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Long Haulers

Calling All Seniors….Oldies But Goodies😜😜


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Hello Fellow Old Timers!   Obviously we are long haulers with a protracted recovery or we wouldn’t be here in this group.  At the ripe old age of 76, I am now at 43 months post taper from taking Valium for one year, and now in a wave of about ten days.  My major and worst symptom has always been head pain and pressure, followed by GI issues, and muscle pain.  I felt healed enough last May that I posted in Celebrations and Milestones that I was almost ready to write my success story.  Not to be.

For some reason this year has seen me having more waves than last year, which is very confusing, and, of course, disappointing.  Like many of us, I have had the whole cocktail of MRI’s, MRA’s, EEG’s, scans on my entire body, and so many blood tests I don’t know how I have any blood left!  Nothing remarkable has ever been found which I am grateful for!!!!  I do have cervical neck issues with bulging disks and arthritis, which I will see my orthopedic doctor/surgeon next Wednesday to see if my bulging disks and arthritis have advanced enough to be causing me my painful headaches and pressure.

What has not helped me is that I have had to take numerous antibiotics for female infections, as well as anti-fungal ointments and anti-fungal oral meds, and the dreaded steroids by injection and in creams.  Plus, at the very beginning of my benzo journey in 2018, I had to undergo three different surgeries and was given both Versed and Ativan in the hospital and in the ER.

I am now 76 and would love to hear from other oldie but goodies of their own personal journey through benzoland.  I guess I am looking for reassurance  from those in the senior group who have similarities in symptoms and length of recovery, as I stay the course until my final window blesses me.

I have had great counseling sessions with Dr. Jennifer Leigh, Baylissa, Angela Peacock, and most recently with Melissa Boutilier who lives in Canada.  All have said that I will recover even at my age.  In fact, Baylissa and Dr. Jen said that they have seen recoveries in people in their 80’s and 90’s!

With Healing Prayers For All,


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Hello @[Ga...],

I’m sorry to hear that you are still having issues related to benzo withdrawal, it seems to be the gift that keeps on giving.

Although I’m recovered completely, I can comment on cervical issues since I’ve dealt with them. I actually had successful fusion surgery at C-5-7 years ago. Cervical issues can indeed cause headaches depending on which level is affected. Emg’s can point out nerve damage, it did for me. Good luck with your appointment with the orthopedist.

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Thank you so very much Pianogirl for your speedy response.  I have followed you for a very long time and always feel better after reading your posts.  I will be glad to see my orthopedic doctor next Wednesday as he is top notch and treats all types of neck and spinal issues.  I don’t think I have ever had an EMG, but maybe he will prescribe one.  If I can get rid of the ongoing head and neck pain, I could write a long overdue success story!


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Thank you for starting this thread. I think us older ones need a little extra TLC because we just don't bounce back as well as some younger whipper snappers..lol. I certainly wouldn't say we are old..but we are older. Myself(68) I always wondered how I would feel in my senior yrs. Never ever expected to feel this way. Like you I've had so much testing..Mri's..Ct scans..emg's blood work. Some minor things but nothing so severe to explain the muscle and nerve I live with on a daily basis. 

My neurologist actually had the nerve to suggest I be checked for fibromyalgia. I wish that's all I had going on. Now I'm not down playing Fibro because I know people that suffer with it..but it's not my case.

At 10yrs out I've had so much healing. In the beginning I really thought I would die. Physical pain has always been worse than the mental. Panic attack and anxiety..whew, they were hard to get thru...as well as depression. I still suffer with anxiety and stress...but on a lower scale. 

Seems I need to keep everything on an even keel to not upset my very sensitive CNS. When I get agitated my pain level goes up.

My worst symptoms are dysfunctional muscles..and yes ladies..even female muscles are affected. I have squeezing..burning..stiffness..muscle cramps and numbness from waist down.

Dystonia symptoms..muscles are always moving..at least they feel like it...and very weak.

I'm sure my thyroid is causing some of my symptoms..as I'm hypothyroid and unable to take full dosage because the meds not only stimulate my thyroid ..also my CNS...as it does so many people on here. But my endocrinologist says no..my thyroid meds wouldn't cause any of the symptoms I'm having...error.   Ok..I'm done with specialists..they just don't understand even though I share my past benzo history and the horrible wd. 

Love love love..that you shared some of your talks with Baylissa and others. Have seen recoveries in people at 80's and 90's. Thank you so much for that. We need this encouragement because the slow turtle race is getting us nowhere.

Hope others will jump on here with some more stories. I enjoy reading them. 

Maybe we could even start a thread of easy to prepare meals..or "What's everyone eating these days"?

Whew..I wrote a book. 

Hugs to all of you. We are in this together ❤️ 

@[pi...] So happy to read you are recovered. I used to read your posts all the time on the old forum.  Bless your ❤️ 


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On 12/10/2023 at 09:37, [[p...] said:

Hello @[Ga...],

I’m sorry to hear that you are still having issues related to benzo withdrawal, it seems to be the gift that keeps on giving.

Although I’m recovered completely, I can comment on cervical issues since I’ve dealt with them. I actually had successful fusion surgery at C-5-7 years ago. Cervical issues can indeed cause headaches depending on which level is affected. Emg’s can point out nerve damage, it did for me. Good luck with your appointment with the orthopedist.


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