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HELP with changing from 0.5 klono to 2mg Val for taper


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Ok I went to the doc today and he prescribed me 90  2mg valium to taper on my own. I need help with a plan. Im changing over from a bad bout with 0.5mg of kolonopin. Is this transition going to be ok. I have no Idea what to do Im praying that someone on her will have some insight. I got the prescription filled but I will wait to here something before I start. I will stay logged in so I can watch for messages. you can send them to me directly or just reply anything will be greatly appreciated. Im dedicating this evening to getting ready for my taper...Look forward to hearing from yall..


Waltor :idiot:

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No problem Waltor. This is just more appropriate for a valium crossover thread.  :thumbsup:

I dont have much experience with valium crossover. I did try it myself but only lasted a couple days due to a couple things. Most people have a much easier time with valium taper then other benzo's.

If you dont mind me asking, where do you live? It's hard in the U.S to find a doctor that will give you valium without you showing them papers and research on it. That suprises me, in a good way though.

Anyway Professor Ashton's equivalent table says that every .5mg of klono is equal to 10mg. Someone will come by with a schedule for you.




edit your only on .5mg  :idiot:

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So if Im taking 0.5 mg pills of kolon and my dr prescribed me 90  2mg pills of valium how is that going to work?  BTW I ling in Spring, Tx outside of Houston....

respond as much as you like, it gives me strength...thank you so much



Waltor :idiot:

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I didnt realize that they gave me the generic for valium... Diazepam, is that going to be a problem....Im a little nervous


Waltor :(


I dont know what to expect

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Hi Waltor,


The best way IMO to substitue would be to change .125mg K with 2.5mg valium once a week for 4 weeks.  Like this:


Week 1  = daily dose would be .375mg K/2.5mg V

Week 2  = daily dose = .25 K/5mg V

Week 3  = daily dose = .125K/ 7.5mg V

Week 4  = daily dose = 10mg V


After stabilising on the 10 mg for 1-2 weeks you could then start to taper off the V by 10% every 7-10 days depending on how you feel.


You will have some cutting of pills to do though, so if you don't have a pill cutter then you would need to get yourself one.

The .5 K can easily be cut into 1/4's to give you the .125mg and the same with the 2 mg tabs of V to give you .5 mg V.

As you only have a finite supply you would need to save up all the little 1/4's of pills as you will need them further down the track.

Try and be as economical with them as you can.


Good luck  :thumbsup:



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Also waltor the 90 2mg tabs you have is not going to last the whole taper.  90 tabs will only give you 18 days at 10 mg/day and this is not enough if you are going to do this in the recommended way.

You will need to think about getting some more, would your doc be amenable to this do you think?

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Im a little confused, do I stop taking the 0.5mg kolonpin and start taking the 2mg valium or is what Im reading it will take 5 of the 2mg valium to  =  1 of the 0.5 kolonpin? and on that schedule earlier in this topic will I be taking both. I dont understand




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Also all I have left of the Kolonopin is about 5 pills  0.5mg and the 90  2mg valium(generic)


what do I do if my doctor will not prescribe me more? Im a little nervous




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Ok, back now  :)


Hmmmm I didn't realise you only had 5 tabs of K left.  That will be a problem then substituting in the way I recommended.


I guess you have two options then;

-do a really fast cross over which has the possiblity of making it more uncomfortable that it would be if you took it slowly (but you may get away with it .....for instance I did)  :thumbsup:

-see your doc, another doc, or nurse practioner to get a script for more benzos.


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I would say Im pretty much stopped .5mg kolo, I just got the 9 to hold me over until today. I thought since I havnt been taking that much of the K I could just swith to the V is that possible or is it going to knock me out. or should I gradually increase the V then stabilize then start to taper, as suggested



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Okay so you have 5 x .5 mg tabs left. How do you feel on the .5mg?

You have done a very fast taper, and switched form xanax so I imagine that your system is pretty unstable at the moment?

I was in a similar way to you, on high doses of K and did a cold turkey for 8 days and just reinstated on V so it can be done, although my experience may not be yours.

Is there any chance at all you can get some more K to do a proper cross over?

If not you can try over the next five days to just subsitute the way I said in the schedule but shorten to 2nd daily instead of weekly and see how you go.

So tomorrow and the next day for instance, only take 3/4 tab of K. (.375mg) and 1.1/4 tab of V (2.5mg)

then the next two days 1/2 tab of K and 2.1/2 tab of V (.25mg K and 5 mg V)

then the next day two days 1/4 tab of K and 3.3/4 tab of V (125mg K and 7.5 mg V)

then finally onto 10 mg V. (5 tabs)

How does that sound?

Although I do think the very best for you is to get some more K, but if you absolutely cannot then you just have to make the best of what you have. But you will still have the problem of needing more V to taper with properly, unless you want to do an abnormally fast taper from the V too?

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Wow, Im not sure what to do. I go see my doc again in 2 weeks but Im not sure what hes going to say. I think Ill be able to get more V when I show him the schedule but I doubt he will give me the K you know how they are. I feel worried now, I thought I could just go to the V and start my taper but I guess thats not the way it works


Waltor :-\

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It's up to you Waltor.  :)

As I said, I just went straight onto the V and it was okay, but for many this is just not the case.

You have enough K to do the quick c/v, (and even that may be bumpy) that I have given you, but the decision on which way to go must be yours.  :thumbsup:

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