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Tinnitus and potassium nitrate


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Hi, I am in my 50s and dentistry was terrible when I was a kid.  It much improved, but not until after my childhood dentist filled my teeth to death.  Back then, you had a small cavity, and the dentist drilled a hole a small person could live in.  Now, a small cavity (if any at all with all the preventative measures out there now) can be healed before it gets larger.  Not so back in the 1960s.  I have sensitive teeth in areas and found a brand that can help with the sensitivity & harden the acid erosion also, but all the sensitivity brands have potassium nitrate.  This has maximum strength FDA-approved sensitivity ingredient (5% potassium nitrate) to help relieve and protect against tooth sensitivity.  Here's my concern.  I read that potassium nitrate can either make tinnitus worse or cause it if you don't have it.  Tinnitus has been the longest lingering side effect of the benzos since I've been benzo free almost 15 months now.  I  certainly don't want to aggravate it more, so don't know if anyone else has heard about potassium nitrate causing/making worse tinnitus?  I hope not....  cuz then I get to pick which do I hate worse, the tinnitus or tooth sensitivity?  Thanks anyone!!


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Oh I hope someone out there can help with this one? I'm typing this to "bump" it up so it doesn't get lost & no one sees this post anymore.  :-\ :'(
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My father takes that!  He complains constantly that his ears ring all day all night!  Wow. I have to research this!  Thanks for the post!
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the first link that popped up on my google search gave a couple anecdotal evidence that potassium nitrate and hearing loss are related.





"Sometimes, electrical stimulation or the use of 'white noise' may be used in order to aid the sufferer although the long term usefulness of these are somewhat unknown.


However, you can also cure your tinnitus by avoiding caffeine and certain cosmetics that contain Potassium Nitrate, such as exfoliators and toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Nicotine and pain killers that contain annadin should also be avoided."


This is also just an opinion. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gary_Swansen


Here is a link to streaming white and brown noise:  http://simplynoise.com/  



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the first link that popped up on my google search gave a couple anecdotal evidence that potassium nitrate and hearing loss are related.





"Sometimes, electrical stimulation or the use of 'white noise' may be used in order to aid the sufferer although the long term usefulness of these are somewhat unknown.


However, you can also cure your tinnitus by avoiding caffeine and certain cosmetics that contain Potassium Nitrate, such as exfoliators and toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Nicotine and pain killers that contain annadin should also be avoided."


This is also just an opinion. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gary_Swansen


Here is a link to streaming white and brown noise:  http://simplynoise.com/  




Thanks for this information, I'll have to look into it. I can say though, that a couple of years ago I went to an ear doctor because I was concerned about my long time tinnitus. My test showed that my hearing was near perfect, so I wonder if it depends on how long you've had tinnitus and how loud it is? Hopefully it clears up the longer you're off of a benzo, though it sounds like there are a number of things that can cause it. ???

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Hi all. YES YES YES! My tinnitus started last October when I switched to a toothpaste with potassium nitrate. I was having mouth pain from benzo withdrawal. I thought the tinnitus was from tolerence withdrawal. My hearing test, ear exam, MRI of the brain and ultrasound of my carotid arteries were negative. I will stop the toothpaste for the next few weeks and hope for the best. Thanks so much.


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Here is a link to streaming white and brown noise:  http://simplynoise.com/ 


I wonder if it depends on how long you've had tinnitus and how loud it is? Hopefully it clears up the longer you're off of a benzo, though it sounds like there are a number of things that can cause it. ???


I sure hope staying away from potassium nitrate helps some people.  But you are sure right Nicolette there are many causes of tinnitus.  The news magazine "This American Life" just did an story about a man who has very LOUD tinnitus and spent about 10 years and 10's of thousands of dollars, including much dental work and surgery.  No cure for him. 


It does seem though that the people who suffer from the tinnitus caused by benzo withdrawal eventually recover completely.


I don't have it, but I'm looking into new toothpaste.


Thanks NickJoseph, for bringing this issue up.




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Seems like my tinnitus has gotten louder over the last couple months that I started on the toothpaste with potassium nitrate for sensitivity.  I've looked into natural toothpastes that have xyltol (natural sweetener actually helpful for dental health), but the one that has fluoride--call me old fashioned--but I'm not ready to give that up yet until they can prove fluoride doesn't keep cavities at bay & is truly bad for you--isn't for sensitive teeth.  They have one for sensitive teeth, but it has no fluoride in it.  Someone suggested buying a tube without the fluoride that is for sensitive teeth & brush one time during the day, and buy the other tube that is WITH fluoride not specifically labelled for sensitive teeth the 2nd time I brush.  I'm thinking of doing that.  I don't know if I can list "brands" of products on here, so I'm not doing that.  This is so frustrating.
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Seems like my tinnitus has gotten louder over the last couple months that I started on the toothpaste with potassium nitrate for sensitivity.  I've looked into natural toothpastes that have xyltol (natural sweetener actually helpful for dental health), but the one that has fluoride--call me old fashioned--but I'm not ready to give that up yet until they can prove fluoride doesn't keep cavities at bay & is truly bad for you--isn't for sensitive teeth.  They have one for sensitive teeth, but it has no fluoride in it.  Someone suggested buying a tube without the fluoride that is for sensitive teeth & brush one time during the day, and buy the other tube that is WITH fluoride not specifically labelled for sensitive teeth the 2nd time I brush.  I'm thinking of doing that.  I don't know if I can list "brands" of products on here, so I'm not doing that.  This is so frustrating.


I was told by a dentist friend that brushing your teeth with baking soda was just as good as using toothpaste. I don't have the tooth sensitivity myself, but once when I tried to use whitening strips for a few days, they really hurt my teeth. IMO, using the most natural products on your teeth, the better.

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I've been using sensitive toothpaste for 10 years or more.  Thanks to your bringing this to my awareness, I just bought an ayurvedic toothpaste.  It has neem and peelu which have been used traditionally in India for tooth care. 


I'll let you know if my teeth start hurting.


The health food store had the brand you are talking about - so at least it's around, must be good? 



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I went for my six month cleaning today.  I was a bit stressed out because I despise the dentist.  All went well. I declined the fluoride treatment.  Should I have done that ?  Was I just being paranoid?  Anyways I didn't do it.  Lol
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Hi Nan, Personally, I don't think any problem at all declining the fluroide treatment.  Where I live, they don't even offer something like that.  Plus, most toothpastes (except most natural) have fluoride in them anyway.  I ordered some xyltol toothpaste that has the fluroide cuz I don't know at this point if I am ready to give up fluoride completely.  When it's been pounded in one's head for most of my life, and I'm 56; it's hard to just shake it out that without any fluoride I won't get cavities. 
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