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A Request for Help from Members BIC (Benzodiazepine Information Coalition) ×

Restarting Taper after long hold

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Posted (edited)
On 03/06/2024 at 03:29, [[r...] said:

he explains how benzodiazepines can quiet Tinnitus. He also has a website showing his studies have shown how different benzos can eliminate Tinnitus.

Yeah, nop surprise benzos can quiet what benzos created. I never had tinitus till i started with benzos and i get it much worse when i'm in a WD wave.

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5 hours ago, [[r...] said:

@[Cr...] @[Li...] @[Do...]. I made a mistake in posting about Dr Levine's YouTube video. I just wanted to show how doctors even the best highly educated and qualified make Mistakes. He never knew about the long-term use of benzos and the dependence that comes with it. The Netflix documentary discusses Benzo addiction and dependence. It also has a segment with Dr Heather Ashton speaking about benzodiazepines.

Before the 7-minute mark, John is showing his microtaper. Before this John explains how he had all these awful symptoms and he and his wife went from Doctor to Doctor and had all these tests done they found nothing wrong. So he came on the Ashton manual and he saw every symptom he had was from diazepam withdrawal

That is when he started his microtaper. He said the chemistry courses he had helped him to be able to accomplish this, This Netflix documentary is informative. I hope all doctors who prescribe Benzos will watch this film. They would then see that long-term use creates dependence and withdrawal symptoms. The withdrawal symptoms could be Tolerance W/D or could be from people who Cold Turkey or attempt to taper off too fast. The Otoneurolgist was trying to help his patients with Tinnitus. The big mistake he made was suggesting that people could take it forever. He never researched the long-term effects had he done this and come upon Dr Heather Ashton's manual, he would never have put people on Benzos. His website is down, I think finally enough people have bad W/D symptoms that word has spread. 

I hope someday doctors realize the dangers of long-term benzo use. Then they will see how dangerous they can be, They will also understand about how necessary it is to taper off a Benzo slowly and will help their patients. I saw the film's title while looking at content on Netflix. I had to watch this and for me, my story is similar to John's, I have been on a daily dose of 15mg diazepam for 10 years. I just recently got Tolerance W/D

There is one documentary everyone must watch too and is free in youtube.


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8 minutes ago, [[D...] said:

Yeah, nop surprise benzos can quiet what benzos greated. I never had tinitus till i started withn benzos and i get it much worse when i'm in a WD wave.

Some people have bad Tinnitus and diazepam quiets it, Then some people stop taking benzos and they get Tinnitus

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3 minutes ago, [[r...] said:

Some people have bad Tinnitus and diazepam quiets it, Then some people stop taking benzos and they get Tinnitus

Another neverending cycle.

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@[Do...] @[Cr...] @[Li...] @[Ca...] Still searching for a provider that will prescribe a liquid diazepam solution. I don't have much hope now for Harmony. They changed my televist to 6-6-24. The visit will be by a psychiatrist.

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@[Do...] @[Cr...] @[Li...] @[Ca...] I have a theory about why some people who have Tinnitus get relief from taking s Benzo and other people get Tinnitus from tapering down from a Benzo.

My theory is the people who get relief from taking a benzo had an imbalance of Gaba to Glutamate in the area of the brain where hearing takes place. That is the region of the brain that perceives sound has more Glutamate than Gaba. So the excitatory effect of Glutamate causes Tinnitus. The benzo in their case increases GABA and now Glutamate and Gaba are balanced and Tinnitus  is  eliminated

The other thing that happens is when the GABA receptors are downregulated.  The equilibrium of GABA to Glutamate changes. Now there is no longer an equilibrium of GABA to Glutamate. Glutamate is now in excess and Tinnitus comes back

So to sum it up people who have the correct balance of Glutamate and Gaba in the area of the brain will not have Tinnitus, but this would not be true for everyone. Tinnitus has other causes not related to Gaba and Glutamate for example loud noise over time can cause Tinnitus. That is essence is what Dr Levine found. The problem is benzos can temporarily balance out the Gaba to Glutamate concentration but as the GABA receptors are down-regulated this increases the Glutamate in the brain so now because of excess glutamate tinnitus occurs.. The Tinnitus could be worse when they first started the benzo Because they have even less GABA

I guess benzo can relieve tinnitus for people who already have an imbalance of Glutamate to GABA. So temporarily they have no Tinnitus but as we know the down-regulation of GABA receptors will cause an imbalance of Glutamate to GABA and now the Tinnitus will return worse than it was before, because of whatever GABA they had before going on the benzo is depleted even more. So only a short-term use of benzos will help these people. They have to stop before the downregulation takes place

Does this make any sense? Are there people out in the population who have an excess of Glutamate to GABA maybe genetics has something to do with the imbalance of GABA to Glutamate. My mom had Tinnitus and she never took any medication except for Metformin, a medication for diabetics. Also lately my sister has complained that she gets Tinnitus sometimes. She has never taken benzos or been in an environment with loud sound

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@[Li...] @[Cr...] @[Ca...]. I just wondered where I could post on the BB forum a new Topic.

How to cope with severe symptoms     

I spoke to Dr Josef Witt-Doerring. He would not prescribe liquid Diazepam. He wants an upfront payment of $32,000 for a year of service and counseling. Or his other option was a payment of $14,000 and then monthly payments. This would come to $36,000. Wow, I can save $4,000 by paying in full the $36,000. I told him my only income was from social security. So he did one good thing he found a psychiatrist in Miami, His name is Dr Mark Leeds. Dr Josef said he could probably prescribe a liquid diazepam solution. I have contacted him for the last few days on his website to book an appointment, He has not responded. Tonight I sent an Email and also called his phone number and left a message. I am getting so depressed and my anxiety is ramping up. another Doctor that Dr, Josef E witt mentioned was David Mathai, MD. 

He took his time and spoke with me. He said he could help me with the taper but I would need to get my Neurologist to prescribe the liquid Diazepam, This will never happen as the Neurologist just takes me off Meds without any taper. I was on a high dose of Amitriptyline and she just took me off of it with no taper

I guess many doctors don't believe in Tapering or that people can get bad withdrawal symptoms. I urge all of you that have access to Netflix to watch the documentary titled    Take your pills: Xanax

In the documentary is a man named John, who was on diazepam for 10 years. Then all of a sudden he was getting all of the horrible symptoms listed in the Ashton manual. He went from Doctor to doctor and none of them could find anything wrong. Finally, he went to the Mayo Clinic in MN. They did all sorts of labwork and imaging and found nothing wrong, They said it was all in his head and he was healthy. When he came home he searched on the Internet but he had to use the right phrase. When he put in the "Benzodiazepine withdrawal" phrase that is when Heather Ashton's manual appeared. He went through every symptom he had and they were all listed in the Manual. He was so confounded that every Doctor and even the Mayo Clinic didn't associate his symptoms to the Benzo. So this is why I will not speak to my neurologist about diazepam prescriptions, She is just one of these doctors who will tell me there are no Withdrawal symptoms of stopping diazepam. Only a few Benzo-wise Doctors out there know it is real and people are suffering and need to be tapered slowly off of the Benzo. Steaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Prime and others can make a difference

Just some doctors interested in the titles will become educated. Just wanted to share this with all of you. There may be hope that someday the medical community will all know about Benzo withdrawal. It isn't just benzos it is also the SSRI antidepressants. Paxil, Prozac, Lexapro ,Zoloft. All of these are hard to discontinue

I believe there are forums on the internet about tapering off of SSRI antidepressants



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On 31/05/2024 at 16:49, [[L...] said:

Hello again @[ro...]. Your kind wishes are much appreciated.

Given your wish to implement an all liquid taper, I wonder whether a prescriber would be willing to prescribe the required amount of the 1mg/mL oral diazepam solution?  At your current dose, you would need 450mL of the liquid for the first 30 days.   I also wonder if the pharmacy would be willing to dispense that amount?  (The liquid is supplied to the pharmacy in 500mL bottles).  My experience and observation is that both prescribers and pharmacists can get ‘nervous’ about prescribing and dispensing large amounts of a controlled substance.

I share the above with you not to alarm you but rather to make sure this is on your radar screen as a possible issue.  It may well be that both your prescriber and pharmacy would be AOK with this.

Happily, there’s an alternative — a 5mg/mL concentrated Diazepam Intensol.  I suggest you click the link in the previous sentence to learn more about it. 

If memory serves, @[Md...] is currently using a combination of regular tablets and the diazepam concentrate so may be willing to stop by this thread to share their experience with making ‘small enough’ reductions in dose using the concentrated liquid.

Re: contacting the other member via PM … I suggest you leave it up to them to decide whether or not they wish to contact you via this thread.  They have your member name and a link to the thread.

Yes, I have been doing a linear taper (half pills and half liquid) of diazepam going at a rate of around 5% every month, but there have been times where I have had to hold or even updose so I could feel normal. 

My reasons for taking benzos don't align with the main reasons many here started them to begin with, so don't let my experience of holding/updosing deter you away from doing a similar process if you think it's a process that might work for you. 

Finally, the concentrated liquid feels like a completely different beast to me than the pills, and it's something that I have struggled with in terms of lethargy, brain fog, sometimes struggling to focus, and short term memory. 

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2 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

Yes, I have been doing a linear taper (half pills and half liquid) of diazepam going at a rate of around 5% every month, but there have been times where I have had to hold or even updose so I could feel normal. 

My reasons for taking benzos don't align with the main reasons many here started them to begin with, so don't let my experience of holding/updosing deter you away from doing a similar process if you think it's a process that might work for you. 

Finally, the concentrated liquid feels like a completely different beast to me than the pills, and it's something that I have struggled with in terms of lethargy, brain fog, sometimes struggling to focus, and short term memory. 

I will be seeing someone next week who can prescribe the diazepam solution to me. I will ask for mostly pills and just a smaller amount of Liquid diazepam. I will taper the liquid diazepam. I had no problem when I tapered to compounded Diazepam solution in almond oil. It was an all-compounded diazepam solution. My mistake was I was reducing at the same rate all the way. Somewhere in the 13mg range is when Tinnitus got worse. I should have reduced my dose and held it. Since I didn't I got the new symptoms of burning sensations. Increasing the dose eliminated the burning sensations, So after keeping the 15mg dose for 10 years, I have gone into Tolerance W/D.

This time I would plan to get mostly pills and a smaller amount of liquid diazepam. I will have to work out the prescription with the benzo-wise practitioner I will be seeing. I don't care how long it takes I will reduce by smaller amounts and hold for longer. I want to be functional

I wish these burning sensations would go away. I was thinking of increasing my dosage from 15 to a higher dose and starting tapering from there. I just don't know if the increase in dose will help or how long it will take for tolerance W/D to come up again. Some BB members on the forum think an increase in dose will not eliminate my symptoms or that I would go into Tolerance W/D soon after

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, [[r...] said:

I will be seeing someone next week who can prescribe the diazepam solution to me. I will ask for mostly pills and just a smaller amount of Liquid diazepam. I will taper the liquid diazepam. I had no problem when I tapered to compounded Diazepam solution in almond oil. It was an all-compounded diazepam solution. My mistake was I was reducing at the same rate all the way. Somewhere in the 13mg range is when Tinnitus got worse. I should have reduced my dose and held it. Since I didn't I got the new symptoms of burning sensations. Increasing the dose eliminated the burning sensations, So after keeping the 15mg dose for 10 years, I have gone into Tolerance W/D.

This time I would plan to get mostly pills and a smaller amount of liquid diazepam. I will have to work out the prescription with the benzo-wise practitioner I will be seeing. I don't care how long it takes I will reduce by smaller amounts and hold for longer. I want to be functional

I wish these burning sensations would go away. I was thinking of increasing my dosage from 15 to a higher dose and starting tapering from there. I just don't know if the increase in dose will help or how long it will take for tolerance W/D to come up again. Some BB members on the forum think an increase in dose will not eliminate my symptoms or that I would go into Tolerance W/D soon after

Sorry you're going through this. The good news is that these symptoms will eventually pass. Just hang in there the best you can, and try to get your CNS to relax. Easier said then done, I know. 

As far as what will happen if you updose, no one has a clue until you actually try. The other problem with updosing with diazepam is that it can take a while to build up into your system, so it can take some time to see any updosing benefits. 

Unfortunately, this is all one big guessing game, but you'll figure it out a long the way. 

The best advice I can give is to listen to your body. I've had to do this multiple times by holding or even updosing a little, even early in my taper, and it has helped tremendously. 

Ironically, I am at a state right now where I will be holding again due to very stressful life events going on right now, and I believe any extra stress just amplifies symptoms, which is why I think it's so important to try and calm the CNS. 

As far as the burning goes, there are other medications that might be worth trying, including Gabapentin (which can be compounded for oral use), and tricyclic anti-depressants, though I would I only try these as a last resort. Agmatine or Memantine (which are fairly safe nootropics) have also been known to help with neuropathy (or burning symptoms). Finally, there's Trileptal, which is actually a pretty safe medication and is easy to get off of. It was made as an alternative to Tegretol, because Tegretol is very hard on your system and comes with a slew of side fx. Out of all of these, I would probably try Agmatine first, as you don't need a prescription, and is usually well tolerated. Just know that we all respond differently to all of these meds, but they might be worth it if it alleviates your symptoms. 

Seeing a pain management physician may not be a bad idea, and they'll be able to prescribe these meds that might work. I hate pharmaceutics for the most part, but sometimes they are necessary, imo.

There are also suppliments that might be beneficial, like Alpha Lipoic Acid, Magnesium Glycinate, or a vitamin B complex. These have all been known to help with neuropathic type symptoms. 

There are also Aloe Vera mouth washes that may also help. 

Best of luck to you. Hang in there, and you'll get through this. 

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20 hours ago, [[M...] said:

Sorry you're going through this. The good news is that these symptoms will eventually pass. Just hang in there the best you can, and try to get your CNS to relax. Easier said then done, I know. 

As far as what will happen if you updose, no one has a clue until you actually try. The other problem with updosing with diazepam is that it can take a while to build up into your system, so it can take some time to see any updosing benefits. 

Unfortunately, this is all one big guessing game, but you'll figure it out a long the way. 

The best advice I can give is to listen to your body. I've had to do this multiple times by holding or even updosing a little, even early in my taper, and it has helped tremendously. 

Ironically, I am at a state right now where I will be holding again due to very stressful life events going on right now, and I believe any extra stress just amplifies symptoms, which is why I think it's so important to try and calm the CNS. 

As far as the burning goes, there are other medications that might be worth trying, including Gabapentin (which can be compounded for oral use), and tricyclic anti-depressants, though I would I only try these as a last resort. Agmatine or Memantine (which are fairly safe nootropics) have also been known to help with neuropathy (or burning symptoms). Finally, there's Trileptal, which is actually a pretty safe medication and is easy to get off of. It was made as an alternative to Tegretol, because Tegretol is very hard on your system and comes with a slew of side fx. Out of all of these, I would probably try Agmatine first, as you don't need a prescription, and is usually well tolerated. Just know that we all respond differently to all of these meds, but they might be worth it if it alleviates your symptoms. 

Seeing a pain management physician may not be a bad idea, and they'll be able to prescribe these meds that might work. I hate pharmaceutics for the most part, but sometimes they are necessary, imo.

There are also suppliments that might be beneficial, like Alpha Lipoic Acid, Magnesium Glycinate, or a vitamin B complex. These have all been known to help with neuropathic type symptoms. 

There are also Aloe Vera mouth washes that may also help. 

Best of luck to you. Hang in there, and you'll get through this. 

So I have decided to get the diazepam filled using pills and liquid. I would take 10 mg of my daily dose of 15 in 5mg pills so for 30 days I would get 60 mg pills, then the remainder 5mg solution would be liquid diazepam.

The pharmacy has a solution of 5mg/5ml  So I would need 150ml. I need help from whoever has used liquid diazepam. Does it come in a bottle with an adapter for the syringe? Do you need a certain syringe to fit the adapter? Please anyone that has used liquid diazepam solution What are the details from how it comes from the pharmacy, what bottle does it come in. Does it already have an adapter? etc

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Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, [[r...] said:

So I have decided to get the diazepam filled using pills and liquid. I would take 10 mg of my daily dose of 15 in 5mg pills so for 30 days I would get 60 mg pills, then the remainder 5mg solution would be liquid diazepam.

The pharmacy has a solution of 5mg/5ml  So I would need 150ml. I need help from whoever has used liquid diazepam. Does it come in a bottle with an adapter for the syringe? Do you need a certain syringe to fit the adapter? Please anyone that has used liquid diazepam solution What are the details from how it comes from the pharmacy, what bottle does it come in. Does it already have an adapter? etc

I honestly have no idea what your pharmacist going to provide you with. It seems each manufacturer is different, but in my case, it has been small bottles (5mg for every 1ml).

Here is the syringe and cap adapter I use.



Cap (nevermind the syringe it comes with)...


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31 minutes ago, [[M...] said:

@[Md...] @[Li...] @[Ca...] I need information from anyone who has used a manufacturer's liquid diazepam. I will get my prescriber Jezel Rosa to write a script for 60  5mg diazepam pills. Then I will ask Jezel to prescribe 150ml of 5mg/5ml liquid diazepam. What kind of bottle does the pharmacy use? Does the bottle come with an adapter and syringes? When I was using the compounded diazepam, I would receive a package from the compounding pharmacy. It contained the compounded diazepam solution. The compounded diazepam was diazepam powder that was put into almond oil. Included in the package were the bottles of compounded diazepam, adapters for the bottles, and syringes that fit the hole in the adapter. How does it work at a pharmacy like Walgreens? Do they include adapters and syringes or do I need to purchase adapters and syringes online? If I buy syringes how would I know what size of adapters to use? I would need to know the opening in the bottle. has anyone done this before that can answer my questions?

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@libertas @crono @[Md...] @[Ca...] @[Do...]

I am writing this to all of you. You have all replied to my Topic. I was looking so much forward to Jezel Rosa helping me to do my Taper. My appointment would have been today. Unfortunately, my car's Air conditioner stopped working. I took it to my mechanic and he said the compressor was defective. So he ordered a new compressor. Bad luck again the place where the compressor attaches and the fasteners were all rusted. So now I had to cancel my June 13th appointment.

I don't know if I can get an appointment with Jezel before I run out of diazepam. These benzo-wise doctors and nurse practitioners will not help me unless I make an appointment and see them in person, So if I have to get my refill I would need to wait for 30 days before Jezel could write me a script for diazepam pills, and liquid diazepam. It would be a slow taper with lower reductions and longer holds

Will another month of not Tapering make any difference? I am going to have Jezel prescribe 5mg and 2mg pills with the remaining 1mg being liquid diazepam. 

My greatest fear is that once I start tapering. My symptoms will keep getting worse. Then I have to worry about the pharmacy that will provide the liquid diazepam. The pharmacy closest to my house doesn't have it but they would be able to obtain it in 1 to 2 days. Walgreens has it they have a 5mg/5ml, When I called them they told me they have 480ml. For 30 days I would need 30 mg. So the bottle would have to hold 6ml.

I could maybe try and get a 1mg/ml solution. Then for 30 days, I would need 30ml. Pharmacies don't carry much liquid diazepam or they need to order it. So I may be stuck on 15mg a day. I am just having bad luck. I have anxiety about finding the correct adapters and syringes. The pharmacy may not even have the bottles.

Walgreens just has a large bottle with 480ml of the 5mg/5ml ratio. If I ask Jezel any questions she probably will not reply. all these doctors or nurses want to be paid before they answer any questions. I can't even ask her about compounded diazepam solutions or liquid diazepam solutions. I have to pay for my initial visit before she will help me at all

Will these burning sensations in my mouth and throat ever go away? 

What happens to people who are in Tolerance W/D? If they hold the dose they are currently on. Will it make the taper more difficult and cause more symptoms?

Does anyone know someone who has gone into tolerance W/D and held for a long time before starting a taper? I would feel more comfortable if I were on all 2mg pills of diazepam, I could then use the tapering strategies that the BB forum members use

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What about older BB members? Does anyone know of members who have tapered over 65 years old?

I am afraid I don't have the neuroplasticity of the younger people on this forum. That is a great fear I have.

Anyone reading my topic, that would wish to respond about their experiences tapering at an old age.

Maybe this is why I want to keep my reduction rate a much lower % than other younger BB members. I am going to be 69 soon

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I've been on hold for three months and have been in withdrawal for my entire taper to date. Holding did not make the w/d any better. I am 69 and there are other people here who are tapering in their 60s and 70s. I don't know about the burning symptoms; I have my own special set of withdrawal symptoms. I hope they go away. 

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Yes, there is a 1mg/1ml solution. It is some pharmacies don't stock it. They have a 5mg/5ml oral solution

My pharmacy has no oral solutions at all but the pharmacist told me they could order a solution and get it in 1 to 2 days

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@[ro...] Might I offer a clarification and a comment?

Only two commercially manufactured oral diazepam solutions are available in the US.

The first has a concentration of 5mg/5mL — this can also be expressed as 1mg/1mL (i.e. it’s the same liquid).

The second has a higher concentration of 25mg/5mL — this can also be expressed as 5mg/1mL.

Some pharmacies routinely stock liquid medications whereas others do not.   I suspect this depends in part on how many customers the pharmacy has with prescriptions for a particular liquid medication.  Liquid medications require more time/effort to fill than solid dosage forms so that may be a factor as well.


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On 13/06/2024 at 18:41, [[r...] said:

@libertas @crono @[Md...] @[Ca...] @[Do...]

I am writing this to all of you. You have all replied to my Topic. I was looking so much forward to Jezel Rosa helping me to do my Taper. My appointment would have been today. Unfortunately, my car's Air conditioner stopped working. I took it to my mechanic and he said the compressor was defective. So he ordered a new compressor. Bad luck again the place where the compressor attaches and the fasteners were all rusted. So now I had to cancel my June 13th appointment.

I don't know if I can get an appointment with Jezel before I run out of diazepam. These benzo-wise doctors and nurse practitioners will not help me unless I make an appointment and see them in person, So if I have to get my refill I would need to wait for 30 days before Jezel could write me a script for diazepam pills, and liquid diazepam. It would be a slow taper with lower reductions and longer holds

Will another month of not Tapering make any difference? I am going to have Jezel prescribe 5mg and 2mg pills with the remaining 1mg being liquid diazepam. 

My greatest fear is that once I start tapering. My symptoms will keep getting worse. Then I have to worry about the pharmacy that will provide the liquid diazepam. The pharmacy closest to my house doesn't have it but they would be able to obtain it in 1 to 2 days. Walgreens has it they have a 5mg/5ml, When I called them they told me they have 480ml. For 30 days I would need 30 mg. So the bottle would have to hold 6ml.

I could maybe try and get a 1mg/ml solution. Then for 30 days, I would need 30ml. Pharmacies don't carry much liquid diazepam or they need to order it. So I may be stuck on 15mg a day. I am just having bad luck. I have anxiety about finding the correct adapters and syringes. The pharmacy may not even have the bottles.

Walgreens just has a large bottle with 480ml of the 5mg/5ml ratio. If I ask Jezel any questions she probably will not reply. all these doctors or nurses want to be paid before they answer any questions. I can't even ask her about compounded diazepam solutions or liquid diazepam solutions. I have to pay for my initial visit before she will help me at all

Will these burning sensations in my mouth and throat ever go away? 

What happens to people who are in Tolerance W/D? If they hold the dose they are currently on. Will it make the taper more difficult and cause more symptoms?

Does anyone know someone who has gone into tolerance W/D and held for a long time before starting a taper? I would feel more comfortable if I were on all 2mg pills of diazepam, I could then use the tapering strategies that the BB forum members use

Sorry you're having some bad luck. If the mouth burning was caused by the benzos, it's quite possible that the burning will go away once you're off the benzos and out of withdrawal. It may even happen sooner. Unfortunately, no one has a crystal ball, but most benzo symptoms seem to eventually go away on their own, though it may take some time. 

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I am patiently waiting for my car to be repaired. Parts were not available.

I am hoping to do a taper with a liquid diazepam solution. I have to see Jezel My provider first before she can prescribe any diazepam for me. So this all depends on when I get my car back. No doctor or nurse will prescribe diazepam for me until they see me in person. I will ask for mostly pills and then the balance in liquid diazepam

I am hoping the burning mouth sensations will go away. I had these symptoms come up when I tapered down from 30mg to 12.8mg. These symptoms went away after I went up to 15mg. I had no choice, I had to get my PCP to prescribe diazepam. He wouldn't do 2mg pills, so he changed me over to 5mg pills.

!0 years passed and I had no symptoms until the last month. Now I have the same burning mouth symptoms as I had over 10 years ago. I find it odd how everyone in the BB forums has different symptoms









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