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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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Hi again Concerned. Even though you feel ok taking 3 doses now, moving to 4 is only going to help you as you come down. I mean, you can try 3 of course, but speaking from personal exp and from what I've read from others, 4 is pretty much the magic number. And some people even go for 5 or 6. 

The thing is, once you get below 1mg things tend to get trickier for a lot of people. Its as though your body figures out what you are trying to do and starts to kick and scream a little more.


Really really great news to find that you are feeling better. That is an awesome sign. On thing I've learned though is that just because you are feeling better now doesn't mean you should slack off or alter your schedule. Because you can pay dearly for it later.


Slow and low my friend. There's no rush. The goal is to maintain a healthy and happy mind throughout this. Not necessarily to get off as soon as possible. At least that is what I have come to learn. You are doing great. Rock on.


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And chance, yes that is a symptom. My doc specifically asked me if I was experiencing that the other day because he said he'd seen it before. Fortunately I am not. Yet.


Congrats on being so close to the end. I am green with envy. Way to go.



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I am supposed to get a Dental crown soon. Does anyone know how a novicane shot interacts with Ativan during a taper?


I am not sure if I should postpone this or there is no correlation?


Also, even though I felt great yesterday, today I am back to feeling symptomatic again on the 7th day since the last cut. I was hoping the effects are behind me.


I am switching to 4 doses a day however I will be cutting again in another week to 8% and half percent less. Is every cut different? I am not sure I can keep feeling this bad for the next 4-5 months till I can finish the taper. Perhaps 4 doses a day will help the process.



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I don't know about the novacaine but you can google known drug interactions and find out within a relative degree of certainty. However I personally probably wouldnt worry too much. Novicane is really short acting, so even if it inhibited the benzo effect it would only be for an hour or two and then you'd be fine by your next dose.

And it's common to feel a little better, then worse again, then better for a while, then a bad day etc.

Don't let it worry you too much. Just keep holding for now. You are healing. Move on when you are ready.


Just my 2 cents. I'm not an expert. Even though I feel like one at this point.  :laugh:



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I agree w/ BDL, but just ask your dentist / perio when you go in to make sure.  I had to have an upper GI about 2 months ago w/ propofol, and I made sure the anethesiologist knew that I was on Ativan and the dosage, and also asked him how to dose for the next day or two as the propofol wore off.....he said "I'm glad you asked" and after looking at my dose and the timing of my procedure, told me to skip one dose in the afternoon and then resume my normal Ativan schedule.


I would think the novocaine as a local sedative (as opposed to systemic) shouldn't have an effect, but I would ask.


BDL is right on the symptoms....unfortunately recovery is not a straight line.  It's one of the things that is so frustrating to me.  But think of it this way ... envision a roller coaster where the peaks and valleys get a little less dramatic over time.  I think that's what is best to expect.  Every time I cut I have similar symptoms.....really dizzy, fatigue, tummy issues, headache for 5- 6 days and then I even out a bit.  Then I push onto my next cut, but I should probably be giving my CNS a little more time to heal in between cuts.  It's my personal choice to go a little faster, so don't follow it as advice to do so....I'm only going a little faster because I feel SOOOOO bad on the Ativan itself.  If the Ativan actually had some benefit for me and I felt like a semi-human being ON it, I wouldn't be so moved to get off!  :D

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Thank you both for your replies and support. No one really understands what it is like to withdraw from ativan unless you have been there yourself so your input means a lot to me.


You both seem to be on the low end of it. Does it get any easier when there is less ativan in your system?

Are some cuts easier then others? I am finding it difficult to function normally during this taper.


I don't know if any of you are working however that makes it much harder and i am not sure if i have to cut only 5-8% every 2 weeks in order to function or to plough through the 10% cuts and finish with this quicker. I hate to see it drag on. As you are on the low end of this at 0.34 or 0.36, most of it is out of your system and some of your own Gaba receptors are working again.  I would think it starts to feel better. At what point do you think you will be able to stop completely?

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Well the plain truth is that it hasn't become easier for me at this low dose. It's been a grind and a true challenge. However, part of the good that is coming from all of this, for me, is that I have had to learn to deal with the negativity and the anxiety and the wild emotions WITHOUT reaching for a pill or something else like it.


I have a lot of good days here. Mostly good days these days. But this withdrawal is there, in the background waiting to topple me if I make too much of a cut or get sloppy with my dose timing.

And it will remain there until I am finished taking this stuff. And probably for a while after.


But when I am done I will be twice the human being for having survived this. On my own.


My favorite quote I read on another board, though Im not sure who said it is, "the rest of your life is cake after benzo withdrawal."


I believe that to my core. And I march valiantly toward the day when I can experience that feeling of complete freedom. 



Night y'all.






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Concerned, I'm not sure if Gaba receptors start working again until you are fully off.  I read that they do start to heal about 4 hours after your last dose.


However, that said, there must be some benefit to reducing rather than cold turkey.  Not really sure of the neurological explanation.  Wish I understood it better.

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I can't say that it's been easier at the lower doses, most of my tapers have been similar in the severity of the symptoms.


I think I said it before, but part of the reason I am going faster is that I am NOT working, and Ativan is keeping me from working because it makes me feel so ick (dizzy, sedated, etc).  If I was able to function semi-normally ON Ativan, (which I think is the boat BDL is in), I would absolutely go much slower so that I could continue to function and work, and not make things worse by a quick taper and nasty w/d.


In fact, I tried a quick w/d from Klonopin earlier in the year, and I ended up having to take days off b/c of the withdrawal....coupled with an underlying health condition that was complicating things, and my work schedule was just becoming too erratic.  Thus, why I've taken time off to do this.  I reinstated K and took two months to get off of it.


  So, I would say do whatever helps you function the best.  If you are working, go down in whatever manner keeps you as functional as you are.    And that may be really slow.  For me, I'm balancing a slightly quicker w/d (but no where NEAR c/t) so I can get rid of the Ativan itself AND b/c I have the couch time to give.  Hope this makes sense.


By the way, down to .3 as of Tuesday.  Still shooting for being off by July 23th!!!  :yippee:

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Do you think 10% every 2 weeks is not slow enough. I am switching to .7% next cut at 4 doses a day instead of 3, however perhaps I may need to go down to only 5%?

As I need to function, I would like to barely feel it, however that may be impossible.


I am now on my 8th day from the first 10% cut and I still feel it however I am only on 3 doses a day.


How low are you going before you stop completely? Congratulations on being so close to the end!

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I think if you want to barely feel it you would need to do 5% at 4 doses.

But, honestly you still are eventually going to experience some withdrawal symptoms.

The important things to remember is that they will not kill you, that you are healing, and that there ARE things you can do to help yourself through them. Meditation, diet, exercise, staying busy, support from others etc. this forum is filled with great suggestions and support.


I feel great most of the day where I am now, but I sometimes think its because I've almost gotten USED TO withdrawal symptoms! I get tired out of nowhere, small anxiety attacks that can go on in the background of my head while I talk to people who are none the wiser, blurry vision, surreal feelings, sudden negative thoughts... But it all comes and goes and ebbs and flows, it's uncomfortable but totally manageable if you go slow. Good luck. You are completely capabale of this.

Don't be afraid. You've got this.




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Thanks BDL for your support. I am going to try 7% at 4 x a day for my next cut and see how that goes and then adjust to either 5% or back up to 10% depending on how it goes moving forward. My pharmacist thought I should barely feel it at 10% however I did. I also switched to compounded capsules so perhaps that is also an adjustment and I am still at 3 doses which may be part of the problem. 


How long does it take your body to adapt to each cut? Today was my 8th day and I still felt it however I did work and got through the day. I hope it stabilizes soon. It is manageable, yet uncomfortable especially physically as I am getting back spasms and gi difficulties.


What times of day do you take your 4 doses?

4, 5 or 6 hours apart?

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I do 8am, noon, 4pm, and 8pm.


You should be feeling better by 2 weeks after a cut. If you are feeling worse at that point you probably went a little fast. And holding longer will likely help. I just had to hold nearly 5 weeks because I went too fast. But it really paid off. I've had some really good days that helped gain me some strength to continue this rough road. I started reducing about 2 % of my dose every 3 days a couple of weeks ago. So far so good on this approach. I feel kind of crappy but no big drops yet.


You may want to consider liquid as an option. It allows you to come down in tiny increments over a longer time.


You might not heal completely after a cut but you'll just start to feel better. Sometimes that's the best you can hope for unfortunately.

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For now, I am using compounding capsules that are divided evenly during the day. If I switch to liquid Ativan, how is that prescribed?


By the end of the next cut, I will be at 1.25mg daily of Ativan. I will discuss liquid, however I am not sure how that works? Does it need to be refrigerated as I travel to work? What are the advantages of liquid? How long does a bottle last?


Also, at what dose will you be jumping from?





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By the way, down to .3 as of Tuesday.  Still shooting for being off by July 23th!!!  :yippee:



You go girl!!!!! I'm sooo happy for you!! :thumbsup:

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Thanks, Shortie!  :smitten:


Concerned, your doc should be able to prescribe the liquid at whatever concentration you want.  I've had a 1 mg / ml concentration, .5 mg / ml concentration and  now on a .25 mg / ml concentration.  It does need to be refrigerated, but when I'm out and about I just throw it in an insulated lunch bag w/ some ice packs and it is fine.


I'm planning on jumping off after a week on a total of .1 mg / day (or .025 per dose, 4 x a day).  That should be in another 2 weeks; so we'll see how it goes!

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Thanks for clarifying that. When you had the 1 mg / ml concentration, how were you able to divide the 4 doses and how long did the prescription liquid  last?



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Can someone please help with info.  I've been taking Xanax 0.5 mg daily for a few years and I'm wanting to stop but today my dr prescribed me Adivan instead of Xanax because he said that it last a little longer than Xanax and that the Valium route could cause some depression. My question is, what dose of Adivan do I have to take in order to be the same as 0.5mg of Xanax. I'm worried about switching meds because I don't know what to expect. Any info is greatly appreciated.
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I think 1 mg Ativan equals .5 xanax.  But you may not notice the drop.


Too bad you couldn't stay on xanax, some people can taper off that fine.  There is a xanax thread on here.

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Bumping up to check in with the AV club to see how we are all doing this week.


I took another cut yesterday (down to .2) after a so-so weekend (Aunt Flo was due so my Ativan s/x and w/d s/x were going strong), but I'm determined to get off this poison.


Could use some encouragement for the next two weeks b/c this is my last push.  I'm not dead set on getting off by the 23rd, but it's a goal.  If my body and brain say "no way," I'll slow down a bit.  It's just I have a family vaca starting August 4, and I would love to have 10 or so days of whatever w/d may come with going off to be under my belt before we leave.  On the other hand, last week was a lot more manageable with the smaller cut.


So, down to .2 for now.  Yesterday and today have been bad (lots of crying, jitters, dizzy and lightheaded), but been able to work with it and know it is just the w/d.....it is my brain and body healing from this poison.


Sending everyone virtual hugs....  :smitten:  Heading down for a nap to save what little energy I have for my little ones when they get home later.

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Ok well I've switched from Xanax 0.5 to Ativan 0.5 from what I've found 0.5 of Ativan is equal to .25 of Xanax and that's all I'm taking so far is 1 pill a day but I have noticed some sore muscles, few muscle spasms but nothing to bad, and feeling sorta warm on my arms but otherwise after 3 days it's been ok. I'm just gonna stay at this dose until things improve but tonight I haven't felt much of anything. Any advice on how to taper from .5 Ativan once things stabilize? Thanks
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Hi Mustang man, do you dry cut the pill? It would be much easier and accurate if you use liquid ativan or water titration with 10ml & 1ml oral syringe.


Taking 4 doses a day to even it out in your blood will help you out a lot too :thumbsup:

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Bumping up to check in with the AV club to see how we are all doing this week.


I took another cut yesterday (down to .2) after a so-so weekend (Aunt Flo was due so my Ativan s/x and w/d s/x were going strong), but I'm determined to get off this poison.


Could use some encouragement for the next two weeks b/c this is my last push.  I'm not dead set on getting off by the 23rd, but it's a goal.  If my body and brain say "no way," I'll slow down a bit.  It's just I have a family vaca starting August 4, and I would love to have 10 or so days of whatever w/d may come with going off to be under my belt before we leave.  On the other hand, last week was a lot more manageable with the smaller cut.


So, down to .2 for now.  Yesterday and today have been bad (lots of crying, jitters, dizzy and lightheaded), but been able to work with it and know it is just the w/d.....it is my brain and body healing from this poison.


Sending everyone virtual hugs....  :smitten:  Heading down for a nap to save what little energy I have for my little ones when they get home later.


Yaay!! for down to .2mg!!! You've been doing soo good!!!


I hope your w/d will get manageable in a couple of days. w/d are so unpredictable but like you said, it's a sign that your brain and body are healing. You're getting closer and closer to freedom! How exciting!!!!


I admire your strength and determination. You're giving us hope!! Think about how much fun you're going to have with your family on vacation!!!


I know you can do this, you're almost there!!!




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After feeling very sedated at 6.5, I cut down to 6 last night.  After 11 days.  I'm now at 1.5 four times a day.
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I haven't began cutting yet because I want to stay here until I'm sure everything is stable. It's a very small tablet and I don't think I can cut it. I don't understand the liquid titration, if someone could explain it I would appreciate it very much. I may ask my dr for the liquid Ativan as an option when I begin tapering. Thanks for all advice!!
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