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I'm just curious, what did you mean by "terrible setback?"  Did you end up drinking more or did you experience withdrawal symptoms all over again?  I know that ethyl alcohol and benzodiazepines do basically the same thing to the CNS.  Just wondering because I used to be a regular beer drinker...thanks and hope you have a speedy recovery!
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Surely some people who had a fast and relatively easy recovery were able to resume a normal life of occasional drinking. Ashton says drinking in moderation is fine. I'm in no way doubting your experience! But I'd like to hear from others who were able to drink post successful recovery.
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Apparently some people have horrible setbacks when they use alcohol.  Others, not so much.  I think it's a very individual thing, just like tapering is.  Some people can CT with no problems, while some people, even tapering VERY SLOWLY can still go through hell.  And some people who have an uneventful and easy taper can still be detrimentally affected by alcohol, even in minute amounts.  So if you want to try drinking, it's probably advisable to start out slow, maybe having one drink, and seeing how that affects you, before trying more.  Also, I believe I've heard that, even if you can drink while tapering, once you're done and free of the benzo, alcohol can still affect you in a bad way, because at that point your CNS is in the process of healing.  So I would to tread carefully.




~K    :smitten:

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I can no longer have alcohol.  It makes my symptoms get worse including the tinnitits and morning cortisol surges.  Wish I could enjoy one now and then . . . but can't. 
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I'm just curious, what did you mean by "terrible setback?"  Did you end up drinking more or did you experience withdrawal symptoms all over again?  I know that ethyl alcohol and benzodiazepines do basically the same thing to the CNS.  Just wondering because I used to be a regular beer drinker...thanks and hope you have a speedy recovery!


"Terrible setback" means that the withdrawal symptoms reemerged with a vengeance.  It still confuses the heck outta me, I still have not gotten back to my previous level of feeling well ever since.


I got this message in my inbox:  Hi whoopsie I'm another one that drank and paying for it I drank 5 weeks ago bring almost 3 months off and I feel absolutely awful I know your 8 months so far and I'm just terrified right now I've had heart palps anxiety depression my head is killing me my eyelids have drooped I was feeling amazing before this I cant stop crying did you have these heart palps there so bothersome to me just had a panic attack Saturday and I'm devastated I just got engaged Christmas it was so lovely to be off off the benzos and I Nade the mistake to drink I'm beside myself I wake up with night terrors vibrations jerking please tell me did you have these symptoms did they let up especially the heart palps and the depression I'm a very happy person this isn't me I'm hurting we are so unlucky and the tinnitus is horrible it went away now it's back I don't know what to do others drink and are fine I'm so mad

Some of us are sensitive and can't drink.  I will not ever be taking the risk again, just not worth it.

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thanks for the information.

even after 37 months off you could still be effected. this is crazy. this means that other things like caffeine, msg ,and etc could be same way. very frustrating to know this.

by the way, i do not drink alcohol. in the past, i only sipped small amount occationally.


You're welcome, I thought it important to get this message out there.  I definitely can't do MSG either, that is for sure but when I do mistakenly ingest some the after effects only last a day or two.  Drinking alcohol is another story as the after effects have lasted much, much longer.  Although you may start to feel normal after recovery, in no way is that true on the inside, our CNS has been severely compromised.  I was not a drinker during the 20 year benzo phase of my life as I suspect now that the benzo's were a replacement for alcohol which I indulged in rather heavily before the drugs came on the scene.


If you only took a sip now again, this warning may not apply to you but I'm sure there are people out there who do need to hear it.


I wish you a quick recovery.  Once you get there, guard it with all you've got.  :)




Hi everyone I am new here. Sorry can someone explain to me what MSG means and where can it be found? Thank you

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thanks for the information.

even after 37 months off you could still be effected. this is crazy. this means that other things like caffeine, msg ,and etc could be same way. very frustrating to know this.

by the way, i do not drink alcohol. in the past, i only sipped small amount occationally.


You're welcome, I thought it important to get this messag


e out there.  I definitely can't do MSG either, that is for sure but when I do mistakenly ingest some the after effects only last a day or two.  Drinking alcohol is another story as the after effects have lasted much, much longer.  Although you may start to feel normal after recovery, in no way is that true on the inside, our CNS has been severely compromised.  I was not a drinker during the 20 year benzo phase of my life as I suspect now that the benzo's were a replacement for alcohol which I indulged in rather heavily before the drugs came on the scene.


If you only took a sip now again, this warning may not apply to you but I'm sure there are people out there who do need to hear it.


I wish you a quick recovery.  Once you get there, guard it with all you've got.  :)




Hi everyone I am new here. Sorry can someone explain to me what MSG means and where can it be found? Thank you


Mono sodium glutamate = MSG.  Great website for other names used by food manufacturers,  truthinlabeling.org


It's an additive used in foods to enhance taste and or,  preserve food. Mostly found in packaged foods, take out & fast foods.

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MSG is one of those 'foods' (like alcohol) that most of us tried to avoid - at least for a while - on general principle.  Your actual sensitivity to it is anybody's guess.
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Yeah I didn't really notice that ready made or frozen meals or crisps affected me badly but may be I just didn't make any connection.


Will try to avoid MSG from now on anyway as it is bad for you regardless WD.

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11:30?  That's a pretty early start.  I guess it's Friday.  If I was going to have a bad reaction to alcohol, it usually began 3-4 hours after I drank.  It would feel (to me) like all of my symptoms were revving up.  I could stay revved up for 1-2 hours or 1-2 days, depending on how long it had been since I quit the benzo.
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I'm visiting my relatives, my uncle is an alcoholic (plus on 1 lorazepam), so he has loads of buzz....


i found this morning on Facebook about my husband and his mistress

it really hurt me a lot

i just drunk with him...in the morning...

I'm getting pretty anxious and have to pace...


but i won't touch this stuff anymore...



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it kind of good in a way that the withdrawl makes us not want to drink.  I used to be a binge drinker.  i guess that might have qualified me as an alcoholic.  Not sure.  But No more in excess for me. 
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11:30?  That's a pretty early start.  I guess it's Friday.  If I was going to have a bad reaction to alcohol, it usually began 3-4 hours after I drank.  It would feel (to me) like all of my symptoms were revving up.  I could stay revved up for 1-2 hours or 1-2 days, depending on how long it had been since I quit the benzo.


I saw that too (11:30am), and then reading your response, I thought, "hey, it's 5:30 somewhere!"  :laugh:


I'm visiting my relatives, my uncle is an alcoholic (plus on 1 lorazepam), so he has loads of buzz....


i found this morning on Facebook about my husband and his mistress

it really hurt me a lot

i just drunk with him...in the morning...

I'm getting pretty anxious and have to pace...


but i won't touch this stuff anymore...




Seriously though, if I were in that predicament I might have had a beer as well.  I'm sorry this happened to you.  <3




~K  :smitten:

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  • 2 months later...

At 2 1/2 years off I can drink all I want with no WD side effects. I will say though that antibiotics still kick my ass. I'm on a 10 day cycle for sinus issues and on day 2 I'm crawling off the walls. It seems, at least in my situation that this will be one of the last tests to see if I'm 100% healed. As of now I'd say 99.999%



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I drank alcohol (two glasses of wine) because it was a special occasion for my boyfriend and I.

I was scared but nothing bad happened to me,and in fact I felt very relaxed from it.

The only side effect was I think a benzo belly flare up a day or two later.


I have decided not to drink again though because I learned that alcohol also greatly reduces your thyroid functions and

I'm already hypothyroid.


I wish I could though...I did enjoy it!

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Yeah I had a couple beers with my wife the other night and I'm only two months completely free of Klonopin. It actually relaxed me and allowed me to enjoy my time with her like we haven't in so long. And I've only been getting healthier the last few weeks. BUT when I was in the middle of withdrawal, alcohol was extremely scary. I will not be able to drink like I did in the past. I used to binge drink but now a couple is perfectly fine and I don't desire anymore. As someone else said, at least benzos did make me stop binge drinking.
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I'm 5 months off and I drank yesterday because I was in a wave and thought it really couldn't get any worse so what the hell.  Great reasoning there, eh?  :crazy:  i was desperate for any relief I could get.


It might sound crazy but even though I had a bit of a hangover, it feels so much better compared to how I usually wake up.  It was compeltely worth it for me.  I was able to relax and SLEEP, it was heavenly.  I didn't wake up at all overnight and had no stomach pain and bloating like i've had every other day the past 3 weeks.  I feel perfectly fine now, feels like i'm out of the wave.  Maybe it has to do with the sleep.

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I'm 5 months off and I drank yesterday because I was in a wave and thought it really couldn't get any worse so what the hell.  Great reasoning there, eh?  :crazy:  i was desperate for any relief I could get.


It might sound crazy but even though I had a bit of a hangover, it feels so much better compared to how I usually wake up.  It was compeltely worth it for me.  I was able to relax and SLEEP, it was heavenly.  I didn't wake up at all overnight and had no stomach pain and bloating like i've had every other day the past 3 weeks.  I feel perfectly fine now, feels like i'm out of the wave.  Maybe it has to do with the sleep.


Yeah I think it either feels good for you or it doesn't.

Not sure why,but some of us can handle it and others just can't.

It's all so weird


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Alcohol really helped me, but only that it masked my symptoms.  I don't think I healed at all while I drank, after I quit Xanax. Now I'm kicking myself for doing it for so long (1 year), thinking I was healing.  I think I would have been out of this mess a long time ago if I had abstained...
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