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  Hello cagr1,


    Very sorry that you are having trouble sleeping. Maybe you can try this remedy. It is called Scothist Oatmeal. I seen this product on the Doctor Oz Show, and he rared it very highly. So I gave it a try, and it worked very well for me. It has an over abondance of Melitonin. Which puts just about 50% of the population asleep. Try to take it 45 minutes before you want to sleep. I added sme milk and honey to it, to make it taste a little better. It's something like a new born baby that's gets up every few hours looking for food. But after a few months when it is okay, we start to give them cearel in the milk. They start to sleep longer, right? So the combination of milk and Scotish Oatmeal works together to put you to sleep.

    There is another product that I used that worked also for me. It is called L-Theanine, it is a natural extract from green tea. This was on the Doctor Oz Show also. But please do your research first. These worked for me, and they might work for you too.  :thumbsup:


      But in all, stay focus and always move forward. Keep positive and stay busy so your mind does throw negative thoughts at you.  :thumbsup:



Godspeed to you,      :smitten:        :smitten:





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  Hello cagr1,


    Very sorry that you are having trouble sleeping. Maybe you can try this remedy. It is called Scothist Oatmeal. I seen this product on the Doctor Oz Show, and he rared it very highly. So I gave it a try, and it worked very well for me. It has an over abondance of Melitonin. Which puts just about 50% of the population asleep. Try to take it 45 minutes before you want to sleep. I added sme milk and honey to it, to make it taste a little better. It's something like a new born baby that's gets up every few hours looking for food. But after a few months when it is okay, we start to give them cearel in the milk. They start to sleep longer, right? So the combination of milk and Scotish Oatmeal works together to put you to sleep.

    There is another product that I used that worked also for me. It is called L-Theanine, it is a natural extract from green tea. This was on the Doctor Oz Show also. But please do your research first. These worked for me, and they might work for you too.  :thumbsup:

      But in all, stay focus and always move forward. Keep positive and stay busy so your mind does throw negative thoughts at you.  :thumbsup:



Godspeed to you,      :smitten:        :smitten:






Hi Rocket,

Thank you for writing. I am having severe food issues, the smells are so hard to deal with - and I'm not sure I could stomach oatmeal right now, really the most I can do it fresh fruit and yogurt.


I talked to my dr. about the L-theanine he told me it was very expensive, and did not know if that would help. He put me on chloral hydrate, no luck with that - so sleeping and eating are the worst. I see people post to keep busy..I am really having a difficult time with that. This is my only support at the moment. I have good drs. and a great therapist, I just don't feel safe driving, due to lack of sleep and the hangover affect I have next day. I know this healing process is long, but I have to keep going, I just need to stay busy even if it is on this site all day long..Hope to hear from you again and read what has helped you get thru this..

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Didn't sleep too good last night - and my boyfriend told me I was mumbling nonsense in my sleep. I feel more "normal" than usual today - which is good...especially because it's 107 degrees out! Still having problems remembering anything, and reading is almost impossible! Also have eye floaters and the feeling of fainting when I stand.

I'm hangin in here...

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  Hello Cagr1, 


  I am sure that you have good Doctors, but you need to have Doctors that have the knowledge of Benzos. Just not Doctors that think they know about Benzos. I have many very close friends that are Doctors, and when I talked to them lately about Benzos, they didn't know anything at all. So the conclusion is, sometimes you have to do your own research to find good solutions to your own withdraws.

  Sorry that you are having problems with your food, but the L-Theanine works great for just about everyone whom has tried it. Extracted from green tea leaves, very natural.  I see that you can't drive, if you can, you can order both products from Amazon.  And it is very cheap from them, and you can have it delivered to your from door too.

    But the Scothist Oatmeal you could try when you feel better.    I do hope that you will feel better soon.    :thumbsup:  And yes, just stay busy with doing things. This will help you out very much with the thoughts that run in your brain.


    Keep moving forward, and stay positive.      :smitten:




Godspeed to you.      :smitten:







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  Hello Retile13,



    Hang in there, it will get better for you soon. When I C/Ted, I had the same symptoms also. My concentration is back, not all the way, but enough to read and understand a lot better. I am sure that it will be 100% in the future.


    My opinion only, I think that your Doc is just a Jackass. A person whom knows nothing about Benzos. This Doc should have done some research about the crazy little pills, and then have you taper off the Drug. I do think that is the only way to get off the drug properly. You didn't deserve the seizure that you gotten. If the Doctor tapered you off properly, you wouldn't have ended on the ground,  :tickedoff:


    But only my opinion. Sorry that you had to go threw this,  :).  Hope that you will have a better time with your withdraw symptoms.




  Godspeed to You,      :smitten:          :thumbsup:









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  Hello Cagr1, 


  I am sure that you have good Doctors, but you need to have Doctors that have the knowledge of Benzos. Just not Doctors that think they know about Benzos. I have many very close friends that are Doctors, and when I talked to them lately about Benzos, they didn't know anything at all. So the conclusion is, sometimes you have to do your own research to find good solutions to your own withdraws.

  Sorry that you are having problems with your food, but the L-Theanine works great for just about everyone whom has tried it. Extracted from green tea leaves, very natural.  I see that you can't drive, if you can, you can order both products from Amazon.  And it is very cheap from them, and you can have it delivered to your from door too.

    But the Scothist Oatmeal you could try when you feel better.    I do hope that you will feel better soon.    :thumbsup:  And yes, just stay busy with doing things. This will help you out very much with the thoughts that run in your brain.


    Keep moving forward, and stay positive.      :smitten:




Godspeed to you.      :smitten:






Hi Rocket - I have a great dr. he is the one who told me to go off xanax. The dr. that gave me the xanax was from the VA - I'm a disabled veteran and have had sleep issues my whole life. I have been to 4 sleep disorder clinics, but no one can figure out why I can't sleep. My son has it as well, and my father had it - I was told it is hereditary, but I don't know if that is true or not.


I do a lot of research, and my psychiatrist is great - he has me trying new drugs on the market but I had very bad side affects on it, so I had to stop. I'm on a new "cocktail" of meds, but they are not working either. I have tried the L-Theanine and that did not work for me either. I have taken GABA no luck. I fall asleep pretty quickly but do not stay asleep. Life is pretty miserable.

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  Hello. Cagr1,


    I don't mean to be so negotiate about some Doctors, but you didn't need to go cold turkey from Xanax, only my opinion. I did it myself, because the doctor that given me the pills, didn't have the knowledge and never helped me out with anything at all.


    One of my friends is one of the top ranked Internist in the USA. And he studied the side effects of Benzos. And also did some research on Doctors that give the meds, and what they don't even know about them. It's just sad that the government allows this to happen.  :tickedoff:



  But first of all, I do want to thank you for your service to our Country.  :smitten:  I had many family in the Arm Services. We just can't give enough back to the wonderful Men and Women that kept, and that will keep us free.


  I do hope that we can find a good solution to your sleepless nights.  :thumbsup:    Have you tried the Scothis Oatmeal? I just think that the Natural way is to go, if we can. 


  Don't mean to be one sided, but when I think about the Doctor that given me the crazy little pills to sleep, and all the other people too. It just makes me want to scream out loud. It just seems that I lost 14 months of my life, and don't even know when I will be back to 100%. But keeping positive about the outcome. It will be great, :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


  I do hope that you will be feeling better soon, and be able to get more sleep. It was hard for me to sleep when I did go C/T. Didn't sleep at all for the first month. Maybe about 3 or 4 hours a night. But know much better. I do know that it takes time to get back into the swing of things.



  Please keep us posted, and if you need to vent out loud, I do know that my ears are always open.



  Godspeed to You,          :smitten:










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  Hello. Cagr1,


    I don't mean to be so negotiate about some Doctors, but you didn't need to go cold turkey from Xanax, only my opinion. I did it myself, because the doctor that given me the pills, didn't have the knowledge and never helped me out with anything at all.


    One of my friends is one of the top ranked Internist in the USA. And he studied the side effects of Benzos. And also did some research on Doctors that give the meds, and what they don't even know about them. It's just sad that the government allows this to happen.  :tickedoff:



  But first of all, I do want to thank you for your service to our Country.  :smitten:  I had many family in the Arm Services. We just can't give enough back to the wonderful Men and Women that kept, and that will keep us free.


  I do hope that we can find a good solution to your sleepless nights.  :thumbsup:    Have you tried the Scothis Oatmeal? I just think that the Natural way is to go, if we can. 


  Don't mean to be one sided, but when I think about the Doctor that given me the crazy little pills to sleep, and all the other people too. It just makes me want to scream out loud. It just seems that I lost 14 months of my life, and don't even know when I will be back to 100%. But keeping positive about the outcome. It will be great, :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


  I do hope that you will be feeling better soon, and be able to get more sleep. It was hard for me to sleep when I did go C/T. Didn't sleep at all for the first month. Maybe about 3 or 4 hours a night. But know much better. I do know that it takes time to get back into the swing of things.



  Please keep us posted, and if you need to vent out loud, I do know that my ears are always open.



  Godspeed to You,          :smitten:







Rocket - I joined the military not for a very good reason, but to make my father angry - and I thought I would be able to get out, but I was filling a quota for women at the time.


I hate the fact that the VA gives vets pills for everything - I lost 9 years of my life, now my short term memory, my lose of appetite,


I don't think there is an answer to my sleep disorder, since I had it before the detox.


I did not go ct off of xanax it took me about 3 months to get off of it - Dec 16th was the day I was completely off - I had about 2 weeks and I was ok but now I am in the first "wave" of whatever is going on - some say healing I have no idea, but I'm pretty miserable.


I am thankful for this forum, I just have so many questions and no answers...

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I've been on xanax for almost 30 years :(    I tapered down with the Ashton method, from 3mg. to 1.5 mg.  and now am stuck at 1.5mg. for the past eight years.      Don't know if there is any hope for me getting off this poison completely!


It was sheer hell to taper via the diazepam method.    I seemed to have an extremely depressed reaction to the valium.  That plus the withdrawal of the xanax was unbearable.  My mornings were excruciatingly anxiety ridden with horrible doom and gloom, continuing through most of every day until evening when I got a slight bit of relief.    I guess it was due to the valium plus the cortisol/adrenal release in the mornings?  Anyway that is my story and I am scared to go any lower feeling as though this drug has ruined my life.  I have lost friends, due to agoraphobia, fear of people, etc. 


My only hope is to do tiny cuts (as in shave off a slight bit of the tablet) and hope it will work.  I started to shave them a bit because my psychiatrist gave me a type of antihistamine drug that is used for anxiety and it took a bit of the edge off.  I saved the bits of xanax to encourage myself.  Then I got into a bad situation and gave up.  I hope I can do it again!  Just not ever taking valium. 


Once before when I was younger I tapered directly off xanax (this was before the internet and I had no idea benzos were so addicting).  I had some withdrawal sx's but kept at it and worked at the same time. In some ways I am thankful I did not have access to forums about benzos as I think it would have adversely affected me!  I was unaware of the horrors of withdrawal, so I kept cutting down by breaking little pieces off.  I felt anxious but not too bad most of the time.    I slept some using benadryl at night and finally got off xanax completely but this was many years ago.  I am so scared to try again!


I know how horrible these drugs (benzo) are and wish that all doctors would never prescribe them.  I feel they should be taken off the market completely!  They ruin lives!  I can't go far from my home without my husband, and I am even fearful of making phone calls at the worst times. 


I am hoping I will feel well enough again to start cutting 1/8th of a 1/4 mg. tablet again.  Has anyone else tried Hydroxazine for anxiety in tapering down a benzo? 



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I've been on xanax for almost 30 years :(    I tapered down with the Ashton method, from 3mg. to 1.5 mg.  and now am stuck at 1.5mg. for the past eight years.      Don't know if there is any hope for me getting off this poison completely!


It was sheer hell to taper via the diazepam method.    I seemed to have an extremely depressed reaction to the valium.  That plus the withdrawal of the xanax was unbearable.  My mornings were excruciatingly anxiety ridden with horrible doom and gloom, continuing through most of every day until evening when I got a slight bit of relief.    I guess it was due to the valium plus the cortisol/adrenal release in the mornings?  Anyway that is my story and I am scared to go any lower feeling as though this drug has ruined my life.  I have lost friends, due to agoraphobia, fear of people, etc. 


My only hope is to do tiny cuts (as in shave off a slight bit of the tablet) and hope it will work.  I started to shave them a bit because my psychiatrist gave me a type of antihistamine drug that is used for anxiety and it took a bit of the edge off.  I saved the bits of xanax to encourage myself.  Then I got into a bad situation and gave up.  I hope I can do it again!  Just not ever taking valium. 


Once before when I was younger I tapered directly off xanax (this was before the internet and I had no idea benzos were so addicting).  I had some withdrawal sx's but kept at it and worked at the same time. In some ways I am thankful I did not have access to forums about benzos as I think it would have adversely affected me!  I was unaware of the horrors of withdrawal, so I kept cutting down by breaking little pieces off.  I felt anxious but not too bad most of the time.    I slept some using benadryl at night and finally got off xanax completely but this was many years ago.  I am so scared to try again!


I know how horrible these drugs (benzo) are and wish that all doctors would never prescribe them.  I feel they should be taken off the market completely!  They ruin lives!  I can't go far from my home without my husband, and I am even fearful of making phone calls at the worst times. 


I am hoping I will feel well enough again to start cutting 1/8th of a 1/4 mg. tablet again.  Has anyone else tried Hydroxazine for anxiety in tapering down a benzo?


Hi Maureen - I take hydroyzine for sleep it hasn't helped me with my anxiety. You are lucky to have someone with you - I agree that dr.s should not give out this drug, but what can we do about it? If I had known what it was going to do to my life I would have never taken it. I'm glad you are here posting, I'm new and I've had a lot of people write and they understand how it feels to be so out of control. I wish you luck in the rest of your detox...It won't be easy, but if you read the success stories you will find that you have support here. Good luck.


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  Hello cagr1


    Try to relax more, okay. I know that it is hard sometimes, but when BB get upset, it seems that the withdraw symptoms just come out more.  :tickedoff:    And yes, I do agree with you about the VA giving out drugs like they are candy, that's just nuts.

    But I can say that your memory will come back. It just takes time, trust me on this one.  :thumbsup:


        For instance, I would be in the living room and needed to get a drink, but when I got into the kitchen, I would forget what I went in there for,  :idiot:    That was the least of the stories. But it has gotten a whole lot better. Your memory will get better in time. And only time, sorry to say that, but you will notice the changes and your mind will get better. Because I been there, :thumbsup:


        But one thing that will help you is, just stay busy with whatever you can do. Your appetite will come back in the near future. This happened to me also. Lost 15 lbs, but I just tried to eat right. You will see, you will be pig-in out once again. So try not to worry about it to much, okay. I myself called it a little diet, lol.  :thumbsup:


      If there are any questions that you need to ask, just go ahead. Will try to help you out as much as I can. And if I can't, there will be other BB here for you.

      Always go forward, never look back


    Godspeed to You.      :smitten:      :thumbsup:








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  Hello cagr1


    Try to relax more, okay. I know that it is hard sometimes, but when BB get upset, it seems that the withdraw symptoms just come out more.  :tickedoff:    And yes, I do agree with you about the VA giving out drugs like they are candy, that's just nuts.

    But I can say that your memory will come back. It just takes time, trust me on this one.  :thumbsup:


        For instance, I would be in the living room and needed to get a drink, but when I got into the kitchen, I would forget what I went in there for,  :idiot:    That was the least of the stories. But it has gotten a whole lot better. Your memory will get better in time. And only time, sorry to say that, but you will notice the changes and your mind will get better. Because I been there, :thumbsup:


        But one thing that will help you is, just stay busy with whatever you can do. Your appetite will come back in the near future. This happened to me also. Lost 15 lbs, but I just tried to eat right. You will see, you will be pig-in out once again. So try not to worry about it to much, okay. I myself called it a little diet, lol.  :thumbsup:


      If there are any questions that you need to ask, just go ahead. Will try to help you out as much as I can. And if I can't, there will be other BB here for you.

      Always go forward, never look back


    Godspeed to You.      :smitten:      :thumbsup:






I know things will get better, it's just that I had a few weeks of clarity and was able to get things done, now I can't do much and I'm not worried about things out of my control. I have my cats for pet therapy and my therapist and drs  I am in touch with.


My son is here, but he really is in his own world, and I know I shouldn't get mad at him, but he has let me down. As a single parent I put my life on hold for him, and now unfortunately I need help, yet he says he really doesn't feel like it. I don't understand what he is going thru, I'm not sure how I would have handled things if I saw my parents like this - even though I did not like them, or really have a relationship with them, I don't have that with my son - why is it when we write things never sound as good written down as they were in your head..I'm really struggling, I'm am grateful for this forum, I know I keep saying that but it's really all I have right now.


I am mad at the dr at the VA for giving me this drug, but again no knowledge of detoxing was a concern of mine.


I am pretty out of it right now. Lack of sleep - my body is having all this strange stuff going on, major migraine - I know this will pass, I wake up every morning and just hope that it will be a good day. I should journal, but my head hurts too bad.


Again thank you for writing...Hope you are well...

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Didn't sleep too good last night - and my boyfriend told me I was mumbling nonsense in my sleep. I feel more "normal" than usual today - which is good...especially because it's 107 degrees out! Still having problems remembering anything, and reading is almost impossible! Also have eye floaters and the feeling of fainting when I stand.

I'm hangin in here...


Reptile - I don't think any of us who are off xanax sleep well - if anyone is I would love to know what they are taking.


May I ask what feeling more "normal" means to you?


I have major problems reading anything, and as much as I need support here, and so many posts it is impossible for me to read anything that is very long, which is sad because I'm sure I'm missing out on a lot of really good information.


It must be hard to detox in that sort of heat - I'm right next to the beach and I'm pretty miserable and it's about 68 outside.


I like it when people say they are "hanging in there" that is what my dr. tells me, and as hard as it is what other choice do we have?


You are lucky you have someone in your life. I have my son - but he is in his own world. I find that when I have strong feelings about something I'm not getting as emotional as I used too - I guess it's from reading so many posts, and seeing that there is light at the end of the tunnel.


Good luck...

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  Hello cagr1,


      Sounds like you have it together, you know where you need to be and how to get there. And it's just the crazy withdraw that is messing with your brain. Stay tough and focus, the end will be there for you.  :thumbsup: 

      As far as you son, sometimes at certain ages, they tend to be in there own little world. But sometimes the best thing for parents to do is, find out what their interest are, and try to join in with them. We need to get more involved with them. Or we just need to let them do their own thing, I guess we call it space. But in all, we need to watch over them and give them all the advice we can to put them on the path that will give them a good chance in life. But never give up on them at all.

      I am sure that you are a great mother. Just try to stay involved, but not to pushy,  :thumbsup:

But this is only my advise, :thumbsup:


    But for yourself, just stay busy, believe me, I know that sometime it will be hard, but to keep your sanity, this is the best way to get threw this. For me today, my days aren't to bad, some little body aches, but the memory is about 90% better today. It should be back up to par soon, I hope.    :thumbsup:


    Stay strong, and always think positive. Never look back, you will get better.



  Godspeed to You.    :smitten:




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  Hello cagr1,


      Sounds like you have it together, you know where you need to be and how to get there. And it's just the crazy withdraw that is messing with your brain. Stay tough and focus, the end will be there for you.  :thumbsup: 

      As far as you son, sometimes at certain ages, they tend to be in there own little world. But sometimes the best thing for parents to do is, find out what their interest are, and try to join in with them. We need to get more involved with them. Or we just need to let them do their own thing, I guess we call it space. But in all, we need to watch over them and give them all the advice we can to put them on the path that will give them a good chance in life. But never give up on them at all.

      I am sure that you are a great mother. Just try to stay involved, but not to pushy,  :thumbsup:

But this is only my advise, :thumbsup:



    But for yourself, just stay busy, believe me, I know that sometime it will be hard, but to keep your sanity, this is the best way to get threw this. For me today, my days aren't to bad, some little body aches, but the memory is about 90% better today. It should be back up to par soon, I hope.    :thumbsup:


    Stay strong, and always think positive. Never look back, you will get better.




  Godspeed to You.    :smitten:





Rocket - I'm already having a bad day - I just started getting panic attacks...I think I should not watch the news. I don't know if I have it together, I'm just going minute by minute..I can't go back ever - and I truly thought that the worst was behind me and then I find this...


My son and I are having issues, but I'm sure they will work themselves out - I'm giving him space - we are just having communication problems.


I would like to stay busy, but really all I can do for right now is watch tv and that is going to have  to be ok for me. I wasn't like this two weeks ago - I just hit this first wave Saturday night - and now it's Friday and I'm just hoping to get thru this day.


I would like my memory back - I looked at what I've written here and I don't even remember writing them.


I'm glad I don't have body aches, I do have the ringing in the ears - and beyond tired...


I don't know about staying strong, I can't look back - I don't remember what it looks like, I would like to say I'm positive but I'm not, but I'm not thinking negatively - I just don't like it when people write and tell me what to do - I think that is just disrespectful - we are all different and here to learn and share our stories and feel that it is a safe place - I guess I really have no idea - I do know I've lost a huge part of my life, and I'm alone and that is just going to have to be ok for now...I have great support, now I have this..I never know where I'm going with my thoughts anymore - I start out ok but then I can't even remember..


Thanks for writing...

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  Hello cagr1,



    I guess this is one way to stay busy. Just write whatever is on your mind,  :thumbsup:

And I wouldn't take anything too personal here, just a bunch of BB trying to give some advice. When I first got on here, I thought that everyone was trying to tell me what to do. But they were trying to help me and I was taking it the wrong way.  :tickedoff:  I know that it is hard to take advice from strangers, and I did get upset at first, but I cooled down and understood what they were talking about.

    Yes, try not to watch the News, this drove me crazy all the time. After about a week, I quite this. It kept my mind going in different directions. What a few months that were just to crazy to talk about,  :idiot:


  The panic attacks will come and go. For me, it's been just over a year. And I don't get them to often  at all.    And when or if I do, I just go for a walk or a. Ike ride. This seems to take the edge off.


About the memory, I was at the same place as you were in time. I would write something or watch something on TV, and the next minute, what happened?  During the first few months, it would come and go. After 6 months, I did notice a change. The brain started working better. The brain has to build the chemicals back up that the Benzos took away. I have done all my research and the brain will, but we just need to understand that this will not happen over night.  :thumbsup:


    And the ringing in the ears, tinnitus, it comes and goes. I still have it. Doing my own research right now to find a solution for this. It's hard on me when I have to get into the Music Studio. But I just deal with it the best as I can. :)


  We all lost a part of our life's. I get so angry when I look back, not to often, but where I would be in my life if that crazy Doctor didn't give me that crazy little pill for sleep. I still have bottles of them in the cabinet, and will never take another one in my life, ever. 

  Try not to be hard on yourself, okay. Everything will be better in the future, and we will all look back at this and smile and say, we have come a long way.  :thumbsup:    Life goes on for the beautiful people like us. And it will be better.


  Godspeed to you.  :smitten:            :thumbsup:











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  Hello cagr1,



    I guess this is one way to stay busy. Just write whatever is on your mind,  :thumbsup:

And I wouldn't take anything too personal here, just a bunch of BB trying to give some advice. When I first got on here, I thought that everyone was trying to tell me what to do. But they were trying to help me and I was taking it the wrong way.  :tickedoff:  I know that it is hard to take advice from strangers, and I did get upset at first, but I cooled down and understood what they were talking about.

    Yes, try not to watch the News, this drove me crazy all the time. After about a week, I quite this. It kept my mind going in different directions. What a few months that were just to crazy to talk about,  :idiot:


  The panic attacks will come and go. For me, it's been just over a year. And I don't get them to often  at all.    And when or if I do, I just go for a walk or a. Ike ride. This seems to take the edge off.


About the memory, I was at the same place as you were in time. I would write something or watch something on TV, and the next minute, what happened?  During the first few months, it would come and go. After 6 months, I did notice a change. The brain started working better. The brain has to build the chemicals back up that the Benzos took away. I have done all my research and the brain will, but we just need to understand that this will not happen over night.  :thumbsup:


    And the ringing in the ears, tinnitus, it comes and goes. I still have it. Doing my own research right now to find a solution for this. It's hard on me when I have to get into the Music Studio. But I just deal with it the best as I can. :)


  We all lost a part of our life's. I get so angry when I look back, not to often, but where I would be in my life if that crazy Doctor didn't give me that crazy little pill for sleep. I still have bottles of them in the cabinet, and will never take another one in my life, ever. 

  Try not to be hard on yourself, okay. Everything will be better in the future, and we will all look back at this and smile and say, we have come a long way.  :thumbsup:    Life goes on for the beautiful people like us. And it will be better.


  Godspeed to you.  :smitten:            :thumbsup:






Rocket - I know i shouldn't take anything personally but sometimes...i know it's all in my head..Are we the "beautiful people"?? I sure don't feel beautiful right now - I'm tired, I'm hot and sweaty and tingly and am at the point where i just want to get a hotel room and let my son have the house. he's so angry at me (he's almost 20) and i know this is normal, but if i am going to go thru this process again and it was anything like the first 3 months i'm not sure i am up to the task of being the sole supporter of him. i don't know what it's like to be a college kid, but i do know how incredibly bad i feel - and i need him to take up some slack - like grocery shopping or going to the bank..i need to write my therapist and see what she says..i know this too shall pass, but it's been almost a week now, and someone forgot to tell me the first "wave" was really going to suck..


i've never had a panic attack until last night..it was horrible, but you already know this...the ringing in my ears comes and goes, and the sweating, and i'm so tired...i can't go for a walk or even drive right now - i thought this would pass quickly but i guess i was wrong - so i will remember when this passes to really enjoy the good days...

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  Hello Maureen,


    Very Sorry that you have been on the crazy little pill so long. But my opinion is that you can get off it, you just have to keep the positive attitude. It will be hard, but you can get there.


    And sorry for the late reply back. I try to watch over my friendly BB, and help them out, and try to answer as quite as I can.  :smitten:    And I an taking a guess here, but I think that 95% of the BB had no idea that the Benzos were so addicting at all. This should have been handed down by our Doctors to inform us before we started taking them. This way we could have had the option of starting them, or just throwing them out the door into the sewer.  :tickedoff:



    I also had the problem with going out when I first C/T-ed. It was just crazy, what a in my life. And when the phone rang, just didn't want to answer it at all, for me it was just crazy,    :idiot:    But after some time, it eased up on my mind, and started to think straight. Still have sometime to get there, but I am optimistic for the future. Although I would like it to happen faster, I not pushing it at all.




  Stay with your taper, go at your own pace, but stay strong and go all the way to the end. I am sure you will not regret it. You can do this.    :smitten:    You want off, keep focus, and keep busy too. This will make you think of other things in your wonderful life. And not your symptoms.



    Godspeed to You.          :smitten:          :thumbsup:












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    Hello BB,



    I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend, and a happy fathers Day. Don't be disappointed if your recovery is going slow. You will get there sooner than you think. We all try to hurry up this process, but only time will cure us. So dig in and try to relax, stay busy with an activity, or go for many walks or bike rides.


    You will get there,  :thumbsup:  Always think positive, keep your mind moving in the right direction. And never look back.    :)





    For me today, I can't complain at all. I do have a few Symptoms. Here they are.



  1. Tinnitus is the crazy one. It does bother me when I am in the Music Studio, doesn't get me down

      at all. I just keep pushing on.


  2. Some days the energy level is down, but I just keep on exercising


  3. Brain Fog, comes and goes, mostly gone thou.


  4. This week is lower back week. Pain a little, just try not to think about it any. Soak in the tub.


  5. Eating habits okay so far. Drink a lot of herbal tea. Natural Honey also in the teas.


  6. Pushing myself everyday to be 100% healthier. Will get there just like everyone else will or did.



    Life can be crazy.  :idiot: sometimes with withdraw symptoms, but we just move on, and dig deeper to get threw these little mishaps,  :tickedoff:      But try not to drive yourself crazy at all. It did get hard sometimes for me, I do admit this. But knowing that that I did have an end to this madness kept me going. I am almost there I do believe. So onward I shall go with a big smile today and tomorrow.  :thumbsup:


  So keep your heads up, smile when you can. And get out of the house to see the world. Don't be afraid at all. Your mind and brain needs to reset itself. Fresh air and family and friends will set you free.  :smitten:



Godspeed to You all,      :smitten:              :thumbsup:





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i'm really having a crappy day - i don't know how people who are going thru wd can exersize, life i'm sure you know is miserable right now. i'm so hungry and having to make something healthy is so hard.


and what about the smell of everything? my whole house smells like celery - and i have no idea why, my son does not smell it - so it must be one of the symptoms i'm going thru...


the days are long, i wake up thinking this wil be the day that i get something done, but the most i can do is take care of my cats...i guess i have to just be ok with that right now.


i am thankful for this forum...

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  Hello cagr1


  Sorry that you are having a crappy day. We all go threw this. And you are not alone.  :tickedoff:


And about the smells, I had plenty of days like that. They come and the go. At times my sense of smell would be just crazy. I could smell a Buzzard ten miles away sitting on a poop wagon. On other days, I just couldn't small anything at all. It's just crazy withdraw symptoms. But, it will get better for you in the future.  :thumbsup:



    If you can, try not to think about it at all.    :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,      :smitten:   






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  Hello cagr1


  Sorry that you are having a crappy day. We all go threw this. And you are not alone.  :tickedoff:


And about the smells, I had plenty of days like that. They come and the go. At times my sense of smell would be just crazy. I could smell a Buzzard ten miles away sitting on a poop wagon. On other days, I just couldn't small anything at all. It's just crazy withdraw symptoms. But, it will get better for you in the future.  :thumbsup:



    If you can, try not to think about it at all.    :thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,      :smitten:   







hi rocket - thanks for the reply i don't know how i would have gotten this far without the support this group. i feel lucky that the hell i'm going thru does end, and i've read enough stories to know there is light at the end of the tunne...



i'm just going to keep trying to help people who are just starting on - the paying it forward kind of thing..


i'm having a really hard time distracting myself...and i don't think i will ever be able to eat celery again. i asked my son if he smelled anything and we have air fresheners all over the house - and that is all he could smell, so i guess it is just me..



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  Hello Cagr1,



    You are doing just fine with your recovery. And pat yourself on the back. Remember, we are here with you, and here to help you. But you deserve all the credit. If you look into the mirror, you will see a strong woman that will make it to the end of the crazy journey. You are the leader in your life to recovery. Just stay focus and try to stay positive.  Days get hard to deal with the withdraw symptoms, but remember they are only symptoms. And symptoms do go away from Benzo withdraws.  :thumbsup:


    I do hope that your day is better today. How are you sxs today? Where I am today, going for a bike ride shortly. Just to nice to stay in the house. Also going to trim some trees and bushes. Trying to stay busy myself these days. Had little wave, but I am not going to let this bother me this week at all. :thumbsup:


    Going to travel to the beach sometime this week. Need to get some Vitamin D from the sun, and some color in my skin. Not going to let this bring me down at any time during withdraw.  :thumbsup:



    Have a nice day cagr1, will be back on a little later.    :smitten::thumbsup:




  Godspeed to you,                    :thumbsup:      :smitten:







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  Hello BB,


  Just a short note to wish everyone a better tomorrow and weekend. Just think positive and keep moving forward to your recovery. You and everyone will get better in the future. 😀👍👍👍😎

  Try not to count the days you will get there by, just think about when you are there and how great you will feel.    😋😜😛.  And please no negative thoughts.




  Godspeed to you and everyone else.    😇😼👍😇😋







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Hi Club members,

I'm so tired of everyday is exactly the same (yes from the 9 incha nails song) can't turn that off..


I had a huge window from Feb 2 2013 from June 8th 2013, but June 9 a huge wave has hit, who knew this was going to happen. I'm miserable, started having panic attacks, life is miserable - I'm stuck to the couch, making something to eat is seeming close to  impossible. I know this will pass, and that I am healing, I wish I had spent those 5 months in a better way, I had not idea that this was going to happen, but here I am feeling right back from the beginning and it sucks...


I don't want any comments from people writing that they think I tapered way to fast, or to read from the Ashton Manual to me that should be written in a laguage that no longer used, I just didn't know, I was following my Dr.s orders, and when I had that window I thought I was totally done...


I just need some support from other club members have been here...I want my life back.

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