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Wow what a trip !!!!!!!!

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Hi my dear buddies.  I will be at 16 mos. in 1 week. I have had many things leave like bad mind thoughts, stomach issues and depression. But I am stuck with the worse anxiety that I have ever had. I have the nerve pains and numbness, muscle pain, shaking inside body not outside, tight heavy jelly legs again and some balance issues. I have gone from doing nothing to working at things and neither make a difference. I have stayed at home and gone to a store with no difference at either place. My anxiety is so bad that even my family coming over puts me in nasty anxiety with all its nasty symptoms. I still have the loud whistle in my head, some days louder then others. Hopefully I will have all this leave too. It will be a big miracle. I remember back when I started the K for anxiety not knowing that what I have now is real anxiety not what I had back then. That sure was a big mistake I made. I keep saying I will fight this but some days I feel like I might be a person who can't live without a benzo. But I will because I will not ever go thought that again. Anyone close to where I am at this 16 mos period dealing with this too?  Take care and let's keep fighting.    Love Angel
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Yes, angel, there are others who felt as you do at this time frame and it really is not uncommon.  As everyone states it is just time that heals.  Try not to stress out too much and baby yourself when you can.  Some members are able to exericse (lucky them) while others can just work on making it through a day.  We must remember to give ourselves a pat on the back for getting through this horrendous journey.


Patty  xo

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Does anyone feel like there body just goes numb from head to feet? Also I can't believe the muscle pain I am having. It is like a tight vice squeezing all the muscles. Does anyone know if a muscle relaxer will help or make things worse? Thanks  Angel
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I really just scared myself. I went through this house like a wild woman, just wanting to destroy something or break something. It started when my husband called me telling me he had a great day limited out on walleye at Lake Erie. He is up there in our camper camping with all the normal happy partying people. And I am home going through pure torture. This just isn't fair when you do something good by getting off that poisen. Last year I was up there camping too. What happens so late in this nightmare??????
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