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The Xanax Club, Let Us Know How You Are Feeling Today


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  Hello Reptile,


  Good to see that you are doing well these days.    :thumbsup:  And if you need sweets,  :D. That's okay too, at least you are getting some food into your system.  :thumbsup:  Just keep moving forward with a smile and get to the end of the tunnel with your head held high.    :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,      :smitten: 






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  :tickedoff:    A week away from month 18th, and just a little crazy these days. Anxiety is up in the morning when I wake up. But just dealing with it. It's just crazy that you hit this time period and you would think that you would be out of the woods and things would be just a lot better, right. 


    From what I have read on he site and from what our BB have stated, month 18th can be crazy. Maybe it is just that the end of the journey is almost over and this a reminder of not to take any more Benzos in your life.  :smitten: 


    From my prospective, we are getting better, it's that it will take time and we need to keep positive and just move straight ahead and try not to look back at all. I myself know that sometimes it does get hard to stay focus, but being strong will help you out much.  :thumbsup:  We all are going threw these changes in our life's for the better, so just try to smile a lot as you move on.  :)


    I am going to shake this moment off, and keep moving forward with a smile myself.


    It would be nice if our BB would leave a little not here for everyone to read and get some help from it. It does have to be a long story, just some encouragement to keep everyone moving forward and to keep them smiling.  :thumbsup:



    I hope everyone has a wonderful day this Monday. Keep your chin up, and remember to smile large at everyone n your life and everyone that passes you by.    :thumbsup:





  Godspeed to you all,    :smitten:





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Tomorrow will be 8 months. Feeling pretty good, maybe 80%. Still have nagging tinnitus, eye floaters, a little body buzzing now and then. I think I'm learning to just not care as much. I went to the dentist a week ago to begin an implant process (extraction and bone graft) and felt very little anxiety which is pretty amazing for me. Of course, after suffering through cold turkey xanax withdrawal, going to the dentist seems pretty tame. Like they say,"whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger".  Maybe I am a little stronger.....
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Hi Rocket,

  I have not been here in a long while though I often check in on you! Wanted to share that I am finished with xanax an on to valium. I held on valium for two months post xanax and was starting to see some improvements....then started the valium taper. This has been a long road...but so worth the effort. Yesterday I had a 6 hour window where I felt about 50% myself. The best part of it was I was able to feel joy! Keep believing in your healing...it is happening!

    Blessings to everyone here.


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  Hello Carita,



  Nice to see that you are shouting at me. I do hope that you are feeling good today.  :thumbsup:  just hang in there. It does get better as the time goes by. I have hd many great days. But it seems that the last weeks were so crazy. But nothing that I can't handle.  :tickedoff::thumbsup:  it is starting to be better for me this week. Had some brain fog, lol. But I just push threw it.


  It looks like you are getting there, just stay strong and you will be able to fight threw the little crazy moments.  :smitten:  They will not get that bad for you or any of our BB. Stay with the Valium, and you will get to the end.  :thumbsup: 


  Just keep on posting when you can and let us know how things are going for you. You will have all the support that you need. 




  Godspeed to you,,    :smitten: :smitten:






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    :).  Hello Reptile,



  Just checking up on you to see if you are feeling better today. Sorry to hear that you were having a bad time yesterday.    :thumbsup:



  Godspeed to you,,    :smitten::thumbsup:






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Hi there,

I've been hanging around. Was in the hospital twice for my seizures so I haven't exactly been up to doing much but trying to rest and relax. I had 4 in less than 18 hours (gran mall). Doing better today. See my doc on Wednesday, going to make her listen to reason and logic about a taper somehow. I'm pretty stressed about the whole thing considering all that has happened lately.  :-\

I have been really tired the past few days, I'm getting good sleep (7-9 hours a night) but around this time...11 am or noon I need a nap or I'm brain dead. I don't like it. But most of the time I need to because my whole body is in so much pain from the seizures (convulsions). I'm sure the random rain we've been having here the past 3 days isn't helping, especially considering I have to search around for a bridge to sleep under (I hate that).

Otherwise doing alright, I suppose.

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  Hello Reptile,



  I am so sorry that you ended up in the hospital. It seems that you had a bad stretch there for a few days. I give you a lot of credit for dealing with life has been sending you. Just stay strong. For me, I would have gone crazy by now. You are fighting threw this with a smile, good for you. I do hope that your doctor finds a good taper for you.  :thumbsup:


  For me, just a crazy few weeks, but just dealing with it. Month 18th, and everything went crazy, from a few mind games, to a few body withdraws. But hey, going to get threw this with no problem at all.  :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:    M  :thumbsup:









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Newbie to this particular thread.  I'm feeling what I believe to be withdrawal symptoms.  My head is so foggy, I have general anxiety, my vision is all weird...I know it will go away in due time.  I think I am panicking because I don't really have enough Xanax to get me through to my next MD appointment.  He wanted me to jump from 3 to 1.5 mg which I would not do.  I have enough to take 2mg per day for the next 9 days or so.  Ugh.  I don't love this.  Hoping I can just make it by with my 2mg per day!


Hope to get to know you all better!



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  Hello Rosie,


  Welcome to the forum. I myself try to help everyone out and give them the encouragement that they need to make it to the end of their journey. It seems that you might be tapering way to fast. I do hope that your Doctor is Benzo wise. Some Doctors are just to naive about Benzos and just tell everyone to taper to fast. And then, Bingo, full blown withdraw symptoms. If you haven't read the Ashton Manual, you should. She makes everyone understand that this is not a race, and that you need to take your time with tapering to make it to the end.



  Just take your time, you will get their safely.  :thumbsup:



  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:








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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm back! Again lol


I've been lingering around. I saw my doc as I mentioned in my last post and she did reinstate me, however, for only 4 weeks. I tried discussing a taper but she didn't want to hear it. It was an argument. My intake of the Xanax varies on the day and my anxiety levels.

Otherwise, I barely slept for barely 2 hours last night so I am sitting here nodding off trying not to fall asleep at the keyboard. Wish the sun would hurry up and go down so I can get into bed! Also been having alot of stomach problems, especially today. Like indigestion, pains, constipation, etc...I have IBS so I'm not sure what to make of it. Could also be a reaction to the flu shot I got last week maybe? Dunno.

Okay, done rambling for now lol  :D

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My first reply to this post, so I will just respond to the question and not go over past history.


Today, I am good. Not nearly perfect, but over all, GOOD.


Keep the Faith!

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  Hello reptile,


    Hope that you are doing better today. Sorry that you fell bad, but maybe tomorrow will bring a better day for you. Seeing that it is tomorrow for you, do wish that you have gotten the sleep that you need. 😄😃😀😊😳


  Just keep eating right if you can, I know that it is hard for you sometimes, but do wish it for you. Stay positive and there will be better times for you.


    For your Doctor, I guess that the Doc has no clue about tapering. If you can, start it yourself and take it slow. If you are have a problem with tapering, just print up a few lines from the Ashton Manual and bring it to the Doc. Maybe will find time to read it and understand what we are going threw. 😃




    Keep on smiling and I am pulling for you.  😉




Godspeed to you,





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Hello Vickerscd,


  Nice to have you on the forum, but it should be in better terms then withdrawing,  😊  Just stay with it, you are going to get better. Time, time, tim will heal us all. It might be a long process, but the better days are in the near future.    😱😱😱😱😳😳😳😳😛😛😛😛😛😛



Godspeed to you and keep moving forward,    :thumbsup:






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Thank you Oi81,


I seem to be doing much better than a lot of buddies I've seen on here. Still having some pretty bad times but nothing like weeks 6 and 7. I AM getting better already, and as I am sure you know, when the sx's hit, I may not feel the same. But, I'm taking it as it comes, and this forum is making it easier in so many ways!  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Keep the Faith!

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Day 48 of c/t withdrawal.  I had something to look forward to--a new volunteer job--and I think it did my brain good.  Trying to feel good about life and rise above my usual state of depression by distracting myself with some accomplishments, having some structure in my life & focusing on helping others made me feel like a VICTOR over benzos today, not a victim.  I'm enjoying this window, and I must say I think I do have some control over the depth and length of the waves and the sweetness of the windows....by feeding my brain with some positive and attainable goals to perk up & stimulate the neurotransmitters.
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  Hello Vickerscd



  Just hang in there with the positive attitude. You will get there. Everyone will get better. I am much better then I was since my C/T. But do get hit by waves, even this far out. But will not give in. That's why my advise is just keep moving forward, and never give up.  :thumbsup:    One of the most important things is to stay strong.  :thumbsup:


    Godspeed to you,    :thumbsup: :thumbsup:





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I would like to know if Xanax makes anyone ravenous hungry all day.  I have to eat constantly all day, about every hour, if I don't I get extremely weak.  Is this normal?  It is worse since I jumped.  I did have days were I didn't eat well.  I don't know if it is my body trying to catch up.



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Hello. I'm new here. I am dealing with withdrawal symptoms after stopping taking Xanex. (Starting the first week of July, I tapered down to zero from 6 mg/day Xanex XR, which I took for about two years. I went down about 1 mg/week with a three week pause in the middle, have been completely off the medication for about two and a half weeks).


I feel a lot better and am only having mild, occasional anxiety. I am struggling with motivation, feeling generally "blah," and I have a persistent ringing in my ears, plus popping and occasional itching. It's driving me crazy. I've had the ringing for just over a week, and I was in tears last night wondering how long it would last.


I wish that the withdrawal symptoms would go away. I'm not sure whether I'll be able to tell when I am back to normal, though. It's been a while.

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Hello Mama2,


  I went threw that phase a few times, so try not to worry at all. If you can, just try to eat right if you are cramming food. Fruits and veggies and white meat would be just fine for you. It should taper in the future for you.    :thumbsup::smitten:




  Godspeed to you.  :thumbsup::smitten:




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Hello MamaShoshanna,


  You are just wonderful to give help to other people that need it. Volunteering is a great thing to do, my hat comes off for you.  I wish that there where more people like you around that would make this great sacrifice for others.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


  Stay with the progress and keep walking forward, you will get to the end with a big smile.  :)


Wish you the best with your withdraw, and we are always here for you to give you lots of support.





  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:    :smitten:      :thumbsup:






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I would like to know if Xanax makes anyone ravenous hungry all day.  I have to eat constantly all day, about every hour, if I don't I get extremely weak.  Is this normal?  It is worse since I jumped.  I did have days were I didn't eat well.  I don't know if it is my body trying to catch up.




I have been out of control ravenous the past week. I hate it. For a while I wasn't hungry, then a few ravenous days and now it's insane. It worries me because mentally and physically gaining weight is a bad idea for me. I am usually very disciplined after losing a lot of weight....I CANNOT gain weight after all the hard work!  Helppp!!!!

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I started a multivitamin last night.  I know I have not been eating well.  I have the cracks at the corners of my mouth.  The vitamins might make the hunger worse, I don't know.  It seem every time I try to take the  B vitamins the hunger is out of control.  I just wonder it if my body is needing the nutrients or if the Xanax has messed up my metabolism.  Have you experienced any weakness?  I am almost 3 weeks off and the weakness has not let up.  Getting very discouraged.  It is difficult to function.



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