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Hi Kate

I was on metopranol, diltiazem, propafenone, dronedarone and cordarone for various times over about  3 years. I was also on coumadin for 3 months and plavix for 2 years after my afib ablation procedure and an MI after the second of my 3 heart caths. Cordarone (amiodarone) was the nastiest one. I had akathisia for about 2 years. The akathisia was not diagnosed until after 5 trips to the ER and 2 admissions when I figured it out. It cleared up when I was off all the meds except plavix and was around 6 months into my benzo taper. Some cardiac meds, particularly amiodarone, can result in severe neurotransmitter dysfunction and I had some symptoms similar to benzo withdrawal such as akathisia before I started taking benzos. During my taper, I was healing from  CNS injury from amiodarone and probably some of the other drugs as well as from the benzos. The ordeal is now over and I feel fine. If you're walking through hell, keep walking.


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I think it's certainly fine to offer a bit of advice and a warning about alcohol consumption, but we shouldn't assume that everyone needs to be cautious, even during withdrawal. The other thing to consider too is what is regarded as "alcohol consumption"? What one person may regard as a high level of alcohol consumption another person may regard as being a normal daily amount.


I've never been much of a drinker (well not in the past 30 odd years that is), but I have always managed to have a drink or two occasionally throughout my taper without experiencing any negative effects. Now that my taper is almost done, I now have a glass of white wine with dinner every night and it has no negative effect on me at all.


Of course if someone is going to totally overdo it by drinking copious amounts of alcohol, well frankly they get what they deserve.

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Hi Diaz-Pam,

Yes, I had a few drinks at times over the whole christmas break, no problem.

I never drink alone, so I can go months without having any, but that's normal for me, has been for years!

I did notice a bit of a setback when I had a few drinks every day for 2 weeks in  QLD last Sep, but that was a way more than usual thing for me!

One with dinner or friends now and then seems to be no problem at all!


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I'm curious to what degree one's drinking history plays in flare ups after drinking now. I wonder if those of us who used to drink a lot (6+ drinks in a night) are affected less or worse?



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Hi Boognish999,


Interesting question!

My background is drinking very very little, apart from certain event, one of which lead me to here and all this, but You'd think that someone who was used to it would be affected less, so we'll see what others might say!


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I'm curious to what degree one's drinking history plays in flare ups after drinking now. I wonder if those of us who used to drink a lot (6+ drinks in a night) are affected less or worse?

How strong were the drinks you had???

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I have never been a big drinker. I can also go months without an alcoholic drink.


I really noticed the first year off that even a few sips of wine would bring on cog fog.

Now, 2 years off and I can have a drink with absolutely no problem .

(like my fortified hot wine that I recently made) or a schnapps.

2 in a row is too much for me though. 2 in an evening is ok.

No ill effects from it.



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I'm going to get real drunk and then walk in and throw up on my old psychiatrist.  :D




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Hi JCurley,

What a truely excellent idea!!!

Just don't get Bad WDs from the alcohol, he might feel like feeding you benzos!!!

Still, you can argue that it's now all out of your system!!

Heh Heh!


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I'm going to get real drunk and then walk in and throw up on my old psychiatrist.  :D





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I had one smirinoff and I didn't feel anthing at all  It was a waste of $4.  I could have bought a buffet at CiCi's pizza for  that price instead. 
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Hi SkyZone,

Well, better to feel nothing than to have things rev up!

It is worth the $4 to know that you are apparently healed well enough to have a small amount of grog and get away with it!

I've been back in the club scene a bit over the last few weeks, and I think I seem to be taking a few scotch and cokes during those nights ok!

I don't go mad, of course, but things do look promising!

I wonder of the caffien in the coke helps mitigate it.

I don't know if something more toxic such as red wine would be as forgiving!!!


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Hi SkyZone,

Well, better to feel nothing than to have things rev up!

It is worth the $4 to know that you are apparently healed well enough to have a small amount of grog and get away with it!

I've been back in the club scene a bit over the last few weeks, and I think I seem to be taking a few scotch and cokes during those nights ok!

I don't go mad, of course, but things do look promising!

I wonder of the caffien in the coke helps mitigate it.

I don't know if something more toxic such as red wine would be as forgiving!!!


And scotch plus coca cola is less toxic than red wine? :laugh:

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Isn't read wine better than scotch ? If you drink one without sulfate a, it is actually not bad for you, if you don't drink more than a glass a day, right?
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well, I drank just s tiny abount of a buzzball and had a panic attack.  I don't know if it is that I think about it that makes it happen or it just happens.

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Hi Boognish999,

I think it's a year, 2 weeks back, Should have posted in Benzo free, forgot!!!

To the red wine thing, Well, it was involved in me getting into this mess late 2012, so as confusing and strange as that whole thing was, I never seem to get any kind of morning after from spirits, but wine is and can be, for me a different story! Many of my friends agree on this one, perhaps it's just the cheap Aussie stuff that is true evil, as I never had problems with any kind of drinking before that time, and don't seem to be now, so I just don't know what the hell happend and why!!!

Still, the 3 week run of benzos I was given to try and fix sleep at the time, cannot have done anything good!!!

I think with wine, SO2 can be a bad thing for one!!!


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Hello I'm currently in a rehab program in Ottawa Canada, and an addiction medicine doctor gave us a greater lecture yesterday... About alcohol, benzos and Gaba receptors. Well since all booze effects our Gaba, in the same manner benzos do. To drink and take benzos or to start drinking when tapering or taking up drinking after comming off benzos.... It's  just like playing Russian roulette, as the doctor clearly explained drinking on benzos, during a taper or even after "you" think your healed is a Bad bad Very stupid idea period. I know this is harsh but I will put in this way....when you break your arm you get an exray and the doctor can clearly see the broken arm. But when the chemicals in our brains are

off or "out of balance" and seem broken.... There is no way to 100% percent see this imbalance. That's why any doctor trying a person on any antidepressant says, you gotta try the med for 6 weeks to a few months to truly see if the med is helping or working for you. So this applies to drinking and benzo recovery because we are All different and not one persons healing rate, length, intensity of symptoms, or complete healing time will vary soo much. But one factor will Always be True... If you are here on Benzos Buddies it's because you need help or support because of benzo tolerance, help during your taper or even help with mental or physical pain do to benzos. So why if Your benzos symptoms are bad enough you are here asking for helping or wanting for others to listen to your sad story.....why in Hell would You be stupid enough to even risk the slight chance that even a few drinks might possibly put you back in benzo WD or hell. If your wiling to take that chance maybe you shouldn't be here complaining to others what happened to you..... All Alcohol effects Gaba that's true for All of us.......Its a scientific fact!!!! So if you play Russian roulette long enough the odds are

You will get shot!!! And when it comes to Benzo Hell.... Is that few drinks even worth it??? I think not and if you choose booze then maybe don't cry like a baby about your pain. The definition of insanity is repeating the same mistakes and Expecting a different result.


Mr Peace.



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Hey mr. Peace, I personally wasn't talking about BOOZING.

But when I am off this benzo, I would like to believe that I could enjoy a glass of wine when cooking for friends every once in a while.

I think it's normal to want to have a " normal" life back.

With eating things again that I can not now ( MSG, gluten) or going to see a movie ( too loud now, causing panic) and maybe go out, sit on a terrace, having a coffee ( can't have any now, heart rate).


So, I think it's not really fair to say things like " don't complain " etc.

I was just asking a normal question about experiences from people who are off and have a glass of wine every now and then. And if that gave any problems.

I really love wine. I only drink one glass but enjoy it and don't chuck it back in half an hour.

Being hopeful for having a normal life again, includes the pleasures I used to have in life before.


I also can't work out at the moment. It brings up my heart rate and I can't get it down and get anxiety from it. I just take slow walks. But I hope to be able to run again one day too.

Same thing for me. Enjoying what I did before and just asking if that's ever going to happen.

It was one of the things I look forward to most. Just living life again. No binge drinking ( never have) or taking drugs ( never have, just the benzo, due to misdiagnosis).


Until a couple of weeks ago I never even heard of GABA and Glutamates. So I'm learning and just asking. Take care.

Happy you're doing so well :smitten:


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Hello to everyone reading my above harsh information, I didn't read any other members answers before I wrote it.... So please please don't think I wrote it to anyone specific. I would like to think any one that reads it understands the chance they "may" be taking by any drinking....I was just providing very blunt honest information. Some people may need to have things put very clearly with no shades of grey. Also I fully respect anyone who decides to drink a few drinks or a lot of drinks. But I'm not interested in a person who reads my facts and still takes the chance...then make sure you got what it takes to take full ownership of your decisions.


Have a great weekend to all my friends,


Me Peace.

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