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Oh! Ok, thanks Mommy Theresa



I really have to apologize for my earlier comment but I think you were a little bit disrespectful. Please forgive me.



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Ya right, as you sit there dressed in black and white while mooing at me infectionately, forget about it..

Not very much kindness there Benzy. Please stop harrasing me...I am in rough shape. I don't even understand what you are saying.



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dude.... really?

thats the best you got?

well, that was a easy cyber troll victory, I thought I was dealing with a pro....


ps. I forgotten that you were the BB gay hater (thats how much your comment bothered me)

or I wouldn't be talking to your ignorant self...

I hear latent gay cows moo first....you're the only one thats ever said any "hate" comments since Ive been on BB...


Adios loser


pss. I would love to stay and wipe up the floor with you, but I'll get banned, so...


(pins the tiara on RobbedbyBenzys head and leaves)

BB gay hater? huh?
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Im glad to hear it  :thumbsup:

I dont think changing your agressive post to a passive one will affect the moderators, nice try though..







You have also modified and edited your posts to suit your purposes so lets not accuse others of the same thing.  The (lack) of serious conversation about this topic and the ridiculous comments need to cease.  If you don't have an honest and sincere reply please refrain from posting on this thread. 



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I didn't understand this conversation had real bitterness in it.  I thought it was a couple of people joking (initially).


I agree with Whoopsie that this stuff should be removed because it is not helpful to the thread.

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It did start out several people joking, but it went south when RobbedbyBenzos started his gay hate routine in the middle of it,


You're using 'gay' as a slur against someone in the process of accusing them of being hateful. Wow, dude. Just wow.

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Is there anyway the last three pages of graffiti can be cleaned off this thread?  It's been pretty much destroyed.


I know they don't like to delete anything unless absolutely necessary but I will see what the "higher ups" have to say about this.

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Is there anyway the last three pages of graffiti can be cleaned off this thread?  It's been pretty much destroyed.


I know they don't like to delete anything unless absolutely necessary but I will see what the "higher ups" have to say about this.


Thank you FG.

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One person has single-handedly reduced this thread to the level of maturity achieved by someone in junior high school. He obviously has no respect for others here and has essentially succeeded in contaminating this thread with his immature, smartass comments. I don't feel comfortable posting here, where the level of honesty consists of childish comments by people who obviously do not have the maturity to understand the purpose of Benzo Buddies.
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Alright, everyone just needs to move on at this point. This is a valuable discussion and I would hate to see it get locked to end some petty bickering.


Lets get back on topic, please.

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I'll share.    :)


I haven't had a drink since I stopped benzo's so I can't speak specifically to drinking now that I'm feeling better, after withdrawals.


But I do believe that drinking contributed to my tolerance to these drugs in the last years of my benzo use.  I don't know for sure, but physiologically it probably is somehow related to some of what is happening in our brains after we stop the benzos regarding up and downregulation of the gaba and glutamate systems. 


In the last several years of my benzo use I was able to make it through my days using a dosage of between 6-12mgs/day, until I started drinking at night after work.  I see now that my drinking was probably responsible for me losing control of these drugs, and I dare say almost my life.


My point is that whatever is happening with the gaba and glutamate systems while using benzos was probably thrown into disarray with the addition of booze.  I have no reason to think that I could start drinking today without consequences to these systems, especially since they are obviously so sensitive and maybe always will be.


I have a good friend who is a shrink.  Every time we saw each other back then he'd say, "Damn Gaba".  I didn't understand the significance of that statement then, or that he was actually trying to tell me something without going there, but I think I do today. 



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Thanks Florida,


Don't thank me, just cut the BS and move on. You have already been warned several times.


If you don't have anything to add to the subject of drinking alcohol while in benzo wd then don't post here, period.

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dude.... really?

thats the best you got?

well, that was a easy cyber troll victory, I thought I was dealing with a pro....


ps. I forgotten that you were the BB gay hater (thats how much your comment bothered me)

or I wouldn't be talking to your ignorant self...

I hear latent gay cows moo first....you're the only one thats ever said any "hate" comments since Ive been on BB...


Adios loser



I would love to stay and wipe up the floor with you
, but I'll get banned, so...


(pins the tiara on RobbedbyBenzys head and leaves)










Seems you have wiped up the floor with "yourself".

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I wonder if we ever get to a point where we CAN Do these things? Will we forever have a sensitive cns?


Yes, you will always have a sensitive CNS. What she said makes perfect biological sense. Alcohol and benzos do indeed affect the same receptors in the same way: they depress the system. In AA, they tell you you can never drink again. In NA, they tell you the same thing about drugs. Taking one drink, even after years of benzo freedom,  is like taking another benzo. Once I am tapered off the drug, I won't touch either for as long as I live. Benzogirl.


I don't believe this is true. I believe that our CNS will heal and that alcohol sensitivities will fade. True they act on the same receptors. But the reason they say you can never drink or use again in AA/NA is for different reasons. Generally speaking people in those programs exhibit poor decision making skills and a lack of willpower. This is also why they tell them that they are powerless over their addiction.


For many on this board addiction is not the issue. A lot of people here were put on a benzo to help with anxiety or insomnia. Most weren't abusing these drugs to get high. This means that the behavior's not the same as in an alcoholic or drug addict. This means if you've never had a problem with abusing drugs or alcohol you should be fine to use recreationally after enough time has passed.


I've known plenty of people who had drinking and drug problems who quit for a year or two and can now drink and use in moderation. Things in their life changed to allow them to do this. They grew up and took on new responsibilities.


Taking a drink or two isn't really like taking a benzo. If it was then a shot a day for 30 days would send everyone to the ER if they missed a day. It takes a lot of alcohol for many years to do the same amount of damage that a low dose of benzos for a short time does.



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  • 1 month later...
Thanks for unlocking and moving this thread Magrita as I requested.  I feel it's an important message to have out there.  Merry Christmas everyone.
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You are Welcome Whoopsie, I do agree it is an important message, hopefully there will be no more ridiculous comments.


Wishing you all a Happy Christmas



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I wonder if we ever get to a point where we CAN Do these things? Will we forever have a sensitive cns?


Yes, you will always have a sensitive CNS. What she said makes perfect biological sense. Alcohol and benzos do indeed affect the same receptors in the same way: they depress the system. In AA, they tell you you can never drink again. In NA, they tell you the same thing about drugs. Taking one drink, even after years of benzo freedom,  is like taking another benzo. Once I am tapered off the drug, I won't touch either for as long as I live. Benzogirl.


I don't believe this is true. I believe that our CNS will heal and that alcohol sensitivities will fade. True they act on the same receptors. But the reason they say you can never drink or use again in AA/NA is for different reasons. Generally speaking people in those programs exhibit poor decision making skills and a lack of willpower. This is also why they tell them that they are powerless over their addiction.


For many on this board addiction is not the issue. A lot of people here were put on a benzo to help with anxiety or insomnia. Most weren't abusing these drugs to get high. This means that the behavior's not the same as in an alcoholic or drug addict. This means if you've never had a problem with abusing drugs or alcohol you should be fine to use recreationally after enough time has passed.


I've known plenty of people who had drinking and drug problems who quit for a year or two and can now drink and use in moderation. Things in their life changed to allow them to do this. They grew up and took on new responsibilities.


Taking a drink or two isn't really like taking a benzo. If it was then a shot a day for 30 days would send everyone to the ER if they missed a day. It takes a lot of alcohol for many years to do the same amount of damage that a low dose of benzos for a short time does.




who says our CNS will be always have a sensitive CNS? Ashton states we will heal.


the reason they say in AA and NA that you can never use the poison of choice again is because addiction is a progressive disease, especially alcoholism.


theres a big difference in addiction and dependancy. You can use again if you were dependant, after you're healed, and if you feel its right for you, a few might not can because they feel theyre "sensitive".


Ashton states you can have the alloted 2 drinks a day. Shes the expert. She does state its different for everyone, so maybe its different for you.


Personally Ive drank off and on throughout my taper, with no ill effects, other that the usual one would naturally expect (a healthy non benzo dependant person)


It might be a good thread, if everyone speaks from their own personal experience,, and doesn't mis-word it to sound like some professional fact, Dr. Ashtons a professional, atleast I think she is, and she does state its ok... she does also state several times that everyones different and to take care about different stimuli, so I guess that would include those that find they cant tolerate alcohol or other things.

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