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The Xanax Club, Let Us Know How You Are Feeling Today


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  Hello BBM,



    Two thumbs up to you. Glad to hear that you are doing much better. It seems like you have the formula for your tapering. Just hang in there and always go at your own pace. You will be able to get the monkeys 🙈🙉🙊 off you back. If it does get a little tough for you, just remember, they are only symptoms.  :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,      :smitten:






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  Hello BB,



    Just a short note for now to let you know where I am with my withdraw in time.  :tickedoff: it is 16 months now since I quite Cold Turkey.    :smitten:  I can't say that it has been easy, but it hasn't been easy either. But with a positive attitude, I am making threw this crazy journey. The last three weeks have been crazy for me. I guess it is a test before healing to my 100% that I was before, or pre-Benzo days.


    I put up with a lot of symptoms to this point, and dealing with crazy days has made me stronger. I pray that I will get there soon, and that all my BB Friends will get there also.


    Hopefully this is my last wave, keeping my fingers crossed.  :thumbsup:  will keep you informed of my progress later today.  Just crazy crap..




  Godspeed to you all,      :smitten:





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Trying not to nod off. Took a Restoril to try and make the withdrawl better...it did but I am sooo damn tired now (with nowhere to go sleep!)
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  Hello Reptile,



  Hang in there. Very sorry that you are having a ruff time with your withdraw and your every day life. I do wish that there was something that I could do to give you a wish or two. This way you could get anything that you needed right now in life. Some of us don't take anything for granted, but you have been threw so much to date. I do hope that things will get better for you.    :thumbsup:




    Hang in there, and keep that positive attitude.      :thumbsup:





  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:





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Heya reptile...hang in there and make the restoril last. Can you start your taper with a new script? Or are you just cold-turkeying it?
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  Hello Reptile,



    Try and get your sleep where ever you can. This is how your body and mind will heal itself. And don't be embarrassed about such a little catnap.  :thumbsup:  Just do what you think that you need to do to get to that 100% healing mark that we all are craving.  :thumbsup: 


    Hang in there, and keep moving forward.    :thumbsup:





Godspeed to you,      :smitten:





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I don't really know what the plan is this time with the Xanax. Might get a refill on the 9th (if my psychiatrist hasn't cancelled it), but I always hate taking them. I feel "normal" for about an hour then just get really tired and grouchy.

As for the Tempazepam, it was just a script for 7 pills from when I was discharged from a hospital to help with sleep. I am making them last but I've been hearing horrible stories about what it can do to you so I don't like taking it...and unless someone has good advice on how I can very safely split up the capsule (I don't mean to get stoned, I meant because 30 MG is wayyyy too much for me!) so I can take a small amount - I don't know what to do.

Today I'm sick to my stomach and tired. Boyfriend told me after I took a Temazepam and laid down last night I was mumbling in my sleep and tossing around.  :idiot:

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Hello Reptile



    Looks like you are getting that etched in your mind that they aren't that great of a prescription to have. That is a plus on your part. Keep trying hard to stay off the pills, you will get better in the near future. You can do this,  :thumbsup:      When it gets tough for you, just think about the future when you will be off them and how much better you will be. And your knife will be much brighter also.




  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:






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Did 73 miles on the bicycle yesterday Still have tinnitus. Still have floaters. Still have weird aches and pains, but, feeling better.....
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  Hello rhafe,



    Looks like you are doing pretty good. That is a great accomplishment that you did 73 miles on your bike. Definitely 2 thumbs up to you. Keep going strong and don't give up. Just to let you know I still have tinnitus also. Hopefully it will go away very soon. Sometimes it can just be a pain in the ass. But I deal with it.  :thumbsup:


    Keep moving forward and don't look back at all.    :thumbsup:




Godspeed to you,     




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I was very angry this morning. Woke up but then my mood went foul. Major vomiting and sweating last night - however I did sleep with a dose of Temazepam and Hydroxizine. For nearly 10 hours I slept! And today I want to eat like crazy, which is great, because before I had no appetite and even if I did, I would vomit. But I'm not, however, I am not scarfing down foods I know I will become very sick from.

I am in a good mood right now listening to some music on youtube. Also shaking alot, few random twinges where I clench up my fists until they turn white because of the crazy fear afraid element I have to this withdrawl. Anyone know that feeling????

I hope to sleep early tonight!  :thumbsup:

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  Hello Rhafe,



  Very sorry that you are getting sick sometimes from eating. If you can, try an acid reducing pill that Walmart carries. I had to do this a few times, but it worked for me very well. I'm off of the Benzos for 16 months, and can eat just about anything now.  :thumbsup:  But I do have to be cautious sometimes.


  But you will get better in time. I was waking up in the mornings with lots of anxiety, but it only happens now and then. It is getting much better these days. Hope that you get lots of sleep, this will repair you body and mind.  :thumbsup:  Keep the faith.    :).  If you are getting tension these days, if you haven't tried it yet, take them hot baths. That should help you. It worked miracles for me.




  Godspeed to you,      :smitten:








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  Hello BB



  Just checking the site to see how everyone is doing today. Please let me know, okay. Will try to give you some encouragement to help you threw this crazy time.  :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:





  Godspeed to you,        :thumbsup:







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Couldn't find this post yesterday...eh, I didn't look that hard either lol. I'm not so bad today. I slept really hard last night and for about 8 hours! I am due to get a refill of Xanax tomorrow...I don't know, once again, what to do about that.
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  Hello Reptile,


    Hope that all is well with you today.  :thumbsup:  It looks like you have a big decision on your mind about the Xanax Prescript. We are all behind you no matter way you go. But just try to stay strong and get done of the crazy little pills.  :thumbsup:  I do know it is hard for you being in the situation that you are in.  So try to stay strong and keep moving forward. 


  If you get lost trying to find this page, just follow the bread crumbs, lol.  :laugh: 



    Godspeed to you,    :smitten:







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I followed the breadcrumbs! lol


I am feeling really odd today. Like how people have described not feeling real...or depersonalization. I just got off the phone with the pharmacy and they said the script was ready but I'm in no hurry to go get it, and for some reason don't think anything is real right now. I'm also kinda nodding off here and there and feeling faint (normal for me during w/d). I didn't sleep good or long last night, might be why. Appetite is back but once I ate chicken this morning I almost threw it up...almost but not quite.  :crazy:

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  Hello Reptile,


  Very sorry that you aren't feeling to good these days. Hope that it will pass for you very soon. Just try to hang in there, and just try to keep on eating. You need to keep your strength up.  :thumbsup:  when ever you can nap, just do it. You also need your sleep.  8).  Have a good weekend and try to smile more.  ;).   



  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:






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Finally got the re-fill yesterday evening. Fell asleep for hoooours, dreamless and hard as a rock. When I was walking around downtown (out of force), I had no panic or anxiety about it...actually met a stranger and became fast friends. Nothing to do what benzo's, but felt comfortable enough to get out of my shell and talk and talk for hours.


I hate Xanax. I don't like feeling like my normal self because of a stupid pill!!!!!!  :tickedoff:

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  Hello Reptile


  Just checking to see you are doing today.  :thumbsup:  Hope that you are getting enough sleep, and you are not doing to much of your script. Stay strong if you can, and remember if you can to eat too. Drink lots of water too, okay.


  Will shout at you later.    :thumbsup:





  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:







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  Hello BB,


    Just wanted to let everyone know, that its Month #17, and at the beginning of it, it was just crazy with withdraw symptoms. But I beat them down as much as I could. Been in the Gym for three weeks so far, and it does help me out very much. Symptoms are far to few, but when I do get hit with a wave,  :tickedoff:  it's not that bad. I would rate it about a 5.


    So it seems that I am getting better with time, and the luck number seems to be18 months of recovering. I do hope so.  :thumbsup:  just like to give my fellow BB some hope and let you all know that you will get there in time.  :thumbsup:  it will take some time and effort on your part, but you will all make it to the end.  :).


    Just be strong and never look back. Stay busy to keep your mind occupied and always moving forward. Just keep telling yourself that you don't have time for this awful Crappy Symptoms and you will win this Journey to the end of your withdraw.    :smitten:



  Stay strong with your tapers and c/ts and always think positive.    :smitten:  :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you all,    :smitten:










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  Hello BB,


  It's getting better these day. Panic, not to much as I wake up in the morning. But still comes and goes. Lower back pain, but I learned to tolerate these days. Can't cry  :tickedoff: about it, I must move on.



  I do hope that everyone is getting better and keeping a positive attitude.  :smitten:  try not to think about the negative part of withdraws or tapering, but where you will be when you journey is over with the Benzos.  :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to all of you,    :smitten:







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Hello BB,


  Just wishing everyone a better week. And remember to keep thinking positive and always move forward with a smile.  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,    :thumbsup:






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Hello BB,



  Just a short note today. Received a small toy poodle over the weekend, ooppssss, just like having a small child. No sleep the first nite, and only a little the second nite.  But better last night. This just takes all your energy away the next day. And it is just crazy with little symptoms.


    :thumbsup:    I have to take my hat off and get on my knees and tell all the Wonderful BB Women that I understand very well what they are going threw with their children. It's not that I didn't understand, it just gave me a better perspective of what your minds and bodies are going threw.  What a wonderful job you are doing while going threw your withdraws or tapering.    :thumbsup:  Not comparing Children with dogs at all, children are much harder to raise, but did get a great understanding for what mothers go threw.  :D:thumbsup:



  Godspeed to you all and all our BB.      :smitten:          :thumbsup:











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Not super bad today, and weather has been better so it helps! Had a good appetite this morning and ate sweets - which I never do. (Think I got too spoiled as a kid with sweets and now I don't like them anymore lol).


If I had more time I'd mention a bit more but I'm running late for errands. Thanks everyone  :smitten:

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