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The Xanax Club, Let Us Know How You Are Feeling Today


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  Hello Cagr1



  Sorry for the late reply back,  but I do hope that you are feeling better today. I do know what you are going threw, it's just crazy how this little pill works. Just when you think that I might be over, bam, here we go again. I do wish that our government would do something about this medication and just take it off the market. But no, there is too much money that the "I Don't Give A Rats Ass About Anyone At All. Just show me the Money. If the CEO's of these companies were forced to take these Illegal Drugs for a year, and before they can release them on the market. It would be a different song and dance.

  But hang in there, try to stay tough, I just learned to deal with the symptoms of withdraws. It's not that I can snap my fingers and be back to normal before taken these drugs. Wish that I could, but I was dealt this hand and will have to play it out for now.

  I hope that you are getting out of the house every now and then, everyone needs to cear the cobwebs in our brains.

  I wish you a better day today.  :thumbsup:  try to smile a little and keep going forward, this is just a stopover for us.....



  Godspeed to you.      :smitten:      :thumbsup:







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Hello BB,




  Just a short note to let everyone know that it is a crazy week. Symptoms are threw the roof.  But just not going to worry about it, keeping the brain busy. Body aches, brain fog, burning all over the legs too.


    It's crazy, just crazy, but just going to push on forward.    :tickedoff:    :tickedoff:



    Godspeed to you all,      :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:




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Good thinking. Just push forward!


I am excited that today is day two of being at only half a .25 mg pill all day. I can't wait to be off but I'm also scared too. So far my symptoms aren't too bad, but I still have them of course. I'm worried that they will get worse the less I take though. But I'm pushing forward as well.



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the last few days life has been miserable - lack of sleep - nausea aches and pain, trouble swallowing sweating like crazy, and very dizzy, i'm trying to stay distracted but it is not easy having lots of anxiety early in the morning..


i wish i had done more when i had that long window - but i had no idea that i would still have so many symptoms after 6 months, that is when i found this forum...

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  Hello G&G



    You will be okay. Just take one day at a time. If things get bad, just jump back onto the site for some support. We are here for you, and will help you threw this. But remember one thing, you might have a better withdraw then many BB. But whatever happens, just stay strong and withdraw symptoms will come and go. You will be able to deal with them.  :thumbsup:


    Stay strong and move forward. You can do this, with your positive thoughts. I myself get better everyday, some good, some not so good. But I know what to expect these days,  :).    Much better then when I started the crazy journey.  :tickedoff:  but it is all good, I just keep on smiling these days.   



    Stay focus with your recovery. Taper properly and you will get threw this mess.  :thumbsup:



  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:        :smitten:







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Hello Cagr1,


  Sorry that your last days have been going bad for you. But there should be better days ahead for you. Those withdraw symptoms can drive everyone crazy, but remember, they are only symptoms. And they will dissipate over time, and in the future go away all together.

  We can't put to date when in the future. So, it's like a waiting game. Please don't get discourage at all, there is hope for everyone. If your having trouble with staying busy, I suggest to get out for walks. Drink lots of water to flush your system out, and try to eat right. Sleeping was crazy for me at first. But with the Scottish Oatmeal and L-Theamine, I was able to sleep much better. These days sleep is better. 7 to 8 hours a night.

  You will get there too. I'm being honest, will take some time for you, but you will get there,  :thumbsup:      :thumbsup:



  Hope that you will get better soon,    :).    :thumbsup:




Godspeed to you,  :smitten:          :thumbsup:





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  Good Morning to All BB,



  Just want to wish everyone a better day today. We all know that it can be ruff to battle withdraw symptoms. But with the help of others, we will get threw these crazy journeys. Keep your heads up high, and never, never look back. All BB will heal, it's just a time game. Yes, time will heal you all. Just try to hang in there. Stay busy and keep your minds busy.  :thumbsup:    :thumbsup:




    Godspeed To All of You,        :smitten:







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hi - feeling so good today - still a few symptoms ringing in my ears, a little dizzy and tired, but that's about it...hopefully i'm in another window and i will enjoy and cherish the days that are coming my way...looking forward to living my life again...
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  Hello cagr1,



      Hope that you will have a very good window. Very long, long, long.  :thumbsup:  Yes the ears can be a pain in the butt. But with mine, I just deal with it one day at a time. Lower back pain is a kicker, but to big to cry about it,  :tickedoff:    I hope that it will go away soon.


  But in all the insanity, we strive on, and will be looking forward to our 100% healing. No more symptoms, at all.


  You have a great weekend, and will be checking in all the time.    :thumbsup:




Godspeed to you and the BB.      :smitten:          :smitten:







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  Hello cagr1,



      Hope that you will have a very good window. Very long, long, long.  :thumbsup:  Yes the ears can be a pain in the butt. But with mine, I just deal with it one day at a time. Lower back pain is a kicker, but to big to cry about it,  :tickedoff:    I hope that it will go away soon.


  But in all the insanity, we strive on, and will be looking forward to our 100% healing. No more symptoms, at all.


  You have a great weekend, and will be checking in all the time.    :thumbsup:




Godspeed to you and the BB.      :smitten:          :smitten:







hi rocket - i don't know what "ears" means - i have had a pretty good day, i ate really well, have answered a few emails, and spent sometime reading posts from new people and am glad i'm this much closer to getting my life back after (i've lost 9 years to this drug) and now at 6 1/2 xanax free i am feeling better...took a nice shower today, hung out with my son..but still watching tv..



i hope you have a good weekend as well..i will be here over the weekend, it sure makes my day go by faster..

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  Hello cagr1,


  Very happy for you. It seems that you are on the right path to being healed. And that's very nice that you are getting to spend time with your son. Better days are here for you.  Stay with your program and keep on moving forward, like they say, there is light at the end of the tunnel. You will get there soon.  :thumbsup:      :smitten:




    Godspeed to you,    :smitten:    :smitten:







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Hi. Only yesterday did I realise I had become addicted again.

I had been taking .25 Xanax most days, but not every day.

Yesterday, I woke with wd symptoms. I have been through a benzo nightmare in 2010, so I knew the feeling. Funny thing is, I took 2x .25s and still felt horrible through the day.

I've another 2 left and I'll see my doc tomorrow. Also, I've been taking Zolpidem for sleep some nights and never connected the two.

Anyway, it's 7.20am and I'm still awake.

I'll post later.

Hope you people are doing ok.

Damn this benzo hell.

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  Hello REric



  Sorry to hear that you are back with the withdraw symptoms again. I can see that this drug needs to be put on the blacklist by the FDA. But when it comes down to profit, the big Corperations win. Maybe there should be a Class Action Lawsuit started on this matter of Benzos. Have a few friends that are Attorneys, going to talk with them this week. And will post what they say.


  Hang in there, you can make it again.  :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,    :thumbsup:







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    :thumbsup:      :thumbsup:        :thumbsup:



  Good Morning to All BB,



  Just want to wish Everyone a Better Day.  I know some of Our BB will have good days, some bad days. But there will be better days ahead for everyone.  :thumbsup:    So just hang in there and keep moving forward. Remember, that Withdraw Symptoms are just Symptoms, that's all they are. You can beat these things by just staying busy.  :thumbsup:   


  Just keep yourself busy with things that you can do that do not bother you to much. You will keep your mind busy and not think about what is bothering you so much.


  Everyone can do this to a certain extent. You might have to push yourself a little. But you will feel better about it.    :thumbsup:



  Godspeed to you,    :smitten:        :thumbsup:







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new sx's - i'm vibrating in the left leg only for 2 days, (i was scared that i might have a heart attack, but did some deep breathing exercise and it finally stopped, now i'm vibrating everywhere, excessive  sweating more than usual...yuck, i'm so hot, better sleep...it's going to be a long hot summer..ringing in both ears, feels like there is something in my throat, my vision is weird...the list kind of goes on..


i know i'm healing minute by minute...trying to stay positive...

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  Hello Cagr1,




      Very sorry that you are having a crazy week there. Just want to say I do understand what you are going threw. The ringing in the ears can drive me a little nuts sometimes, but I fight threw it. The sweating is just crazy sometimes for me. When I c/t-ed, I was swearing so bad that I would just make the sheets wet. This does go away later. I am much better now, but there are days that I can get out of the shower and start to sweat some. Or just sitting watching a movie on TV, I would sweat a little. But this is my withdraw symptom.  :tickedoff: 


  The inner vibration I had for a few weeks, but subsided. It did come back after a few months, but was only for a week and then went away. You could be different with your symptoms, so if you can, try not to let it bother you to much.


  Try to stay focus on your recovery.    :thumbsup:    If you can, keep spending time with your Son. This will keep your mind occupied.    :thumbsup:      :).          I do understand that sometimes it gets ruff, for me, I just ride my bike. 



  Godspeed to you Cagr1,        :smitten:










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  Hello Stevefan,


  You are Very Welcome.    :smitten:      :smitten:  I will always be here for you and every BB out there that may need some advice, or just a Big Smile to keep you going forward. When I started out with my C/T,  I was given much help to keep me going on. This is the least that I can do also. And the best thing about my Advise or Smiles, they are all FREE.    :thumbsup:


  Just to let you know, that even when I am 100% cured, I promise to still be on the site helping all BB.  :smitten:







  Godspeed to You and All BB.        :thumbsup:          :smitten:








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hi xanax buddies - i have to say i'm having a pretty good day...i hope that doesn't jinx it..i got a little housework done been playing with my iphone and found some pretty cool apps - something i haven't done in months, playing with my mac a little so many cool things here, i haven't felt like exploring...
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  Hello Cagr1,



  Very happy or you.  :thumbsup::);D.  Wish you a very long time with your window, and may ou never have a bad day again.    :thumbsup:  keep exploring with your tech goods. 





  Godspeed to you.        :smitten:






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thanks rocket..i don't want to say that "im in a window" because i feel good right now..i am trying to keep a positive outlook..


i'm just grateful for this forum, it makes the day go by so much faster..

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  Hello Cagr1,



  You are very welcome. I do like to help my BB with their withdraws, it makes me feel good inside. And I am giving back to the wonderful People that helped me out threw my withdraw and my crazy state after C/T-ing.      :smitten: 


  There are so many caring BB here on the site. And I do believe that everyone will get better with time. And that with all the advice and smiles that everyone gives, it will make things go easier for all of us here searching for answers and support.  :thumbsup:


  Go hang in there everyone, there is better days ahead.  Always push forward, try not to look back at all.





  Godspeed to you and all BB,        :smitten:            :smitten:









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  To All My BB,


  If you are reading this, please let everyone know how you are doing today, tomorrow and in the future. This will help out many of your BB to see what they might go threw and expect in the future. Just a little note is very appreciated to your BB.  :thumbsup:


  There are so many questions that they are asking and if you leave a short note how you are doing, they can read them, and understand what the withdraw symptoms they might be having or might get in the future. This will let them adjust their day or even week to prepare for a change in SXS. So please let them know these little things to help them out. It might even make them smile a little to see that one of their BB is leaving a note for them.    :smitten:



Godspeed to you and everyone else,      :smitten:      :smitten:





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  Good Morning BB,


    Just want to let everyone know that your post are very helpful to all that read them. Please keep them coming. Let them know how you are feeling and what you have been going threw with your journey to become 100% healthy again.  :thumbsup:      :thumbsup:        :thumbsup:



    From my thoughts, I am getting a lot better these days, only have lower back pain for the last few weeks. But I can't complain much.  :tickedoff:    Life is better foe me, and it will get better for you too. Just keep the faith and keep moving forward.  :thumbsup:





  Godspeed to all our BB,  keep on smiling.      :smitten:              :smitten:






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i need to say today i am MISERABLE..thought i was doing pretty well but now i'm not..i am at 7 months and things are just getting worse..



can i ask what you guys are eating? i'm so tired of eating the same thing, but can't think of anything good. i eat pretty clean, but i need a break. we had pizza and ice cream last night, which was so nice..but i can't do that everyday..

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