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The Xanax Club, Let Us Know How You Are Feeling Today


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Hello Iwant2befree,



    Sorry that you are feeling bad.  :tickedoff:  Just try to hang in there. When we read everything on the BB site at the stage that we are in, we tend to believe everything. Just remember that everyone is different. And we will go threw different phases of withdraws and times that we will experience good and bad.  :smitten: 


    Just keep positive about it all. I'm 20 months out and going threw some bad symptoms, but they are much better then when I C/T-ed. I stay busy with many things.  :thumbsup: 


    This week has been a challenge, but better today. When I get on this site, it seems that I feel much better for the day.  :thumbsup:  I hope that you will get better soon. Try to have a great day.  :thumbsup:      :thumbsup:





Godspeed to you.  :smitten:











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Hi all,


Have not been on for awhile, thought I'd give an update. Am doing very well. Still have a lot of the physical s/x's but NOTHING like they were a month ago. Also, my brain is beginning to function again. God, I feel SO much better!!!


Am now on day 118 since the jump. Have been able to start doing some work on my house. And a month ago I was still having trouble just getting out of bed!

It's still not even what I'd call close to normal, but comparatively speaking, it's really really good! Very few days over the last 3 weeks that I have had to deal with depression.

The worst things for me right now are the smell's, taste's and the tightness and pain around my abdomen, as well as some days the pains in my legs.


Over the last 2 weeks, mentally probably the worst thing has been my lack of tolerance to the petty problems(at least in MY view right now) that a lot of the people around me verbalize. I can't stop myself from thinking "Yea, right. Go through what I have been through for the last 6 or 7 months, then tell me about it!".

I have never thought that way. I pray that it is just a passing thing brought on by the benzo's.


Anyway, I love you ALL and hope for you to heal as quickly a possible!



Keep the Faith!

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Dunno how I missed this thread, but glad I found it. Thank you for starting it Oi81. I have been beginning to think what I've been going through was extraordinary as I took so little and only for sleep too. My last window was further back than I remember and I just know I'm so over due for it now.  Like many of you, my friends don't understand any of this and I just keep to myself, pretty much closed inside of my house. If it weren't for my dog, I'd never make it out.

In the beginning, over 14 months ago, it was over the top anxiety and attacks from the c/t of only .5 mg. I was in shock and amazed I was fgoing through something of such magnitude. Honestly thought I was gonna die during two of the attacks. But then comes the waves of depression that are as immense as the waves of anxiety, but with icing on  the cake. By that, I mean wanting to die. Even justifying it as a means of leaving this life behind to cross over to the next. If it weren't for my dog, who jumped up on my lap one day when I was at my lowest, I may not be here now. He knew and he refused to listen to the command to get down and he is well trained, a belgian malinois. He licked my face for probably 30 seconds, but seemed like a couple minutes. It brought me out of where I was at and gave me a sense of being.That was in Sept 2012 and we now have a bond I think few do with their dog. He literally saved my life and is he ever a spoiled dog now. Not that he wasn't beforehand.

But this that is now taking place is unexpected I guess. The depression is awful to deal with. All the confusion, feeling as he's glued to the sofa, negative thoughts. Again, my dog to the rescue as he's use to two walks per day and seems to know 7:30 am and 7:30 pm. Honestly, if I'm not up to taking him when he comes to nudge me, he'll go get one of my shoes or now that it coller, my hat or glove and bring it to me. Talk about inspiration for motivation. I'm learning the simple things in life all ovr again. With xanax it becomes lost, as does a lot fo things....As I was speaking of...The current time here is 7:31 and my dog just came into the living room and nudged me to take him for our walk. Or is it he's taking me for a walk...lol

Just typing this out has helped  to relieve some of this morning anxiety and I thank you so much.


I wish you ALL a Happy Thanksgiving

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Hello V,



  It's great to see that you are doing well. Just stay with your routine, you will get to the 100% that you were at before the crazy drugs that got into your system.  :thumbsup:




  Have a wonderful Day..





Godspeed to you,    :thumbsup: :thumbsup:







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Oi81 hope you are having a happy Thanksgiving  and calmness ;D I can tell healing is happening. I've had a couple of very good days, Anxiety wise, today its back  but low and the last couple of days really gave me alot of hope. :)



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Lakeside. I loved reading your comment, you are blessed with that little dog  ::) animals know and understand so much, they are on an astral level. I love my dogs and cats, they have definitely been light in the darkness  :smitten:



Vickers. I'm the same way with others problems, my fire self (before benzos) is not like that but now others get on my frazzled nerves with what are to me petty problems or complaints. It's the benzo not us  :thumbsup: glad you're seeing improvements :thumbsup:


Happy thanksgiving  ::)

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Hello Iwant2before,



  It's nice to see that you are enjoying time off from your anxiety. Keep fighting threw to the end. I do hope that you are having a turn for the better with your withdraw.  :thumbsup:


  Try to have a great weekend!,    :thumbsup:





  Godspeed to you,    M :smitten:    :thumbsup:








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Hello Lakeside,



  Hang in there, I do understand what you have been going threw.  It is very hard to get threw this, but with some help, it tends to be better. And just got a dog two months ago, it was very hard to deal with her, it seemed to be so much to do with her, that my brain couldn't keep up. But now everything seems to be back into place.  :thumbsup:


  Dogs keep us in prospective of life and organized our daily needs and schedules. Sometimes it seems that they understand what we need and how much we need.  🐕🐕🐕🐕🐕🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶👻👻



  In all, thank God for the beautiful little creatures that he has given us..😍😘😍😘😘😍😘



Godspeed to you,    :thumbsup:






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Oli you think these injections will leave me in permanente dp dr state? At what month you were getting windows? Lets say i will get one once per week ? It wi ll be good sighhn? Cause i think once window its bavl its a sign of hope? Right?
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Hello Rhafe,



  Just checking out to see how you are doing today. Hope that everything is going well for you.  ☺😊😀😃😄:thumbsup: :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,    :thumbsup:






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Good morning Everyone, it's about the same with waking up early, not driving yet again and high strung. What is different and slightly better is, I don't feel like I have to talk to someone to get me down. I'm doing Ok on my own and not having to call my sister, although typing is a bit of a chore as I'm all thumbs. I do have an occasional yawn and that's a good thing.


Iwant2befree, thank you so much for the kind words. Dogs truly are our bestfriends. They're there when we need them, always happy to see us and proud to be with us. My "little" guy who jumped on my lap and does like to sit on my lap now and then isn't so little, he's a 70 lb Belgian Malinois. lol He thinks because the cats get on my lap that he's entitled sometimes too. But that day when I was having that over the top anxiety attack, he knew his dad was in a bad way and did his best to help...and it did. Thank you so much for you kind words.


Oi81, am glad you got it worked out with your dog and things are better now, they are so wonderful indeed. I truly believe in letting my dog be himself as he has personality and my days have been made better by him, no doubt. Thank you for your kindness.


It's really weird these past few days. Although I'm kind of house bound and not driving, I seem to be feeling ever so slightly better inside my head. My mind is cruising alright but not at race speed right now. I do feel the electrical current in my hands right now. This is but my second morning in a while that I've not had that extreme panic upon wakening. I so hope the days of waking up in a panic attack are over with now. That fear, fright and extreme worry as soon as I was waking up was horrbile. No, it was terrifying ! Im beginning to accomplish things around the house now. Am making lists to keep myself going and seeing the results....finally I hope.



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Hello Sandy,


  You will be okay, just hang in there!  You will get some relief soon. Please try to stay tough.  :thumbsup:  and try to stay busy with doing things. Get out side and try to soak up some Sun. This will make you feel better and you will get the Vitamin D that you need also. 🌞🌞🌞🌞


  I know what you are going threw, been there and done that. It does taper off and you will smile more every day.  :thumbsup::laugh:;D;)



  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:    :smitten:    :thumbsup:






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Hello Lakeside,


  Hope that you are doing well today. Just to let you know, that my dog is a little project. She does keep my brain on edge sometimes. But for the past week, she has done my thoughts well. Keeping up with her takes a lot somedays, but I am glad of it.

  You would think that after 20 months that our brains would be back to normal, right. This drug might help many people out in the world today, but for many of us, it's just been poison given buy some Doctors that know nothing about the drug.  You would think that there would be a class action Lawsuit by now. Maybe in the future there will be. Because 2 years is long enough to suffer for anyone whom has took this.    :thumbsup:  Just had to shout out today.......




  Godspeed to you,      :thumbsup:





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Hi Rocket, 


My bad for not getting back here sooner, sorry. Still the same ole, same ole man. Had 3-4 days of some sleep, 5-6 hrs but back to the grind once again. No window but am managing.

I do feel for you, 20 months. As of yesterday, I'm 15 months and even though it's considerably better than a year ago, the progress is so slow that it becomes so consuming of all my thoughts once again. Every little thing isn't so little. Small stumbling blocks are mountains to climb and without sleep, everything is manifested so much.

Ironic you mention a class action lawsuit, as I had been thinking the same thing. It's no different than being wrongly imprisoned for a crime you never even heard of. That's how I feel about it.


You can shout out any time and thank you for listening.


Hope you having a reprieve today

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Hello Rhafe,



  Just checking out to see how you are doing today. Hope that everything is going well for you.  ☺😊😀😃😄:thumbsup: :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,    :thumbsup:

Thanks Rocket. Not too bad. Mostly tinnitus issues but getting used to ignoring it. Even had an implant done at the dentist on Monday. 6 months ago that would have been impossible. Hope you (and everyone else) are doing better too.





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Hello Lakeside



  You hit the nail right on the head. It is like being in your own little prison. I just don't see these little pills of being any help to anyone out there today. They just seem to cover up what is bothering everyone and my opinion I that they hurt more then they are doing good. There are a few drugs out there that are better to help our BB today. And one of the is called Buspar. It has they same effects but there is no residuals of any kind. To bad we didn't find this out any sooner.  :tickedoff: 


  But in all this crazy world, I do hope that you and all our BB get well soon.  :thumbsup:





Godspeed to you,    :thumbsup:





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Hi there. I have not checked in with this thread in awhile. I have been Xanax free since May 3rd 2013 and I feel good! I sleep well. No cog fog anymore, no ear ringing, no tears. I was on Xanax daily for 25+ years. I am very grateful to no longer be a slave to a little pill. I am getting my life back, and it is even better than it was before.


Blue :smitten:

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Hi there. I have not checked in with this thread in awhile. I have been Xanax free since May 3rd 2013 and I feel good! I sleep well. No cog fog anymore, no ear ringing, no tears. I was on Xanax daily for 25+ years. I am very grateful to no longer be a slave to a little pill. I am getting my life back, and it is even better than it was before.


Blue :smitten:


Good for you. You must have tapered.

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Hello Bluebell,



  Big smile for you,  :). Congratulation on your new life without the Big X and  and not having and bad symptoms at all. I wish that everyone could get there in the near future.  :thumbsup:



  Enjoy it well.    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:





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Hello Bluebell,



  Big smile for you,  :). Congratulation on your new life without the Big X and  and not having and bad symptoms at all. I wish that everyone could get there in the near future.  :thumbsup:



  Enjoy it well.    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:






Thank you Rocket. I am grateful for the long windows I have had. And when I am in a wave, because I know it will not last forever,  I am able to ride it out a bit easier.


Blue :smitten:

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Hi there. I have not checked in with this thread in awhile. I have been Xanax free since May 3rd 2013 and I feel good! I sleep well. No cog fog anymore, no ear ringing, no tears. I was on Xanax daily for 25+ years. I am very grateful to no longer be a slave to a little pill. I am getting my life back, and it is even better than it was before.


Blue :smitten:


This is great! I'm so happy for you  :) and its so helpful and hopeful. I'm almost 3 weeks out and have been having a rough time. Did you have a lot of Anxiety during taper and or post taper?

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Hi there. I have not checked in with this thread in awhile. I have been Xanax free since May 3rd 2013 and I feel good! I sleep well. No cog fog anymore, no ear ringing, no tears. I was on Xanax daily for 25+ years. I am very grateful to no longer be a slave to a little pill. I am getting my life back, and it is even better than it was before.


Blue :smitten:


This is great! I'm so happy for you  :) and its so helpful and hopeful. I'm almost 3 weeks out and have been having a rough time. Did you have a lot of Anxiety during taper and or post taper?

Mornings were the worst. But the further away I get, the intensity and the amount of time I am anxious is much, much less. I also was open to. and did have counseling to help me manage my anxiety and self doubt.


Blue :smitten:

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