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Blood sugar issues


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Do others also have problems with blood sugar? First of all during tapering I got very anxious and itchy whenever blood sugar rised. After a few years this worsened. I started to get very sleepy after eating the slightest amount of carbohydrates. So I started to eat less carbs. I have had several occasions where suddenly the baseline blood sugars started to get higher and it did not get back to the old state. Since I get very anxious still after eating carbohydrates this led to eating even less carbs. At the moment this is just veggies, meat and oil. Now I am 9 years off. Currently, again I am experiencing a raise in my blood sugars. I have asked doctors for help but they say there is nothing wrong. My blood sugars are within reference values, they say. The only thing they see is do you have diabetes or not. I don’t. I feel so alone in this. I measure my blood sugars before I eat to prevent huge anxiety spells. Whenever I measure a value too high to safely eat, I get this feeling of hopelesness. I can turn nowhere for help. It would mean a lot to know others here experience the same. That I am not alone. After 9 years I have no hope anymore of this improving. 

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My A1C was 5.7 in February 2023.  I eat very healthy.  I'm in a 14 month setback right now.  I'm going to go get tested again in the next couple of weeks.  I will let you know what my A1C is after the new test.  In 14 months, I have had absolutely no sugar, flour, caffeine, processed foods, restaurant or fast food and I only eat organic.

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During my taper and maybe a few years afterwards I would get what felt like "blood sugar crashes" where for no particular reason and seemingly caused by nothing I'd get very shaky and felt weak.

It felt like I hadn't eaten enough and my blood glucose level had collapsed.

However, I went out and got a blood glucose meter and it didn't give me any readings that were particularly low. It's been years now so I don't remember the exact numbers but I think in the 80s - 90s is what I was seeing.

Over time that simply went away. My interpretation was that the shakiness was caused out of balance GABA/glutamate and my nervous system was overexcited. But who knows.

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12 hours ago, [[F...] said:

How long do your setbacks usually last?

Each one keeps getting longer and worse.  My 4th setback was 12 months (then 7 month window), my 5th setback was 18 months (then 9 month window).  Current 6th setback going into my 14th month.  It's been torture both mental and physical.

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Posted (edited)

That must be horrible to keep having setbacks after having long windows. Hopefully this is your last setback. Thats really good that you eat all organic food. Do you eat organic carbohydrates also or are you on a low carb diet?

Edited by [Fi...]
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1 hour ago, [[F...] said:

That must be horrible to keep having setbacks after having long windows. Hopefully this is your last setback. Thats really good that you eat all organic food. Do you eat organic carbohydrates also or are you on a low carb diet?

I only eat organic veggies, organic grass fed beef (cooked in butter and olive oil), organic pasture raised eggs (poached only), avocados, blueberries with a seed rotation for hormones, raw organic sauerkraut for gut health with two brazil nuts for thyroid.  This is what I eat everyday since I have to force feed.  Just the thought and smell of food makes me sick.  So no sugar or flour or caffeine.  I only drink water with drops of organic lemon juice.

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On 02/05/2024 at 05:46, [[F...] said:

How long do your setbacks usually last?

They seem to be permanent changes. I usually adjust my food intake. But at the moment nothing seems to help. And the food reactions to changing glucose levels can be pretty nasty. Sleepy, anxiety, itchy, temper tantrums.

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On 02/05/2024 at 06:45, [[N...] said:

During my taper and maybe a few years afterwards I would get what felt like "blood sugar crashes" where for no particular reason and seemingly caused by nothing I'd get very shaky and felt weak.

It felt like I hadn't eaten enough and my blood glucose level had collapsed.

However, I went out and got a blood glucose meter and it didn't give me any readings that were particularly low. It's been years now so I don't remember the exact numbers but I think in the 80s - 90s is what I was seeing.

Over time that simply went away. My interpretation was that the shakiness was caused out of balance GABA/glutamate and my nervous system was overexcited. But who knows.

Apparently 9 years off is not long enough to get the blood sugar issues resolved. That is why I think it may be a permanent thing. I would love to eat more and not be so thin. But it would ruin my life to eat normally. Also have extreme MCAS issues (allergic reactions).

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11 hours ago, [[F...] said:

That must be horrible to keep having setbacks after having long windows. Hopefully this is your last setback. Thats really good that you eat all organic food. Do you eat organic carbohydrates also or are you on a low carb diet?

I eat all organic. 

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On 02/05/2024 at 21:28, [[F...] said:

That must be horrible to keep having setbacks after having long windows. Hopefully this is your last setback. Thats really good that you eat all organic food. Do you eat organic carbohydrates also or are you on a low carb diet?

I wouldn’t say I had long windows. Or windows at all. I never really recovered. And things are getting worse is how I would describe it. I am not in a wave. Neither in a window. Somewhere in between. Lots of physical and mental problems.

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On 01/05/2024 at 15:16, [[N...] said:

My A1C was 5.7 in February 2023.  I eat very healthy.  I'm in a 14 month setback right now.  I'm going to go get tested again in the next couple of weeks.  I will let you know what my A1C is after the new test.  In 14 months, I have had absolutely no sugar, flour, caffeine, processed foods, restaurant or fast food and I only eat organic.

5.7 A1C is not high, its in the normal range. No Doctor will retest that since its values are normal.

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15 hours ago, [[S...] said:

5.7 A1C is not high, its in the normal range. No Doctor will retest that since its values are normal.

Thanks, Scooby.  Or course we all know how the medical industry is and on my Kaiser insurance chart 5.6 is the highest for "normal".  

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/05/2024 at 06:18, [[L...] said:

I did something I would not really recommended during withdrawal. I pit myself into ketosis by carb limiting. I did it very intentionally and think it did have some of the effect I was looking for but a lot of harm too. Limiting carbs is fairly healthy but extremes are not so much. You may experience a small amount of relief by limiting the energy you brain has access to. I knew an epileptic person who controlled his nighttime epilepsy like this. strict diet and exercise. he wasnt as extreme as I was and really I think he was just living in such a healthy manner that it helped and he could live without medicine. likely that is where the real value is. 

I am eating almost no carb only from some veggies, not starchy ones. I notices that after starting to eat that way I got hormonal issues, progesterone very very low, short cycles. And my thyroid which was on the borderline of just before benzos, got lower and lower. I can tolerate a small amount of levothyroxine and a small amount of progesterone cream. Would I eat more carbs I would not have a life. 

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