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Hyland's Insomnia


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As you may know, I'm a big fan of homeopathy because it's so gentle, doesn't interact with any medicines, and has no side effects.


I'm going to give Hyland's Insomnia a try in the next few days, and I'll post here how it goes so you guys can know more if you're interested :)

Hyland's is the same company that makes Calm's Forte.


Here are the ingredients (all homeopathic), and I've included a description of each:


Hyoscyamus Niger 3X HPUS (0.00016% Alkaloids) - relieves the symptoms of nervous agitation, muscular twitching and intense sleeplessness.


Ignatia Amara 3X HPUS (0.0012% Alkaloids) - helps to relieve the effects of grief, worry, nervousness and apprehension. Tenseness characterized by facial twitching, jerking of limbs, itching arms.


Kali Phos. 3X HPUS - helps to restore health to the nerves of the body, combating the results of excitement, overwork and worry. The cell salt nerve and brain cells depend on most, Kali phos (potassium phosphate), helps nerves recover, relax and regain strength. Kali phos offers balancing, revitalizing support when injury, illness, stress or sadness result in a heavy, yet restless fatigue or loss of nerve power. Its nerve calming or debuzzing relief extends to nervous headaches, backache, sciatica, neuralgia and buzzing in the ears, as well as common stress responses – temper tantrums, sleeplessness, nightmares, hypersensitivity, sadness and gloom.



If anyone has already tried this product, I'd love to hear your thoughts!


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Info on this one-


Toxicity and historical usage


It was historically used in combination with other plants, such as mandrake, deadly nightshade, and datura as an anaesthetic potion, as well as for its psychoactive properties in "magic brews."[1][2][3] These psychoactive properties include visual hallucinations and a sensation of flight.[4] Its usage was originally in continental Europe, Asia and the Arab world,[5] though it did spread to England in the Middle Ages. The use of Henbane by the ancient Greeks was documented by Pliny. The plant, recorded as Herba Apollinaris, was used to yield oracles by the priestesses of Apollo.[1]

Henbane can be toxic, even fatal, to animals in low doses. Its name dates at least to 1265. The origins of the word are unclear but "hen" probably originally meant death rather than referring to chickens.[6] Hyoscyamine, scopolamine, and other tropane alkaloids have been found in the foliage and seeds of the plant.[1] Common effects of henbane ingestion in humans include hallucinations,[1] dilated pupils, restlessness, and flushed skin. Less common symptoms such as tachycardia, convulsions, vomiting, hypertension, hyperpyrexia and ataxia have all been noted.

Not all animals are susceptible; the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Cabbage Moth eat henbane.

It was sometimes one of the ingredients in gruit, traditionally used in beers as a flavouring, until replaced by hops in the 11th to 16th centuries (for example, the Bavarian Purity Law of 1516 outlawed ingredients other than barley, hops, and water).[7]





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Info on this one-


Toxicity and historical usage


It was historically used in combination with other plants, such as mandrake, deadly nightshade, and datura as an anaesthetic potion, as well as for its psychoactive properties in "magic brews."[1][2][3] These psychoactive properties include visual hallucinations and a sensation of flight.[4] Its usage was originally in continental Europe, Asia and the Arab world,[5] though it did spread to England in the Middle Ages. The use of Henbane by the ancient Greeks was documented by Pliny. The plant, recorded as Herba Apollinaris, was used to yield oracles by the priestesses of Apollo.[1]

Henbane can be toxic, even fatal, to animals in low doses. Its name dates at least to 1265. The origins of the word are unclear but "hen" probably originally meant death rather than referring to chickens.[6] Hyoscyamine, scopolamine, and other tropane alkaloids have been found in the foliage and seeds of the plant.[1] Common effects of henbane ingestion in humans include hallucinations,[1] dilated pupils, restlessness, and flushed skin. Less common symptoms such as tachycardia, convulsions, vomiting, hypertension, hyperpyrexia and ataxia have all been noted.

Not all animals are susceptible; the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including Cabbage Moth eat henbane.

It was sometimes one of the ingredients in gruit, traditionally used in beers as a flavouring, until replaced by hops in the 11th to 16th centuries (for example, the Bavarian Purity Law of 1516 outlawed ingredients other than barley, hops, and water).[7]





For those who don't know, all homeopathic ingredients are toxic in their original forms. Homeopathy uses them diluted many times so that when taken as remedy, the minuscule doses produce the opposite effects that their "poisonous" full-doses would produce. Supposedly this is because the small doses are working to activate the body's healing response, therefore healing whatever negative symptoms the ingredient would normally produce. I'm certainly no scientist!

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how is this product working for you?

I've tried Quietude by Boiron homeo and didn't have much luck.

I believe it had passionflower..... Maybe I'd give this one a try as pre benzo I had great luck with Calms Forte.

Thank you!!!

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I am only on my second night of it so can't say for sure yet. It definitely seems to quiet my mind if I take it around 10, which is 2 hours before I try to go to sleep. The thing that most appealed to me about it was that they claim it instigates your body to "fix" whatever the root of the sleeping problem is. I'll keep you posted... how did Calms Forte work for you? I've heard lots of positive things about that one..



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Hi Holly,

I have tried Calms Forte.  For me, it was a subtle effect, but this has been my go-to pill lately since I don't feel any side effects from it.  I also will use L-Theanine (not at the same time though).  I'm the same way--I am all about the natural stuff now.  It's great when I need to take my excitement down a notch after going out with friends :)

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Hey Holly,


Calms Forte always worked well for me pre-drug-mess. I rarely had sleep problems before this, just sometimes when traveling or with a lot of work stuff looming, but I wouldn't say I ever had insomnia prior. Now its the last symptom that makes me nuts!!!

I might try this one to see how I feel, it can't hurt. I am a big fan of homeopathic remedies.

Keep us posted and I'll give it a try and post as well.

Much luck and love

melo x

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Hey Holly,

How are you making out with the Hyland's Insomnia..... I had a run of 4 decent days, then one really bad, one good, one average and then last night was pretty bad. Im starting to average more good nights, but I came home from detox on December 10th....so it's been a long time dealing with this. I tried supplements and homeopathy early on.. then have been just waiting it out. I'm curious about the claims of Hyland's to work on the root of the sleeping problem. God, I wish I could just get back to my pre-benzo sleep!!!! Keep us posted.. xo Melo

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It's been hard to say becuase I've still been taking Trazodone to knock me out. The Hyland's most certainly helps me in that it quiets my mind before bed and makes me relaxed. Tonight I'm going to try taking the hyland's all by itself - I'll keep you posted!! :)
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Well i took 3 tablets last night and it did a good job of putting me into that stage of half-sleep. But not surprisingly, I got "stuck" there again and didn't have the patience to be in that half-sleep state all night. The remedy made me very relaxed, calm, and sleepy. But after about an hour I took my usual Trazodone to help me cross over into the stage of deep sleep. I'm going to keep trying it.
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Hi Holly,

I have tried Calms Forte.  For me, it was a subtle effect, but this has been my go-to pill lately since I don't feel any side effects from it.  I also will use L-Theanine (not at the same time though).  I'm the same way--I am all about the natural stuff now.  It's great when I need to take my excitement down a notch after going out with friends :)


According to the link below on Wikipedia the following herbs are GABA agonists:







And Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) is listed as a GABA-transaminase inhibitor.



The link is:





Just to let you know, it also classifies Benzodiazepines as a GABA agonist.

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Pers- Should all GABA agonists be avoided then?


Holly- How mush is trazadone helping your sleep? I have a script for it myself, but am scared to have another drug to deal with. I guess I am desperate :-\ (sorry to slightly derail the original topic)

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Psychiatrist prescribed Trazodone, Zoloft and Klonopin for me while in Psych. Hosp. When I came home & checked drug interactions on Drugs.com--it had a severe warning that Trazodone should NOT be taken while on Zoloft and Klonopin due to serotonin syndrome possibility. I quit taking it immediately. Do not know about other benzos & ad's with Trazodone though. It (Trazodone)really helped me sleep, but I am/was scared of the possibility of serotonin syndrome :sick: Take care, T2
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Holly- How mush is trazadone helping your sleep? I have a script for it myself, but am scared to have another drug to deal with. I guess I am desperate :-\ (sorry to slightly derail the original topic)

100mg puts me to sleep. I find that if I take much more, for some reason my post-benzo body starts freaking out and I go into a panic attack. So if you're sensitive to meds, just start slowly. While I was on K, Trazodone was a very gentle and well-tolerated med for me, and I could go up to 250mg. But now my body is much more sensitive.

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Pers- Should all GABA agonists be avoided then?



I would avoid them.

As far as using those things during wd (after your taper), it all depends on the person.. I have used 3 of the 4 supplements you listed (all except Kava) during my wd right now and all they do is help to calm me. For me, as long as a supplement's action is calming to the nervous system, then it helps me. I have also used GABA supplements and that helps relax me for sleep as well. I know everyone seems to think that GABA supplements do not cross the BBB so they are useless, but as I have learned, we have more GABA receptors in our gut than our brains, so... judge for yourself if you ever try it.


Pers, I'm guessing you're advising only people who are still tapering to avoid gaba antagonists until they're off? Because that I understand, I have experienced how chaotic is can be to thwart the benzo at your gaba receptors with alcohol or something else that competes... it is not pleasant.


Ben, if you're still tapering then my suggestion is to avoid them, but once you're off I'd give them a try and see if they help calm you like they do me and others. Take care!




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A GABA agonist mimics the GABA neurotransmitter.  An agonist is an agonist, whether it is from a supplement (like the ones I listed) or a prescription.  When you take an external agonist regularly your body will begin to rely on it and reduce, and in some cases stop, production of that neurotransmitter.


GABA is the calming neurotransmitter.  That is why you are getting calming effects when you take the supplements that are agonists to GABA.


If you feel your GABA is low, it is better to take the nutritional building blocks your body uses to produce its own GABA rather than taking a synthetic GABA supplement which discourages your natural GABA production.  The body converts L-Glutamine, an amino acid found in food, into GABA.  If you are worried about GABA production, I would make sure I was getting plenty of foods high in L-Glutamine along with a well balanced diet.


You can use the following link to check the amount of L-Glutamine in the foods you eat:




Just type in the food (Ex. 'ALMONDS') and click on 'search'.


Benzodiazepines are classified as agonists, but they do more than mimic, they actually attach to the receptor site and make it super efficient.  The brain then down regulates the number of GABA receptor sites to maintain homeostasis.  As a result when you stop taking benzodiazepines you are left with less GABA transmission.


I personally would not touch a GABA agonist, antagonist, inhibitor, or analogue with a long stick while I am recovering.

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Holly- Thank you. I think the game plan is going to be avoiding all prescriptions unless I become even more non functional than I am now. If that does happen, then I will have to become the traz-manian devil >:D


Pers- That's interesting about the glutamine. I eat very well, but maybe I need to reassess the composition of my food stuffs. I have been drinking a good, or better quality than most, whey protien shake twice a day, and I know this is glutamine rich. I guess this is all the more reason to get the diet down to a science...

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Been using this for over a week now and I really like them. I still need trazodone to knock me out, but when i wake up in the middle of the night I put one or two of these under my tongue and it puts me right back to sleep :)
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Holly I'm doing the same, I started the Hyland's a few days ago, had 3 really good nights and 2 bad...

I like them so far. I dont see any reason not to take them... last night I had a rough night for some reason - ovulation I think.. Hoping tonight is better... Thanks for the tip, I also bought  their nerve tonic

Melo x

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Hi Holly. I have used Calms Forte for a while but have not had much luck. It does help my son who has only occasional sleep problems. I did use it once on vacation in the middle of the nite...but I was also using Benedryl. I have been on vacation for 2 weeks and had to take benedryl every nite in order to get any sleep.

I too like homeopathy but it doesn't really seem to help with sleep. I've tried arsenicum, nux vomica, ignacia, all with little success. I think my brain is still too messed up for them to help me at this point. They are more subtle and I need a sledgehammer right now. Last nite I took melatonin and tryptophan and went to sleep (also 2 glasses of wine) but have been awake since 2:30 since I didn't use benedryl. I don't want to be on any drugs, but I just can't function after days with only 3 hrs of sleep. I guess I have to get off the wine first, then try to stop the benedryl. This is just like going thru benzo withdrawal again. My poor brain!

I wonder why some of us just have this terrible insomnia struggle and other seem to get back to sleep relatively easily. I, like you have always had sleep problems and used wine before the benzos. I just wonder and hope I will someday be able to sleep normally, drug and alcohol free.


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Hi Holly. I have used Calms Forte for a while but have not had much luck. It does help my son who has only occasional sleep problems. I did use it once on vacation in the middle of the nite...but I was also using Benedryl. I have been on vacation for 2 weeks and had to take benedryl every nite in order to get any sleep.

I too like homeopathy but it doesn't really seem to help with sleep. I've tried arsenicum, nux vomica, ignacia, all with little success. I think my brain is still too messed up for them to help me at this point. They are more subtle and I need a sledgehammer right now. Last nite I took melatonin and tryptophan and went to sleep (also 2 glasses of wine) but have been awake since 2:30 since I didn't use benedryl. I don't want to be on any drugs, but I just can't function after days with only 3 hrs of sleep. I guess I have to get off the wine first, then try to stop the benedryl. This is just like going thru benzo withdrawal again. My poor brain!

I wonder why some of us just have this terrible insomnia struggle and other seem to get back to sleep relatively easily. I, like you have always had sleep problems and used wine before the benzos. I just wonder and hope I will someday be able to sleep normally, drug and alcohol free.


I completely agree with what you said about you needing a sledgehammer for sleep right now lol... I'm the same way. Like I mentioned before, the homeopathic remedies seem to work best for me when I wake up in the middle of the night. I take one, and they will usually put me back to sleep. Right now my brain is too injured too, so they won't knock me out when I first try to go to sleep. I'm hopeful they will in the future though lol.


You shouldn't have much problem coming off Benadryl, just be prepared for lots of increased salivation if you've been on it for a long time! I was on high doses of benadryl to sleep, and it gave me that symptom for about a week after stopping. No biggie really.


We have exactly the same hopes... to be able to fall asleep quickly and naturally without drugs one day...



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Hi Holly. How long were you on the benedryl? How were you able to get off it and sleep? I remember you mentioning taking a large dose. Did it stop working for you? Is that why you stopped? I can't stop if I want any sleep. It is so sad that some of us have such awful insomnia. I forgot, how long have you been off the benzo? I am going to try to stop the wine first, then the benedryl. I have noticed if I am especially nervous the benedryl doesn't work too well. That's what happened on my trip. I had to take ambien 5mg for 3 nites cuz I was so anxious being out in the boondocks of Washington. I was able to sleep again with only benedryl after that, thank goodness.

I'm glad we have the homeopathy, even tho it is not as helpful as I would like.

Stay in touch.


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Hi Holly. How long were you on the benedryl? How were you able to get off it and sleep? I remember you mentioning taking a large dose. Did it stop working for you? Is that why you stopped? I can't stop if I want any sleep. It is so sad that some of us have such awful insomnia. I forgot, how long have you been off the benzo? I am going to try to stop the wine first, then the benedryl. I have noticed if I am especially nervous the benedryl doesn't work too well. That's what happened on my trip. I had to take ambien 5mg for 3 nites cuz I was so anxious being out in the boondocks of Washington. I was able to sleep again with only benedryl after that, thank goodness.

I'm glad we have the homeopathy, even tho it is not as helpful as I would like.

Stay in touch.


I was on a high dose (8 regular strength pills) because my tolerance developed so quickly. I stopped cold turkey, and like I said it wasn't hard, I just had to keep spitting all the time because I had so much saliva  :-\ I got off it because it did stop working, and my tolerance was just getting ridiculous. I had been on it off and on for about a year. I was able to sleep because I switched to Trazodone, although I'm now coming off that too. I'm planning on using lots of brain wave therapy CDs for sleep, as well as homeopathy and herbs such as passion flower. Sounds like you have a good plan for getting free of wine and benardyl.


There are homeo. remedies that do work for me, just not for getting to sleep... there is a remedy I use that works wonders on my muscle pain, I can't recall the name right now though.



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