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Stopping klonopin at .125


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Hi everyone,


I'm new to this forum, and need some advice.  I started Klonopin on June 7, taking .5mg once a day for a few days, then .25, then none for a day, then .5 for several days, etc.  I never felt good taking it...had no energy, very little motivation, depression, but my doctor had prescribed it for sleep.  I decided to start tapering after two weeks, cutting to .25 for about 5 days, then .1875 for 6 days, then .125 for 7 days.  I started Lexapro on June 25 (5 mg.) and not take 7.5mg.  I saw a new psychiatrist on Friday and he said to stop the drug that night, and I did.  I had some off and on depression and continued no motivation on Saturday and Sunday, and a tiny bit of anxiety on Sunday, but have progressively improved.  I'm worried that because I felt so horrible during the time I took it.... that was a big dose for my body even though it is considered a small dose, and now, my system is using the reserve; thus, the reason I'm feeling good, and that once that supply is depleted, I'm going to be hit hard with side effects in the next few days.  On Friday, my doctor said to call him on Monday (yesterday) to give a report, and he would call me back, but he never called, so I'm going to try calling again today.  Should I be concerned at this point, or just believe that I'm over the 'hump' and on the way to recovery?

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Hello daisygirl, Welcome to BenzoBuddies!


Just reading what you wrote made my day, I'm so happy to finally "meet" someone who recognized this drug wasn't for them and got off of it before it did it's damage.  You did this exactly right, and you're going to do just fine, trust me!  Klonopin's half life is between 18 and 50 hours, so your body has had time to process the drug out of your system, so no worries.  You also weren't on it long enough for it to change your GABA receptor function, so it's my feeling, you're in the clear. 


Feel free to take a look around, just to find out what you missed by being so wise. 



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Hi daisygirl and welcome.


Good for you in making the decision to get off the Klonopin early on! :yippee:


As Pamster said, I think you will find yourself improving each day.


If you have any questions, please let us know. :)

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Thanks so much for the prompt replies.  I'm just so worried that because I am such a small woman (but I have a high metabolism from being a 30-year runner), that the fact I felt so bad for all those weeks was because I had too much Klonopin in my system, so when I cut it completely on Friday night, my body is using reserves and making me feel good.  I'm such a worrier....I'm my own worst enemy!!  I look back over my journal of the past several weeks, and I was agonizing EVERYDAY about being on this drug...it's no wonder my anxiety was horrible.  All of this started because I had foot surgery the end of March and went 'cold turkey' from exercising, so ended up being depressed.  Started Zoloft, was doing great, but my doctor decided more is better, so continued to increase the dosage.  I ended up with too much serotonin, and a horrible 'crawling out of my skin' reaction that lasted for almost a week.  The doctor prescribed the Klonopin to help me sleep during all that, but tried splitting the Zoloft dosage at different times of the day, determined to keep me at that higher amount.  I finally wised up and went to another doctor, then stopped the Zoloft and started Lexapro.  It has been a nightmare for the past 1 1/2 months!!


Reassurance really helps me right now....thanks again.



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Yeah, I'd totally stop and not look back. The damage that further benzos can cause as well as continued side effects from the drugs far outweigh any potential benefit from continuing to taper off such a small dose after so so short a time on IMHO, I wouldn't worry about it one bit. I would expect to feel better not worse just dropping that.  :thumbsup:
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I've had a few strange side effects....weakness in my legs (maybe from riding a stationery bike 45 minues a day), and sometimes a weakness in my hands, but that could be anxiety.  I have no idea.  My ears will ring maybe once a day, but only for a minute or two.  Is this all normal?


What is so frustrating is that before my foot surgery, the only 'meds' I used were vitamins....



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Hi daisy girl, thats all normal.  I was on klonopin for only two months (including taper) and everything you described is normal.

Be careful with the doctors, they will listen to you and just give you more drugs.  Have you had depression before?  Do you want to stay on the AD ?

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One more thing....I'm extremely sensitive to meds....can't take any painkiller...get very sick.  One time I took 1/4 of a .25 Xanax and was totally out of it.  Would that make a difference?  I know...worrying, worrying, worrying...but just really scared right now.




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Hey daisygirl,


If I'm correct, you said you were a bit down on yourself for being on the drug. Try to pride yourself on the fact that you stuck with a taper plan and you're now off the drug. There's nothing more freeing that knowing you don't have to rely on a drug to feel good. Welcome too BB!  :)

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No depression before...my new doctor thinks once I'm back into running, this depression will go away, but for now, I'm staying on the AD.



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Just spoke with my doctor's receptionist...she said the doctor thinks these side effects are from the Buspar I'm taking (10mg. twice a day), and to start tapering from it.  I've been taking that for about a month.  He said the Klonopin should be out of my system by now, but I'm not sure, as I'm having some side effects that I had over the weekend.  I told her I wanted to speak with him, and to please have him call me.  So frustrating...



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Sounds great Daisygirl :) Whatever works for you, glad there is a plan to get you off! Running will heal that up for sure.



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