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Took valerian yesterday..now im being send in the wave.today suppose to be my window...i dont know how i will make this..please tell that it wont get worse tomorow?? Imso angry....
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Hello Cooperten,


  Glad to see that you are going to get rid of the crazy little pills in your life. About withdraw symptoms, you can beat them. You just need to stay busy with things threw out the day. I am not going to Sugar Coat this subject at all. There will be good days, and there will be bad days. But you just have to be strong and want to take back the life that you had before you popped one of the little pills.


    One thing is to keep many loved ones around you that understand what you are going threw. They will give you the support that you need and will always be there for you when you need them. This is a plus for you and anyone that is going threw withdraws.  :thumbsup: 


    And I was, and still drinking many herbal teas to help. Working out at the gym lightly been helping me also. It kind of puts the chemicals back into the proper state that they were before Benzos. But you will need to experiment what is good for you.  :thumbsup:


    But most of all, you need to be strong and want your life back. I just dug my heals in and said to myself, No More.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:  this isn't me, I am going back to old self where I was playing gigs and entertaining people. So this was my goal, and I an getting there as time goes by. You can do this. Just keep yourself moving forward and stay strong.  :thumbsup:




    Godspeed to you,    :smitten:







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  Hello Sandy Tree,


  Please hang in there, you are going to be okay. This will pass and you Will get threw this. Sometimes things that we intake will make our symptoms come on strong. But we learn and have learned what effects us during our withdraw.  :tickedoff: 


  I have been doing herbal teas to help smooth out the withdraw symptoms. As of today, I still drink them. And they still work for me. So stay strong and keep busy during the day. Eat right and drink plenty of good fluids. Trail and learning is all we can do.


  But you will get better with time, I do know this. I am much better today then I was when I first started withdrawing.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:





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Hello vickerscd



  Hope that you are doing well today. It seems that you have gotten some of your energy back. That is a very good thing to have back. Keep moving forward and keep the positive attitude. You can do this.  :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,    :thumbsup:





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Hello my BB,


  Just checking up on everyone to see if your doing okay today, or if you need some encouraging support.  :thumbsup:  :smitten:  You you do, just PM me, or just write what you feel my forum here and one of us will get back yo you as soon as possible,  :thumbsup:



    Hope that all my BB are doing well today.  :thumbsup:  just ask the person next to you to give you a big Hug with a warm smile 💏💗💓💛💙💙💚❤.        . This should help you out of the crazy day.  :smitten:


  Godspeed to you all with a big smile.  😃😀😊😉😜






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Hi there,


Just wondering if any of you have the rocky boat feeling?  I am 7 weeks off, and it is probably my worst symptom.  Sometimes it comes on worse after eating.  When did yours go away if you had it, and is there anything to do to make it any better?




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Hello Mama,


  I have read many post from BB that said that they have what you are going threw. I do believe that it is your equilibrium. And it should pass in time. I had it a few times, but mine just came and gone. It just lasted a min or two.  :thumbsup:  for me I just laughed it off, I know that it is something that the withdraw brought on.  :tickedoff:  Just be strong and fight threw it. 




  Godspeed to you,    :smitten: :smitten:






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Hi all,


Thanks Oi81! I had about 4 days of the best I've been since April 1st. S/x's started back again the day before yesterday, but thank God at only about a 50% level of what they were. I choose to view this as a VERY good sign that I am well on the way to healing after only 10 weeks from the jump. I pray that all of you do well also!

    I hope this lasts and does not get really bad again. I can tolerate it so much better at this level.

I also hope that this can give you all some much needed positivity!!!!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Keep the Faith!

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Hello vickerscd


Hope that you will have many good days. But don't get disappointed if you have a few bad days. And when you have a bad day, just try to stay busy doing something and stay positive. Our minds are healing and getting better every day. So just hang in there.  :thumbsup:



Godspeed to you,  :thumbsup:






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Mama  I've had the rocking boat as well. Also like oi81 I've read that others here have had it.


Vickers. That's great- hopefully you'll have a speedy healing  :)

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Hello Iwant,


    Hope that you are doing well with your taper. Just keep on going forward and never deviate from your game plan at all. And just keep that positive attitude. You will be back to normal faster then you can shake a tree brance.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:







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Hi all,


Still doing pretty good I am happy to say. Not a lot of sleep last night, and still have the burning feet and super tight abdomen, as well as the blood hound smell and taste ;) ;).

    But, even though the s/x's have returned, they are still well below the baseline I had before the window. Overall, I feel pretty darned good about things right now! :thumbsup:


    Much love,thanks and prayers for all of you!! :smitten: :smitten:




Keep the Faith!

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Hello vickerscd



  Hang in there, you will be okay. Just stay tough and keep moving forward. You will get this crazy journey in no time at all.  :thumbsup:





Godspeed to you,    :thumbsup:






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Im having very hard gime with acceptance...and my symptoms are still bad at the mark of tree months....how you were doing at yhe beggining of your fourth month?
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Hello Sandy,


  Hang in there, you are getting better. Just remember where you were at the beginning. It takes time, and you will see very soon. For me the turning point was month 5. But you have to remember that everyone is different, and everyone will have different times of getting better.  :thumbsup:  so just stay strong and you will get there.  :smitten:




  Godspeed to you Sandy,    :smitten:    :thumbsup:






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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello BB,


  Just want to wish everyone and or Vets a wonderful day, and Thank You all for your great Service and wish you the best in the Future.    :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:





  Godspeed to you all,    :thumbsup:    :smitten:    :smitten:






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I've been doing much better these last couple of weeks. The intense Anxiety and fear has lifted. There is still Anxiety but it is at a much tolerable level though every time it increases I brace myself for the intense, for a terrible wave and I just don't know if I can handle much more. Even in the milder Anxiety I worry about what is to come. I am tip toeing off my last dose saturday. Have any of you noticed the waves being less in intensity or the same, worse after your jump? 
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I wake up with awful headaches, all in my shoulders, neck and all around my scalp.  It takes about three hours to be able to think and function.  My sinuses are dry and congested.  I'm feeling apprehensive about everything mentally.
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Hello Iwant2


  Hang in there, it will get better with time. I get the same thing as you do. It's not that bad, but it does fog my brain sometimes!!!!  :tickedoff:  :tickedoff: But I just deal with it until it goes away. But not as sever as it was at the start of my journey. Hopefully in a few months I will not have anything at all.  :thumbsup:


  You will be okay, when it starts, just find something to keep your mind busy.  :thumbsup:






Godspeed to you,  , :smitten:          :thumbsup:






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I wake up with awful headaches, all in my shoulders, neck and all around my scalp.  It takes about three hours to be able to think and function.  My sinuses are dry and congested.  I'm feeling apprehensive about everything mentally.


I'm an accidental addict too. I had 25 years sobriety the day I started cold turkey off Xanax. It took about 6 months before I started feeling a little better. I think recovery can vary tremendously from one person to another. Hardest thing by far I've ever done. Made quitting drinking seem like a walk in the park. Hang tough......

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Hello Mama,


  Just checking up on you to see if you are okay today. I do hope that your headaches have gone away. I myself get one every now and then, but I just stay busy and keep pushing forward.  :thumbsup:  sorry for the late reply back.


  Stay focus on your recovery and you will get there with a big smile.  :) :)




Godspeed to you,  :smitten::thumbsup:






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How I'm feeling today. The worst is the constant Anxiety, it is amazing how many types of Anxiety there is. its so hard to deal with and has me scared that I'm stuck and I read posts of people at almost a year and half out feeling like they don't have a soul and stupid.there not doing well and its not just one.  I feel like that now and am worried about feeling this and Anxiety always. I'm housebound with agoraphbia and think this makes it all worse.


Oi81 how are you feeling today?  :)


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Hello Iwant2


  Hang in there, it will get better with time. I get the same thing as you do. It's not that bad, but it does fog my brain sometimes!!!!  :tickedoff:  :tickedoff: But I just deal with it until it goes away. But not as sever as it was at the start of my journey. Hopefully in a few months I will not have anything at all.  :thumbsup:


  You will be okay, when it starts, just find something to keep your mind busy.  :thumbsup:







Godspeed to you,  , :smitten:          :thumbsup:


Thanks 0i81  ::):smitten: there has been so much anxiety for so long. I hope it will go away soon  :)






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Hello Mama,


  Just checking up on you to see if you are okay today. I do hope that your headaches have gone away. I myself get one every now and then, but I just stay busy and keep pushing forward.  :thumbsup:  sorry for the late reply back.





  Stay focus on your recovery and you will get there with a big smile.  :) :)



Well, I've been on ADHD meds for a while and lost my bottle somewhere.  Interestingly, while stimulants are generally a no-no for benzo withdrawers, I know some of us are on them for ADD and other reasons.  Going without those meds today caused really bad mental symptoms....sobbing, complete fear, a feeling of total dependency on my husband, suicide ideation and severe anxiety.  That seems so crazy because these meds would seemingly rev up such symptoms, but apparently for me, they help tone them down.  I'm in bed now, feeling terrible.  Wanting to sleep but afraid.  Feeling very unsettled.  I can get more meds tomorrow.


My mother in law is dying and it is causing a lot of grief, and so some of what is going on could also be grieving (the sobbing) and fear of losing my husband because I've seen two women close to me who sank into terrible depressions when their husbands passed.  I'm just feeling very uneasy, unsettled right now.






Godspeed to you,  :smitten::thumbsup:






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