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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Chlorprothixenhydrochlorid (Truxall) Helper in withdrawal? Anyone tried it?


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I was on 4-6mg Clonazepam for several years. Other benzos and drugs with and before that.
In the last 2 months, to this day, i have tapered down to .25mg. 
I was going through some heavy times, but y'all know that.
So now since the last step from .5mg i experience more withdrawal.
It feels delusional, i see smell and hear weird; some light hallucinations; fatigue; sleeps not too bad.
Anxiety and paranoia are the most crucial sideeffects for me. So i asked my doc for some med to help me a while.
Describing what i experience, and denying many meds i have taken before: she gave me Truxal, as it is called here.
Anyone has experience with it? I had some yesterday. I had atypical neuroleptics. It doesnt feel too heavy.
It makes you dull, obviously. But i tried it yesterday. It supposed to help in agitation and stress, and i just take it on behalf, i guess.

Thank  you!

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Hi @[si...], I apologize, I don't know your history but did you taper from the 4-6 mg dose in the last 2 months down to .25?  Also, have you stopped benzodiazepines before?

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exactly as you say, yes.
I stopped Valium years ago. CT, and i started again 3 weeks later.
I switched to Clonazepam than. 

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