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brain damage/memory problems

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This morning when I woke up I couldn't even remember my name.  I got so frightened haha.  Has anyone ever experienced anything like this???  I'm telling you I couldn't remember anything about myself!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm starting to thing I really have brain damage, I've been off for a few months and have never experienced anything like that!!

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I know few days ago I couldn't remember which year is right now  :o and it last two days till I asked my husband and got one look like 'What is wrong with you?'. I forget sometimes what I want to say in the moment and find difficult to remember.

Hope you are ok now

Take care





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lol it was so intense, I was sitting there trying to tell myself my name and address in my head, and it was so complicated haha.  Then I had to go to the docs because I have strep throat and I felt like this brainless zombie, not having any idea of what was going on around me  :laugh:


Hopefully this med they gave me wont drive me crazyyy  :D

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Haven't had anything that bad but it's frustrating and even a little scary when I lose my train of thought mid sentence or try to solve a simple problem and don't have the brain power for it.


As someone mentioned here a few days ago, this truly does seem like chemically induced brain damage. I mean, what is brain "damage"? My uncle had brain surgery and his cognitive and motor functions were impaired for many years. His surgery most certainly caused damage to his brain even though he eventually recovered. I don't see this as being much different. The drugs HAVE altered our brains to the point where I would consider it to be damage. It is reversible and you can sugar coat it however you want but it is damage nonetheless.

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This morning when I woke up I couldn't even remember my name.  I got so frightened haha.  Has anyone ever experienced anything like this???


A few times, but not my name, but where I was.  ::)


It's not Brain Damage.




Here is a piece of advice- when you can't think of something, don't force think, it will cause anxiety.

You will remember it ;) sooner or later.



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I've had a few brief moments like this. It's like suddenly all my memory literally disappears. It's very scary, but thankfully it only lasts a few seconds!

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I think benzos are notorious for amnesia. I forgot how to spell simple 3 and 4 letter words after I ct'd.


kd35, early on I did memory games and things on the computer. If you find a game that will chart your progress you can really see the improvement of your memory after time. It all comes back eventually, the brain does have incredible power to heal itself. 



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yes, i had this every time i woke up the first two months off.  it was terrifying...so much so i had to either stay at my dad's house or have a friend come stay with me.  i began to fear going to sleep because of this symptom.


after the first couple of months, it started getting less frequent.  i'm now 15 months free and the last time this happened was about a month ago.  it's only for about 10 seconds these last few times but in those first couple months, after i woke up, it would last maybe a full minute.  it was terrifying.


i'd wake up, not know my name, who i was, where i was and i didn't recognize or know my friend's name.  we had a little protocol we followed...when i woke up yelling "help", he would rush into my bedroom and start by telling me his name, that he was my friend, what my name was, that we were in my condo, what city we were in...the longer he talked the more my brain kind of settled and all my memory would come back.


never had that issues prior to benzo wd so i'm positive it's wd related.  i know have so much empathy for those with alzheimer's disease.

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never had that issues prior to benzo wd so i'm positive it's wd related.  i know have so much empathy for those with alzheimer's disease.

So true..


For the first time ever it gave me a peek into what it would be like to have this problem.... scarey.


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I am glad this thread was started.  I was making dinner tonight and was about to pull the garlic bread out of the oven when all of the sudden my mind went haywire.  For about 15 seconds it felt like I couldn't think straight and I didn't know what I was doing.  It scared me because of how quickly it came out of nowhere.


I just hope that it doesn't happen at work or while driving  :-\

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My spelling has gotten bad, even easy words. Sometimes when I'm talking I can't think of the word I mean to say for a few seconds, then it comes to me.

I recently moved and I had to write down all my new numbers because I can't memorize them. I go into another room to do something and I forget what I was going to do.


I have tried to take classes in the last year and cannot memorize material very well if it is something that has to be learned word for word, i.e. rote learning.


I think (lol) my deeper cognitive skills are intact and I think it is the short term memory that is impaired, but I am pretty confident that this will return when I am further along in the healing process.


I play games like free cell and do cross-word puzzles to exercise my mind. Another thing, I love to read pretty heavy books, like classics, but can't seem to keep my mind on that kind of reading right now.


I don't have any problem driving at all.  I am hyper-vigilant about being aware of my surroundings (like I look both ways 2-3 times)...but that's alright by me. I think that's a good thing. :)

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A lot of parallels with Nicolette and Crono. I'm just so glad I'm not the only one who feels like their brain is mush :-\


I like to read poetry here and there, and find that symbolism and metaphor are really hard for me to grasp right now. Guess I'll resign myself to reading picture books lol. Really though- I hope this ends soon. We deserve our literary reprieves!

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I can so relate to all of your comments

I have days where absolutely nothing makes sense I just have to stay on the bed

Ive have it happen when Im out and that is scarey I just cant think. It is like my brain just shuts down I can hardly remember where I am where Ive parked the car or how to get home. And nothing looks familiar.



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