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even the name of that drink "buzzball" should have been a warning :)

I know, it isn't a laughing matter (a panic attack I mean)


But what exactly is a buzzball?


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even the name of that drink "buzzball" should have been a warning :)

I know, it isn't a laughing matter (a panic attack I mean)


But what exactly is a buzzball?


Hey Carol.. You are right.  I just watn to enjoy a drink every now and then.  It is bad when you have a panic attack all teh time after even a few sips. 


To answer your question:  A BuzzBall is a tiny 8 ounce ball shaped container of strong liquor that is meant to be consumed at once.

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8 oz of Hard liquor?  You mean like whiskey or something ?

My god that would be excessive and dangerous I think.


anyways give it time. I can have a drink an hour . (well within reason)

With no ill effects.



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8 oz of Hard liquor?  You mean like whiskey or something ?

My god that would be excessive and dangerous I think.


anyways give it time. I can have a drink an hour . (well within reason)

With no ill effects.



Carol, about 1.5 ounces of 40% hard liquor, such as rum or whiskey, is about the same as an American beer (about 5%).


So 3 ounces of rum or whiskey at 40% is about 2 beers. 9 ounces is about the same as drinking a 6 pack.


Like you I can easily handle a couple beers over two hours or more. 8 ounces of hard liquor at once would make me very drunk, and I would have a horrendous headache the next day.


Some people have horrible sxs coming off benzos after drinking only a beer.

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Some very wise people in this thread 8)


Stay away from alcohol, why would you want to feel like crap?


Alcohol is worse than you think, if that's possible, its the most toxic drug around, its even more toxic than Heroin, that should tell you all you everything you need to know. It makes people depressed, stressed, anxious, however nine times out of ten the drinker will never make a connection between alcohol and their health problems. I mean why would they, its advertised on TV with images of healthy happy people having a good time and everyone does it, why would they see a link, why would something so bad even be available?


I dont think I will touch the stuff again, maybe in ten years I may feel different and have a tipple whilst on vacation, but right now its just not for me anymore. Good riddance!


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Hi SkyZone,

I really don't know!

You dthink you'd feel good while you are drinking, and the price if any would come a day or couple later!

Perhaps it's some odd kind of benzo/alcohol paridoxical kindle?

That's just a guess!

Are you game to try it again to see if it does the same thing??

Were you expecting trouble, and you got scared purely by expecting to?

Hope you're OK now!


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Hi SkyZone,

I really don't know!

You dthink you'd feel good while you are drinking, and the price if any would come a day or couple later!

Perhaps it's some odd kind of benzo/alcohol paridoxical kindle?

That's just a guess!

Are you game to try it again to see if it does the same thing??

Were you expecting trouble, and you got scared purely by expecting to?

Hope you're OK now!

This is interesting. I never though of it liek that.  I may try it in the future, but not any time soon.  Jsut too much.  I do liek your thinking on it though.

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That is good vertigo!


I would like to have a few glasses of wine and it is not the Benzo stopping me but the Calories:)


I like sugar more and ate all my extra calories in chocolate last night .



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Me too!

Went around to a friends (who drinks a lot).

So, a couple of scotch and cokes later, then a beer,

and I came home and slept!

So-far, so good, fingers crossed it stays good!

I almost get the impression that we can ramp up from very small amounts and if we're careful, we can get used to it again.

I seem, now, to be able to drink more than I would ever normally want to, and not have anything diabolicle happen, but I guess we all have, for damn good reason, that little idea in our heads to be careful, and cut back immediately if anything looks like going wrong!

I hope, Skyzone, that you will be free from worry too in time.

6 months back, I definitely found it set me back,

so I'd like to think I can say that this problem vanishes too with healing.


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Me too!

Went around to a friends (who drinks a lot).

So, a couple of scotch and cokes later, then a beer,

and I came home and slept!

So-far, so good, fingers crossed it stays good!

I almost get the impression that we can ramp up from very small amounts and if we're careful, we can get used to it again.

I seem, now, to be able to drink more than I would ever normally want to, and not have anything diabolicle happen, but I guess we all have, for damn good reason, that little idea in our heads to be careful, and cut back immediately if anything looks like going wrong!

I hope, Skyzone, that you will be free from worry too in time.

6 months back, I definitely found it set me back,

so I'd like to think I can say that this problem vanishes too with healing.

thanks. I don't think i will be touching booze any time soon. I kind of do want to enjoy a drink here and there though and it would be nice if i could tolerate getting drunk.

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Hi Skyzone,

I believe it will happen in time, but that time might not be quite yet!

be careful now, and the improvements will happen!

I can't say weather ginkgo helped, or the few times I took 5htp, but I do seem to have got to the point where there is little bad effect from a few drinks!

I'm pretty sure that serotonin levels are involved in all this, alcohol does play with that as well as the gaba system.

One can probably assume that any increased symptoms will ultimately have the effect of shortenning the overall WD time too.

so we might be more causing waves that actually setting ourselves back.


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One can probably assume that any increased symptoms will ultimately have the effect of shortenning the overall WD time too.

so we might be more causing waves that actually setting ourselves back.


Please explain more clearly what you are trying to say.



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Hi mentor,

Sorry, I just re read it, it was meant to be "than" not "that"!!!

basicly i'm speculating that if we have our symptoms ramped up harder, more nasty, more anxious etc, that the whole experience may be over faster than if we protect ourselves and suffer mildly, perhaps for a longer time.

It kind of fits with the parker theory anyway!



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Hi Surprised1 I totally understand what you are trying to say about causing more flare ups and waves prior to drinking I was having mild anxiety here and there now drinking has caused then to flare up 100x worse hoping to find relief soon the anxiety now is through the roof and my ears are killing me. Hearts racy and I'm always light headed yesterday's felt things lift slightly now it's come back healing I keep telling myself. Hope this is the month I turn the corn from this mistake I made.
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Hi mentor,

Sorry, I just re read it, it was meant to be "than" not "that"!!!

basicly i'm speculating that if we have our symptoms ramped up harder, more nasty, more anxious etc, that the whole experience may be over faster than if we protect ourselves and suffer mildly, perhaps for a longer time.

It kind of fits with the parker theory anyway!



Tends to be the opposite.


Good luck though!

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Hi All,



I do think for me, a run or 2 of ginkgo seemed to help bring all that down, I did, as I said earlier get a flairup from some drinking I did in QLD last Sep.

I'm still waiting on some triptophan and have taken one or 2 5htps, and I do feel that they took anxiety away completely.


It's a hard one to say for sure about timeing.

My hunch is that the more time the brain spends in an anxious state, the more it will do to correct that on some level, thus shortenning the overall problem, but it is only a theory and you may well be correct that it really is a true setback!

I'd like to think not!!!

Even when our gabas are settled, our glutamate system is close to fixed, we can still stay stuck in the WD. There has to be some factor that gets latched up, something that could be easily fixed if we knew what it truely was!

Personally, I'm thinking a low serotonin feedback loop, but it is purely my hunch, but I will do a few experiments on myself and see what happens!

Certainly alcohol can do that, it ups the level while drunk, and I'm pretty sure, dropps it down in the hangover time.

so in that much, the theory fits so-far, and the one or 2 5htps I've tried have completely removed symptoms, and for a longer time each one I took.

the last one lasted a full week until some real world trouble I had pushed me back a little bit!

(for those who don't know,) 5htp directly brings up serotonin levels in the brain.It's kind of the mid stage between triptophan and brain serotonin.



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Mostly been cautious with the alcohol these past four years, mostly limiting to two glasses of wine, only occasional martini or hard liquor, occasional 3 glasses of wine on special occasions.  Yesterday was the first time I've had three vodka martinis.  Seem to have handled it well.  Slept well.  Woke up feeling pretty good, not hung over.  Again, I am not advocating anyone do this in the first year off.  Just saying that for some, after some period of healing, perhaps around 1 year or longer for some, it may be possible to consume alcohol without fear of the dreaded wave.  Others may be more sensitive and may prefer to abstain.  I think I've been pretty reasonable about gradually building up and not overdoing it, not binge drinking.  I think 3 is my  limit though.  I would not under any circumstance consume 4 or more alcoholic beverages :D.



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Hi vertigo,

Yep, good advice!

I must admit, I did drink more on a couple of occasions, and generally seemed to get away with it, but that is probably not the norm here, and I'm over a year off now!

Definitely start very small, and wait 2 days or so to gage if anything is going to happen before trying any more.


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Mostly been cautious with the alcohol these past four years, mostly limiting to two glasses of wine, only occasional martini or hard liquor, occasional 3 glasses of wine on special occasions.  Yesterday was the first time I've had three vodka martinis.  Seem to have handled it well.  Slept well.  Woke up feeling pretty good, not hung over.  Again, I am not advocating anyone do this in the first year off.  Just saying that for some, after some period of healing, perhaps around 1 year or longer for some, it may be possible to consume alcohol without fear of the dreaded wave.  Others may be more sensitive and may prefer to abstain.  I think I've been pretty reasonable about gradually building up and not overdoing it, not binge drinking.  I think 3 is my  limit though.  I would not under any circumstance consume 4 or more alcoholic beverages :D.




V I agree, I'm but a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition! The only verdict is Vodka :D


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Mostly been cautious with the alcohol these past four years, mostly limiting to two glasses of wine, only occasional martini or hard liquor, occasional 3 glasses of wine on special occasions.  Yesterday was the first time I've had three vodka martinis.  Seem to have handled it well.  Slept well.  Woke up feeling pretty good, not hung over.  Again, I am not advocating anyone do this in the first year off.  Just saying that for some, after some period of healing, perhaps around 1 year or longer for some, it may be possible to consume alcohol without fear of the dreaded wave.  Others may be more sensitive and may prefer to abstain.  I think I've been pretty reasonable about gradually building up and not overdoing it, not binge drinking.  I think 3 is my  limit though.  I would not under any circumstance consume 4 or more alcoholic beverages :D.




V I agree, I'm but a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition! The only verdict is Vodka :D



Wow!  I would like to comment but I can't understand it :)


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Mostly been cautious with the alcohol these past four years, mostly limiting to two glasses of wine, only occasional martini or hard liquor, occasional 3 glasses of wine on special occasions.  Yesterday was the first time I've had three vodka martinis.  Seem to have handled it well.  Slept well.  Woke up feeling pretty good, not hung over.  Again, I am not advocating anyone do this in the first year off.  Just saying that for some, after some period of healing, perhaps around 1 year or longer for some, it may be possible to consume alcohol without fear of the dreaded wave.  Others may be more sensitive and may prefer to abstain.  I think I've been pretty reasonable about gradually building up and not overdoing it, not binge drinking.  I think 3 is my  limit though.  I would not under any circumstance consume 4 or more alcoholic beverages :D.




V I agree, I'm but a humble vaudevillian veteran cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition! The only verdict is Vodka :D



That's some mighty fine alliteration Birdman :thumbsup:.  I salute your sagacious sequential soliloquy :laugh:.



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