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Xanax to Klonopin Cross Over


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Hi Guys,


Well I have another thread on this site, I have been having mad Xanax withdrawal. I have been waking up at 5-6 in the morning shivering, sick to my stomach and my nerves on fire. Went to the doctor, blood work is fine, and after some reviews it looks like I'm starting to get into some of the nastier withdrawals.


Anyhow it was recommended by a member that I consider switching over to a longer lasting benzo like klonopin. I have a bottle already so I'm giving it a whirl. I Have been taking a little xanax and klonopin together the past couple days and this morning was the first time I woke up at 5 am not feeling like I was about to die  :o . So I think I'm going to give it a whirl. My goal is to get off of benzos completely but I'm thinking i can manage lower doses of klonopin since its longer lasting. The xanax goes through me in like 2 hours :P.


Can somebody help me with a crossover schedule? I am trying to take now more then six-.25 mg tabs a day of Xanax. I have 1 mg tabs of Klonopin right now. I just want to make sure I'm going forward and not backwords. I was hesitant to take a longer acting benzo because in my mind it seems that if you have a drug in your system longer it cause more dependence? Its probably the other way around. But hell, what do I know, at this point I don't get prescribed enough xanax and it seems to do more harm then good. Also, when do you think would be a good time to start tapering off klonopin after I switch over?


Here is my other support thread in case anybody want to read...


Xanax Madness



Thanks for all your help guys!

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Hi Guys,


Well I have another thread on this site, I have been having mad Xanax withdrawal. I have been waking up at 5-6 in the morning shivering, sick to my stomach and my nerves on fire. Went to the doctor, blood work is fine, and after some reviews it looks like I'm starting to get into some of the nastier withdrawals.


Anyhow it was recommended by a member that I consider switching over to a longer lasting benzo like klonopin. I have a bottle already so I'm giving it a whirl. I Have been taking a little xanax and klonopin together the past couple days and this morning was the first time I woke up at 5 am not feeling like I was about to die  :o . So I think I'm going to give it a whirl. My goal is to get off of benzos completely but I'm thinking i can manage lower doses of klonopin since its longer lasting. The xanax goes through me in like 2 hours :P.


Can somebody help me with a crossover schedule? I am trying to take now more then six-.25 mg tabs a day of Xanax. I have 1 mg tabs of Klonopin right now. I just want to make sure I'm going forward and not backwords. I was hesitant to take a longer acting benzo because in my mind it seems that if you have a drug in your system longer it cause more dependence? Its probably the other way around. But hell, what do I know, at this point I don't get prescribed enough xanax and it seems to do more harm then good. Also, when do you think would be a good time to start tapering off klonopin after I switch over?


Here is my other support thread in case anybody want to read...


Xanax Madness



Thanks for all your help guys!


Hi Geo!


Well, klonopin and xanax are of equivelent strengths for the purposes of tapering. You can continue to replace a bit of xanax with a bit of klon every few days. So take 3/4mg of xanax and 1/4mg of klon, see how that goes for a few days, then do 1/2 and 1/2, and so forth.

Once you are all the way over to klon, it would be very helpful if you could obtain 0.5mg klon pills, it will be easier to taper directly off these You would then cut by .125mg every 1 to weeks.  If you can't get them, or if you run into trouble due to the still relatively large cuts of .125mg, we can set you up with a liquid titration.  ;)   

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Cool beans~! ;D


Thanks eljay! Thats definitely encouraging. I think I'm going to try the titration method. For now I'll stick with the one Mg tabs and split them then start titrating them. Last time I requested smaller tabs from my doctor, they were aware of me trying to get off xanax, they shrunk my dosege from like 90-1 mg tabs (Xanax) and before you knew it they prescribed me 60-.25 tabs which obviously led to my withdrawal agony. It was like pulling teeth to get them to give me 120-.25 xanax tabs which is still way not enough. This Klonopin should last me a while before I need a refill.

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