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Lots of new symptoms....47 months out


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I am 47 months out and have been getting lots of new symptoms.  Have had extreme night sweats, debilitating gum pain to the point of not being able to eat and headaches.  I had these symptoms to a much lesser degree early on but this is off the charts!  Any thoughts?

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I sure hope someone will weigh in that can possibly shed some light on what may be happening to cause an increase in symptoms this far out!  I am also at 47 months and still get hit with waves every few weeks!  You and I have shared that last year was better for both of us with more windows This is (as we have heard over and over again) the non-linear way of benzo recovery, but hearing it sure doesn’t take away the pain and distress of it!!!!



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@[Ga...]  Thanks for responding.    This is the darnedest thing.    Just when I think I am getting near the end of this mess, it seems to ramp up to a whole new level.

Hope some others chime in.



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Yes, it would be nice to get a set of new eyes on this topic, but it seems we LH’s are in a minority that don’t get a lot of input!  The newbies are probably too frightened to visit our board, and our fellow members in LH’s are probably exhausted like we are and dealing with their own issues.  Fingers crossed that your important question gets some good feedback!!!


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I'm new here and only at around 27 months. Was on/off various antidepressants that never worked and klon for 12 years.

I thought all of my wd symptoms were due to cPTSD and trauma. I got fed up with the medical industry and quit everything in a 2-week period. Learning that was a huge mistake but had a lot of these symptoms prior to even stopping.

Sorry to jump in your thread.. wanted to wish you both luck.

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Night sweats are usually a form of detox. Have you altered any intake?

Gums, Are you eating foods with vitamin c?

Do you have any neck / muscle tension?

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@[je...] Thank you

@[de...] Thanks. The worst symptom for me (right now) is the internal anxiety, guilt/shame, memory, and articulation. At this point I have no life.. just try to distract myself all day so I'm not too stressed to sleep. I have lost all friends and family in the past 15ish years. Moreso due to life circumstances than this. I stopped working in 2010 and haven't been able to drive for 3 years now. Unstable/stressful living situation makes any recovery seem unlikely and unlikely to change for the better.

Thanks for asking.. sorry to come off as a doomer.

I was actually thinking about forcing myself to go to the dr and go back on an anxiety med when I found YT video's and this forum. Sooooo glad I did as all of my symptoms that I attributed to shock/trauma are listed and started when I started down the demented rabbit hole of psychotherapy & I don't want to go back.

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@[de...] - Did you recently have a covid infection? It causes a lot of inflammation by way of elevated IL-6. The gum/tooth pain is what is making me think LC (long covid). There are a lot of overlapping symptoms with benzo withdrawal. Having both, I can't tell the two apart. Here's a symptom list: 

If it's possibly non-benzo inflammation, high-quality fish oil should help. 

This is the fish oil I take for my LC inflammation, in case it's worth a try. I like it because it's from small fish (so less mercury) and it's filtered for mercury. I take 1 every 6 hours. 

Also, BPC-157 has some data for helping with gum inflammation from elevated IL-6. I did a few posts here on BPC if you search for it. I take 250 mcg 3x/day. This REALLY helps me a lot with inflammation. 

And, if you think you have a chronic inflammatory condition, low dose naltrexone (LDN) is a gold standard. If you're in the US, it can be bought online through AgelessRx. I haven't posted much about that because I haven't tried it, but it has a ton of data for chronic illness and inflammatory conditions. 

IDK if you've done a genetic assessment for inflammatory markers, but if you're genetically predisposed to inflammation, like me, it's helpful to know. Inflammation also causes insomnia, so there's that, too. Genetic Life Hacks has some great write-ups on chronic inflammation. If you connect a DNA data file, it tells you personalized things to do. Here's an example write-up:

Hope this is a little helpful. 

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@[...] Thanks for your reply.  I have never had Covid.  

My symptoms are from a benzo injury, and don't have anything to do with inflammation.  At 63 years old, I am sure I have lots of inflammation, but that is not what is causing my benzo issues! 

You sound very knowledgeable about your own issues with inflammation.  Good for you for doing all the research!!!   There are several forums on this website where you might  find other members also interested in inflammation issues.  One of them is "Alternative Treatments, Supplements and More" the other is "Health Matters".

As someone who has been at this for 47 months I was just lamenting these intense symptoms, hoping that some of my 24 plus month buddies would sympathize!!!


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I always seem to get a uptick of symptoms ( old & new) around the anniversary of my becoming benzo free. I am presently at my 4 year anniversary and as usually some of my old symptoms have reappeared. I just ride it out and try to stay as positive as one can when dealing with such a fustrating situation. 

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@[...] The people in this group are sort of a different "breed".  We have been at this for a long time; at least 24 months and some of us much, much longer!    We have tried everything known to man to stop the suffering, but we understand that time and good self care hold the keys to our healing.  I don't want to speak for the others, but I am just coming here for support from someone who is in my shoes; hence why the group Long Haulers was formed.  I really appreciate you responding to my post, and for taking the time to give me lots of information!!!!  

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@[li...]I had not even thought about the good ol anniversary wave, but that is exactly what I am experiencing.  Thanks so much for pointing that out.  How are you doing?

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Hi Gums have been one of my main symptoms since day one. And after 32 months, I have searched but haven’t found any good reason. I think this could be in my case 1. Stomach problems. Someone told me that the silent reflux could affect your gums, even though I don’t have much reflux that I can feel during the day, I have a lot of stomach problems. (Excessive bloating and some kind of silent reflux more when sleeping) 2. Could be lack of saliva, because after all the drugs they gave me my mouth was a little dry all this time but I sleep with my mouth open,  so maybe at night when sleeping it gets too dry and saliva is one of the most important elements of your mouth. 3. Flora and mouth microbiome changes. because after a few years I began to have cavities this year, and I have never had this before in my life even though I clean my teeth well every day. So the good bacteria has been altered since day one and I haven’t been able to fix it. I had so many stomach problems at the beginning and wasn’t able to eat well for 2 years and I lost so much weight. 

Try to eat soft foods to avoid irritation. I eat chicken, rice, or potatoes now, before I couldn’t and was on a liquid diet.

If you find any more specific cause in your case, please let me know I am still lost on this one.

other theory is obviously neurological but that one is a little more Difficult to identify.

I can supplement now with vitamins after a lot of difficult months so I am trying vitamins B to check if this could help.

Greetings, Óscar


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@[ai...] Benzo injury causes all kinds of pain throughout our bodies; and this is just another place where the pain shows itself.  In my case it is not attributable to anything else.   Do your gums hurt?  Are they tender when you eat?  

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9 hours ago, [[d...] said:

@[li...]I had not even thought about the good ol anniversary wave, but that is exactly what I am experiencing.  Thanks so much for pointing that out.  How are you doing?

I'm doing really well with the mental symptoms but the physical aches and pains continue with no rhyme or reason...if I eat sugar, dairy, or gluten it really ramps things up still. It's a real bummer but I test it every few months just because I miss my old food favorites soo much! It's crazy how these symptoms drag on and on and on....glad my anniversary symptoms reminder was what you are dealing with too...stay strong!

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