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Tapering off Ativan Support Thread


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That would work No Fun...it's easy to smash that tiny piece of pill and take half.  :) I should say it's not impossible...


So far i have just been using my nails to split it...horribly inaccurate lol.  Should i maybe use a razorblade?  If it just turns into a tiny pile of powder, do i eat the powder?? 

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Hey no problem  :smitten: if you really want to get that junkie feeling try using a scale a tweezers and a razor blade, LOL. A scene straight out of The Wire :laugh:
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Hey no problem  :smitten: if you really want to get that junkie feeling try using a scale a tweezers and a razor blade, LOL. A scene straight out of The Wire :laugh:


Woohoo, now we are talking!  How will i hide this from the kids???  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


This is all so absurd it's funny!  Embrace the lunacy of it all!

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Saga , You are so good at making me laugh ! Love Ya Girl !!!!!!!! :smitten: :smitten:


Nofun that is exactly what I do it works great ! I love my scale,  etc.  I use a cutting board. I wonder if people use mirrors to cut on ? Or is that just in the movies ?


Love You,  :smitten:


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Saga , You are so good at making me laugh ! Love Ya Girl !!!!!!!! :smitten: :smitten:


Nofun that is exactly what I do it works great ! I love my scale,  etc.  I use a cutting board. I wonder if people use mirrors to cut on ? Or is that just in the movies ?


Love You,  :smitten:



I know, i'm picturing myself cutting a line on a mirror.  But that would create some horrible flashbacks for me, so maybe not  :laugh:.  This is all so crazy!!!  I did not expect having to cut tiny tablets with razors when i filled that first prescription

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Oh my! I got a good laugh just reading this part of the thread saga, and Thisisnofun!  It is so crazy! We seem like total junkies! :thumbsup:


Honestly, i can't even talk about it to people, it is such a weird situation.  We take a small prescribed amount of medicine, and we end up tapering off in miniscule amounts for months or years.  People don't get it unless they went thru it.

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Happy to provide free laughs  ;)  Having a sense of humor is how I'm making it through this madness  :laugh: what else can we do but make fun at the absurdities?!


Love back at you Warrior :smitten:


I've talked to a few people outside of family but honestly no one really understands...I'm done wasting my time just becoming frustrated. The only people who really get it are here. But really would we understand unless we've experienced this ourselves? I think not, sadly...anyway stay strong and keep your sense of humor.



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Before switching to liquid I was dry cutting with razor blade on a mirror. There is a reason cocaine users prefer these tools. The hard reflective cutting surface facilitates exacting cuts with no residual loss. Seriously.
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Before switching to liquid I was dry cutting with razor blade on a mirror. There is a reason cocaine users prefer these tools. The hard reflective cutting surface facilitates exacting cuts with no residual loss. Seriously.


Wow.  And i thought they just did this cause it looks cool.  I learn something new here every day.


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Hahahaha!  I thought they did it because it looks cool too!! I had no clue why they used a mirror! Lol! We would have been better off taking a street drug! Less withdrawal!  Geez!!
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Laser, Saga,  marie b  and nofun ,    I use a plastic cutting  board . I know the powder stays on my board.  I wonder if I should get a mirror. It would be easier. The mirror won't  break when you use a razor blade to cut a pill ? I see Hobby Lobby has them . I'm sure people use them for decoration also. So I won't feel weird buying one !


  This a  crazy topic but I feel what ever works to get the job done. Right ?  LOL


    Have a great day !

      Love to all,  :smitten: :smitten:



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Laser, Saga,  marie b  and nofun ,    I use a plastic cutting  board . I know the powder stays on my board.  I wonder if I should get a mirror. It would be easier. The mirror won't  break when you use a razor blade to cut a pill ? I see Hobby Lobby has them . I'm sure people use them for decoration also. So I won't feel weird buying one !


  This a  crazy topic but I feel what ever works to get the job done. Right ?  LOL


    Have a great day !

      Love to all,  :smitten: :smitten:




Ok, that's it, i'm buying a mirror!  :laugh:  at least that will make me laugh!

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Hahahaha!  I thought they did it because it looks cool too!! I had no clue why they used a mirror! Lol! We would have been better off taking a street drug! Less withdrawal!  Geez!!


This discussion is making me laugh  :laugh: Thanks!


If I had taken street drugs, I could have checked myself into one of those high-class rehab resorts and been out of there in a few weeks scarred and out of money, but mostly healed. Instead I took a prescription drug and spent a year tapering.  :idiot:


Rriver  :smitten:

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Hahahaha!  I thought they did it because it looks cool too!! I had no clue why they used a mirror! Lol! We would have been better off taking a street drug! Less withdrawal!  Geez!!


This discussion is making me laugh  :laugh: Thanks!


If I had taken street drugs, I could have checked myself into one of those high-class rehab resorts and been out of there in a few weeks scarred and out of money, but mostly healed. Instead I took a prescription drug and spent a year tapering.  :idiot:


Rriver  :smitten:


We gotta find humor in this!


When i went into rehab for alcohol, it felt almost like a vacation.  I didn't have to cook and clean and take care of a family.  I went for daily walks, had lots of therapy, met lots of people (a couple celebrities!  Nice rehab perk).  Once my physical sxs cleared up, i had to beat the psychological addiction, and give my brain chemistry time to heal.  That part was tough, it took a good year.  But rehab was awesome!  My first one was very fancy.  Second one not so fancy lol.


Insurance covered only a fraction, but i was able to get a payment plan.  The second place actually let me stay for free for a week, because i begged and cried for them to let me stay.  I still can't believe they did that.


So yeah, in a way street drugs and alcohol may be easier.  I don't know.  Recovering from alcohol is tough.  Street drugs are more dangerous though. 


It's all kinda bad lol!  But at least we're not alone in this, in either situation.

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Hahahaha!  I thought they did it because it looks cool too!! I had no clue why they used a mirror! Lol! We would have been better off taking a street drug! Less withdrawal!  Geez!!


This discussion is making me laugh  :laugh: Thanks!


If I had taken street drugs, I could have checked myself into one of those high-class rehab resorts and been out of there in a few weeks, scarred and out of money, but mostly healed. Instead I took a prescription drug and spent a year tapering.  :idiot:


Rriver  :smitten:


We gotta find humor in this!


When i went into rehab for alcohol, it felt almost like a vacation.  I didn't have to cook and clean and take care of a family.  I went for daily walks, had lots of therapy, met lots of people (a couple celebrities!  Nice rehab perk).  Once my physical sxs cleared up, i had to beat the psychological addiction, and give my brain chemistry time to heal.  That part was tough, it took a good year.  But rehab was awesome!  My first one was very fancy.  Second one not so fancy lol.


Insurance covered only a fraction, but i was able to get a payment plan.  The second place actually let me stay for free for a week, because i begged and cried for them to let me stay.  I still can't believe they did that.


So yeah, in a way street drugs and alcohol may be easier.  I don't know.  Recovering from alcohol is tough.  Street drugs are more dangerous though. 


It's all kinda bad lol!  But at least we're not alone in this, in either situation.


Sorry you've been through this, but at least the rehab facilities were nice to you.  :thumbsup: (You have to look on the bright side, right?)


Alcohol affects the same receptors as benzos--the GABA receptors. I've heard alcohol w/d and benzo w/d are the worst. I know someone who's going through alcohol w/d. She can't afford rehab, so she's doing this at home. Her symptoms are very similar to what I've gone through. She's been very sick.


I have a lot of sympathy for alcoholics and drug addicts these days. You're right, at least here at Benzo Buddies we aren't alone. I couldn't have survived this year without all the support here on these forums.


Rriver  :smitten:

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I got scales to cut yesterday, but I can not get a consistent reading from the same pill. When i shave a bit off it, the reading sometimes comes up higher- doesn't bode well for me reducing eh.


Also i have been thinking about valium crossover a lot...for the reason that i have horrendous teeth and gum pain every day, I can't now eat on the right hand side of my mouth. Its hard to know with a longer acting drug would help with this problem- or whether its just my nervous system is whacked.

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Pete, I got a Gemini scale. You have to let the scale warm up , then put the pill on , let the scale settle as it will give a different weight if you don't wait.  I weigh each pill in my new bottle then put them back in the bottle , mark my bottle with the weight. Then I start cutting and shaving off. The scale is sensitive so you have to put the pill in the center so it is not off balance. The pill weight might vary  as follows. .66 is my weight , then it might go to .67 . that is should a small change I go with it.

Check batteries also. I love my scale could not do with out it.

Hope this helps.

Kiddo taught me how to use my scale. She is great at it !!!! :smitten:


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Thanks warrior. If it warms up it switches off. i will buy some new batteries for it.

If i put a pill on the scale it can fluctuate from 0.111 to 0.116.


Kiddo anything i should be doing apart from what warrior has said?

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Thanks warrior. If it warms up it switches off. i will buy some new batteries for it.

If i put a pill on the scale it can fluctuate from 0.111 to 0.116.


Kiddo anything i should be doing apart from what warrior has said?



Pete:are u calibrating your scale first before using it each time? Also keeping it away from drafts and closing the lid after u put pill on scale and waiting for number to settle. Pressing tare button after each weighing  prevents it from shutting off.

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Hi Pete - I don't like to answer scale questions simply because I do everything your not suppose to do  >:D I never close the lid, I don't care if there's a draft, I don't weigh my pill first and then shave.....I basically just wing it. The difference of my pill weighing .111 or .116 doesn't bother me. For me that amount is negligible. IMO I feel that a .005 difference doesn't really have an effect on me....especially since the dose is sometimes higher and sometimes lower. I used to get really stressed out weighing and cutting my pills and there was a few times I almost whipped my scale into the ceiling fan so I just let it go. I don't care enough anymore....and I feel good about it. Haven't had any problems and the doses are still so close that I just go with it. So basically....don't do what I do  :laugh:
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