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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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hI Kiddo


Well i don't know how you get it down to by .2 of a pill if thats the case. If one of my pills is coming in at .005 one end out and then another .04 out thats represents a swing of 10%

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Does anyone have severe memory loss from Ativan.  I do and my doctor says its not coming back.  It's a nightmare!


Please help!




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Snow I have some memory issues as well... I fully expect my memories to return. In some ways I've already seen this improve. My husband has also noticed this improvement. Honestly I think your Dr is wrong and is doing you a disservice making such a statement. It may take some time but I believe our brains have the extraordinary capacity for healing.


Pete try not to stress too much about the scale if possible...I had help with it...there were times I became very frustrated using it...as long as I was going down in amounts I tried not to worry about what I saw as small inaccuracies...I know this is easier said than done...i very much agree with Kiddos attitude toward using the scale...

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Pete I don't stress over using the scale anymore. What I have found is ,I now like cutting my pills. It gives me something to focus on in a good way. I have a lot of time on my hands, so works for me. I don't close the lid because I never knew I should. I did hear about the drafts. But Kiddo is right  a small difference in weight does not matter much.

Go with it , you can do it !


  Love Warrior


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Does anyone have severe memory loss from Ativan.  I do and my doctor says its not coming back.  It's a nightmare!


Please help!





Short term ativan use really damaged my memory capabilities. As I have learned, this is a very dangerous drug that most doctors only poorly understand, at best. I wonder what evidence your doctor has for making such a bold statement? I have confronted doctors over the year who made dubious claims by asking them "What is the evidence supporting your claim?"  There were plenty of times that they were unable to substantiate the claim and backed off on the conclusion.


Anecdotal clinical observations may be all there is to draw from on this memory issue. Are there controlled studies addressing this in peer reviewed literature?  :)

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Snow - I agree with Laser and Saga. That was a very discouraging statement your doctor made, with no evidence (that I'm aware of) to back up the claim. Shame on him/her. I'm more inclined to believe the people who have actually used this class of drugs and recovered. All the success stories point to 100% recovery and I've yet to read a store that says "I'm 100% healed but have severe memory loss still". I don't buy it. You are still on a very high dose of A, and when I was at 2mg my memory was non-existent but has improved as I've lowered my dose. Of course I'm not nearly as sharp/clear as I was pre-benzo but I am certain I will be again.  :thumbsup:


Pete - I'm not sure what to say....I don't like answering scale questions b/c, as I said, I don't use it properly and don't care that much. I figure it's more accurate than eye-balling my cuts. I wish I could be more help  :-\

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After cutting last night by 5% I'm going back to my usual 2mg. I've had the day from hell today...and the pain in my mouth is beyond any pain i have ever had 24/7 - my dentist says its not a dental matter as the meds are doing it- the bones of my teeth are so sore and the gum recession is rapid. My mouth is like sandpaper all the time.


i'm really caught between a rock and hard place- the sensitivity to any change seems unbearable to my nervous system- I also took some codomal yesterday I'm wondering if that had any effect on the way i'm feeling today.


Going to have to find a way to treat this pain somehow.

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Pete - I get the gum/teeth pain as well. It's constant, the only thing that changes in a daily basis is the intensity. My gums are also receding at an abnormally fast pace. I've avoided the dentist but trying to find the courage to go. Mine is 100% related to Ativan. I understand the pain you are talking about. Sometimes saliva hurts  :-[ What about Orajel or something like that? I'm too leery to take anything besides a Tylenol. I also need a mouth guard as I bring and clench my teeth when I sleep which speeds up gum recession. Sorry you have to deal with this.


At some point you will need to get off Ativan. Dropping your dose and then going back to the original is not deleting yourself up for success. There come a point when you have to sit with the pain/discomfort in order to get off these horrific drugs.



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Pete and others - I too have had the tooth/gum issue, but mostly I've been unconsciously clenching my teeth together and creating some suction...


I've been crossing from ativan to valium this week and the clenching thing is less.


BUT the short-term memory and concentration piece is up: VERY hard to remember little things lately, like where I put my keys, numbers, names, etc.. I do hope this is benzo related and that my memory and concentration will return. The "good" news is that so far I haven't had the interdose w/d anxiety - I'm equating 0.65 mg ativan with 6.5 mg valium (some places make a lower equivalence but Ashton and others do 1:10 ratios).


But it's discouraging to be so forgetful. Please, let the ability to focus return. Let our neurons heal.

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Pete I'm really sorry you're suffering so much with the teeth and gum pain...I have not experienced that myself other than a lot of clenching and jaw pain. What you're describing is common unfortunately. I've read of many others having this same pain.


That being said I agree somehow you need to realize going back up is really not the answer...not for short term or long term. The dentist seems to understand the meds are the issue. I hope you can find something to help with the pain even a temporary solution like Kiddo suggested.


NYC Im glad the crossover is going well and helping with the interdose issue  All of the forgetfulness and concentration issues you're experiencing are classic w/d. I think most everyone on the forum can relate to what you've explained is happening...with time I have no doubt these will return to normal.

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Hey guys


Thanks for the kindness. It wasn't just the pain in the mouth- it was the mental torture, I had horrible ocd thoughts stuck in my head and felt like jumping out the window. Maybe the 5% cut was too much, maybe i need help getting off these meds, maybe i need to switch to valium. To think that a 5% cut would cause so much chaos and torture.



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Pete get on the train with us ! I have had all the same stuff as you !  , I know it can be hell , I have been there ! So many people on this site has too. We will win, our brains are healing !

Please hang in there . You can do this !!!

  Take care stay strong,


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Pete, Warrior is referencing this brilliant analogy from Seriously Done. I know she hasn't modified this as a general post however it's still quite relevant for all of us.




Getting off these drugs is very hard. Yes I can believe you felt the 5% reduction. It's hard to imagine a legally prescribed drug can have these effects. Yet there is only one way out of this and it's through...you can do this Pete :smitten:



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Pete, Warrior is referencing this brilliant analogy from Seriously Done. I know she hasn't modified this as a general post however it's still quite relevant for all of us.




Getting off these drugs is very hard. Yes I can believe you felt the 5% reduction. It's hard to imagine a legally prescribed drug can have these effects. Yet there is only one way out of this and it's through...you can do this Pete :smitten:


The train analogy is the best thing ever!


I am still in disbelief that these tiny crumbs of a tablet can make such a difference, but it's true.

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Hi peeps,


Happy Monday!  Hope everyone is experiencing some relieve and not just pure misery.


I changed my cut day from Monday to Saturday. I feel safer this way, just in case i have bad sxs, on the weekend i don't have to drive the kids around so much.  If i get really bad sxs hubby can take over for the weekend. 


So i cut on Saturday, down to about 0.44mg.  I did have some breathing issues last night, and earlier yesterday.  That weird feeling where you feel like you can't get enough air.  And a few brief moments of DR or DP.  Talked myself thru it.  No fun, but bearable. 


I truly believe now that those sxs stem from the brain/CNS adjusting and healing.  After those three days following cut day i usually feel much better.  My memory is getting better.  Absorbing information in class is getting easier.  My mood is much better.  I can handle more physical activity.  So this has to be healing, when we suffer thru weird and miserable days.


I don't know, it's just what i think is going on lol

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I've felt bad from reducing less than 5%. This has included extreme nerve pain in my feet that made me limp for several weeks. It went away eventually.


You just have to play the long game with these meds. Think of how much better you will be 1 year, 2 years, 10 years from now.


You will get through this!


Rriver  :smitten:

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Hi All,


I am tapering off Lorazepam 1mgs after taking it for 4 months which was prescribed for vertigo.

Started taper in August  as realized had developed tolerance,had to up the dose to 1.5mgs.

Now at 0.17or 0.18 mgs ,not sure.

Had a rough day yesterday with dizzy spells and had palpitations in the night for a few hrs.slept for 6hrs or so.

How should I proceed now,

I use the 0.5 mgs pills and use a pill cutter

What scale is to be used.

I just randomly eyeball the cut.

Please advise ,

Thank you so much.

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Hi All,


I am tapering off Lorazepam 1mgs after taking it for 4 months which was prescribed for vertigo.

Started taper in August  as realized had developed tolerance,had to up the dose to 1.5mgs.

Now at 0.17or 0.18 mgs ,not sure.

Had a rough day yesterday with dizzy spells and had palpitations in the night for a few hrs.slept for 6hrs or so.

How should I proceed now,

I use the 0.5 mgs pills and use a pill cutter

What scale is to be used.

I just randomly eyeball the cut.

Please advise ,

Thank you so much.


How many pieces do you get out of the 0.5 tablet?  I am still learning to cut these tiny amounts.  How many times a day do take them?

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No good, very bad night last night.  Full-body vibrations, jerks, restlessness, close to no sleep. 

Well, i was cruising along for a few weeks, i was bound to have some sxs.  :-[

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You seemed to be doing great THISISNOFUN and keep at it. It will pass, I imagine.


I shifted from ativan to valium and so far so good. Too good, almost. I feel kind of normal, more sleepy, maybe more stupid, and it's troubling because now I'm addicted to it and am afraid to start tapering down again. The good news is that at a 1:10 ratio, I did manage to make a small cut to the equivalent of 0.6 mg ativan. But it's possible that ratio isn't really exact, that it depends on the person. Motivation remains at an all time low. Docs want me on a new antidepress/antipsych (latuda) but I keep thinking i want to tackle this addiction first. All over the place as usual. Need a better plan.

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You seemed to be doing great THISISNOFUN and keep at it. It will pass, I imagine.


I shifted from ativan to valium and so far so good. Too good, almost. I feel kind of normal, more sleepy, maybe more stupid, and it's troubling because now I'm addicted to it and am afraid to start tapering down again. The good news is that at a 1:10 ratio, I did manage to make a small cut to the equivalent of 0.6 mg ativan. But it's possible that ratio isn't really exact, that it depends on the person. Motivation remains at an all time low. Docs want me on a new antidepress/antipsych (latuda) but I keep thinking i want to tackle this addiction first. All over the place as usual. Need a better plan.


Thx for the encouragement. 


So 0.6mg ativan is 6mg valium?  Then  that means i am on 4.4mg valium right now, which is still A LOT.  I had no clue.  It seemed like such a small amount.  Now i know why i feel so crappy today.


I would think tapering off the benzo first might be better than adding something new...my experience, i never knew how i would react to a new antidepressant.  It might help a lot, or it might make you feel worse.  I don't know.  Go with your gut.  :)

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Should i change from 4 to 3 doses a day?  This way i could cut larger crumbs which is easier.  Or would that totally screw me up?  Right now i take them at 7, 12, 5 and 10.
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Hi All,


I am tapering off Lorazepam 1mgs after taking it for 4 months which was prescribed for vertigo.

Started taper in August  as realized had developed tolerance,had to up the dose to 1.5mgs.

Now at 0.17or 0.18 mgs ,not sure.

Had a rough day yesterday with dizzy spells and had palpitations in the night for a few hrs.slept for 6hrs or so.

How should I proceed now,

I use the 0.5 mgs pills and use a pill cutter

What scale is to be used.

I just randomly eyeball the cut.

Please advise ,

Thank you so much.


Welcome to the thread Kirk! I'm sorry I'm not quite understanding if .18 is the total amount of Ativan you're taking now per day or per dose? You're eyeballing cuts and guessing? I used a Gemini pro milligram scale from Amazon to measure my doses. If you're looking for more precision you could do that or also use the pills to create a liquid if you want to slow down the taper. Either method will give you greater control.

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No good, very bad night last night.  Full-body vibrations, jerks, restlessness, close to no sleep. 

Well, i was cruising along for a few weeks, i was bound to have some sxs.  :-[


I'm sorry NoFun...you were bound to have some days like this...I really wouldn't want to try moving from 4 down to 3 doses...I think your body really gets used to those times and trying to stretch it out may be tough. That's just my opinion. I dosed around the ones you do and it was tough to manage those.


Yes the equivalent is 10:1 for Valium...according to Ashton. These are very potent tiny pills...it's wild just how potent a tiny crumb becomes...still you're doing a good job! I hope it levels out for you soon!

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You seemed to be doing great THISISNOFUN and keep at it. It will pass, I imagine.


I shifted from ativan to valium and so far so good. Too good, almost. I feel kind of normal, more sleepy, maybe more stupid, and it's troubling because now I'm addicted to it and am afraid to start tapering down again. The good news is that at a 1:10 ratio, I did manage to make a small cut to the equivalent of 0.6 mg ativan. But it's possible that ratio isn't really exact, that it depends on the person. Motivation remains at an all time low. Docs want me on a new antidepress/antipsych (latuda) but I keep thinking i want to tackle this addiction first. All over the place as usual. Need a better plan.


Hi NYC glad you're feeling better with the crossover behind you! At least the Valium took care of the interdose! I know you're having a tough time with this whole situation. Just try looking at this one day at a time...I can't speak about new meds...no real advise there. I think coming up with a plan for how you're going to reduce the Valium is vital. I think it would also help you feel like you're taking charge...you can do this!

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