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Surgery for a large umbilical hernia


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Happy Easter to all.  It appears that I will be undergoing surgery in the near future to repair a large umbilical hernia.  It is large enough that surgery is needed as I am in danger of it strangulating or incarcerating!  I have an excellent surgeon who performed my emergency surgery back in 2019.

Has anyone else gone through this type of surgery and, if so, what was your experience?  My surgeon knows not to prescribe any type of benzo, as he and I have discussed  my horrific benzo withdrawal and recovery!   This is a surgeon who operated on the soldiers in Iraq who suffered the most horrific injuries.

I am not worried about the surgery itself, but, rather the possibility of the surgeon having to use mesh to hold the hernia in place!!!  I have read of some not so good outcomes when mesh was used, as opposed to strong sutures being used.  I am afraid that the mesh will have to be used, as my abdominal muscles have weakened from four years of being somewhat inactive during my Valium withdrawal and recovery.

Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


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Thank you, Becks!!!♥️. How are you doing these days?   Are you still able to mow and keep your lawn looking nice?  What is your snack in the evenings when you watch tv???

Take care,



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That’s a hard decision to make. I was supposed to have a plication using mesh in 2018, but the surgeon and I decided to forgo it at the last minute in preop. It was an elective surgery though, as part of a DIEP reconstruction, so he just did a revision on my breasts instead and left my abdomen alone. (I had a lot of healing complications with the first and second surgeries) At some point I will most likely be looking at some needed repair, but my research on mesh left me hesitant to go that route. I’ll just wait and see and take the “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it” approach. Doesn’t look pretty, but oh well. 

My Dad just had a robotic hernia repair with mesh and everything went fine. No problems whatsoever at about 6 months post surgery. He’s in his late 70’s and really healthy.  

Good luck to you and wishing you strength in whatever you decide to do. There are a lot of success stories out there too. 

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Thank you for taking the time to share your experience and that of your father’s!   I will be meeting with my surgeon for a pre-op consultation this week, and I will focus in on the mesh issue.  From what I have read about and spoken to my GP about is that not all hernia surgeries have to have the mesh, but instead heavy sutures are used.  My surgeon is well aware of my fear of having anything foreign put into my body, so he will accommodate my wishes to the best of his abilities.

I will be so glad to get this rather large umbilical hernia pushed back in so I can start moving around more easily…I feel like I am dragging a small child around on my stomach.

Hugs and Healing,


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Hi, GG.  I miss many people on this forum.  Since the new layout, I don't see any of them anymore.  I eat Reese's PB cups and Hershey Nuggets for a snack in the evening now with my milk with Ovaltine in it.  The grass won't need mowed for quite awhile.  I will pay someone this year to do it for me.  I can barely walk anymore and have bad incontinence problems now.

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I am so sorry that your walking has worsened as I know you were able to mow your lawn and keep up with your household chores for many years since your horrific injury!    Life really can be so unfair and as we age I find that daily challenges can become harder to deal with!   I am probably going to have the surgery next Friday, but am hopeful that it will be as easy as it is reported, and I can recover quickly and enjoy spring and summer here in the Mid-Atlantic.  What part of the country are you from, Becks?  Oh, I think I remember that you live in Pennsylvania so you have weather very similar to that here in Virginia.

Do you still have the same person bringing your groceries on Sunday?  I hope someone helps you as I know you can’t drive

Take care, Becks❤️




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GG I want to extend my best wishes on your upcoming surgery. Although I don’t have any experience about the mesh question but I will say that I believe the mesh will work out great. Your doctor sounds like he knows his stuff and he’s very experienced. I’d say just let him do what he knows is best and relax your mind as best as you can. You’ll feel so much better after surgery. I give you all my love and wishing a speedy recovery after surgery. 

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I would look at it this way - if I needed the mesh to make the surgery successful then that is what needs to be done. You'd hate to get the surgery and then have it fail because you didn't have the mechanical strength in the area to keep everything in place. If you trust your surgeon then presumably he's not going to use a mesh if you don't need it.

Also - I've heard the stories as well about issues with surgical mesh but my understanding is that early mesh products that caused the most problems is no longer on the market. So the issues people had in the past shouldn't be as significant as what you should expect today.

Have you got a date for the surgery?

Hope all goes well and wishing you the best.

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Nathan, thank you for your thoughts which are much appreciated and I do like your take on the mesh!  I have an appointment with the surgeon next Thursday to go over everything, and from what his administrator said, he may elect to do the surgery on Friday?!   I will be glad to get it over with as the hernia has become very uncomfortable and flaring up my IBS.

Take care of you and yours!


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LadyDen, you are such a blessing to me and your words bring me great comfort.  I will head into the surgery with a positive attitude and the determination to do all I can to recover and heal❤️




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On 05/04/2024 at 06:33, [[G...] said:

LadyDen, you are such a blessing to me and your words bring me great comfort.  I will head into the surgery with a positive attitude and the determination to do all I can to recover and heal❤️



So very sweet! And yes you stay positive and know all will be alright. Take my love with you! 

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So long as you feel comfortable with your surgeon and that all bases are covered, then you know what you are getting into, and that is half the battle.  Being prepared (mentally and physically), being well informed, and being proactive about your wishes is what you have done, and that along with having a clear dialogue with your surgeon is all positive.  If this is something that MUST be done, then it is what it is.  Agreed with others to now relax about the decision moving forward and to take care of yourself. 

You know I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts and sending nothing but positive, healing vibes.  



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