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As Prescribed


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Wow I have heard of this film before but never could find it.  Most accurate description that I’ve ever seen of bw

I can’t help but wonder if I should reach out to them because I can’t help but wonder if having a healthcare worker on their side can vouch for how devastating these pills are.   
not that it’s obvious but joe is not my real name I hide my identity because I don’t want anyone reporting me to the board 

but I feel compelled to tell that committee my story 

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9 minutes ago, [[B...] said:

I just now watched that documentary. Amazing work!

Hello @[Jd...].

I repeat my warning message to you:



Given your post about circumventing our rules, your posts must now be approved by a moderator. Further, you will be unable to use the PM system indefinitely.

Creation of a second account for the purposes of circumventing restrictions placed upon your account will result in your account(s) being banned.

And further efforts to attempt to provide medical advice through any of BenzoBuddies' systems will result in your actions being reported to your nursing board. Of course, if you are confident they will have no difficulties with your behaviour, you will have nothing to worry about.


I have your details and the nursing board contact details open in a tab ready to go. Good bye now, I trust.

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21 minutes ago, [[B...] said:

So I doubt you have my name first and last.  You have my ip address of where I’m contacting you at right now.  But there are details you do not know.  Am I a compact nurse meaning I have a license in many states.  You have my ip address but cannot verify if I am a Florida nurse with a compact.  
and you literally would threaten to report a nurse for advising someone to get proper lab work done before assuming they must give up all hope ? The board of nursing will require you to back up your statement with proof and all you will show them is I told people to ask their dr for blood work.  And yes gave doseage info on vitamin b12 which any 8 year old can buy over the counter.   I have a proven track record in.   Whatever state it may be I have a license in.  I’m obviously giving you a hint that while you’re on track you’re slightly off.   But it’s the overall threatening message I feel ashamed of.    I would guess they probably would tell me that while I can advocate for a person to ask for blood work and while I can educate on blood parameters and what an rdw is or an mpv that I shouldn’t give specific advice on this many milligrams of b12 per x amount of time.   So in ways you are right.  You seem to think I would be homeless living on the street but what is more shameful is that you would threaten a person with that who had indeed helped at least one person

if you don’t want to continue this conversation publicly then message me but this type of behavior on here will drive people away in droves when they see the moderator of this site will go after your job if you post something they don’t like

so cmon open this conversation up in email.   

I posses your personal details. You are registered as a nurse in WV.

I do not expect you will become homeless. But I do expect you to be reprimanded and this to be recorded on your nursing license. Of course, a reprimand is only warranted in cases of ethical or professional violations. But as you have admitted above, you are on decidedly shaky ground. You have also stated publicly that you will continue to behave this way, providing medical advice via our PM system, and your willingness to circumvent our restrictions preventing you from behaving this way is documented. This really is your final warning. My next step will be to inform the nursing board. Your best option is to go away and never return under any username. Because if I suspect that you have returned, or if a member reports your giving of advice via the PM system, my very next step will be to contact the WV nursing board about your behaviour.

Your choice.

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. There is no way to delete an account on this forum that I am seeing 

can these posts not be deleted and also as you request my account(s) be deleted ?

Edited by [BB...]
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I have copies of the edited-out/dleted content. In the interests of transparency, and for possible future moderation reference:



I just now watched that documentary. Amazing work!




So I doubt you have my name first and last.  You have my ip address of where I’m contacting you at right now.  But there are details you do not know.  Am I a compact nurse meaning I have a license in many states.  You have my ip address but cannot verify if I am a Florida nurse with a compact.  
and you literally would threaten to report a nurse for advising someone to get proper lab work done before assuming they must give up all hope ? The board of nursing will require you to back up your statement with proof and all you will show them is I told people to ask their dr for blood work.  And yes gave doseage info on vitamin b12 which any 8 year old can buy over the counter.   I have a proven track record in.   Whatever state it may be I have a license in.  I’m obviously giving you a hint that while you’re on track you’re slightly off.   But it’s the overall threatening message I feel ashamed of.    I would guess they probably would tell me that while I can advocate for a person to ask for blood work and while I can educate on blood parameters and what an rdw is or an mpv that I shouldn’t give specific advice on this many milligrams of b12 per x amount of time.   So in ways you are right.  You seem to think I would be homeless living on the street but what is more shameful is that you would threaten a person with that who had indeed helped at least one person

if you don’t want to continue this conversation publicly then message me but this type of behavior on here will drive people away in droves when they see the moderator of this site will go after your job if you post something they don’t like

so cmon open this conversation up in email.  


The above, furthered to:



Please Colin delete this post as well.  Our conversation does distract from the original post and that documentary actually is invaluable and an amazing watch. That also should be something maybe that members can delete messages on here.  If able to please delete or I will just change to a “.”

but yes I would like to have a conversation with you and I will keep things civil if you do




Please message me so I can delete these message.  It actually does no good to the original post 




I do not believe I will have anything permanently on my record I believe I will be scolded and asked just why in the world do I even care.   Reality is because I just do care.   I care about the suffering of others.  I quit a job making 4x the amount a nurse makes and I make many times over what a nurse makes just trading stocks.  I do this job because I care about people and want to help others.  I don’t do this job for the money.   I do think the board would scold me for helping strangers on advice and tell me to put my efforts into my patients that WANT help.  But maybe they would imprison me.  Who knows.  I don’t THINK you have all of my correct information but there is that risk I guess.   You are hell bent on no one helping others on here and so you win.  You are the moderator owner or whatever so fine YOU WIN.   i will never help another person suffering in pain now thanks to your intervention

i have posted many things on here offering advice though and it appears there is no way to delete it ?? Or none I have found.  If my advice is so terrible why not just delete it all since it’s so controversial to offer vitamin advice 🙄 

I thought you would entertain the idea of me and you having a civil conversation but it appears you aren’t interested in that and we just sit here and hijack this thread.   

I feel ashamed but fine I bow out.  You win at making sure I never give any advice despite it working.   I’m not sure what your status is but I think if I had offered YOU advice and it worked. You’d be thankful.  You may be healed but many others aren’t

anywho fine bro you win  I’ll go back to the patients that want my help 


(please still do delete posts this thread is a good thread that many others should see not because of our drama)


When a member causes significant problems in public, and makes various threats, we tend towards transparency so that members understand why an account  has been banned. In due course, this thread might be removed from public, but for now, it will stay.

Apologies to the OP. @[Ne...] does  not deserve this.

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@[Ne...]: I’ve wanted to watch the documentary As Prescribed for a while now but never got around to it.  Thanks to you and your heads up about this viewing opportunity, I have now done so!  

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