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Anxiety latching & recovery?


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Hey there , I am 7 month into my supplement induced setback (3 years off) 

I feel I need to vent, no one will understand me but you guys, please if you can reply with positive reassurances specially if any is way ahead. 

This setback is quite unique and different that my previous waves/windows pattern. I developed what seems like GAD, Panic disorder and anxiety disorder, social anxiety, agora and monophobia, which was not present before. More like this new kind of anxiety that is latching on to everything. I so long for a peaceful certain mind. Uncertainity is killing me. I know uncertainity is a by product of an anxious body and that STate drives story. But im just deseperate for reassurance. 

I guess my question is : 

- Does anyone relate?

- Will i ever look at these anxieties and laugh or at least brush it aside with no intense anxious reaction or panic attack. 7 month ago I thought I was out of the woods and non of these thoughts were even triggering at all not even the slightless. 

- Did i develop something new? will it last? 

- Does somatic work affect our case? 

- How can I be sure that this is benzo related and not me developing a long lasting illness. 

On the positive side, it did get slightly better and ramps up right before my menses. Maybe now cause im PMDDING 

so i feel intense symptoms and feel rather hopeless . 

I just need a buddy to reassure me plz :)

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Do you mind sharing the supplement?

I fully believe that going through withdrawal can give people conditions they never had prior to withdrawal. Several members are dealing with agoraphobia due to WD when they never had it prior.

After this setback occurred you were probably shaken to the core. Now you may find the need to overanalyze every aspect of your life from what you ingest and the significance of every minor symptom you feel.

That is normal and it will subside with time as the withdrawal symptoms decrease. It is no different than the shock experienced by the initial benzo withdrawal that causes new disorders in people as a combination of the withdrawal symptoms and their own natural anxiety and depressive tendencies.

The state of hope you feel is often a reflection of the current state of your mind as it tries to project the future. Since you feel awful, it makes sense you might feel hopeless. If you awoke tomorrow feeling 20% better, it would make sense you would start to feel hopeful.

No matter if this is a cns setback from a supplement or a wave, it should heal with more time. Anxiety coping skills are good to learn and practice no matter the source of the anxiety (natural/WD/chemical). Obviously natural will be the most responsive, but your goal is to try to take the edge off the best you can while you wait for time to past.

You have lots of reasons to be hopeful. I hope you find the strength to keep on truckin.

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Hello @[Ya...],

I agree with @[Cr...]. Benzos, and withdrawal from them can create conditions that we have never experienced before. I never suffered with panic, anxiety or many of the other symptoms I had during withdrawal and recovery before. The drug and it’s after effects did a great job of creating these issues. The good thing is that this is temporary and will ease up once the cns finds balance again. 

For myself, distraction was the best tool I used to cope with these symptoms. Deep belly controlled breathing was also helpful. Staying away from Dr. Google was also important, since health anxiety is a common withdrawal effect.

Give your system time and keep believing in your healing.

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The supplements i took were 

- Magnesium taurate 

- Vitamin D 

- B12 chewable tablets 

- Chromium

Thank u for your reply, I just feel exhausted from this disordered anxiety latching onto to what ever my mind wanders around without my control. 




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Hello, I read stories from other members about late waves, have you been there for 7 months? I think like the others you will pass, try to exercise and have projects. All of this balances the system. Cheer up!!

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22 hours ago, [[m...] said:

Hello, I read stories from other members about late waves, have you been there for 7 months? I think like the others you will pass, try to exercise and have projects. All of this balances the system. Cheer up!!

Im off Benzos for 3 years now and this setback has been 7 months long so far. It is just different than the wave window pattern, like a stretched 7 month wave. Im just exhausted from the intense anxiety and alot of anxiety associations that wasnt there before, like a new form of ocd being created. 

I just want mental clarity and peace of mind

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On 27/6/2024 at 17:05, [[Y...] said:

Hace tres años que dejé de tomar benzodiacepinas y este revés lleva ya siete meses. Es diferente al patrón de ventana de ondas, como una onda alargada de siete meses. Estoy agotada por la ansiedad intensa y muchas asociaciones de ansiedad que no tenía antes, como si se estuviera creando una nueva forma de trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo. 

Solo quiero claridad mental y paz mental.

How much I feel your pain, this really surpasses us.Before benzos did you have problems of this type?Why don't you try psychobiotics, they are probiotics that have brain function, they worked for me Very useful against anxiety and depression.

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I m sure there are many solutions out there but i guess after this setback im too paranoid to ingest anything :) I thought supplements were harmless and I was out of the woods and BAM ! Back in acute. 

Im just wondering what is BIND and what is not?

I did have OCD ruminations when i was young but they went on thier own as I moved on life, maybe the setback triggered them back or is it totally from the setback, I will never know , I guess i just need to step me and do anxiety and ocd work as if i havent touched a benzo cause really other people who havent touched a benzo might suffer from the same issues. Just all under the umbrella of Highly sensitised system 

Tired. Tired. 

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14 hours ago, [[Y...] said:

Estoy seguro de que existen muchas soluciones, pero supongo que después de este revés soy demasiado paranoico para ingerir algo. :) Pensé que los suplementos eran inofensivos y que estaba fuera de peligro y ¡BAM! De nuevo en estado agudo. 

Me pregunto qué es BIND y qué no.

Tuve cavilaciones sobre el TOC cuando era joven, pero desaparecieron solas a medida que avanzaba en la vida, tal vez el revés las desencadenó de nuevo o es totalmente por el revés, nunca lo sabré, supongo que solo necesito dar un paso y hacerlo. La ansiedad y el TOC funcionan como si no hubiera tocado una gasolina porque en realidad otras personas que no han tocado una gasolina podrían sufrir los mismos problemas. Todo bajo el paraguas del sistema altamente sensibilizado. 

Cansado. Cansado. 

I understand perfectly, I had it at 28 months and I have symptoms that even surpass me.Sometimes I feel really sick, I don't have windows, just some days I'm a little better.I don't have anxiety or depression. But a lot of insomnia and now many afternoons I have flu-like symptoms where my temperature rises a lot. And the bad nights multiply, recently I had an electric shock on my right side, it is the first time this has happened to me.The flu symptoms make me sick one day then go away the next day and then come back again.I am also terribly tired, sometimes desperate, without sleep for so long, I wonder if in a few years I will get cancer..

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