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The Xanax Club, Let Us Know How You Are Feeling Today


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can i just ask what people are eating and drinking during the day?? i'm getting really bored with my diet..i eat lots of fruit and nuts and pb and j sandwiches, a protein drink and lots of water..
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  Hello Cagr1



  Try to hang in there, I do understand what you are going threw,  :tickedoff:  It's kind of crazy at month 7 or 8.  The symptoms just come back when they want too. But for me, after another 6 to 8 weeks after those months, it started to ease up much for me.


  Today I am much better, yes, much better.  :thumbsup:      :thumbsup:  Will not sugar coat it for you or any other BB. It gets tough sometimes, but as the time goes by, so will the symptoms disappear.


  All I can say is that the brain is starting to balance itself out with its own natural chemicals. And from all the scientific data that I have read, until our brains level out the chemicals and start to produce the good ones. We get the crazy symptoms that just drive us mad.  :tickedoff::-X.



  Keep positive and move forward. Stay busy and eat proper .    :smitten:






Godspeed to you.    :smitten:          :smitten:









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can i just ask what people are eating and drinking during the day?? i'm getting really bored with my diet..i eat lots of fruit and nuts and pb and j sandwiches, a protein drink and lots of water..


I have been eating what I used to eat but try to avoid too much sugar, caffeine, stuff like that. I'm at 6 1/2 months after CT and there are brief periods when I feel pretty good, but, I'm a long way from being 100%. Gets pretty discouraging at times.

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hi buddies - i was on 3 mg of xanax for 9 years..i had this huge 4 month window and my first wave six weeks ago - i'm truly hating life..i'm so hot, and my skin is so gross, and the metal taste in my mouth won't go away..


i've been eating whatever i want as well - i'm just getting really sick of it, just wanted to see if anything else sounded good..


thanks for sharing you guys..it's a big help and also a great way to make the day go faster..


have a great day... :) :) :) :)

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  Hello Cagr1,



  Just seen your other question. Eating was a little project. One thing that I did enjoy at the beginning was Freto's, chile cheese. Lot of flavor. You just need to eat what you like, but just watch out what might bring out your symptoms. 



  The one that I do like is Coconut Water. Good Minerals with this. The things that your body needs to balance out your own chemicals in you body.  Over clipped ice, no vodka,  lol    :D




  Keep on smiling Cagr1.    :thumbsup:





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hi rocket - i eat really clean now and i started that a long time ago - no meat, sometimes some chicken, not much...lots of fruits and nuts yogurt and tons of water and a protein shake from whole foods..and pb and j for dinner..pretty boring but i'm a mono eater..i did have pizza last night and chocolate ice cream...and big salad today..that's it..so boring..


have a good day - thanks for writing..

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  Hello Cagr1,



  You should be proud of what you are doing with your diet. That is great. I know that it can be boring sometimes, but very healthy. You are on the right path. When all the symptoms are gone from your withdraw, even your body will be up to par, as the say, a lean mean fighting machine, right. Just keep on doing what you do, and reap the bennifits at the end.    :thumbsup:   


  I eat bout the same things, but throw in homemade pasta. Sorry, I am Italian.    :tickedoff:



  Have a good night, and will shout back tomorrow.          :smitten:





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hi rocket, i'm jewish but there is no way i'm eating any kosher food except for deli food..other jewish food is really nasty...


you were only on xanax for a short time..i've lost 9 1/2 years to this crazy drug...i can't believe how long it takes to get out of our systems..life is just so unfair...


have a good night..

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  Hello Cagr1,


  Hope you are doing a little better these today. I do understand about you being Jewish. My best friend Jackie is Jewish. We would go to all the Deli's and eat all the bagels, cream cheese, locks and the best prastrami. I miss all these very much. But in the last year and a half, just couldn't eat it at all.


  But now is a different story, kind of like a see food diet. I see food and I eat it, lol.  :thumbsup:    :D

But in all this crazy crap we been threw. We had to stay with foods that wouldn't make our symptoms go insane. Now, or when you get further threw your withdraw, you will be surprise at what kinds of spicy, fatty, greasy, unhealthy foods you will be able to tolerate.  Not saying that you should indulge in these foods at all. But you will see a difference of what you body can handle.


  So just say with the foods that don't bother you right now. In the near future, you will be amazed at how your life will change for the better.    :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:







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hi rocket - i have no desire to eat unhealthy except for one day a week and i eat whatever i want..i had 4 months without any symptoms at all and still i only ate poorly one day a week. i do that now - pizza, and ice cream for desert..i just want to be healthy for the rest of my life - and i'm hoping that its a long time...although lately i feel like i don't have much time left..i'm always worried that i'm going to have a heart attack or stroke, and i've lost so many years of my life already..sometimes i regret my decision to stop taking xanax..
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I f****g hate Xanax. Doc put me back on it  yesterday and I feel worse than before! Trust me! The withdrawl is better...at least I think so. I'm not over-doing it either. I'm grouchy, tired, disinterested and super depressed. :(
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so your dr. put you back on xanax, did you take it??


welcome to the club - i don't think many of us feel good right now..

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Yes, she did, without my asking. Went to the pharmacy to pick up my other meds and did a double take at Xanax, 120 pills, 1 mg each...she's a quack! I don't even have an upcoming appointment with her! (Not that the doctor's office could get a hold of me anyhow - my entire purse was stolen a week ago, phone, wallet, etc). But still. It's making me feel worse! I'm not taking it!
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so sorry your purse got stolen, that is one of my biggest fears..


so you are no longer taking the xanax?? i see that you haven't taken any since may 27, that is great..i can understand how you feel about not wanting to see your dr again..i think so many of us fired our drs...


you are in a good place right now - we all can relate to how you are feeling now..good luck and keep sharing, it will make you feel like you are part of the "club"

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I took one MG pill this morning, regretted it too. Got all irritated over nothing. Ended up taking a half a good 7 hours later, regretted that too. So my bottle is collecting dust, so to speak. I thought through all the withdrawl I needed it soooo bad, I finally got it, and hate it, talk about ironic? lol


Not that I'm doing too fantastic in other areas...eeekkk....

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hi r13 - at least you have your sense of humor and i think that is a must here, the only way i know how to get thru my day, and of course thousands of hours watching really bad reality tv.


you know when i get irritated i take 1/2 of a vallium and that seems to help..


this is all so ironic..who knew what we were getting ourselves into?? i did not have this forum while i was detoxing, but found it a few months ago on my first wave..all the new lingo too..i had a huge 4 month window, and thought i was all done with this crap..sadly to say that did not happen..


i hope you have a good day..

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  Hello Cagr1,



  Please don't even think like that. You will live to be 100 years old if you keep on eating good like you do.  :thumbsup:


  And I don't think that you are going to have a heart attack at all. I was feeling the same way too when I first started withdrawing. It can be crazy sometimes. But I did find out one thing.  Working out in the gym does make me relax more and no panic at all.


  And it is nice that you have pizza once a week. This way you will not drive yourself crazy.  :tickedoff:





  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:






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hi rocket..i wish i could workout, but right now thats not possible, i can only stand for 8 minutes..timed it last time i took a shower, i start to feel faint if i stand any longer..i take short walks everyday, but that isn't really exercise..


rocket i have no desire to live to 100..heart attacks and strokes run in my family, and even though i eat really well that doesn't exclude me from either of these two things..


i have to cheat once a week, otherwise i would feel like i'm deprived..

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  Hello Reptile,



    Hang in there. The only way you can get threw this is don't do them any more. I know hat it is hard, I went here the same situation too. You have to be strong and you have to have a deep desire to take your life back. If you do, you will get threw this, honest. I am much better now then I was a year ago.

    It seems like a long time, but you are better off with out e crazy little pills. I have bottles of them in the cabinet, but have no desire to even touch the bottles at all.  :thumbsup:  just stay strong and move forward. And try not to worry about the crazy quacks that keep writing he prescripts.



  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:






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  Hey Cagr1,



    Sorry that you have trouble with standing up these days. But it will go away soon for you. As we say in time. This little nightmare will be way behind you.    :thumbsup:



    And about the heart attacks or strokes. Sometimes it jumps generations. So please don't dwell on that at all. You are eating right and just keep a good attitude and you will live a very long time. I have lots of Doctor friends, that's why I know this. And none of them ever written a prescription for Benzos. Just good Docs. 


  And it is okay to splurge every one in away.    :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you.    :smitten:




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  Good Morning BB,



  Just a short letter to wish everyone a better day. Try to stay positive and keep moving forward with your recovery. We all know that sometimes it gets real hard to keep your wits. But if you can, get out of bed, out of the house, and try to keep your mind busy at all times when not sleeping.  :thumbsup:


  You will get better in the future and your symptoms will get weaker as the time goes by. If you finished your taper or if you c/t-ed. Just stay the course, you will make it to the end.  :smitten:  it's hard, we all know that, but symptoms are only symptoms, right. They will confuse us, but they will not break us. Just regroup and think about what you will do once all the symptoms are gone, and you are healed 100%. You will have a better life and will enjoy life much better.



  If you have any thoughts, please leave them here for everyone to read and quote you back.



Godspeed to you all,      Keep strong,      :thumbsup:          :thumbsup:






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Morning/afternoon all...

I despise Xanax. I have it now as some of you know and it is literally making me sick. I didn't even take barely 2 mg today and felt horrible! (Normal dose is up to 8 mg a day). I cried like a baby over ridiculousness, was sick to my tummy, paranoia, you name it. My last dose was .50 of a mg and I fell asleep immediately on my boyfriend (on the bus)....however, I felt like I was going into a seizure beforehand!  ???

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  Good Morning BB,



  Just a short letter to wish everyone a better day. Try to stay positive and keep moving forward with your recovery. We all know that sometimes it gets real hard to keep your wits. But if you can, get out of bed, out of the house, and try to keep your mind busy at all times when not sleeping.  :thumbsup:


  You will get better in the future and your symptoms will get weaker as the time goes by. If you finished your taper or if you c/t-ed. Just stay the course, you will make it to the end.  :smitten:  it's hard, we all know that, but symptoms are only symptoms, right. They will confuse us, but they will not break us. Just regroup and think about what you will do once all the symptoms are gone, and you are healed 100%. You will have a better life and will enjoy life much better.



  If you have any thoughts, please leave them here for everyone to read and quote you back.



Godspeed to you all,      Keep strong,      :thumbsup:          :thumbsup:







thank you so much, as always, Rocket.

I'm having a difficult time these last few days after jumping two weeks ago. I felt better a few days ago than I do now. I'll never go back though. Thank you for being here.


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  Hello Stevie,



  Hope that you will get better soon. I do understand what you have been threw and what you are going threw. It is a crazy time for all of us. Try to stay focus  in your recovery. I was hit by a little wave a few days ago. How I hate this so much. But trying to syat positive about it. I will beat this one again.


  If I would of know better, and had the knowledge, I would have tapered. But what the heck. So I C/T-ed and with you and many other in the same boat.


  But in all this chatter that I am doing, try to relax and go forward.    :thumbsup:  things will get smoother for you.




  Godspeed to you Stevie,      :smitten:







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Not feeling great today. Have a migraine soooo bad it's unbelievable! Was very grouchy this morning as well. Ended up taking 1 mg Xanax, then another later on because my heart felt like it was going to expload. Very tired. It's like my body is rejecting benzo's, which is kinda good.


Another dr wrote me a 7 day script for Restoril (for sleep), but I know it has benzo's in it so I really don't want to fill it  :-\

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