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if you're wondering who did this to you, this is the list of manufacturers


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I think that the ire directed towards doctors is often justified, but it misses the big picture of who is manufacturing and pushing these drugs and deliberately deceiving doctors and patients?  They know the side effects but hide them and push the drugs.  You can probably find yours on this list:



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If you combine SSRI's with Benzos... it really is pretty amazing the damage these meds have done to people. I'm sure they help a lot of people too, but at what

cost.  I wouldn't even mind them being legal if the risks were properly advertised. Even good doctors don't seem to understand it. It's pretty amazing.

The psych I worked with was VERY anti-SSRI, and yet downplayed the long-term WD syndrome of benzos. (He was educated in acute, short-term WD, though at least.)


Spread the word, folks. Tell your doctors and loved ones.

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I think that the ire directed towards doctors is often justified, but it misses the big picture of who is manufacturing and pushing these drugs and deliberately deceiving doctors and patients?  They know the side effects but hide them and push the drugs.  You can probably find yours on this list:



sweet g, It really sucks that the FDA has been hijacked by the pharma. co's and big business. Health has taken a back seat to the all mighty dollar. I've done alot of research since I've been poisoned and found things that just blow me away. Old man Bush was on the board of directors of Eli Lily for years before an obvious conflict of interest had him pull out of the limelight. Donald Rumsfeld is also on the board of directors for a big pharma. co. Both of them are now also in the Carlisle group an international weapons manufacturer supplying weapons to all the countries the USA invades. Michael Taylor is the new vice president of the FDA's new patents and was vice president of MONSANTO. Monsanto develops genetically modified organisms and has over 600 new patents waiting to be sent through the FDA. GMO"s are untested and are in 70% of the food in our grocery stores and don't require a label. Seed banks are now stockpiling seeds in Antarctica since GMO seeds are taking over the world. Here is the real kicker, the twin towers on 9/11 were brought down by a free fall demolition and blamed on innocent Muslims so America could invade Iraq and Afghanistan to control the worlds oil supply. (9/11 experts speak out,youtube) If our gov. can murder thousands of innocent people i don't think they care about our health and wellbeing if they can make money off of our misery,rstud
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Aside from the issues that we face, and the issues that you mention, rstud, what I find disturbing about drug companies is that they also seem to propagate "new" conditions to sell medicines for. Every other ad on TV in the evening, is "Talk to your doctor...." and half of the things they are advertising for seem to be conditions that could probably be treated with other methods, or that don't need treatment at all. But if you convince enough people that they have a problem that needs a pill....


Instead of investing research dollars into eradicating diseases, there seems to be a lot of focus on selling new conditions for which we all need a pill to treat.


Then there are things like patent expirations. As an example, I use Imitrex for migraines. Studies by neurologists showed that if you took Imitrex with 400 mg of Alleve (naproxen), you got better relief for a migraine. When the patent on Imitrex expired, the makers of Imitrex came out with a new drug called Treximet, which combines Imitrex with 400 mg of naproxen, citing the studies that this new drug would be more effective than Imitrex. So you could fork out a high co-pay for the new-and-improved drug, or do what I do, and buy generic Imitrex and take 2 Alleve.


I recently read an article in some magazine that drug companies are now trying to market a special med for shift-workers because of sleep-related problems. The article did mention that there were far safer and more effective ways of helping this issue than prescribing a new med, and did highlight the problems of tolerance, etc. But, it was like, more of the same from the drug manufacturers....



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