouble getting off. That was until I tapered down to the 5mg V mark and discovered my own lack of quality of life. I had gone down from an equivalent of about 100mg V in less than a year. But that last 5mg did me in much more than the whole rest of the taper and I chucked the taper at around 1mg.


I would not have believed that after almost a year back on 1mg Xanax per day, I STILL have very sore teeth and tongue - symptoms of withdrawal from the Valium taper. (And I am still hyper sensitive and quick tempered! Always had a touch of that though.  ;) ) I even tried taking 5mg of the useless Valium to see if it helped the teeth. It didn't. I would not have believed this if I didn't experience it.


After two years I have learned to suspend judgement. Bloody hell (as we say all the time here in Oz), I sound so pious.  :o Sorry!  ::)



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This is reminder to everyone who reads or posts on this thread:


It is important to remember that we take everyone at face value here, that is what we do here on the forum.  Each member is given the opportunity to tell their story and we have an obligation to greet it with respect.


If in fact, we find that they have been less than honest then at that time we will deal with that.


I know no one wants to hear about a case where someone is symptomatic so long off and certainly there are other health concerns that might be in play. A person who is hurting this badly deserves our care and kindness no matter what the reason for the pain is.  Most people I have met here on BB have been the most caring and compassionate people I have ever met. That is what drew me to this forum in the first place.  I don't want us to lose our humanity due to fear.


Please treat this member with the same respect that you would like to have yourself.



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I have a few thoughts on this thread. First, no one here really wants to admit the possibility of someone being permanently and severely damaged - because it flies in the face of our own hopes. Second, no one here should at the same time be so naive as to not suppose that occasionally some ill-intentioned person may register on this blog and post things intended to frighten or upset everyone else. Yes, people can be that mean-spirited. Third, for those who believe in God, Jesus said not a sparrow falls to the ground apart from our heavenly father's will - implying a tremendous amount of providence over EVERYTHING (good or bad) that occurs. Fourth, for those who believe in God, we may and should seek help from our creator:


"In the thirty-ninth year of his reign Asa was afflicted with a disease in his feet. Though his disease was severe, even in his illness he did not seek help from the LORD, but only from the physicians." (2 Chronicles 16:12)


If Valely is not speaking the truth, it will become obvious over time for any of a number of reasons.


In the meantime, take heart. It is a FACT that the human body has a truly remarkable if not miraculous power to heal itself. Check this out as evidence:




And remember this: "Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?" (Luke 12:25)



Hello KevinScott and everyone posting on this thread:



Please note that the above bolded part of this post is against the rules here - specific religious references are not allowed on the main forum:


"Do not denigrate specific religions, ethnicity or culture.  We are a support group for all those experiencing problems with benzodiazepine use or withdrawal - this is our common bond. We do not condone prejudice in any form."


"In addition, please do not use this community to promote or proselytize a specific religious viewpoint."



Thanks, megan918


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I will reiterate what I have already said, because I seem to be the one who is being targeted by some as being unkind, despite the fact that I am by no means the only person who has questions......


I definitely don't want to dismiss the poster if they are genuine. I think it is possible they are genuine, but if they are I honestly don't believe the problems are purely because she was on a benzo for only four years.


In an odd way I hope this person is genuine, because I would hate to think that anyone would be so cruel as to post something like this just as a joke. I also think that it is entirely possible that there are other health issues here that are being experienced by this poster, other than benzo w/d, but there is so much missing information that it is hard to know.


Oh and incidentally Xana, seeing as you always love to pick on my posts, the OP had logged off BEFORE I made my first post. So they had plenty of opportunity to respond to other people's questions and posts, but chose not to. That's what I find interesting.

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I have been a member of this forum for 3 years.  Im 39 months off now and still have alot of symptoms.  I will tell you that i cant discount anyone experience now.  I never believed that it would take me this long. 


It is sad.  It angers me.  No one deserves even a single day of this, no less years.    But you MUST remember that everyone is different.  Most recover long before this.  The odds are highly in your favor.


I would like the original poster to feel safe enough to come back and give us more details.  I have known alot of severely protracted folks and they all tell me that it got better as time went by.  Not one has told me that they felt the same level of acute wd like they did their first couple of years. 


With that said.  It would be nice if she would come and tell us more of her story like do's and don'ts.  I would think that being sick this long that she would have learned alot about this process.

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I think it scares us all, Maymay!


The idea of long term withdrawal is one of the main reasons that I am choosing to continue taking my 1mg Xanax (which I consider a low dose) per day at the moment.


However you have everything on your side for a good recovery from this. You are young. You took a low dose for a short time. I think you can feel very optimistic that you will heal quickly from this experience. If you start worrying too much you may just get anxiety symptoms about it and of course these are very similar to withdrawal symptoms. A vicious circle!


I just feel so sorry for anyone who does a C/T or a prolonged and arduous taper, only to find they have never ending symptoms. It is tragic.


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Well if my posts rubbed anyone the wrong way, I don't know what to say.


I'm not apologizing as I'm much too stubborn for that.  :-\ Sorry!


Only thing I know is that this is the first case I ever seen anyone off a drug and still suffering 27 years later. I think the OP may need to start looking at other issues such as the brain tumor. As I said before, I'm not being cold, but 27 years is a bit to believe in. I see it that way, but that's me, and me alone.


As far as doctors knowing anything about the pills they prescribe, they only know what they are told. They would have to go through it themselves to believe it.


If there comes a day where they knock Klonopin, Xanax, Prozac, or any other poison off the shelves like these pills, then fine by me... I wouldn't care. Psychiatry isn't therapeutic, it's a business I believe. 


I'm done with this thread, too dramatic for me.

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Please note that the above bolded part of this post is against the rules here - specific religious references are not allowed on the main forum:


That's a bit too much political correctness for me, Megan. So I will refrain from posting any more.

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Oh and incidentally Xana, seeing as you always love to pick on my posts,


Sorry to disappoint you Diaz, but I do not spend my days searching the forum for your posts to pick on. I was referring to all the people who gave no sympathy but chose to disbelieve another person's story of suffering.


If it seems that we clash occasionally that is simply because we have different views on issues. I don't agree with lots of things I read here and usually will offer a different view. Surely this is what a forum actually is?

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this thread did remind me of the one that Metheral started and Polenta's story. that was the first time i posted my long and detailed benzo history and situation which i do feel strongly that peeps should watch out for when they become benzo free.


when i was benzo free for those 7 years from 1995-2002 i had no idea that for most part throughout that time i was having a lot of protracted w/d that i could have done certain things about but i didn't know any better.


since i didn't know any better; severe protracted w/d ultimately led me back on to the benzo's for another 10 plus years and now i am only 11 months out. but now i know of certain things to do and not to do and i definitely am finally feeling like i am healing this time and will only go further and learn more of what to do and not to do.


i don't know if the OP is trying to scare peeps or is afraid to come back to the post now and we may never know. but i do agree that everyone does deserve supportive feedback but i would say to them that being on benzo's for 4 years feels implausible to have this long of protracted w/d. but then i have seen posts where people said that they were only on benzo's for 4 weeks and they are still suffering at 4 years out. but we don't really know to the extent of what the suffering may be.


it could be some gastrointestinal annoyance's that are causing them to suffer. it could be little things or it could be bigger things like brain tumor's being removed. but if benzo withdrawal is only about the Gaba receptor's coming back into their normal up/regulated state--and it takes certain people different amounts of time for whatever reason's then we should listen and be helpful to no matter what the time frame is ~


personally i was still not right at 7 years benzo free the last time. i DON"t have to repeat that. i am able to do things differently and i am finally learning what they are and will continue to learn.


and lastly i think with any disease or disorder as long as there is one breath left for anyone, it is possible for full recovery! and i will believe that for the next 27 years!

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Oh and incidentally Xana, seeing as you always love to pick on my posts,


Sorry to disappoint you Diaz, but I do not spend my days searching the forum for your posts to pick on. I was referring to all the people who gave no sympathy but chose to disbelieve another person's story of suffering.


If it seems that we clash occasionally that is simply because we have different views on issues. I don't agree with lots of things I read here and usually will offer a different view. Surely this is what a forum actually is?


Your different view could have been expressed without quoting my specific post, seeing as I was not the only one, or the first, to question the OP's validity, but it's okay. I'm used to you doing this kind of thing now, because it's definitely not the first time it's happened. When you get the opportunity to make an issue of something I've said, you will take it. It's happened far too often for it to just be a chance occurrence. Obviously I just rub you up the wrong way.


I usually ignore most of your posts and refrain from commenting on them, even if I disagree, because I know it will probably get you going if I do. Perhaps you should do the same thing. Or better yet, maybe you should just put me on ignore and then you won't be tempted to disagree with me at all.


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Diaz- Pam:Oh and incidentally Xana, seeing as you always love to pick on my posts,<blockquote>


Xana:Sorry to disappoint you Diaz, but I do not spend my days searching the forum for your posts to pick on. I was referring to all the people who gave no sympathy but chose to disbelieve another person's story of suffering.


If it seems that we clash occasionally that is simply because we have different views on issues. I don't agree with lots of things I read here and usually will offer a different view. Surely this is what a forum actually is?


Diaz-Pam:Your different view could have been expressed without quoting my specific post, seeing as I was not the only one, or the first, to question the OP's validity, but it's okay. I'm used to you doing this kind of thing now, because it's definitely not the first time it's happened. When you get the opportunity to make an issue of something I've said, you will take it. It's happened far too often for it to just be a chance occurrence. Obviously I just rub you up the wrong way.


I usually ignore most of your posts and refrain from commenting on them, even if I disagree, because I know it will probably get you going if I do. Perhaps you should do the same thing. Or better yet, maybe you should just put me on ignore and then you won't be tempted to disagree with me at all.


Hmmm, this is sounding very much like telling me not to speak my mind.... not very appropriate on an open forum, I am afraid. :o

I quoted your specific comment because it was directed at me. You used my name and suggested that I 'pick on your posts'. I actually don't think I have read any of your posts in weeks and I come on here every single day (sadly).


Please feel free to disagree with me. I am always happy to back up why I believe something. Don't worry about 'getting me going' as I am not sensitive enough to be offended if someone holds a different viewpoint.


In the case at hand, you (and others) were questioning the truthfulness of anther member. I choose to believe what people say unless I am given evidence to the contrary. I do not lie myself and I guess I am sometimes led to believe others when what they say is not true. I would rather remain naive in this instance than chancing hurting someone else.


Seems simple to me.  :D   

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I have a question for you. You keep referring to Polenta's story, and Im not "in the know." Could someone take the time to tell me - perhaps PM me with her story? I have a personal reason for wishing to know. Thank you!


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Not sure to whom this is addressed. I mentioned Polenta once. If you search 'Members' you can find anyone's posts. Then you can find their personal blog if they have/had one.


I don't like to mention other people's names but in this case I did, as Polenta has suffered from protracted withdrawal for a very long time (similar amount of time as the original author on this thread) and she has had her experience questioned and denied by some in the past. I don't think she would mind my sharing the fact that this was eventually the reason for her stopping posting.


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The replies have gotten seriously off the topic of this post.  Please carry on your personal discussions or arguments elsewhere and lets return this post to the original topic.
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You are absolutely right Pianogirl,I myself did not want to believe it,and wanted to look for any other reason that could be causing her problem other than benzos,but I did not mean to disrepect her in anyway.
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People need to chill out, i have been on benzo´s half my life and at 21 months into my taper, i am at about 70% healed and turning a corner right now... i anticipate being at 80% within a year and i am not even off yet.


As bad as benzo withdrawal feels and as permanent as it may feel, it actually is not permanent at all.


People that pepper the word "Hell" and "Beast" liberally throughout posts are the drama types.


Do not believe all you read.


Think about where you are, why would everything be fact?


Use your own common sense and do not let your condition allow you to have doubt from this post or fear.


Benzo withdrawal after 27 years? It´s not possible and even if it were, it would not be "Hell".


This person has other issues or just came here to freak everyone out.


There are people like this around and it is much the reason why i rarely frequent the site these days... too many get caught up in this kind of thing and it becomes a huge mess of fear and horror and never ending waves... if you read this stuff long enough you will end up with a neurotic condition.



Go outside and listen to some birds with a cup of chammomile, y´all don´t need to read this crap.


If i were still in withdrawal after 7 years i would go back on and be GLAD to be back on, 27 years? Yeah, what an absolute joke.




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I think some of us were more upset by the original post than maybe we want to admit. Why the bickering?

We've all been reminded of the rules here, and the OP has not returned to write anything more - whatever is going on with that person, Im sure we all wish her wellness. Can we drop this and move on?

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The original poster has only made two posts on the forum and hasn't been back for a few days.


I don't mean any disrespect, but I don't necessarily believe everything I read. If what they posted is in fact true, there could be many other factors at play, such as her brain tumor that was removed. No one is addressing that. Also, there are many types of autoimmune diseases that go undiagnosed for a long time that can cause all kinds of terrible symptoms. I know this from personal experience. We simply don't have the full story.


The bottom line is that most people do heal within a few years being off benzo's at most!


I took benzo's off and on for 20 years and fully recovered to even better than I was before. There's no reason to think that you won't heal. I prefer to focus on the positive and doing all that I can for my own health and not focusing on horror stories.


Stay focused on your own recovery and stop worrying about the "what if's". 

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If someone posted that they were still in horrendous withdrawals after 50 years, would we believe it? After all, if all time frames are to be respected, then why not 50 years? Why not 60?


This is nonsense, i am sorry but i would say withdrawal can last 6 years tops, in very rare cases maybe a year longer.


If anyone is still in withdrawal after that amount of time, go the heck back on it and forget being clean, some probably do need to be on meds for life for whatever reason, some need them, sometimes the Doctor´s actually get it right.


27 years is not withdrawal, there is no way, it would be some neuro disorder and i doubt very much that the poster was even genuine... nobody, i repeat NOBODY could endure horrendous withdrawal for almost three decades.


I decided long ago, that after my taper (which is taking forever) i would be benzo free for 2 years... add that to my taper and you may have 7 years in total, if i am not healed by then i will eat Valium for breakfast, lunch and dinner and be fine with it... i do not anticipate that being on the cards but seriously, if recovery to a very substantial degree did not happen by then, i would reinstate and go book myself a nice vacation.


I actually think i will be at 80% by summer, so dang, that is unlikely to happen... on with the process of getting clean i suppose. ::)



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