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Suspected Thyroid cancer


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Hey folks,


i have a suspicion of thyroid cancer, Bethesda 4 level, papilary thyroid cancer, probably playing a role in my neuropathy from auto-antobodies, paraneoplastic syndrome, or metastatized to my spinal cord


The other nodules are Bethesda 3 , but up range levels in terms of maligancy suspicion


Took time to discover, i told many times, do a biópsy, do a lumbar punch, ask for an anti neuronal antibodies test, i guess im dealing with cancer, but they didnt saw the necessity, to seek a psychiatrist for pain meds.


anyone dealed with this kind of thing ?what treatment you did aside from surgery? Im afraid of chemoterapy due to my nerve pains


Send a dm If you feel like





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Posted (edited)

Hey @[Sc...] biopsyh, these are results, Bethesda 4 its a level of almost certain papilary thyroid carcinomat, others two nodules are Bethesda 3, one goes in the lower range of suspicion but could still be, 10-30% chance of maligancy


Other is Bethesda 3, upper range due to the morphology of the cells,


No doubt/pretty sure


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Sorry to hear that. What are you going to do now about the diagnosis?.

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Posted (edited)

Yea, 15 years to break free from psych drugs, got cancer, im seeing the oncology clinic, surgery to remove and probably some form of chemo or idk, radioactive iodine maybe, im not well versed into the whole thing of cancer treatment, dont know what will be suggested, not aware of the less harmfull and reliable kind of treatment out there

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Yes, no doubt, withdrawal syndromes leads to auto-imune reactions, neuroinflammation and aberrant inflammation, glutamate hás a role in cancers, reason why riluzole and others glutamate blockers have a role in drug repourposing for cancer, gabaergic system also, to supress cancer and it's role in inflammation and auto-immunity, having this drug wrecking your gabaergic system and your immune cells that have receptors aswell,i belive that aside promoting the development of cancers, It also leads to aging, deceases of age, affecting lifespan and healthspan

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Psych drugs cause a host of diseases including cancer because it damages cell membranes and the cell. You are right it does cause aging and a shortened lifespan. The doctors who prescribe them especially psychiatrists deliberately withhold this information to their customers. These drugs are nothing but toxic poisons that have no health benefits only designed to damage the brain and nervous system.

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Posted (edited)

I feel like some stuff out there is usefull, doctors suck d,  the majority dont worth a cent and this guys that work with psychiatric drugs, they arent doctors in my eyes, they dont know anything in terms of anything, nothing of the down cascades or how to handle anything related to the outcomes of the drugs that they prescribe, im a víctim of forced drugging, In other words, i was  tortured, pharmacological torture nothing else, one of the drugs were used as a torture for war prisioners(haldol depot) but i wasnt only tortured with it, but with high doses of olanzapine, 10mg daily, plus two other drugs, what's the logic of this not being a murder attempt and a criminal act? I had no symptoms, normal teenager, full of hormones rushing trouhgout my body, never took this drugs, wasnt delusional, studying everyday, this field should be recognized for what It is and deeply legislated , doctors should be responding for this stuff. Taking out the further negligence, when i seeked help i heard, maybe these are  symptoms of your ilnees comming back, and the drug unmasked this disorder, normally teens that react this way to the above mentioned, it's due to a mood disorder, while i was undergoing nothing else than encephalitis due to the damages 


It's past the time that they could claim, "i didnt knew" " i wasnt aware" "never heard of this" "but it's such a low dose"  .


Imo benzodiazepines  and hypnotics shouldnt be used as a treatment for anything, neuroleptics, shouldnt be used at all, for anything not even for people in psychosis


There are some drugs of value out there, and you could try to relieve your suffering, like fingolimod, nimodipine, meloxicam, pioglitazone, roflumilast, theobromine (not a drug) but stuff  that aim nerve regeneration and pain relief 

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They gave me Olanzapine too low dose and told me to use it for anxiety from the effects of the SSRI's (had no idea the SSRI's were causing the anxiety until i got off them. It made me feel horrible. I was tortured as a teenager by these criminals with their drugs and lies for more than a decade. Suffered incredibly taking them and coming off them. 

You are right, when you complain of symptoms from their drugs they say its your illness coming back. An illness they created with their drugs. They deny the harm they deny their drugs cause harm they deceive their patients and the public making them believe what they do is science and medicine when all it is is drug marketing and sales.

Decades have passed nothing has changed, there is still mass drugging and people tortured and lives destroyed by shrinks on a daily basis. Everyday BB gets new members complaining how psychiatrists have destroyed their lives and they struggle to get off benzos and other drugs.

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Hope you find relief m8, Sorry about your case aswell, i have been Reading about pseudoberi tumor, intracranial hypertension, and TNeuralgia, from these, i see that the former might bê due to water content, but also from auto-imune problems, i saw that connection reseaching, like victims that had auto-imune reactions from mynocicline and develop intracranial hypertension from an auto-imune response,


I hope you find something to relieve that m8, edaravone hás an effect in brain water content, but wont work alone and its kinda strange for me, Works for pain, might bê strange for me due to the câncer im dealing with aswell..


I Deal with pain everyday and trying several things, could be the cancer itself as stated, from auto antibodies, but also from tissues invasion, metastasis, this aside from the damages that i suffered from the last attempt and excrucitating withdrawal, nerve damages from auto-imune syndrome triggered by It, still, im seeing some relief, i cant claim victory, fighting everyday trying to promote recovery of this nerves, seeing relief and hopefully in the right way to recover, i would be taking fingolimod If not this thing going on..

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On 07/01/2024 at 23:37, [[S...] said:

Psych drugs cause a host of diseases including cancer because it damages cell membranes and the cell. You are right it does cause aging and a shortened lifespan. The doctors who prescribe them especially psychiatrists deliberately withhold this information to their customers. These drugs are nothing but toxic poisons that have no health benefits only designed to damage the brain and nervous system.

No, I don't think they were designed  to damage the brain and nervous system. That wasn't the intent of the people that made them. But, since there's just a whole lot about the brain that we don't understand these drugs had side effects that weren't anticipated and really still aren't understood.

My opinion is these drugs probably help some people. If you're schizophrenic and you're seeing people that aren't there, antipsychotics might be your best choice but you don't really have any good choices at that point.

The problem is that benzos, ADs, antipsychotics got vastly over prescribed. They all have side effects, some of them pretty dramatic as we all unfortunately know. But if you're in really bad shape - schizophrenic, bipolar, etc. maybe the side effects are worth it. 

On the other hand, if you're sad or anxious because of some particularly stressful time in your life you're definitely better off working through it the way everyone did in human history before these drugs appeared. But at some point we decided that all these normal things that happen to everyone from time to time needed to be medicated.  Huge mistake that we are forced to pay the price for.

Deniz - sorry to hear about the thyroid cancer. I also had a scare with that not long after getting off my drugs. Maybe benzos/z-drugs had something to do it it. It's certainly possible. I believe there are some studies out there showing higher rates of cancer for people using benzos. As I understand it the theory is that they dampen down the immune response. People don't realize that isolated cancerous cell popping up here and there in the body isn't exactly a rare event but the immune system normally recognizes and kills many of them.  But if the immune system has been tamped down by benzos then that increases the chances of something slipping by.

Hoping for the best in your treatment.

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21 minutes ago, [[N...] said:

No, I don't think they were designed  to damage the brain and nervous system. That wasn't the intent of the people that made them. But, since there's just a whole lot about the brain that we don't understand these drugs had side effects that weren't anticipated and really still aren't understood.

My opinion is these drugs probably help some people. If you're schizophrenic and you're seeing people that aren't there, antipsychotics might be your best choice but you don't really have any good choices at that point.

The problem is that benzos, ADs, antipsychotics got vastly over prescribed. They all have side effects, some of them pretty dramatic as we all unfortunately know. But if you're in really bad shape - schizophrenic, bipolar, etc. maybe the side effects are worth it. 

On the other hand, if you're sad or anxious because of some particularly stressful time in your life you're definitely better off working through it the way everyone did in human history before these drugs appeared. But at some point we decided that all these normal things that happen to everyone from time to time needed to be medicated.  Huge mistake that we are forced to pay the price for.

Deniz - sorry to hear about the thyroid cancer. I also had a scare with that not long after getting off my drugs. Maybe benzos/z-drugs had something to do it it. It's certainly possible. I believe there are some studies out there showing higher rates of cancer for people using benzos. As I understand it the theory is that they dampen down the immune response. People don't realize that isolated cancerous cell popping up here and there in the body isn't exactly a rare event but the immune system normally recognizes and kills many of them.  But if the immune system has been tamped down by benzos then that increases the chances of something slipping by.

Hoping for the best in your treatment.

The drugs were designed to disrupt normal central nervous system circuitry of the brain because all the psychiatric conditions have no known biological pathology and no known genetic pathology. As soon as toxicity is reached the drug begins to have a psychoactive effect. It begins to affect the brain and mind. Without toxicity, the drug would have no psychoactive effect. When i first started taking these drugs i was convinced by the doctors it was helping me and i believed so, instead i was intoxicated and my mind altered. Didn't realize i was altered until i came off them. My opinion the drugs should not be used at all. Even 1 dose can permanently alter ones psyche and nervous system. Safe alternatives exist and should be used.

It's nothing but a money making scam and powerful marketing. fooling everyone.

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@[Na...] thanks mate, aprecciate that


"But if you're in really bad shape - schizophrenic, bipolar, etc. maybe the side effects are worth it. antipsychotics might be your best choice but you don't really have any good choices at that point."


I dont think that, brain damage doesnt help brain disorders, for the sick of for anyone, schizophrenic and people on psychosis should be treated the same way as people with multiple sclerosis, immune supressive antiinflamatory drugs, that dampen down inflammation and auto-immunity issues in the brain


The cancer is like i said, If you research, the gabaergic system is a break for Inflammation and autoimune responses, you have this receptors even in immune cells, once you jeopardaze its function, internalize the receptor or else who knows what, major epigenétic changes, upregulate the glutamate output which hás a role in provoking cancer, detrimental effects on the nkcc2 cotransporter (that function regulating intra-celular cloride influx/efflux of the intracellular space nerve endings etc,  channels homeostasis)also proven to be chemopreventive and to act at the immune system, you see also it's role in spinal cord injuries, maintaining the inhibitory potential of the nerve endings, all that leads to not just cancer, but auto-immunity, age related deceases and degeneration, short lifespan and healthspan 


Nimodipine restore the funcition of the nkcc2 cotransporter at the  spinal cord and probably in the brain, as bumetanide. 

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