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How many with pain, nerve pain, neuropathy?


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How many over here with life ruining pain? 


Nerve Pains and neuropathy, i deal with a lot of nerve pain, as If It was a compressed nerve root and nerve impingiment, after several years trying to break free from drugs that i didnt asked for anything, now it seems that i will need antidepressants paired with other stuff to deal with pain, nerve pain and neuropathy


Does anyone had nerve damage, neuropathy, umberable pain and got better ?

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I had nerve pain, muscle and bone pain, all of which are almost gone, and just pop up randomly now for short periods of time, like hours as opposed to years. I do have spine pain, mainly in my neck and lower back, and hip pain, but even that’s improving with movement. At 3 years I started doing diagnostic testing out of desperation, and the rheumatologist's says the spine pain is from an autoimmune disorder and wants to put me on a DMARD that comes with a horrible list of side effects and risks. I’m holding off a year to see if that doesn’t just resolve itself and will monitor my bloodwork markers as well, which dropped significantly on the last visit. She says all the other pain is central sensitization which is 100% from opioids (because that is the new propaganda being pushed), but pretends to not hear me when I mention the 25 to 35 psychotropics I was given over 25 years, consistently for 12 years, for chronic migraine. Also never addressed or considered is the cold turkey that triggered the severe body chronic pain syndrome in the first place. The proposed treatment for pain: gabapentin and Cymbalta. Hahaha like I’m getting on that never ending hamster wheel. Nope. I’ve used kratom capsules to help with the pain as it is legal in my state and I’m not addicted or dependent on it, contrary to the horror stories out there. Pretty soon I’m not going to need any of that any longer I hope. I may always have neck pain based on the X-rays, but it’s not near as severe as it was. And definitely have some osteoarthritis, but that could be from chemo and years of Prilosec, which I no longer need since I’m not on all the pills. Antidepressants and gabapentin can weaken the bones as well. I had neuropathy pretty bad after chemo and that resolved itself too after a few years. 

I do believe we heal and hope your nerve pain gets better in the near future. I’m sure you’ve had all the imaging done to see if you’ve got any structural issues pushing on the nerves? I remember you said you got an MRI. 

I’m at 4 years and my plan is for this pain to be mild to almost non existent at 5. Five years. I’m giving this 5 years of my life and not another more. 

Some other symptoms are another story entirely. Like screeching tinnitus with no end in sight. Sigh. 

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Im Very sorry mate, often i feel like giving up, how do you handle the pain?






"It just pop up randomly now for short periods of time, like hours as opposed to years"




At least you're having breaks, you deserve it.




- mine is constant,  very briefly that i have a mild breaks, which is not a  complete break,  mostly when im not full awake and still sleepy, when the pain  starts, most of times im not able to distract from the pain, was yours once that way?




When i do something i get distracted but the pain It is still there, when i strecht enough, then this nerve root and nerve branch moves, as wanting to get loose from the bone compressing It, but pain is constant eletric, buzzing, sharp and makes me relate  to central pain,


Or that i have a metastatized cancer(as i have thyroid nodules under invest) invading the nerve or the spine, pain irradiates from nerves  to the whole spine sometimes, constant intercostal neuropathic pain, vascular like pain..




is worst when i sleep badly placed, or sometimes when reclined on top of It, due to comrpession, then its hell.




i have a screening of the spine, mri, its saying that i have buldging disks toucinhg the dural sac, osteofits also that could be hitting a nerve, wouldnt that need a surgery? some of my intravertebral disks suffered degeneration, based on this report, do i need surgery?




If i have buldging disks compressing the nerve wouldnt i need a decompressive surgery?




Asking here,  since I have been suffering from medical Gaslight since the Very beggining when i was first harmed by psychotropic drugs, that were in the first place forced on me against my will, while i had zero anxiety and depression prior from being harmed, when i seeked help i was told .."Well, maybe that's the symptoms of your decease comming back"  also was told that "teens who react that way to haldol and olanzapine (i was given both one on top of the other) "its because they have a mood disorder" 


while i was i suffering nothing else than toxic encephalitis caused on purpose by the drugs and their neurotoxicity and following "withdrawal syndromes" 









"The proposed treatment for pain: gabapentin and Cymbalta. Hahaha like I’m getting on that never ending hamster wheel"


when you're harmed that way by psychiatry, Its a non ending cycle of abuse and rape, is like asking for a rapist for help, after being raped in the alley by his comrade , non ending cycle of rape and abuse.




Of course It wouldnt be diffrent now..




I saw an old neurosurgeon, he said something and re-directred me to another neuro surgeon, as he is too old tô perform surgery, as this particular one was on break, i seeked another, and , with the Very same mri report, saying that i have buldging disks toucinhg the dural sac (nerve of the spine) he said , well in not seeing anything that would indicate the n need to perform a surgery.. the older guy said seems like you suffered a car accident, and this guys says he doesnt see anything... Fucking hell.


its just terrific to suffer like this while something very bad is ongoing, i really feel like having a  compressed nerve root, its terrific




"Reumatologist's says the spine pain is from an autoimmune disorder and wants to put me on a DMARD




Well, If you have an autoimune conditon already diagosed, i guess its a good Idea, I have 2 Boxes of fingolimod on here that i bought from india, im afraid to take It by myself without medical supervision, speacially paired with what im already taking, but might come to the point were the risk doesnt even matter anymore, because its too bad




i should have gotten spinonimod, as its more selective, list of potential side effects is big, but suffering Constant autoimune inflammation is also not good and might lead to worst outcomes and cancer itself, from aberrant inflammation, im Just waiting to see my thyroid bisposy report,  have an indication to remove my thyroid, due to the nodules.




Im afraid of being cancer(very possible) or something else leading to autoimunnity and neuropathy nerve damage from the auto antibodies, as thyroiditis(which the biópsy might also help to diagnose) or a paraneoplastic syndrome(lung cancer) or metástasis from the thyroid, or whatever other autoimune issues affecting my spine, with all that, being nothing is even worst.




The nerve pain that i feel in my spine is terrific, as If It was a open wound being scratched. 


its always nothing,(until finally finding out in late stage) úntil then you should seek help of the same guy who raped you and knows nothing about the drugs that he uses as rape tool, only thing we can offer is the guy who raped and harmed you in the first place





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I dont cope well, deep depression and isolation.


I take a bunch of stuff for Inflammation just to be able to handle It, by now theofyline, edaravone, pioglitazone, and  bromantane which also does help a little with pain, tingling and scratching from the neuropathy


I have nimodipine and roflumilast in comming soon, If not seized by customs, when i get them i will then cycle edaravone, roflumilast works for the scratching and pain. Probably is ok to mix with theofyline, and probably ok with pentoxyfiline, i guess i took both in the past, just dont remember well


Pentoxyfiline helps more than theofyline with pain, but mixing both is bad, due to theofyline toxicity, is dangerous to mix both If not in very low doses, there is an study online even, but still is a dangerous interaction none the less, maybe i felt really scared due to pentoxyfiline and edaravone interaction, too oxygenating, as some time ago i took pentoxyfiline alone without issues


Supplements that help a bit, boron, i take as borax, but triple boron from  source naturals seems good, boron helps with pain, vitamin D day on and off, K2 at night Just for the effects that D, boron and theofyline also might have in calcium levels in the blood


Benfotiamine which helps a bit but nothing magical, b12 also, sometimes Very little of p5p because too much makes pain worst, acetyl l carnitine Just to make sure, some magnesium here and there and Very little of zinc at night


Nsaids as meloxicam and ibuprofen helps, still i guess it shouldnt be mixed with edaravone 


Im looking forward to order, sr9011, IPAM an mithocodrial antioxidant, maybe isx-9, 


All this mentioned is trying to push the nerves to recover, remyelination and Control inflammation, and because its bad and impossíble to handle without doing anything 


As i had mentioned above, i also have fingolimod in hands, but scared to take It, and need to know the etiology of this pain, If its not cancer, etc..


But getting diagnosed is hard, more even while being debilitated and depressed


No doubt, im sure based on reports and people sharing onlines, is much worst being a víctim of psychiatric drugs in comparsion of suffering from multiple sclerosis.

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Not supplements, edaravone is a drug for ALS, an antioxidant of sorts

Pioglitazone is prescribed for diabetes, but antiinflamatory, has a role in MS, spinal cord injuries and some other stuff , nimodipine is for cerebral vasospams, but its an antihypertensive


Theofyline is a xhantine, methylated xhantine from coffe used for COPD, same for pentoxyfiline, and Theobromine is similar from cocoa


Roflumilast also for COPD but might help with remyelination and works for pain, maybe combined with theofyline or Theobromine It does something..


Sr9011 Works on nuclear receptors for Inflammation and other stuff, a research chemical, sr9009 makes me anxious and strange, maybe this one doesnt 


I have a thread about all these, just makes it less hard, keeps being a life sentence


Boron, alfa lipoic and benfotiamine are supplements.





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