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I'm not convinced this is a good idea. Benzodiazepines have some very useful properties, especially as emergency anticonvulsants. If you suffered a status epilepticus seizure, a benzodiazepine is usually the first line treatment, and usually very effective too. Rather than falsely state that you are allergic, it might be better (and safer) to state that benzodiazepines should be administered only in emergency situations.


I appreciate your input Colin. I am just terrified because I tapered off benzos for about a month in late 2011 before reinstating them, and then developed and adverse rx to them (esophagus spasms, serious lightheadedness, and what felt like sudden bp drops or faintness, 1.5 hours after taking each dose. This might have been inter-dose wd that I suddenly developed after reinstating but no one seems to know). Because my heart rate so often feels so slow that it's just going to stop, the idea of having them give me a benzo is just over the top scary. I will take your advice though. Maybe my bracelet will say "administer only in life-threatening situations and monitor very closely for adverse reaction."

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  Oh you are so right, i had surgery back in 2000 they gave me benzos for less then a week while in the hospital i was so sick they couldnt figure it out, and was given benzos for a short time in 2001 couldnt figure it out finally this time my new dr figured it out and told me not to take them again that it will prob continue to get worse each time i take them. I am an recovering alcoholic and havent drank for over 13 yrs, yes had terrible withdrawal with that too but only lasted a few weeks. I am terrified of ever having another benzo put in me !!!!


are you saying you STILL was allergic to benzoz /GABA drugs after 13 years clean??


that scares the hell out of me

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  Oh you are so right, i had surgery back in 2000 they gave me benzos for less then a week while in the hospital i was so sick they couldnt figure it out, and was given benzos for a short time in 2001 couldnt figure it out finally this time my new dr figured it out and told me not to take them again that it will prob continue to get worse each time i take them. I am an recovering alcoholic and havent drank for over 13 yrs, yes had terrible withdrawal with that too but only lasted a few weeks. I am terrified of ever having another benzo put in me !!!!


are you saying you STILL was allergic to benzoz /GABA drugs after 13 years clean??


that scares the hell out of me


  alanapoli, I felt worse being on benzos then i do in withdrawal, if that is possible  ???

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  Oh you are so right, i had surgery back in 2000 they gave me benzos for less then a week while in the hospital i was so sick they couldnt figure it out, and was given benzos for a short time in 2001 couldnt figure it out finally this time my new dr figured it out and told me not to take them again that it will prob continue to get worse each time i take them. I am an recovering alcoholic and havent drank for over 13 yrs, yes had terrible withdrawal with that too but only lasted a few weeks. I am terrified of ever having another benzo put in me !!!!


are you saying you STILL was allergic to benzoz /GABA drugs after 13 years clean??


that scares the hell out of me


  alanapoli, I felt worse being on benzos then i do in withdrawal, if that is possible  ???


that sonds very strange.......

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how did you feel worse? did you have similar symptoms as withdrawal? i too felt worse being on benzo's but different than the symptoms of w/d i am experiencing now. after i had been off benzo's for 7 years and went back on the klonopin, it only felt okay and kinda good for a few months and then it just felt bad. even though i'm having some pretty horrendous sxs of being off benzo's i still feel better then when i was in tolerance w/d. that's weird.

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  I was put on them for sleep and after a week or so i started to get anxiety then started having panic attacks. Went to the ER several times over the next 4 months and was told i needed to keep taking them. I was feeling terrible lost 15 pounds and thought i was losing my mind... started doing my own search and come to the conclusion it was the benzos, pretty much cold turkeyed them and that is when the panic attacks stopped..

  Yes withdrawal has been terrible i still have a lot of the same physical sx's as you do, rocky boat and my brain feels like it is moving inside my head.. ???  ...

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i can't believe you were told to keep taking them!! is there some kind of conspiracy that we are not aware of? that the medical community knows about or gets loads of money every time they pass off a benzo script? i'm not surprised the panic attacks lifted when you got off of them, so did mine in a way.

sorry you are having those symptoms of the rocky boat and your brain moving inside your head. in a way i am grateful to hear that you are having those symptoms. i sincerely thought that the Dr. at the detox put something inside my brain. i can't believe all that my brain is still doing.

now i'm having horrible and weird headaches that are worrying me, it feels like my brain is stuffed with cotton and when i am laying down which is most of the time it feels like it just keeps filling up with water.

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