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Bluebell. Yeah, mornings are tough so is the daytime sometimes it gets better late at night more like 1am 2am. I've had a couple good days though (after morning)  That's good the therapist is helping you. I hope he/she knows about benzos.


Love the way you're healing  :smitten:

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Oi81. Hi, hope you are doing well and still risky your bike. I know what you mean by your dog keeping your brain on edge, mine does that sometimes. I love them so much though  :smitten:


Lakeside. 70lbs? Oh, my! That's a lot of dog! Big baby!  :) my heaviest is 25lbs they love sitting and sleeping with me ;)


Sandytree. It does get better. I'll listen to your fears when you need someone to. Pm me  :)

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Hello Bluebell,



    :thumbsup:  that's the way to keep a positive attitude. You will do just fine. Stay the course, there is a bright lite at the end of the tunnel.  :thumbsup:




Godspeed to you,    :smitten:    :thumbsup:








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Hello Iwant2befree,



  Stay strong, you will get there. And yes, my little dog is a blessing. She keeps me running every day. And at 9 1/2 pounds, yes she is small compared to you wonderful dogs. Can she find little trouble to get into, yes. But it is just funny these days.  :thumbsup:


  I do hope that you are getting better. And will keep n in the future. I do understand that there are tough times, and good days and bad days. We all go threw this and sometimes we wonder if we will get threw this crazy times. But with Hope, we will. And with good friends and family, things are better.


  Try to stay tough these days,    :thumbsup:





Godspeed to you,    :smitten:






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I feel really crappy and can't tell if it's a real illness or a wave.  How do we know?  I was actually  well....a nice window I guess....and my family kept saying "I think you're through the worst".  They said I may not realize it, but to them it is obvious how much better I seemed to feel since the acure days. 


I felt good enough to attend several social functions, which before I migt have turned down because of the anxiety of the events (social, reunions).  But I went and had a great time with a lot of old friends.  However, because there is still anxiety involved with social events, I haven't slept much so may have run myself down.


Also, my beloved mother-in-law is waiting to die. She is 85.  She has round-the-clock hospice care, and is on morohine every hour because she is having trouble breathing.  It's very difficult to watch, but worse thinking of what she must be going through.  She doesn't live with us....has her own apartment with Hospice caring for her and my husband & his brothers and my sister-in-law and I stopping by for a few hours to spend time with her.  But she's barely conscious, although in distress.  Very odd that every time the phone rings I know it could very well be "THE call".


Yesterday I had a lunch with some old friends and felt unusually tired afterward, and then last night I ate frozen yogurt for dinner, I am usually fine with fro-yo,  but came home and crashed.  My whole body aches from head to toe where I can barely move.  My stomach feels sore and bloated, and I've been in bed all day, hurting and depressed.  I have fibromyalgia so it's hard to determine if it's that, benzo-related, an actual virus or a reaction to something I ate or environmental....or all of the above.

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Hello Iwant2befree,



  Not doing to bad at all, thank you for asking. Hope the you are going to have a great Christmas. Getting a little cold here in Texas, he south side of it. But the weather is great or running out doors.





Godspeed to you,    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: 🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄





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  Hello Mama,



  Hang in there, I have been there in he same place as you ate now when I Cold Turkey. The symptoms will come and go. And you will get  tired now and then too. But you have to stay strong and just keep on fighting, you will get threw this sooner or later. You will have short and long windows, but you will be able to adjust to this.  :smitten:  :thumbsup:


  Not going to sugar coat it for you at all, you will be tested, and you will get threw it, honestly.  :thumbsup:  So dig your feet in and ride it out. With your family and friends things will be much easier for you.  :thumbsup:  Just try to stay busy. And you are a Trooper with the situation you ate going threw with your family.  :thumbsup:  Hahn tight. 




  Godspeed to you,    :smitten::thumbsup:







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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a short note to Wish Everyone a Very Happy Holiday.... 








  Godspeed to You All,,,,,    :smitten::thumbsup::smitten:







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Hi you Guys. Wow, what a couple of weeks. Was offline for a bit, having my 'puter reformatted due to an email virus. But, on the brighter side of things....I'm feeling somewhat better. Have actually gotten 3 nights of sleep in excess of 6 hrs now ! This is no window, as it's not so enlightening as a window, but is surely relief from but a few days ago. So much so, I did some job searching online today and found one that interests me. I even wrote a nice cover letter that will surely get me an interview. I just need to be able to hold myself together or pray that I am seeing light at the end of this forever, nonstop, winding tunnel. After having been selfemployed due to this anxiety problem of years earlier, that I now contribute to having taken xanax for a sleep aide...wanna wring a certain doctors neck I do...Now I may may head back into ophthalmology and a doctors assistant once again.

If this isn't the light, it sure is getting there. Nearly 16 months now, since my last xanax on Sept 10, 2012.


Am wishing each and every one of you a Happy New Year !

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Hello Lakeside,



  You are doing just fine with your recovery. Stay strong and keep moving forward. You will get threw this soon. 16 months is just great.    :thumbsup:



Happy New Year



Godspeed to you





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  Hello Mama,



  Hang in there, I have been there in he same place as you ate now when I Cold Turkey. The symptoms will come and go. And you will get  tired now and then too. But you have to stay strong and just keep on fighting, you will get threw this sooner or later. You will have short and long windows, but you will be able to adjust to this.  :smitten:  :thumbsup:


  Not going to sugar coat it for you at all, you will be tested, and you will get threw it, honestly.  :thumbsup:  So dig your feet in and ride it out. With your family and friends things will be much easier for you.  :thumbsup:  Just try to stay busy. And you are a Trooper with the situation you ate going threw with your family.  :thumbsup:  Hahn tight. 




  Godspeed to you,    :smitten::thumbsup:










Mother in law passed away just before Christmas.  My husband has been ok, but obviously sad.  I had a bit of a meltdown today....maybe the comedown from the holiday craziness & then our anniversary on New Year's Eve, but tonight he won't speak to me because of my emotional outburst.  I feel like a brat since it is HIS mother who died, but I'm sad as well & also had some serious depression all day today.  Even typing this I feel like a brat.  I'm no kid so I should be able to pull it together & cut him some slack for his intolerance, so I will.  But it still feels like crap. 


That's the latest.  I've pretty much been in a wave all month, but trying to put on a nice face for my family. Everyone is going through their own stuff; I'm sure the last thing any of them want to hear from my mouth is anything about my withdrawal woes.

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One year post cold turkey as of today. Still have tinnitus. Some days not too bad. Others, pretty loud. Most other symptoms are either gone or so mild I don't notice. Hoping the tinnitus gets a little better. We'll see........
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello rhafe,



  Hope that you are doing well today, and that your tinnitus isn't that bad either. For me at 21 months off, I can deal with it, but I also do wish that it would just go away and never come back. But I am sure that it shouldn't take to much time from now.  :thumbsup:



  Keep the Faith,  :thumbsup:






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Hello Mama,



    Sorry for not getting back to you, went out of town for some rest and relax.  :smitten:  Just want to see if you and your hubby are doing okay today.  :thumbsup:  hope that you are getting threw and smiling a little bit on this day,    :);)


    Stay tough and keep on moving forward with you life and recovery. You will get better with time.





  Keep the Faith and Godspeed to you and your family,    :thumbsup:      :smitten:






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Hey Guys, Rocket you seem to be doing quite well, am happy for you. Man this up n down, anxiety and depression I'm encountering now is over the top. It was as we know, in lasting waves of weeks at a time. But now it's day by day and sometimes a day begins one way and ends the other. The cycling is unpredictable and quite stressful, even paralyzing. My sleep is gone back to 2-4 hrs now. Yesterday I had massive depression and now I'm over the top high strung. Almost pacing the floors and it's been many weeks/months since I've done that. I feel electrical current in my hands, fore arms and feet now. I find myself thinking in scattered patterns. Had a mild panic attack a little while ago but that has subsided now. Unrelenting is what it is.....But dammit, so am I !
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Hello Mama,



    Sorry for not getting back to you, went out of town for some rest and relax.  :smitten:  Just want to see if you and your hubby are doing okay today.  :thumbsup:  hope that you are getting threw and smiling a little bit on this day,    :);)


    Stay tough and keep on moving forward with you life and recovery. You will get better with time.





  Keep the Faith and Godspeed to you and your family,    :thumbsup:      :smitten:







Hey Rocket!


Thank you for asking.  We're ok here.


Just dealing with this loooooong wave.  Tinnitus is BLARING this morning, but we've all got our problems, right?


We're moving forward and that's what counts.  That's a victory in itself: pressing on!  There is a lot of hope here on BB and it is so encouraging hearing from people who went through exact same symptoms but woke up one morning and everything was gone.  What a marvelous day that will be.


And encouragement from cheerleaders like yourself is always a nice little ray of sunshine!


To you, and to all: may God bless and be with you through all of your recoveries.

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Hi everyone. I'm new here and 12 weeks benzo free today. In a terrible 2 week wave that had me sleeping only 2 hours a night. That has been for 7 or more nights. This is worse than early acute and I'm so discouraged right now. Don't think this will get better even though ive had a few windows here and there. Is this normal? I'm terrified that life as I knew it is over and I will be sad and anxious forever. I never had those issues before xanax. Hate this drug, it has ruined me. Any encouragement?  Sorry for the pity party. I'm very sick these last few weeks.
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Hello Mama, Lakeside,


  Good to see that you both are dealing well with your withdraws. Just stay strong and the end will come soon for you and everyone else.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:  I understand that there are good days and bad days and that someday we will all wake up in the morning and just be back to our old selfs :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

  No one can tell us when that will be, but the out look is very promising. I tried a new product a few days ago for Tinnitus,,,,,,,,,  it's only been a few days and the manufacture says that I need to take it for 60 days. I will post the results as time goes by. About every week. Keeping my fingers crossed.


So far:  Been waking up early in the morning about 4, I think it is the product, but maybe my system just needs to adjust to it.


Don't see any results as of yet.




      Godspeed to all,,  Stay strong and look forward to a better life once we all get threw this.







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Hello Purplegirl,


  First welcome to the BB Site. And I do hope that you ate feeling better. You will do just fine, as  we all do, you have to stay strong and go with your plan. You will get threw this,  :smitten:  it might take some time to fight threw this crazy journey. But you will make it just like the BB that had before you.


  You will get more windows as time goes by. And they will get longer also. So stay strong and keep moving forward and don't let the negative thoughts get to you either.  :thumbsup: you have lots of BB to help you get threw this. 




Godspeed to you,    :smitten:    :thumbsup:





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Oh rocket, thank you so much for your reassurances. This has been a horrible two weeks, but your post has made me feel stronger. Thank you, thank you, I'm going to get past this as we all are. Here is to huge open windows for all of us. Sending you cheer!    ;D
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Hello Purplegirl


  You are very welcome. I guess we all try to help one another here on the site and make our BB smile when they are having a tough time with their withdraw symptoms.



  You and everyone will get better, as we all say, it just takes time. Yes, time will heal us all.  For me, 20 months off cold turkey. Still have a few bad days, but for most, many good days. So you and everyone will be happy that the future will get better for you.  :thumbsup:



  Keep moving forward and don't let anything get you down.  :thumbsup:



Godspeed to you,  :smitten:    :thumbsup:





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