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Long Haulers

So much fatigue


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Hi everyone. I am 4 1/2 years out from my last dose of clonazepam. I still have a lot of symptoms, including depersonalization, panic, extreme anxiety, paranoia, weird body pains, general disorientation, brain fog, and extreme fatigue.
Anyone else still suffering from these types of symptoms so far out? I feel like most of my symptoms are mental, and that has been the case the entire time, even before protracted withdrawal, but the physical symptoms have definitely been there, and lately the fatigue and insomnia have been the worst. I mean, horrible fatigue like I feel like I could just sink down into the bed and sleep for days, but of course I can’t because I’m too anxious lol!
Any feedback would be appreciated. I can’t believe I’m this far out and still feeling symptoms. I never would’ve imagined it. I thought for sure when I started to taper that within two years, I would be “all better!” How naïve of me. 

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