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The Xanax Club, Let Us Know How You Are Feeling Today


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Hello Reptile



  Do hope that you are doing a little better now. Sorry that you're having to take more crazy little pills. For myself, I just couldn't take another one. And I do understand that you are having a tough time. Try to stay strong, and just think about how great your untrue will be when you are completely off the crazy little oils,  :thumbsup:        :thumbsup:



  You will be fine, give it some time. Remember to drink plenty of water and eat good. Even if you eat small amounts every few hours.  :thumbsup: just try to stay healthy.



  Any questions or support that you need, we will be here.



  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:





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I'm in Arizona, we all drink water like crazy unless you want to pass out from heat exhaust! Plus, I'm actually allergic to soda pop, so I can't drink it anyways. I drink water and juice, which is good. Haven't ate yet today but I will later...learned the hard way to NOT stuff my face when I'm sooo hungry...we all know we'll just get sick.


I know I get a little sporadic abut posting here but I don't have my own PC, laptop, phone, anything...so when I get online it's in the library. I don't always want to be in public from anxiety...nor let anyone see over my shoulder I am typing about benzo withdrawl. So I hope no one takes it personally :)

I'm around here somewhere...

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  Hello Reptile,



  Looks like you are going in the right direction.  :thumbsup:  You will be just fine in the future. Just keep going for that 100% healing attitude. And you will get there.  I know what you mean about the heat. Lived in Florida for years and now I have been in Texas for 5 years. The heat is brutal here and there. And water is like the only thing that brings me relief from the heat.


    We understand about the computer or tech that you don't have, that is okay, don't worry about it. When you get on the site, we are all here for you.  :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you.  :smitten:







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    Hello Cagr1,



  Please don't think that way. You are going to be okay. I remember when my heart use to race also. It was just crazy, somedays I just thought that it was going to jump right out my chest. But it didn't at all. Just the crazy symptoms of the withdraw.


  You are going to be okay, I too was thinking that I was going to drop dead just standing up. But I didn't, and you will not either, okay. Maybe if you tried some breathing excersise, this should help you out very much. Right now it is just a panic attack. I had a few of em this week, but I knew it was just part of the withdraw, even 15 months out.


  If you can, try to get outside to get some sun on your body. The natural Vitamin D the the sun gives out will do you some good right now in you state of mind.  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:


  Try to relax some and if you can, drink some herbal teas.    :thumbsup:





  Godspeed to you Cagr1,      :smitten:        :smitten:








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Not great today again. Starting ranting and raging a couple hours ago...despite my good reasons that even my boyfriend agreed with. I think my anxiety is bouncing off on him, he's starting to act like me lol.

I took 6 mg of Xanax today...because I thought I was going to get to sleep and basically wanted to knock myself out. A friend kept bothering me so that didn't happen  :tickedoff:

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  Hello Cagr1,


  Very sorry that you have to go threw life feeling like that. But I do think that you will start to feel better as time goes by. Hopefully in the future after the withdraw symptoms, you can start a better life. I am sure that the crazy little pills upped the panic attacks. Give it some time, you will get better. I have read many pages of forums, and listened to many people. And they all have said that in time that they were starting to feel much better. I do hope that my words will give you some inspiration to dig it out and be strong. You will get there,  :thumbsup:        :thumbsup:



      Godspeed to you,      :smitten:        :smitten:







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  Hello Reptile,




    You definitely need you sleep. This is when the brain goes down for repairs, and the body starts to heal itself. What ever you can do, like shut the phone off, lock the doors and turn off the lights. This should help you out.    :thumbsup:  but you need your sleep very much.


    And the more Xanax you take, the longer it will for you to recover.  :tickedoff:  Sorry to tell you this. If you are going to take more, you should taper this. It seems that you are only teasing yourself. And you might have a harder time getting off the crazy little pills.


    My thoughts are with you. And questions, just scream at me. Will try to help you out as much as I can.    :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,      :smitten:     






    Rocket.    8).

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Not as easy when my bed is the street...and have no options of places to go. Not complaining, I can deal with the homelessness...just very hard to rest and relax.
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  Hello Reptile



  I am so sorry that you are in that situation. Wish that we all could just close our eyes and just open them up, and it would all be just a dream.  :tickedoff:  I would just like to see a class action law suit against the makers of these crapy little drugs. But as long as the Senators and the Congressmen are taking money from these companies for their campaigns, we are crap out of luck.

  This crap has put us in these crazy situations in the first place. But that is politics. Elected Crooks with no brains at all.



  Try to keep positive any way. I know that it can be hard.    :thumbsup:





  Godspeed to you        :smitten:





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  Hello Reptile,




  Very happy for you. Glad that you gotten the 8 hours of sleep that you need.  :thumbsup:  keep going forward, and keep on smiling big. You will get there in the future.





  Godspeed to you,  :smitten:







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  Hello reptile



  Nice to see that you are catching up on the needed sleep.  What I found out what works for me when the stomach goes crazy,    :tickedoff:      :tickedoff:      Tea and lots of ginger. I mash it up into past, dump it in,    :thumbsup:  And drink, works great for me. 


  But just today, I found a Whole Foods Store, they had candied ginger. Just nice!    Hope you will feel better soon....  :thumbsup:





Godspeed to you Reptile.    :smitten:







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  Hello BB,


  Just want to wish everyone a beautiful and better day. If it isn't a great day yet, it will. Just stay positive, and you will reap the bennifits. You will get better in time, and everything is going to be okay,    :thumbsup:    :laugh:




  Always go forward and try not to look back at all,      :thumbsup:






Godspeed to you all,        :smitten:







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Ooooh I have been in a bad mood all day. Partly withdrawl, part the fact my camp (camp is a term used to refer to where a homeless person stays/lives/sleeps/etc outside) got rained out and I had to try and sleep in dirt and mud and mildew. And being Arizona I am in, it isn't cold, it's humid and sticky hot! Ugh! I've been having alot of headaches lately still and neck pain...anyone else?
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Ooooh I have been in a bad mood all day. Partly withdrawl, part the fact my camp (camp is a term used to refer to where a homeless person stays/lives/sleeps/etc outside) got rained out and I had to try and sleep in dirt and mud and mildew. And being Arizona I am in, it isn't cold, it's humid and sticky hot! Ugh! I've been having alot of headaches lately still and neck pain...anyone else?


Oh my, reptile, I know you've got a lot of things going right now.  Are you saying you're homeless on top of everything else?

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Oh...yeah I am...I mentioned it once or twice before on here. But things like getting my camp rained out are kinda...normal things I just learned to accept considering I have no options what-so-ever to change my homelessness. Unless I want to go live with a pimp and be a hooker or drug smuggler...and the shelters here only offer one week.

It does make my benzo issues much harder though, because on the street I am always so "on guard" as it is...add withdrawl paranoia and all the other symptoms and I'm going crazy most of the time, lol.

It could always be worse  :thumbsup:

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  Hello reptile,



  I am so sorry that you have to go threw this crap by yourself. Sometimes life isnt fear for anyone today. My heart goes out to you.  :smitten:  you are differently a strong woman. And don't let anyone tell you any differently.  :thumbsup:  It just breaks my heart to see you or anyone go threw this.  :tickedoff:  I do understand your situation well.    :smitten:




  Godspeed to you, and please stay strong...      :smitten:






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  Hello BB,



        Not a bad day today. Went into the gym today to see how far I could push my crazy brain today. First time in two year. Well I have to say that it was okay.  :thumbsup:  no problems at all that I can tell. So will try to hit the gym Monday threw Friday. Will take off the weekends. Saying my prayers so I will be able to keep on going.  :thumbsup:  keeping my fingers crossed. 



        Today, some lower back pain, but not to bad.


        Tinnitus is still ringing around 35%. Hoping that this will go away permanently, dang this is just

        crazy some days.



      Keep going on strong with a smile.    ;D:).    :thumbsup:





  Godspeed to all,      :thumbsup:






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  Hello BB,




  Just to let everyone know, second day back to gym. It seems to be working out very well. So far there is no problems relayed to my withdraw. I think that it might be helping me out to recover better and faster. But will not know for sure for a few weeks into it.  :thumbsup:  Will keep everyone posted.


  One thing I do know is that it keeps my brain very busy and don't have any time to think about symptoms at all. But this is me. I don't work out real hard, but do workout for about an hour and a half. Just keeping my fingers crossed.  :thumbsup:



  Anything to add to this, just let me and other BB know, okay...







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well let me post my story here;; I started my taper off 1 mg Xanax 7 days ago.  im doing a .0625 cut every 10 to 14 days..  the first day I made a mistake and left out a whole .25 pill so I had horrible withdrawals.. so the next day I got it right.  I did Ok the first 5 days, could handle all the withdrawals and kept up my normal life.. yesterday on my 6th day the symptoms hit me like a ton of bricks.. since day 1 o have had severs nerve pain all over my body...but on yesterday they got real severe... headache, body and muscle and joint pains, severe nausea, stomach pain, depressed and crying, dizzy, just horrible thinking im gonna die.. the has been yesterday and today.. ALSO im having a lot of trouble with my blood sugar.. I cant seem to get it up and stay up,, it seems to be wanting to stay very low in the 40's to 60's !! so am I gonna live here ?? has anyone else had a late hit from the cut like me o the 6th day after the cut ?? anyone else having any of the problems im having ??/

also any suggestions on my taper cut and length of time !!  im open to any suggestions or comments  thanks  deb

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  Hello BBM,



  Hang in there, it will be tough for a little while, but you will be able to do this. About your taper, did you read the Ashton Manual, her research could help you with you tapering. She is very knowledgable with Benzos. For me, I just wanted it out off of system, so I cold turkey. I regret it some, but I feel so much better these days.  :thumbsup:


    You will have some ups and downs, but the tapering will give you more ups!  So just hang in there and move forward with you getting to your goal.    :thumbsup:





  Godspeed to you, and keep us posted with your progress.    :smitten:






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Hello BBM,



  Hang in there, it will be tough for a little while, but you will be able to do this. About your taper, did you read the Ashton Manual, her research could help you with you tapering. She is very knowledgable with Benzos. For me, I just wanted it out off of system, so I cold turkey. I regret it some, but I feel so much better these days.  :thumbsup:


    You will have some ups and downs, but the tapering will give you more ups!  So just hang in there and move forward with you getting to your goal.    :thumbsup:





  Godspeed to you, and keep us posted with your progress.    :smitten:











hey 0i81  yes I read at it a little  didn't get the book.  took a lot of different peoples advice on here as to what might be best for me.  I decided to try the .0625 cut and dry cut it and give that a try.. I guess im trying to figure out if what im going thru right now is normal and to be expected... and I guess it was ok it took 6 days to really hit me hard ??? I was going to do a smaller cut but it hard to do the cuts that small... I was going to do the water things but could not really understand it !!!

thanks for the supporative words and I will try and hang in there...

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  Hello BBM,


  I hope that you ate doing a little better today. And yes, my opinion is that if you taper or if you C/T, I do believe that you are going to get withdraw symptoms no matter what. Everyone one is different. And if you do taper slow, I think that the symptoms are lighter then when you C/T.  :thumbsup:


  But just go at your own pace. I think that your body will let you know if you cut to soon. If you have to, just take longer to your next cut. Your brain and body might take a little longer to adjust between the cuts.    :thumbsup: 



  Godspeed to you,      :smitten:







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Hello BBM,


  I hope that you ate doing a little better today. And yes, my opinion is that if you taper or if you C/T, I do believe that you are going to get withdraw symptoms no matter what. Everyone one is different. And if you do taper slow, I think that the symptoms are lighter then when you C/T.  :thumbsup:


  But just go at your own pace. I think that your body will let you know if you cut to soon. If you have to, just take longer to your next cut. Your brain and body might take a little longer to adjust between the cuts.    :thumbsup: 



  Godspeed to you,      :smitten:








Hey rocket,


yes im going to pace myself  Today was an AWESOME day  almost  symptom free.  did lots of running around and even went ot the hair salon and got my hair cut  love it !!!! hope u had a good day also !!!! yes i will wait a few days now before i do my next cut.,if i wait till the 31st it will be 15 days since my first cut so i iwll proabbay cut on the 13, 14 of 15th day  i will see how im doing !!  chat wiht you sson  deb  :smitten:

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