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Hi.  Here is a tidbit about how I got started on Benzo's and ADs.

I had a 15 hour surgery following breast cancer in Dec. of 2006.  I wasn't sleeping through the night and was trying all kinds of different things to help with that (i.e. calcium/magnesium, OTC sleep aids, etc.)  I guess I threw my body into some sort of mutiny.  Anyway, about a month out from the surgery, I started having uncontrollable shakes and high blood pressure, among other things.  Looking back it seems it came on suddenly, but also, looking back, I think I was in withdrawals from either my pain meds or something else.


Went to GP who prescribed Ativan.  Couple days later he prescribed Prozac.  I took these for about 2 months and during that time, I researched these drugs and realized that they were dangerous drugs.  Anyway, they weren't helping me either.  I finally told the doc that I wanted to get off them and try something natural.  I weaned off Prozac fine, but when I went too fast off the Ativan, I had a week and a half of hell before admitting myself to a psych hospital.  Stayed there for five days where I got put on Klonopin, Elavil, and Lexapro.


Long story short... I have been on a roller coaster with the meds.  I've been to 4 different psych docs.  I am currently taking 20mg Lexapro, 30mg Remeron, and my current taper of clonazepam is .75 (.25 in am, .5 in pm).


I read a book about St. John's Wort and switching.  I talked to a health food practitioner and she said the Omega 3's (fish oil) will help with things and also the "Blood Type Diet".  So, I'm trying to be faithful with eating correctly and still lowering my K.  I feel worse in the morning.  Groggy, a little depressed.  Wondering if it's the taper or the Remeron.


Thanks for listening.


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Hi Mel4jc,


Welcome to BenzoBuddies! We recommend that you only taper one drug at a time, is this what you are doing? Are you currently tapering from the klono and at what rate? Tapering from klono does cause fatigue. Also IMO, I would not introduce St. John's Wort until you have successfully tapered off the Lexapro as these two both affect seratonin levels unless you have discussed this with your doctor. I am not familar with the effects of Remeron, but others will be by to offer you their experiences and advice. Hang in there!


Take care!



T2  :smitten:

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Hi mel4jc,


Just wanted to welcome you to Benzo Buddies.  It sounds like you have been through a terrible ordeal, but you will find lots of love and support here.



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Yes, I am currently only tapering off K.

I cut my am pill in 1/2 (.5 to .25) 1 day then back up to .5 for three days, then .25 for a day, then .5 for a day, then .25 every other day for the next week.  Today is my first day to stay at .25 for the next week.  The schedule for the next drop would be the same except I would cut my evening dose.  I hope this makes sense.


Thanks for your support.

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Your taper sort of makes sense, however jumping around doesnt really let you get stabalized, also its reccomended that you only reduce your current dosage at a rate of 10% reduction every 7-14 days, cutting 50% one day than retaking that dose just confuses your system, a steady reduction spread over several days is better for your system


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Hi mel,


Welcome to Benzo Buddies. Getting the same dose in your system makes it level out and you'll have a smoother taper and hopefully avoid some of the harder wd sx.



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Hi Mel4jc,


Well, I have never seen a tapering schedule like that, but understand what you are doing. The half-life of klono is 18 to 50 hours, so it stays in your system for some time after discontinuing your dose. Is this the taper schedule recommended by your doctor? How long have you been taking klono, I could not find it in your post. The usual taper reduction is 10% of your total dose over 7 to 14 days. You can also split your dose into 1/4s if you need to. Just let us know if you need any help and we'll be there for you.



T2  :smitten:

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Hi and welcome to benzo buddies! Never seen a taper plan like yours but you've gotten some good advice.

Hope your doing ok. Dont worry about the other meds for now, just concentrate on the klono.


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This taper schedule came off of "The Road Back" website.  I tried using their supplements, but they really didn't help. 

I have been taking klono since April '07.

So, I'm at .25 in the am, and .5 in the pm.  I'm guessing I should stay here for 10-14 days.  Then what do I do?  Split the pills in 1/4s?


I'm not worrying about the other meds right now.  I just want to feel better when I wake up in the morning.  I see my psych doc in 2 weeks.  She believes that benzos are for short term use and wanted me to start tapering but she didn't give me a schedule.  However, when I asked about how we would go about it, she said "decrease by a pill one week, then the next week take away the other pill, and then stop on the third week.  I don't think she realizes that there are withdrawal effects.  She is a psych doc after all.    :D

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Hi Mel4jc,


I am familar with "The Road Back" and have heard from most that the supplements did not help, but not familar with their tapering plans. Your doctor's plans seems way too aggressive IMO. You are in control of your taper, if it works the way you are doing it with "The Road Back", keep with it. If it doesn't work out, you can consider a slower taper by cutting your pills into 1/4's and trying that. Either way, we're here to help.


T2  :smitten:

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Hello Mel,


Ativan is my beast and I'm new here too.  I know remeron and elavil and another you mentioned, so, we have some things in common.  It's nice here, wish you the best!


E. :)

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