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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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Warrior I'm glad you clarified your cuts. Yes I was a bit like Laser unable to read or follow...personally I don't believe those cuts are too much. I found myself some cuts were simply harder than others and random waves sometimes happened. You've also held longer when you feel things have been rough before and I think that's a good policy. I'm sorry you're still having the early morning waking. Sleep issues are notorious tapering and beyond...I do hope you feel some relief soon...


Rose nice to see you here supporting Warrior. I know you have your own sleep issues...don't be discouraged by how hard this has been. You're really doing a great job of tapering.


Laser I'm so glad to hear how much better you're doing! Fabulous is simply great! I too feel things are turning around slowly but surely. I can't wait to be 11 months out  ;)


Mookie glad you stopped at a few sips :) I'm off 5 months now and just last week was able to handle a beer with no uptick. Before then it was not a good outcome  :sick: I'm glad your sxs have been mild. It's difficult not to obsess about all of this...


Judy I'm happy it's all going so well for you. Hey don't worry about the endless taper if it's keeping you functional. That's the key- keeping it that way!

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Again with the tightness in the chest and jaw...it's like it's under my tongue. So weird!! Hour til my last .25 dose for the day. Tomorrow I have my first choir rehearsal while trying to taper. I think it will be fine...it's relaxed me the past couple of weeks, but also exhausted me. Our concert is in 2 weeks, so I'll have a break from it after that, and hope to take a gentle yoga class to help with this process. It meets at the same time as my rehearsals (of course!). If this keeps steady, I plan to cut another .25 and dose 4 times a day. I'm a little nervous it might be too much at once, but I was on it for such a short time that I'm hoping it will be okay. Hope everyone is having a peaceful evening. xoxo
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Mookie I know it's hard not to worry about all of this...you will have really strange sxs and it helps to know they're sometimes neuro related...like sensations and the weird tightness...I think the choir practice is a food move and the yoga..anything to keep distracted is a good idea. Yes, you may have extra fatigue that's normal. You'll find a way to balance activities and extra rest.


So far you haven't had significant sxs...I believe that's a good sign. I support your aggressive taper due to the short usage. If it seems too much you can always hold and then proceed with your taper at a slower pace.  :smitten:

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I'm tapering off Ativan. I was taking anywhere from 0.25 mg to 0.5 mg once a day, or spread out over a night (like 10:30pm and then again at maybe 1:00am).


I inadvertently c/t'd from 0.25 mg nightly and was fine for a week before w/d's really kicked in. I went back up to 0.25 mg nightly and successfully tapered down to 0.125 mg nightly.  I'm now trying to go to 0.125 mg every other night, but I'm getting interdose w/d's.


My plan now is to try to go to roughly 0.0625 (1/8 of a tablet, my cuts aren't going to be perfect) twice a day, to try to even out the concentration levels, then maybe drop to three doses out of four. After that, who knows.


Have any other folks done this kind of graduated taper at such low dosage levels?  I'm wondering if it's just me that seems to be so sensitive.

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dosing every other day is not advised at all. its sending your brain into a mini-cold turkey every other day. you want to keep your serum levels of ativan/lorazepam constant throughout the day, each day, with the exception when you cut. Its not that your overly sensitive, its the intense interdose withdrawals your suffering dosing every other day. lorazepam has a very short half life you your blood spikes quickly then you divebomb, only to repeat the pattern. If i were in your shoes id be tempted to stabilize at your current dose, every day. then proceed down. You may be saving yourself a lot of misery by correcting things sooner rather than later.


Or you could continue every other day and cut to 0.06 then jump. its a crap shoot but i would be inclined to take the more gentle path, this drug has teeth! :)

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If i were in your shoes id be tempted to stabilize at your current dose, every day. then proceed down. You may be saving yourself a lot of misery by correcting things sooner rather than later.


Or you could continue every other day and cut to 0.06 then jump. its a crap shoot but i would be inclined to take the more gentle path, this drug has teeth! :)

Thanks for your suggestions, LJ3051. Just so I understand you, are you suggesting "stabilizing" at 0.125 mg daily as a single dose, or a twice-daily roughly 0.0625 mg (for a total dose of 0.125 mg)?


And by "proceeding down", are you saying that I might need to taper down even more slowly than 0.125 / 0.0625 / 0?  From your signature, it sounds like that's what you're suggesting.  In that case, I might want to consider investing in a miligram (microgram?) scale or consider switching to liquid titration....

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Sorry I haven't been here....I've been very busy and trying to break out of this never-ending wave and didn't want to be a total Debbie Downer  :D


Mookie - welcome to the thread. It sounds like you are doing very well. I've been tapering for 10 months and have had all sorts of nutty symptoms. I basically chalk EVERYTHING I feel up to withdrawal....and 99.9% of the time it is. You sound positive and determined, you are going to be a success  :thumbsup:


Judy - you sound like you are still rolling along. Slow is nothing to be ashamed of.....especially if you aren't too symptomatic. You're doing great and I'm happy your posted  :smitten:


Warrior - I hope you are slowly climbing out of the weeds, I hate to see you so symptomatic. But never forget how great you're doing and how important you are to everyone here.  :smitten:


Rose - I don't think we've met but I know you're friends with Warrior and Beth so just wanted to hello and hope you're doing well  :)


Houndog - I agree with Laser, it is NOT recommended to dose every other day. I personally feel you would be setting yourself up for failure tapering this way. There are many ways to taper so let us know if you want some more suggestions. Purchasing a scale could help you get lower in dose before jumping and they are cost effective....$25 on Amazon. I would personally continue dosing everyday, twice daily to help curb interdose and then continue your walk to freedom. In any case, welcome to the thread, looking forward to getting to know you  :)


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If i were in your shoes id be tempted to stabilize at your current dose, every day. then proceed down. You may be saving yourself a lot of misery by correcting things sooner rather than later.


Or you could continue every other day and cut to 0.06 then jump. its a crap shoot but i would be inclined to take the more gentle path, this drug has teeth! :)

Thanks for your suggestions, LJ3051. Just so I understand you, are you suggesting "stabilizing" at 0.125 mg daily as a single dose, or a twice-daily roughly 0.0625 mg (for a total dose of 0.125 mg)?


And by "proceeding down", are you saying that I might need to taper down even more slowly than 0.125 / 0.0625 / 0?  From your signature, it sounds like that's what you're suggesting.  In that case, I might want to consider investing in a miligram (microgram?) scale or consider switching to liquid titration....


Hi Hounddog, welcome to the thread! I agree with Laser and Kiddo...if you're experiencing interdose it doesn't surprise me the every other day isn't working...Ativan is a short duration and the above really is true about throwing yourself into w/d with the every other day dosing...I think the twice a day dose of .0625 is the best way to start...maybe feel a bit more stable? Then you could use the scale or make a liquid to reduce by smaller amounts if needed...lots of ways to do this...  ;)

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Houndog - I agree with Laser, it is NOT recommended to dose every other day. I personally feel you would be setting yourself up for failure tapering this way. There are many ways to taper so let us know if you want some more suggestions. Purchasing a scale could help you get lower in dose before jumping and they are cost effective....$25 on Amazon. I would personally continue dosing everyday, twice daily to help curb interdose and then continue your walk to freedom. In any case, welcome to the thread, looking forward to getting to know you  :)

Kiddo, thanks for the comments. I'll take ALL the suggestions that I can get. I'm thankful there are so many people willing to help others in recovering from this medication.

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Houndog - we are all happy to help....we don't have all the answers but we can certainly offer suggestions based on what worked for us  :)


If it were me I would spend a little time stabilizing at 0.125mg DAILY (divided by two doses - .0625mg x 2) and then order a scale and go down as slow or fast as you can handle. How are your symptoms currently? Are you highly symptomatic? Are the symptoms manageable?

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If it were me I would spend a little time stabilizing at 0.125mg DAILY (divided by two doses - .0625mg x 2) and then order a scale and go down as slow or fast as you can handle. How are your symptoms currently? Are you highly symptomatic? Are the symptoms manageable?

Thanks for the advice, Kiddo, I think I will do just that.  Stabilizing the blood concentration level seems like the number 1 priority (as much as is possible with Ativan...).


My current symptoms are jitteriness (like having drunk too much coffee or too many Cokes), very tight and/or burning muscles (upper back, chest, shoulders, neck), and an inability to relax or "do nothing".  I keep reminding myself that these are almost certainly biochemical reactions, and not related to the emotional turmoil that got me onto the Ativan.

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Houndog - yes, reminding yourself that everything you're feeling is likely withdrawal helps to keep the anxiety at bay. I sometimes have to remind myself of this 30x a day  :idiot:  If you want to order the scale it's the Gemini Pro 20 milligram scale and is available on Amzon.com - it's accurate enough for our use. I also recommend going back and reading this thread in its entirety, it'll give you a good indication of different methods and allow you to get to know everyone's story.


We're here if you need us  :)

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Hi kiddo,

Nice to meet you, thank you for thinking if me, yes, Beth and Warrior , Saga, are amazing buddies.

I hope you feel better soon, I'm in the weeds a lot..I have mostly emotional sxs..I'm rather weepy..

I too, don't want to be a downer, but I sometimes present myself just as I am, warts and all, bc I'm scared and alone much at home..was on ativan a long time, and the v taper is more depressing for me . Thank you Kiddo for being here for so many


:smitten:  rose

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Having a bit of a rough day at work....back after a 4-day weekend, during most of which I felt pretty good! But now I'm here and my face is flushing, have some pressure in the back of my head, and feel on the verge of tears. UGH. Luckily I only have to get through today and tomorrow here...took 3 vacation days leading up to my neuro consultation on Friday, which I'm now nearly 100% sure is just going to rule stuff out. My symptoms prior to Ativan seemed, to my doc, more neurological than panic/anxiety-induced, but I've cut gluten out of my diet, and those weird symptoms have disappeared. She told me not to say anything about that to the neuro, as they will probably just roll their eyes at the "condition du jour". Now I just have these w/d sxs. Going to make my next cut of .25 mgs on Thursday. I need to get up and walk around more here at work. OH and choir rehearsal was lovely last night! I'm so glad I can still manage going...singing makes me feel so much better. Maybe it's the controlled breathing or something. I hope you are all having as good a day as you can!! xo  :)
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Thanks, Kiddo, I've just ordered that scale (Gemini Pro 20). Guaranteed delivery "tomorrow"!


Can anyone suggest small bags or other containers to hold each dose?  I'm currently storing the pieces loose in a pill box, where they are bumping against each other and possibly knocking stuff loose.


If I decide to go the titration route, are there any suggestions for small sealable vials to hold each dose?

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Hi Houndog - I use the pill containers but I use the long rectangular ones that have the days of the week on them.....they hold 14 doses in separate compartments  :thumbsup:
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Rose you're always welcome here :smitten: I know you have more sadness and emotional sxs...you're really doing a great job though with your taper...try to stay in the one day at a time mode...it really helps...


Mookie I'm sorry it's not as good as it was...that's the nature of tapering...if you can get up and walk around a bit and try to distract as best you can it does help at work...as tough as it was I was glad to be working for the distraction...


Hounddog I did the same as Kiddo with my doses...had a small container to take doses at work. Maybe someone who uses liquid will chime in on how they transport doses...


Hi Kiddo :smitten:

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Houndog - If you're thinking of going to liquid (it's personally made my taper mostly a breeze so far) then I would suggesting getting a 30ml plastic container from your local drugstore / pharmacist. They look pretty much like those containers that camera film comes in. Even though I dose 3 times a day I only need to transport one of the containers. I put that container into a small thermos and surround it with ice. Works great. By dose time the ice isn't even half melted.


Hope that helps.



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Hello all!


I think I found my people!  I am trying to taper off of Ativan and feel stuck at 1.5 mg/night.  I've been taking it for sleep for the last 8 years having no real clue about how addictive it is or how much tolerance I have.  Pretty sure I need to do a substitution taper since I am not sleeping at all if I drop below 1.5 mg.  No sleep means I'm not able to get myself to work so I can't just power through a few days of insomnia each time I cut.  Not sure what to try so any suggestions are welcome!

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Does any one wake up early morn from the anxiety being so bad ? I know Rose and Katz wake up early. Is it caused from anxiety and feeling like you have the benzo flu ?. Since my cut 7 days ago it is basically non stop all day and evening . I wonder if cutting to 1/2 mg pill did it . I cut by 1/16th . It was a 5 am cut.  I need to stop  ! Just let it go. I feel like I'm going crazy at times right now.


Saga, Thinking of you ! Sorry to hear your sick and in a wave.

I hope you feel better soon my dear friend !


LaserJet, Do you have an suggestions. Should I try to even my doses or take smaller cuts ? I use a scale . Thinking of you !


Judy, How are you doing ?


River , I'm so happy for you and your JUMP !  Yeah ! Hope it is going well for you !


Mookie , Hope your day is better.


Love, Peace and Calmness,



Thanks for providing extra detail on your dose history. It looks like your cuts as a % of current dose are conservative/small. If you are really feeling bad, hold a while longer before your next cut til things smoothe out. Smoothe out does not mean roses, it means sxs are not getting worse and at their current level, are "tolerable." Equalizing your doses within each day will help, but your a.m/p.m dose spread is not so big as to cause substantial problems, at least in my opinion. you have nothing to lose by equalizing your doses, so go ahead and do it, it will even out your serum lorazepam concentration over the 24 hr period.


Its no surprise you feel bad. 1.8mg is certainly enough to cause problems; 1.0 mg brought me to my knees.


Some legendary folks here manage to taper this drug with little discomfort. Such successes are often attributed to this or that strategy, which may in fact be true. But there is also a genetic component to this (and every biological) process. Some people are just highly sensitive to this class of drugs. I know I am one. Its somewhat unique in the sense that I have never had such a profoundly bad reaction to any other class of drugs, prescribed or otherwise.


Are you ready for your next cut? Only you will know at such time. Go with your gut. You can alwas dial back in case of getting in too deep.



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Hello all!


I think I found my people!  I am trying to taper off of Ativan and feel stuck at 1.5 mg/night.  I've been taking it for sleep for the last 8 years having no real clue about how addictive it is or how much tolerance I have.  Pretty sure I need to do a substitution taper since I am not sleeping at all if I drop below 1.5 mg.  No sleep means I'm not able to get myself to work so I can't just power through a few days of insomnia each time I cut.  Not sure what to try so any suggestions are welcome!


Hi North, welcome to the thread!  :)  yes it's shocking to all of us finding out how powerful these drugs are .... I would suggest learning about the ways to taper making much smaller cuts going forward. I'm assuming when you dropped your higher doses it was in larger chunks and over a long period of time.


You can use a scale to make much smaller reductions, create a liquid from your pills or use liquid Ativan. Substituting with Valium is also an option you're correct.


Sleep issues are extremely common while tapering and beyond unfortunately...there is an insomnia section on the forum dedicated to sleep issues. Reading back on this thread should give you a sense of what others are experiencing as well as insights to taper methods...please keep reading and asking questions. We will be happy to help any way we can.  :smitten:





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Laser,  I don't know how to equalize my doses. To me I would have to updose  my 10:30am and 4pm dose that are now 3/8mg ? My next cut I was going to do was 1/32 off of my 9pm dose, which is next in line for the  cut. Do that for 3 days then cut another 1/32 off for 3 days all on that night dose that would total 1/16th.  Then wait a few days to make sure I'm stable. I heard that smaller cuts might help people  feel better ?

I still have a nervous stomach , some anxiety, ears ringing, breathing issuses, it is called Vocal Cord Dysfunction  and fearfulness. I have not left the house  but once in 10 days since my cut. Are those sxs that I  have live  to with everyday ?

If that is true I will have to "accept" that for what it is and know it won't get better for a long time. Then just keep cutting !

I'm very drug sensitive to many drugs.  Thank you, I don't feel so alone to know some else knows what it feels like to  be drug sensitive. It give me courage and hope to know I can do this .


I have a hard time comprehending things. I'm older and my husband is older yet , so it makes it hard to figure this all out. No Pity- Party  just a plain simple fact of life. So I appreciate all  the input you can give to me.


Kiddo and Saga , Thank you for all the support and knowledge !  I could not have made it without you assisting me with the scale and etc.  I  Love you  both ! :smitten:


Love ,Peace and Calmness,



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Welcome NorthRiver - Welcome to the thread  :) Can you tell us a little more a out how you talered to 1.5mg and why you are feeling stuck? Have you tried anything else for the insomnia? I know a lot of people have had success with OTC sleep aids.


Warrior - sometimes the waves just happen, regardless if cutting or holding. Last March I held for 3 weeks, updosed, and held again and still didn't get any relief. Interestingly enough, I finally got relief when I just dropped again. This is such an individual process....this wave I'm not cutting through, it's too intense and I'm not functioning well. But I won't hold longer than 3 weeks, for me, I don't see the point. You are doing well! Keep fighting, my friend  :smitten:



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