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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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Thanks for your responses.  What is your concentration of liquid Ativan?  My pharmacy could only go down to .5/ml which will only allow .05 cuts.  He said that if it was diluted amymore, it would get inaccurate.  That can't be true though since plenty of people on here can make smaller cuts.  Thanks!!

Hi, Kiki: Depending on the solvent and the concentration of drug in that solvent [and the temp, and blah, blah...], diluting a solution past the saturation limit can make the drug precipitate = come out of solution. That might be what your pharmacist is concerned about. Other people who are making smaller cuts may be using a different solvent [or concentration] or they may be going past the saturation limit w/o knowing it. That could result in consistantly short doses.



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Well guys. I do believe I've made it. I'm at .03 mg of liquid Ativan and I'm fine. I haven't felt the last few cuts any noticeable amount and percentage wise they where big.

I believe that for some of us, if you can get to a low enough dose your body doesn't register it any more. I'm still going to drop one of my four doses at a time just to be safe, but I feel confident that I could just jump and be fine. What an insane road this has been. Never again.

I'll write a post in the success stories when I'm off completely.

I want to thank you all for being here for me and for each other. As we all know this can be one of the scariest and most painful experiences. It's really good to know that people are out there that care and can relate. It's crucial to surviving the mental part of this mess.

I'll be around if anyone wants to pm me for advice or support. Thanks again and good luck everyone!!!



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BDL: Safely arrived at your destination. What's it like there? Send us a postcard with a a picture of  :angel: , OK?


Well done!




PS: My computer will be down for a few days, starting probably tomorrow.

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I am SO  glad to hear that you are doing ok :)  I am looking forward to you getting completely off and what it will be like for you the next few months.  I think you are going to be fine :)


Much love to you,


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  • 3 weeks later...


I tapered for 1 yr.  Last dose was 2 1/2mos ago .01mg taken for 2 weeks before stopping.  Currently, the waking up 3 to 4 times a night are killers due to vivid dreams.  Otherwise symptom free.  I did a really slow slow taper and only had 2 weeks of symptoms that were tolerablely bad.  Is there anyone here that did slow ativan withdrawal, had vivid dreams and then they subsided?  How long did it take for you personally?  Thanks Maggie

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Hey Maggie! I am at the end of 1 year ativan taper as well. Im now on my last cut. .008mg once a day.

Ill jump next week. Vivid dreams are DEFINITELY a symptom for me. Very detailed and real and usually fairly disturbing. It makes it hard to feel rested when your sleeping life is so crazy.

Im quite sure it will get better with time just like all of the ither stuff. Sorry i cant help more but i just wanted you to know that i feel your pain. Literally. Thank god we've made it this far. As everyone here will do in time.



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Just wanted to say I am down to 2 mgs today.  Not doing badly.  Glad to read about Maggie adn BDL, that things are not so bad for you guys, and glad you are so close to off BDL. :)


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Thanks Mairin! And congrats in 2mg! You've made huge strides! You are now in the realm of like normal, therapeutic doses!  :laugh: and that must make things look much more doable from here. It did for me.


I jumped 2 days ago. Trying not to make a huge deal about it so that I don't psyche myself out. There is definitely a huge mental component to all of a sudden taking NO benzo.


So far so good though. I'm achy and lethargic and my head aches and I'm not brimming with happiness. BUT, I'm coherent enough to realize this will pass. My mind is back. My rationality is back. My sense of what is real and what isn't is back. So I'm good.


Good luck everyone. The end is near. And then once you get through this, you can do anything.





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So very glad to hear BDL :)  Very glad for you :)  It must be such a relief to finally be off.  I hope everything goes very quickly for you.


Big hugs :)


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BDL: Big congrats!  :thumbsup: A technical question from another A-head: What was the composition of the liquid A you were/are using [alcohol or PG solvent?] and did you notice any deterioration of potency during storage in the refrigerator?


And I thought my 12.5 ug/day was slow! When do you take your dose?


Anchor's Aweigh



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Hey aweigh. Thanks for the congrats. I am 6 days off today and I remain cautiously optimistic.

My energy level is up and down. I get achy and blue but I feel like I'm out of the woods. Now begins my post benzo journey. I'm thankful to be out of the nightmare phase.


To answer your first question, I really don't know what my solution was. My guess is that it was NOT alchohol. It seemed like sweet syrup.


And I'm not sure what you mean about when I take my dose. I don't anymore.

I used to take it 4 times a day. 8, 12, 4, and 8. When I got to the last notch on each syringe, I started dropping doses. First the morning then the noon etc. it seems to me that my body considered my overall dose to be zero a while ago now. I just went through the motions at the end. I guess that's a good thing about tapering to such low doses, that you cross the finish line at some point invisible to yourself. That way there is less of a psyche out.


I hope you are all well.



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I meant what time of day. That's great  :smitten: "So slow you don't even know". Not a bad motto. I plan to do the same thing, but I'll be saving my 5 mg/day of Valium for last, after I've been off A for a while. I think the V helps even out the A taper, but who knows?

If it didn't taste like cough syrup, it probably wasn't alcohol.


You sound different. After a big surgery, my Dad once said "I feel like I've been dragged through a knothole." I can relate, and I'm still in the kiddie pool.



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Thanks Mairin! And congrats in 2mg! You've made huge strides! You are now in the realm of like normal, therapeutic doses!  :laugh: and that must make things look much more doable from here. It did for me.


I jumped 2 days ago. Trying not to make a huge deal about it so that I don't psyche myself out. There is definitely a huge mental component to all of a sudden taking NO benzo.


So far so good though. I'm achy and lethargic and my head aches and I'm not brimming with happiness. BUT, I'm coherent enough to realize this will pass. My mind is back. My rationality is back. My sense of what is real and what isn't is back. So I'm good.


Good luck everyone. The end is near. And then once you get through this, you can do anything.




Wow..Congrats BDL!!! :yippee::clap: I am somewhat close behind you with my taper at about .24. Plan to be done around July/August.

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Ginger that is awesome! I found that when I got to around .06 that I  couldn't really feel the cuts anymore. So I came down pretty fast from there. As in cutting 25% of my total dose every 3 or 4 days. I wasn't feeling great, but the cuts weren't slamming me.

Maybe this will be the case for you as well. I still can't belive that I don't have to take this crap ever again. I am freeeeeeeeeee!!!!


And you all will be too. That is a certainty.



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Congrats BDL!! So awesome you are free!! :) :)


For the poster asking about Ativan solution, mine was compounded with fixed oil and stevia. I would always shake it well before I drew out my dose. I dosed 3 times a day. I think I kept it in the fridge for about a month-maybe 6 weeks. Hope that helps.



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Ginger that is awesome! I found that when I got to around .06 that I  couldn't really feel the cuts anymore. So I came down pretty fast from there. As in cutting 25% of my total dose every 3 or 4 days. I wasn't feeling great, but the cuts weren't slamming me.

Maybe this will be the case for you as well. I still can't belive that I don't have to take this crap ever again. I am freeeeeeeeeee!!!!


And you all will be too. That is a certainty.




Thanks BDL, I am optimistic this will be the case for me too! I have been taking a supplement called L Theanine that helps with symptoms tremendously. I share your joy..so happy for you! Smile, be happy, and know what a huge accomplishment this is for you! Anytime I start to feel bad, I force myself to smile and think positive! This really DOES help! After being on this crap for over 4 years, it is going to feel so good to get off..can't wait! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
hey all, just wanted to pop in and express some encouragement here.  I was here for the early stages of this thread, great to see all the successes.  There is a wealth of information, worth reading back I reckon.  I'm about 8 months off, and so much better - a little residue tinnitus is all I have now.  So best of luck and hugs xx poppins
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Hi, I'm new to your thread and to this forum.  I am inspired by all of you - and i wanted to share my experience.  I was on ativan for 12 years - after having panic attacks and severe anxiety I was put on ativan and Remeron.  I hit a high on ativan of 2 1/2 mg and am on 45 mg of remeron.  For years I tried to get off ativan - to no avail and boy did I feel like a failure.  BUT it wasn't me, it was the medicine - of course I had to educate myself to fully understand that.  Well, with a divorce behind me and a very peaceful NOW life I decided this is it, there is no turning back.  I started my taper in February 2013 and on April 21st I took my last dose.  The last 1/4mg was the hardest, I just couldn't get to feeling good....so I decided how much worse can I feel...I'm done with this stuff and just stopped. My boyfriend is my inspiration as is my 14 year old daughter.  Nothing but support from them.  YOU need to have support during this. I don't know what lies ahead but I do know that I am done with this stuff.  I also see a wonderful behavioural therapist who is experienced in detoxing patients - what a difference that made seeing him!  I wanted to offer a glimmer of hope for all of you out there..take it slow and know that you will be ok and that tapering is actually your recovery.  You can do this, I would love to offer my support for anyone out there.  I am going to be 50 next week...and life is good.  My next journey will be to get off the Remeron - but that will be after my body recovers and when I'm mentally ready. Hang in there  - wishing you all peace and support. :)
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Dear Stelo, Congratulations on being benzo free! It sounds like you did a very fast taper. How do you feel now? I wish I could get off that fast but my w/d sx wont let me. I cant believe after 12 years you were able to stop so fast. That's wonderful. Please let us know how your getting along. I wish you good things. Nice to meet you.


Love Jackie :smitten:

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Today I talked to my doctor about how to taper off of the remaining .5mg of Lorazepam I take daily and she said I should "just take it every other day for 2 weeks and then only twice a week for 2 weeks and then stop."


Would y'all suggest doing this? I had a HORRIBLE time cutting down to where I am now and frankly I am beyond scared to go through all of the horrible withdrawal stuff again. Do you think since I am on a much lower dose that the withdrawals won't be as tough? I need some advice, please! I honestly trust yall more than my doctor, I don't think she realizes how hard it has been for me trying to get off of this medicine. 


Thanks so much,


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Your doctor clearly hasn't had first hand experience with benzo withdrawal. If you have had a tough time getting to this point, chances are the taper method your doctor recommends would be akin to landing a plane without the landing gear. In other words, rough and unnecessary.

If you have dry cut to here then you are better off than many. .5 is low, but not low enough for most people you see on here and it certainly wasn't low enough for me.

If you are able, and your doc or pharmacist will help, I highly recommend liquid lorazepam.

You can come down in very tiny increments, and every few days. It's the only way I could have stayed functional. And it still wasn't easy. Sorry if this sounds harsh. You may be able to do it your doctors way. But I say follow your instincts. Do what you are comfortable with. It's your life, your brain. Your ride. Don't be bullied into anything.

I'm here if you need help. I'm almost a month off after tapering directly from lorazepam for 14 months. Good luck! It is totally doable but it will require your strength and awareness.

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I agree - trust your body - doctors just don't know what a benzo withdrawal feels like.  The hardest for me was between .5 mg and .25 mg.  I did a dry cut, went pretty fast, but I was ok with doing that - it worked for me.  It has to work for YOU!  Trust how you feel and plow through it. My last dose was on April 21 and I have to tell you I feel better and better every day. It's a sort of peaceful feeling that I am having.  It's wierd - but I'm loving it.  Once of the best advice I got while tapering was that if you were using it to help you sleep, then pull the dose further and further away from bedtime so that your brain stops equating it with sleep.  That worked wonders for me.  Good luck and let us know how you are doing!
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