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I would like to know if Xanax makes anyone ravenous hungry all day.  I have to eat constantly all day, about every hour, if I don't I get extremely weak.  Is this normal?  It is worse since I jumped.  I did have days were I didn't eat well.  I don't know if it is my body trying to catch up.




I have been out of control ravenous the past week. I hate it. For a while I wasn't hungry, then a few ravenous days and now it's insane. It worries me because mentally and physically gaining weight is a bad idea for me. I am usually very disciplined after losing a lot of weight....I CANNOT gain weight after all the hard work!  Helppp!!!!


I lost my appetite totally when I was going off the Xanex. I ate broth and cucumbers. I'm eating better now that I'm totally off. It certainly messes with your body.

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Hello Mama2,


  I do believe that it is from the withdraw. I don't take a multi-vitamin any more because it makes some of my symptoms go a little crazy. But everyone is different. Cracks on the month could be from not enough water intake.  :tickedoff:  Just keep on eating proper, that's what counts.  :thumbsup:




Godspeed to you,      :smitten:






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Hello Notgleeful,


  You are certainly right. It messes up just about every little thing in your body and mind. But it will get better with time, and only time. Try to get out of the house everyday and stay busy with doing something. Keep the mind occupied.    :thumbsup:





  Godspeed to you.  :thumbsup:










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  You are very welcome Mama2,


  Just don't give up. You will have some ups and downs, but you will get better as the time goes by.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:






  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:





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Hi All,

Haven't posted in a while.  I am down to 2 mg, ready to go to 1.5.  My dr stopped cutting me a mg a week; and that helped.  Now I drop a mg every 2 weeks.

I feel VERY DEPRESSED and am wondering if I will ever be normal.  Since I was on such a high dose to start with, the doc also has me on 4 mgs kpin.  I hate it...all of it.


I want my brain back.  I am attempting my BSN and it is a nightmare.  I was highly functional before and now I feel like even cleaning my room is something so overwhelming.


I am terrified of kpin tapering...this is going to be a very long journey.  I got a counselor. Her advice was "in three months  you'll be off of these meds, you'll be okay!"  She has no understanding of what this is like. 

Anyway,,,,I just feel super depressed and I am trying to find a way each day to keep going.

I found a site that listed one of the symptoms of b w/d as "loss of respect for self, loss of interest in people and things, and loss of memory."

I want my old self back.

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Unbelievably weak.  I have to sit down in the shower.  Standing takes so much effort.  Every muscle feels sore.  I've had fibromyalgia so it's not new to me, but this feels different.  My head feels to heavy to hold up on my neck.  I think muscle wasting is a side effect of Xanax usage, which is one of the reasons I wanted off.  Among the many other reasons.
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  Hello Whitney,



  Never give up, just keep on going forward. You will get there. In my own words, 99% of the Doctors out there just don't understand that you need to taper off Benzos. Most of the time you have to educate them with the knowledge we learn.  :tickedoff:  there is a wonderful Doctor that has in some ways guided us on how this is done properly. Just google the Ashton Manual. And do your reading, you will find the proper way to do this. I C/T-ed because I didn't know any better and the Dictor that proscribed it to me didn't have the knowledge either. But the knowledge is there for you to help ease your withdraw symptoms.

  Stay positive and try to stay busy to keep your mind busy. This helps very much. It's all called distraction, and the mind games will be few for you. :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:





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Thank you  Oi, I needed to hear that.

I didn't put on my bottom that i started tapering form 8mgs a day (not dr prescribed, taken for several months.  Finally came clean to dr and hes helping me taper.  Now down to 2 mgs, slower than he wants me to be but I couldn't take his rate reductions so Im kinda behind his schedule, but still down to to 2 mgs).

I am back in school and what really pisses me off is the way that these drugs screw with your brain.  I know better; I am educated in the way of benzos from previous experience years ago.  I am taking responsibility; but it just makes me sad how much of my cog abilities I have lost.  I really really really wish that I could educate people how dangerous and destructive these drugs are.  I can see how people take their lives due to w/d and the mental debilitation that comes along with taking a little pill.  I feel mentally disabled and I HATE IT.  :idiot: My classmates see me as stupid; they leave me out and then I just feel worse.  I feel so alone.  :-[ I used to be so smart.  I got A's from teachers that didn't give A's and now I can't even speak properly.  :'( Okay.  Vent over.  :idiot:


I wish I could hug you.  I know how you feel and sending you good vibes.  :thumbsup:

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Hello Whitney,


  Hang in there Woman,  😊😀😃. You are going to be okay with time. And don't let any of your classmates get you down at all. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:  They just don't understand what you are going threw.


  For me, I am different. I would print up some of the Ashton Manual that pertains to me and share the facts. This is to let them know that I am very intellectual and going threw a bad time. And if they can't handle it, so what. But this is me, I like to be straight forward and honest with people.  I just don't take any crap from people that don't have any manners at all.


  But in the long run, you will get better, honest, it took me some time but I am almost there. You will be there too.  :thumbsup:



  And go at your own pace with your taper. There is no race for any one to taper. 




Godspeed to you,  :smitten: :smitten:



  You are very welcome, I am always here for everyone to chat with.





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  :thumbsup::smitten::thumbsup:  Hello BB,


  I hope that everyone is doing okay. This is just a short note to make everyone smile and to give them much hope to let you know that there is a end to this madness.


  You Will Get Better. It's Just That It Takes Time.    :thumbsup:




  Godspeed To You All,,,    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:







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Hello BB,




    Everyone Will Heal, Everyone......  Just Stay Focus On Moving Forward With A Smile.  :thumbsup:






  Godspeed To All,      :smitten:







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Hello BB,


    Just a short note for now. Allergies come and go for pollen, and had to take a Benadryl. Well, long story short not going to do that any more. It just sends over to my brain a few symptoms that I just don't want to have.  :tickedoff:    Will just let my nose run and eyes tear up for a day or two. 



  Have a great day BB.  :thumbsup:




Godspeed to you all,    :smitten:





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Hello. I'm new here. I am dealing with withdrawal symptoms after stopping taking Xanex. (Starting the first week of July, I tapered down to zero from 6 mg/day Xanex XR, which I took for about two years. I went down about 1 mg/week with a three week pause in the middle, have been completely off the medication for about two and a half weeks).


I feel a lot better and am only having mild, occasional anxiety. I am struggling with motivation, feeling generally "blah," and I have a persistent ringing in my ears, plus popping and occasional itching. It's driving me crazy. I've had the ringing for just over a week, and I was in tears last night wondering how long it would last.


I wish that the withdrawal symptoms would go away. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to tell when I am back to normal, though. It's been a while.


Hey Not Gleeful, Just wondering how you are feeling.  You seemed to have tapered fast.  I have been on Xanax XR for about 9 months.  I took 1mg twice a day.  I dropped down to 1mg morning and .5mg afternoon a little over a week ago.  I was planning on staying here a month so so before I drop anymore.  My doctor has me dropping .5mg at a time and then changing to regular xanax when I get to .5mg once a day to drop in smaller increments.  Did you have bad symptoms with dropping 1mg each time?  Hope you are feeling better.



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Hello Monique123 ,


  Hope that you are feeling better today. I might not be able to give you any advise at this time. For me, I Cold Turkeyed, and didn't taper one bit. I just wanted out of the crazy days and nights. I did get the full blown out withdraw symptoms, but did not regret it at all. I did suffer more strong symptoms but much better as of today.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


  You just have to go at your own pace. Sometimes the Doctors don't have a clew as of what to do.  :tickedoff:  Your body and mind will let you know when to cut, but remember, this is not a race, so slow is good. If I had the choice, I would have tapered, but the Doctor never knew anything about tapering from the crazy drug.  :tickedoff: so presto, change-o, hocus, pocus, C/T-ed.


  Just stay with it and be strong, you can do this. You will have your ups and downs, but will have very good days with tapering.  :thumbsup:



  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:





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I am doing surprisingly well today. Over the weekend I decided to reinstate and try to do a slower taper to see if it might go easier.

    This was a very bad idea. :idiot: I only took a total of 3.5 mg from Friday night until Monday afternoon. This was after being just over 9 weeks free. I felt sooooo sleepy and sooooo out of it.

    On Saturday, my sx's did subside probably 90%. This was somewhat of a relief. But by Sunday, they were beginning to creep back in, and I really felt terrible mentally, so groggy and just an overall horrible feeling of not being ME. I got steadily worse and the physical sx's were coming back to nearly the point of where they were originally.

    I have stopped taking it again as of yesterday at 4 pm. So far the sx's are not too bad and at least my mind is alive again, thank God. I really don't know what got into me, I think it was quite a number of little things and a there were a couple of people that wanted me to reinstate and try to start over. They really did mean well.

      So here it is: In my experience, if you can go 9 weeks free, it is a very very bad idea to start again. I felt SO much worse. I did not feel at all like myself. I think that in order to do any good with the physical sx's I would have had to increase the dose to at least what I was taking at my highest level, up to 5 mg a day.

      My friend, that was NOT going to happen. And I have a new perspective that I think is going to serve me well. I pray that you all do well today and...



Keep the Faith!

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Hello vickerscd,


  Very sorry that you arevhavinga bad time with your taper. Just do you research for yourself and see what you need to do for yourself. I can see that it is tough to get off these crazy pills. But with determination and will power you can do this. For me, once I was off, there was never any chance of me going back on them.    :thumbsup:


  Sorry for the late reply back, just got a little busy with life. But will be on everyday for now on.



  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:







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Hello. I'm new here. I am dealing with withdrawal symptoms after stopping taking Xanex. (Starting the first week of July, I tapered down to zero from 6 mg/day Xanex XR, which I took for about two years. I went down about 1 mg/week with a three week pause in the middle, have been completely off the medication for about two and a half weeks).


I feel a lot better and am only having mild, occasional anxiety. I am struggling with motivation, feeling generally "blah," and I have a persistent ringing in my ears, plus popping and occasional itching. It's driving me crazy. I've had the ringing for just over a week, and I was in tears last night wondering how long it would last.


I wish that the withdrawal symptoms would go away. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to tell when I am back to normal, though. It's been a while.


Hey Not Gleeful, Just wondering how you are feeling.  You seemed to have tapered fast.  I have been on Xanax XR for about 9 months.  I took 1mg twice a day.  I dropped down to 1mg morning and .5mg afternoon a little over a week ago.  I was planning on staying here a month so so before I drop anymore.  My doctor has me dropping .5mg at a time and then changing to regular xanax when I get to .5mg once a day to drop in smaller increments.  Did you have bad symptoms with dropping 1mg each time?  Hope you are feeling better.




Hi, Monique. I had withdrawal with each step down--heart pounding (though I didn't feel mentally anxious), cold sweats, general flu-like discomfort. It was very unpleasant, but I think I must have been lucky because it doesn't seem like it was more unpleasant than the withdrawal symptoms I've read about here. I didn't realize I was going down super fast until I posted on this forum.


I'm just over a month completely off the Xanex, and I'm doing well. I'm feeling more and more energetic and cheerful, my motivation is coming back, I'm beginning to pull out my various hobbies, etc.


The only lingering symptom (and for me, it's a doozy) is the tinnitus. It is driving me crazy, and I am praying that it will go away. I don't want to spend the rest of my life listening to that noise in my ears.


Thank you for checking in with me.



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[quote author=NotGleeful link=topic=74309.msg1171722#msg1171722 date


I feel a lot better and am only having mild, occasional anxiety. I am struggling with motivation, feeling generally "blah," and I have a persistent ringing in my ears, plus popping and occasional itching. It's driving me crazy. I've had the ringing for just over a week, and I was in tears last night wondering how long it would last.




The only lingering symptom (and for me, it's a doozy) is the tinnitus. It is driving me crazy, and I am praying that it will go away. I don't want to spend the rest of my life listening to that noise in my ears.


Thank you for checking in with me.








The tinnitus was around while I was on Xanax and persists.  Will it ever go away?  Does anyone have a good report about this?  It is so FREAKING loud.  Like I have radio towers receiving radio waves in my brain. 

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Hello NG and Mama,



  Just hang in there, you will get better as time flies by. Tnnitus for me is a little crazy. But I just work threw it. You just have to stay positive and keep moving forward. For me, I am much better then I was when I first started with C/T. Still have a little few symptoms, but will not think about them if I can.  :thumbsup:


  Just keep thinking about where you want o be in the near future. Always keep your mind busy with something. This will lessen the symptoms for you.  :thumbsup:





  Godspeed to you all,    :smitten:






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dear buddies, i notice that my physical symtoms fading and instead im getting mental  depression,,,do you know how long these symptoms can persiste till eventualy they will lift? thanks
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Hello Sandy Tree,


  Hang in there. You will be okay.  :thumbsup:  I can't say how long you will have the depression. Everyone one is different. But you haven't been taking them too long, so hopefully your journey with withdraws will not last very long. If you can, try to stay busy with doing something to keep your mind occupied. Then you will have less time thinking about the negative things.  :thumbsup:


  Stay the course and always think positive. You will get to the end with a big smile.  ;)




  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:






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  Hello BB


  Just hoping that everyone is doing just fine.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:  for me, it isn't a bad week at all, just some mild symptoms, but going to be okay.


  Wish all my BB a fast and mild recovery. Just stay with your program and you will get there.




    Godspeed to all,    :thumbsup::D:smitten:





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Hi 01....I was interested and encouraged by your signature line...I noticed that you went CT off of L. after 18 months with success...I am tapering from L ( 1mg) since June. I am now at. .065 at 6 am and repeat at 4pm....I still have tough days ( but not like acute when interdose s/x that were pretty awful...splitting my daily dose into 4 evenly spaced doses really helped)....My taper has followed a somewhat predictable pattern of stabilization and then some tough days following a cut..but manageable. I too "just want my life back " and am considering leaping at the end of next week...( sometimes I feel worse directly following a dose)...Could you tell me how manageable your w/d s/X's were after leaping..
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HI BB's,


    I have been feeling a LOT better for the last 2 days! YAY!!!  Had probably about a month of really bad s/x's, thus the 3 day reinstatement. At least I learned that THAT won't work! ;)

    I am about 2 weeks out from the reinstatement(3 days) and the first week and a half after it were REALLY bad.  Now I have had 2 days where I have felt better than I have since April!!!

    I got the living room re-arranged for my wife and am going to try to cut a little firewood later today. Am not sure I am up to that yet, but hey, I gotta try :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

    I don't know how long this will last, and do have mild s/x's, but after the last month(not to mention the REALLY REALLY bad stuff from the previous 5 months), this is really nice....



Keep the Faith!

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