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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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WOW!!! Awesome that you are done with Ativan!!! Congrats!


Did you use liquid??? Or dry cut the pills...I would think it'd be tough to dry cut 20 percent?


Thanks for support and words!

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Yay Mookie!!!! We're rooting for you  :thumbsup:


Moose - glad you found you way here  :) since Ativan is short acting, most people feel their cuts between 1-4 days. What you are feeling now could just be stabilization from the cut you made. I don't believe there is any taper that is symptom free, the key is to find a pace/cut rate that keeps functional. Remind yourself that 99.9% of any crazy feelings you have are withdrawal. If I was in your situation I would be I cloned to taper quickly before any more damage is done.....BUT you would be taking a chance as you could still experience a long recovery post-withdrawal. Unfortunately, not enough is known about this class of medication. That's the scary part for all of us. Keep posting....we are here for support, advice and suggestions and we've all been the "newbie" at some point. In regards to supplements, I personally steer clear of everything. There is an alternative meds thread and a Gabapentin thread.....my advice would be to thoroughly research anything you plan on taking. Vitamins, minerals, supplements and adjunct meds have helped many and hindered many. So my advice would just to be cautious

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Hi. My doc also suggested switching to klonopin to taper as well because of it's longer half life...haven't committed to this. Any thoughts? The whole switch thing makes me nervous but this Ativan stuff and withdrawals really make me sick...I was wondering if some of this would subside on a different benzo. He also suggested adding Lexapro but that's just another pill I'd have to wean from and not sure if it'd make a difference in withdrawals. Has anyone had an antidepressant that's made a difference for them?



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Hi Moose! Welcome to the thread. This is just my opinion but because you were on the Ativan a relatively short time frame if I were you I'd try to do a faster taper. Simply drycutting the pills into 4 or 8 pieces like NoFun did.


The main reason to switch to a longer acting benzo is interdose. Meaning you're feeling like you need the med before your dose time. In my opinion I would not do the crossover unless I had to. Crossovers should be done in a stepwise fashion regardless, and will add to the time on the drug.


Lots of good points made here. Keep asking questions and reading more about the process. We will help in any way. The bottom line is this can be done. Sxs are inevitable in my opinion but they are temporary. You can be free of these drugs. There is always a way. :smitten:

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Thanks so much. I certainly don't want to be on anything any longer than I need to be. I just had a bad night of little sleep and then dry heaving this AM. I then questioned if I should've cut earlier at day 8-10...maybe this is tolerance? I thought my body would get used to the dose then stabilize and I cut. But I was more stable at day 8!!! Than today. I am supposed to cut tomorrow to 1.5...a little fearful as I feel so terrible today. Maybe do a smaller cut? Or stabilize...but would I stabilize if this is a tolerance thing??


Sorry to be so confusing. Just not sure what way to go.


THANK YOU. Appreciated. 👍👍

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Hi. My doc also suggested switching to klonopin to taper as well because of it's longer half life...haven't committed to this. Any thoughts? The whole switch thing makes me nervous but this Ativan stuff and withdrawals really make me sick...I was wondering if some of this would subside on a different benzo. He also suggested adding Lexapro but that's just another pill I'd have to wean from and not sure if it'd make a difference in withdrawals. Has anyone had an antidepressant that's made a difference for them?




If you are going to switch I'd probably choose Valium rather than K just because it is that much longer acting so you may need one less dose per day, and also V gives you more tapering options and is more common here on the forum.  If the short life of ativan is the problem then the switch should rectify this.  But K is also long acting enough that it should work out fine.


I fail to see how lexapro would be of any help.  It is just another psych drug that can cause equally horrendous withdrawal.

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Hi Moose! Welcome to the thread. This is just my opinion but because you were on the Ativan a relatively short time frame if I were you I'd try to do a faster taper. Simply drycutting the pills into 4 or 8 pieces like NoFun did.


The main reason to switch to a longer acting benzo is interdose. Meaning you're feeling like you need the med before your dose time. In my opinion I would not do the crossover unless I had to. Crossovers should be done in a stepwise fashion regardless, and will add to the time on the drug.


Lots of good points made here. Keep asking questions and reading more about the process. We will help in any way. The bottom line is this can be done. Sxs are inevitable in my opinion but they are temporary. You can be free of these drugs. There is always a way. :smitten:


MooseMom, i think Saga has great advice here.  The only thing i will add is this:  at the beginning of my taper i dosed for times a day.  7am, 12pm, 5pm and 10pm.  It made a big difference.  Some people even dose five times a day.

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You might want to try using liquid.  I am now on 0.396 mg of Ativan a day split into three doses.  I crush a 0.5 mg Ativan using a small mortar and pestle.  I use a graduated cylinder to measure out 150 mL of water.  I then transfer the crushed pill (using some of the measured water to make sure I transfer everything) to a jar.  I add the rest of the water to the jar, put a lid on the jar,  and shake very well.  Once shaken, I quickly remove 40 mL for my first dose.  When dissolving a 50 mg pill into 150 mL of water you have 0.0033 mg Ativan per mL of water. You can use this to determine how much to cut per day or week.  I found this method to be much more accurate than dry cutting a pill.  The key is to make sure you shake the liquid very well before measuring out your dose.  The pill does not dissolve in the water so shaking is important to help keep it suspended in water until you remove the amount for your dose. 


I tapered successfully in the past using this method. I had horrible tolerance withdrawal symptoms and my withdrawal symptoms were down to zero as I water tapered the first time.  As long as I measured my doses correctly and tapered no more than 10% every two weeks I was fine.  It was a slow taper (1.5 years to taper off of 0.75 g Ativan) but I needed to be symptom free so I could work. 


Good luck.  I hope that you can find something that works for you.



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Thanks anne and kiddo


Anne doesn't one need a little alchohol?


Problem i have at the  moment in the last few days it feels like i have cut something but obviously haven't- as i have become very symptomatic , racing /intrusive thoughts and crazy anxiety issues.


I have stopped drinking coffee in the last few days. This could possibly be it.I Also had the flu for a 10 days prior to feeling like this.



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Hi Pete - no you don't need alcohol, some people think you have to use it but there are many people who successfully tapered just dissolving with water.






Those are the only ones I can think of right now. I made mine with just water as well and it was fine. I did go back to dry cutting but that's another story.  :laugh:


Also, keep in mind that you will experience waves (an uptick in symptoms) regardless of anything you do (or don't do). That's the nature of this whole ugly business. You just have to ride it out.


Hope you get some relief soon  :smitten:

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Hey guys, just wanted to wish everyone happy holidays!  I am doing ok, felt off yesterday, but back to normal today.  Hope you all are feeling well enough to enjoy the season
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Happy merry everything!! I hope everyone has the best evening tonight and day tomorrow that they can, whatever the circumstances. I spaced out and was late taking one of my doses...OOPS  :idiot: Oh well! Sometimes I wonder if I'm ok and taking my dose makes me feel worse! Who knows with this crap, right?  :tickedoff: Apparently I'm into the emoticons tonight  :P


I'm glad I have this little community...grateful for you all!




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Hey. Happy holidays everyone. I'm glad that I joined...gained a wealth of info. However some of it makes me nervous. Anyway...with all this tapering that we do...is it to ease any symptoms when we jump? Because it seems like we go through awfulness at the end anyway :(


Don't mean to be a downer...just nervous this holiday season. Just wish I could take my dose, walk away and forget about what may come.


Thanks. And have a great holiday all as best as you can.



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No, you do not need the alcohol.  The pill does not dissolve in the water, but the idea is to crush it using a small mortar and pestle and then make sure you shake very well to suspend the drug in the water.  Then immediately measure out your dose before it settles to the bottom.  It takes some practice but is certainly doable.  In my first taper I would  decrease each day by a very small amount, anywhere from .5 mL to 1 mL (making sure that I did not go over 10% every two weeks).  It was a smooth taper. As I got to lower doses I had to decrease my daily dose even more--I got down to where I was decreasing by only a few drops/day (there are about 20 drops in a mL) but it worked well.  In the beginning, I was dry cutting and had horrible symptoms. It just did not work for me. 


In the past when I stopped caffeine I would get headaches for the first few days.  I was Ativan free for 4 years.  Had no problems.  Now, I am back on the Ativan and unfortunately alcohol is in the mix. So, my taper this time is not going well.  Anyway, a long story that I will not bore you with.


Happy holidays



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My pills dissolved in water after about 10 minutes. You just have to stir REALLY well because the pill residue settles fast. I tapered the whole way from .75 mg Ativan with just pills and water.


Rriver  :)

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Hi all.


So. I planned to cut this weekend (after the weekend by 10% from 1.75). Well I just found out my thyroid numbers crashed again sending me into a hyperthyroid state (the whole reason I'm in this Ativan mess) symptoms such as anxiety, weight loss, insomnia, heart palps and high BP spikes...which all mimic ativan withdrawal as well. So...is it my underlying condition or withdrawal. I am aware that I have some separate withdrawal symptoms such as metallic taste in mouth which is minor. My question is this...should I hold out here and wait for my thyroid to normalize (which could take weeks!!!) or keep tapering...maybe smaller cuts??? And could I have this many symptoms at going from 2 to 1.75...I was fine at the first week...but just seems things are worse...which leads me to believe part of it is thyroid???


Anyone else have this issue or an underlying medical condition where they've had to hold?


Thanks all!!!


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Hi MooseMom,


I am so sorry to hear you are going through this.    I can certainly relate to the high blood pressure spikes. They are awful.  I started taking Ativan in 2006 because of the high blood pressure spikes and was able to successfully taper off (a very slow taper)--I was off for 4 years. I did hold if I  experienced symptoms. From what I have read, it is okay to hold if you are having symptoms as long as you do not hold for too long.  Holding for long periods of time can result in tolerance withdrawal which is what I think I am experiencing now. I have been back on Ativan for 3 years now, and was able to successfully taper down, but I have since reinstated to a higher dose. I held the same dose for a year (very stupid I know) and then started experiencing symptoms again.    Also drinking about 3 to 5 glasses of wine in the evenings.  Now I am not sure if it is alcohol or Ativan that is causing the symptoms.  Since I have been drinking the wine everyday, I am afraid to just cut it out because of alcohol withdrawal.  At this time I am tapering the alcohol.  I feel that I have gotten myself into a mess, and I am very scared.  I do not want to go to the doctor because I think he will stop the Ativan prescription which I need for the taper. 


Maybe you could hold for a while and see if the symptoms decrease as your thyroid meds kick in.  Maybe talk to your doctor and see what he/she thinks especially about the BP. The BP spikes are a big worry.  I am sorry for the long post.  I wish you well in whatever you decide to do.

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Thanks Anne...so were you originally on Ativan for the spikes...you had spikes before Ativan? And you were able to taper down...did you have spikes every time you made a cut or had withdrawal symptoms? How high did your BP spike? How are you feeling now? Did they prescribe BP meds at all?


Sorry for the 20 questions!!! Wondering how to manage this...it's a good thought to get thyroid under control but I REALLY want off this med!!!!


Thanks. Moose

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Another seemingly silly question...is it safe to take Tylenol/Advil for a headache during tapering?? I steer clear of the excedrin due to caffeine.
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Moose I'm sorry I missed your earlier post about the thyroid condition. I'm sorry you're dealing with that as well. Talk about frustrating...I've taken Tylenol with no uptick in sxs. Hope it helps the headache :)
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MooseMom, I think everyone is different, but I haven't had any problems taking either Tylenol (acetaminophen) or Advil (ibuprofen) while tapering. I even took some DayQuil today and that seems to be fine as well. I've also taken Aleve (naproxen sodium) for headaches, too. I figure if I switch it up I won't get used to one thing. Pretty much making that up, but there you have it.  :idiot:


I also wanted to note my weird vibrating feet symptom. I think it's hilarious!  :D


Hoping to make another cut next week, and I'm hoping my next refill is my last! We shall see. Hope everyone is doing well!




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Moose I'm sorry I missed your earlier post about the thyroid condition. I'm sorry you're dealing with that as well. Talk about frustrating...I've taken Tylenol with no uptick in sxs. Hope it helps the headache :)

Aw Saga thanks. That's what I mean...I'm not sure if my symptoms are my thyroid a-swinging or ativan withdrawal...probably a mix. And I'm too scared to make any drastic changes in the taper with the already anxiety and BP/heart palps...that I know are caused by the thyroid as well. I am calling the doc on

On Monday but see him on Friday...I really want to keep tapering so I am asking him if we can do a SMALL AND SLOW taper until my thyroid stabilizes...then if I can go a little bigger I will. I don't want to be stuck here at 1.75!


And I ordered a scale...woohoo!!!

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Hi Moose,


Yes, I had been having the spikes before the Ativan. Also feeling anxious--that nervous feeling right in the pit of my stomach.  I would also feel lightheaded at times.  The BP spikes were making me more anxious which is why they gave me the Ativan.  It helped quite a bit, but I also knew that I would have to taper off of it.  I tapered pretty quickly and was doing fine until I reached 0.25 mg. That is when things got very bad.  I could barely function due to the spikes and feeling a loss of balance when I walked.  It was awful.  I went to every kind of specialist and everything checked out normal. I really did not know what was going on until I found the old yahoo benzo group.  It was advised that I up my dose until I stabilized and then do a very slow water taper.  Except for an occasional BP spike when I did not measure my doses correctly, I had a very smooth taper.  I did not get the BP spikes when I cut because I was cutting by a very small amount each day rather than all at once.  It took me over a year to taper off of 0.75 mg, but again I only tapered a very small amount each day and never once had to updose.  I sometimes would hold for a few days but other than that I was fine.


As far as the BP, I remember one time when I went to ER it was about 190/110.  I usually do not check my BP at home anymore because I panic if it is high which just makes it worse.  I do know when it spikes though because I get symptoms.  Yes, I am on BP meds.  I have been on them for a very long time--BP was spiking while on the meds.  We ended up doubling my dose of BP med back in 2006 when I first started with the BP spikes.


Right now I am not doing well.  The old symptoms are back but that is because I started with Ativan again a few years ago and held at one dose (0.25 mg) for over a year.  It was a stupid thing to do, but I was getting prepared for a surgery and since it was my first one I was very anxious about it.  No excuse I know.  Symptoms came back a couple of months ago and as I said there is also alcohol in the mix now.  I am worried because I feel I have gotten myself into a terrible mess now.  I should have continued tapering a year ago--I would have been finished with this  by now. 


I hope I answered your questions. I think talking to your doctor is a good idea especially with the thyroid issue.  It does sound like it is a mix of thyroid and withdrawal, but then again it could be just the thyroid.  Were you having symptoms before the thyroid issue?



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