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I was on vacation last week, and had one pretty big night of alcohol (for me).  Drank a couple of 7% IPAs and a few shots of single malt.  Definitely felt a good buzz. 


I had experimented with alcohol prior to the trip, and had learned that two beers was OK, while three caused me some weird feelings (which I assume to be residual benzo withdrawal symptoms).  I figure that I drank the equivalent of about four 7% IPAs.


I guess that I should have known better, but the group was partying, and the buzz felt good.  Before the end of the (long) night, I ended up with heart palps for the first time in a couple of months.  Also felt sort of tight/weird in my head, and my tinnitus flared.  I even had the hint of some shakes, and I slept very poorly.  It's been four days now, and while I'm not suffering, I'm still feeling some of the effects of my one-night binge. 


So be careful buddies.


Glad the stx's caused by a night of drinking were so slight but it does help to highlight the relationship between alcohol and benzos.


Thanks for sharing.

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I tried alcohol for the 1st time in 18 months last night. I gotta admit I put it off for a long time because I was scared from all the horror stories I've read here. I had two bud lights after dinner with a friend and hung out later than I have in a long time. The only thing I noticed that was negative was I didn't sleep as well last night as I usually do. I've been sleeping between 8 and 9 hours and last night only slept 6. Part of that is from my sleeping pattern tho. Last night I went to bed after midnight and I almost always wake up at 6am.


Other than that the only thing I noticed was a headache throughout the night…. I was drinking bud light tho.


I can say in my experience after healing from WD that moderate alcohol doesn't seem to have a big impact on me. Weed on the other hand sends me into a 3 day anxiety funk. I've read in this thread that sometimes the anxiety or wave caused by alcohol can come several days later. I'll post if that happens to me.


Happy healing. Have a great weekend

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Hi Guys,

Well, I thik I just passed the ultimate alcohol test!

I'll start by saying that back last year during a QLD trip, I had some drinks, and did pay a bit for that with a month or 2 of hightened anxiety after I came back home.

That was at about the 10 month mark. Now, at about the 19 month mark,

I've just come back from a Europe trip for 6 weeks, much of it in france, wine, and Germany, beer!

No problems noticed!

Around Jan this year, around month 13 for me, I had been doing a bit of going out to clubs and drinking also with no problems afterwards.

so, what might be a disaster for you at one time may not continue to be, and I think I can say that we can all drink again eventually, but no, it is not in your head, the bad results of drinking during WD are very real, but they will go away with the process of recovery!

Around Jan, I did have the occasional 5htp, and later, triptophan as I got hold of it, and probably that also helped to keep things balanced, I believe so!

so, I'm not scared to drink any more, I think I can lay that one to the side now, along with the vast majourity of benzo nasties!

I'd write a success story now, except I'm still a bit scared of Murphy and that he might get me if I do!!!

In time, though.....


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Hi Bart,

Well, I hope it helps someone out there!

Perhaps alcohol should be slowly tapered onto to avoid trouble, I'm not sure!

I did go on carefully in Jan, not knowing for sure if it would be safe, but gradualy, it seemed to be OK so I did it a bit more until I got to socialy normal levels again!

I am not a drinker as such, I don't ever drink alone, but am happy to share it with friends or if I go out etc.

Good to know I can again, and no longer get wild anxiety as a thankyou the next day!!!


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I had 2 beers at a ball game about a month ago and then 2 more after the game and got a definite flare up of symptoms. I've had 1-3 beers or a glass of wine on several occasions without problems.
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I waited for 4 days after my drinks to see if any symptoms revved up and they didn't. Actually I slept better than I have in awhile the last couple of days and I feel generally calmer than usual. Maybe the beers kick started my GABA receptors?
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I waited for 4 days after my drinks to see if any symptoms revved up and they didn't. Actually I slept better than I have in awhile the last couple of days and I feel generally calmer than usual. Maybe the beers kick started my GABA receptors?

.. Maybe so.  That is interesting.  I may try that.

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I also quit drinking with the help of benzodiazepines, which I was told were totally safe, and that I could take the medicine without ill effects for the rest of my life. Well, my doctor was right that I needed to stop drinking, but perhaps he wasn't correct that I should be on this medicine long-term.


I am not bitter about it. I am grateful to have found this board so I can get the support I need to taper all the way off the medicine. :) I have worked a good program of recovery thus far and I know that, with help, I can continue to.

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Hi rowsdower,

Well, it should work for you, but for some, if you have the alcohol gene, just don't touch the stuff, ever, for others, it's good to have a social drink now and then!

I'm lucky, I've never felt even the slightest adiction to alcohol, have just gone from drinking every day in Europe to not touching any for 2 weeks, no problem!

As to benzo wd and alcohol, Yes, I did have a setback from it last Sep after a couple of weeks of a drink or 2 a day, but now I've done a much bigger lot of travel and drinking, with no problems, the setback effect definitely seems to ware off along with the last of the WD effects.

There is definitely hope!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Last night was my birthday so I went out with friends. I had 7 beers and today I'm paying for it for sure. Not in the form of a setback or a wave but a splitting headache and a sower stomach. The odd thing was after I finished my last beer and was walking home I noticed that my body was "drunk" but my mind was clear. It was almost like I was watching myself walk like an intoxicated person.


I got sick on the walk home and had a horrible night's sleep. I think that's just alcohol and age tho. I could tell a difference in my body's sensitivity to the alcohol as the night went on. Between the beer and the smokey bar I started feeling like I had been poisoned to a degree.


I'll report back if anxiety or another symptoms show up in a few days.



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In-laws descended on us for the July 4th weekend (a good thing - I like my in-laws).  For opening night, I drank three ales and about a third of a bottle of single malt.  I was most definitely buzzed.  Went into an acute-like reaction a few hours later.  Big time palps, twitches, headache, and insomnia.  My alcohol-induced wave lasted around four hours, then I felt OK.  Was able to do a really busy day today (didn't drink anything today).  I consider this a reasonably successful test of how I will do when I really pollute myself. 
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So great Bad! I'm just afraid to take the leap! It's early, I'll wait a few more months!!


Love keeping up with everyone!!!

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Last night was my birthday so I went out with friends. I had 7 beers and today I'm paying for it for sure. Not in the form of a setback or a wave but a splitting headache and a sower stomach. The odd thing was after I finished my last beer and was walking home I noticed that my body was "drunk" but my mind was clear. It was almost like I was watching myself walk like an intoxicated person.


I got sick on the walk home and had a horrible night's sleep. I think that's just alcohol and age tho. I could tell a difference in my body's sensitivity to the alcohol as the night went on. Between the beer and the smokey bar I started feeling like I had been poisoned to a degree.


I'll report back if anxiety or another symptoms show up in a few days.

Man, I couldn't drink 7 beers without feeling horrible the next day when I was young and very healthy, long before benzos. Not to mention starting up a migraine the next day.

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Last night was my birthday so I went out with friends. I had 7 beers and today I'm paying for it for sure. Not in the form of a setback or a wave but a splitting headache and a sower stomach. The odd thing was after I finished my last beer and was walking home I noticed that my body was "drunk" but my mind was clear. It was almost like I was watching myself walk like an intoxicated person.


I got sick on the walk home and had a horrible night's sleep. I think that's just alcohol and age tho. I could tell a difference in my body's sensitivity to the alcohol as the night went on. Between the beer and the smokey bar I started feeling like I had been poisoned to a degree.


I'll report back if anxiety or another symptoms show up in a few days.

Man, I couldn't drink 7 beers without feeling horrible the next day when I was young and very healthy, long before benzos. Not to mention starting up a migraine the next day.


I'm with you Gary. Never in my life could I imagine drinking 7 beers, in fact my limit is 1/2..... My kids used to tease me because I'd ask who wanted to split a beer with me. It's so filling and I'm so tiny.  ::)

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So great Bad! I'm just afraid to take the leap! It's early, I'll wait a few more months!!


Love keeping up with everyone!!!


I waited until 18 months before I tried anything. Before I tried any pot or alcohol I needed to make sure I could sleep 8 hours without any sleep aids, drink caffeine, eat what I wanted and work out at full speed. I think if I tested the waters any earlier I would have been in a little trouble.


Yesterday was pretty rough but manageable. Not acute or even WD rough but just a pretty nasty hangover. Before benzos I used to be able to drink 8 to 12 beers and still be able to run/lift the next day no problems. Yesterday I still got a lot done but was tired and had a headache and sour stomach all day. Finally about an hour ago I snapped out of it.



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I was a little fatigued the day after my binge.  But then I have historically been kind of tired the day after a drinking binge.
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I'm with you Gary. Never in my life could I imagine drinking 7 beers, in fact my limit is 1/2..... My kids used to tease me because I'd ask who wanted to split a beer with me. It's so filling and I'm so tiny.  ::)

My wife is like you. ;)


I love beer, but I don't drink much of it any more. This has far less to do with BW as age, perhaps. Two beers is way too much liquid.


My wife gets me two kinds of NA beer which I actually like a lot: Becks and Buckler. I got into the habit of drinking only NA beer while I was on benzos and had such horrible headaches. I can drink a small amount of rum now, on a REALLY good night when I am at almost zero sxs. My test is the a few hours later or the next day. If I feel bad the next day, it's not worth it.


That's my test.


It's pretty much common sense. ;)


Gary  :smitten:

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I'm with you Gary. Never in my life could I imagine drinking 7 beers, in fact my limit is 1/2..... My kids used to tease me because I'd ask who wanted to split a beer with me. It's so filling and I'm so tiny.  ::)

My wife is like you. ;)


I love beer, but I don't drink much of it any more. This has far less to do with BW as age, perhaps. Two beers is way too much liquid.


My wife gets me two kinds of NA beer which I actually like a lot: Becks and Buckler. I got into the habit of drinking only NA beer while I was on benzos and had such horrible headaches. I can drink a small amount of rum now, on a REALLY good night when I am at almost zero sxs. My test is the a few hours later or the next day. If I feel bad the next day, it's not worth it.


That's my test.


It's pretty much common sense. ;)


Gary  :smitten:


Hey, your wife and I can split a beer.  :) Actually I have never been a beer drinker except in college when we could get 3.2 beer at age 18. That and after a tennis match, in leagues there were always refreshments afterwards.  I do like a nice glass of wine and I have no difficulties with it, however I have no great desire to drink a lot. 


Thanks for the Mendelssohn, lovely!!! Benzo withdrawal certainly is "serious" business.


PG  :smitten:

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Hey, your wife and I can split a beer.  :) Actually I have never been a beer drinker except in college when we could get 3.2 beer at age 18. That and after a tennis match, in leagues there were always refreshments afterwards.  I do like a nice glass of wine and I have no difficulties with it, however I have no great desire to drink a lot.

We are all so different, and we should never forget that. My wife drinks some kind of hard cider, but not very often. I had one, and it actually tastes quite nice, but it would also never be my first choice.


I always loved beer, even when I was very young. But I loathe wine and never go near it. As for drinking a lot, I do very much believe in "everything in moderation".


The thing that remains a dangerous poison for me is caffeine. I will never again in drink anything with caffeine in it. After something like 50 years of headaches you can understand why I am still horrified that so many years I began to have such horrible pain, and it all started with Coca Cola. :(


I'm not saying this is the whole answer. I'm sure there were other factors. But it does make you think, doesn't it?


Gary  :smitten:

Thanks for the Mendelssohn, lovely!!! Benzo withdrawal certainly is "serious" business.


PG  :smitten:

There is a long story behind that. The Mendelssohn was something I played at age 19 or 20, on a Steinway concert grand, but I lost that recording. Then in my 40s my grand was destroyed in a  fire, along with everything else I owned. I had decided to never play again, but digitals gave me the chance to play again. It's not the same as an acoustic, and I did this work in the 1990s (when DPs were much more primitive), but at least it gave me a chance to get back "in the game"...


Gary  :smitten:

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Ok so it's been 4 days since my night out and with the exception of a little anxiety this morning I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary. I'm not comfortable saying the anxiety is from the drinking because since my night out I've also done a massive weight training workout and just quit taking St John's Wort for the summer. Typically in the past when I stop taking St John's Wort I taper off over 3 weeks but this time I stopped in a few days. The drop in serotonin usually causes some pretty weird head stuff for a few days.





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