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Long Haulers

Changing seasons


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There are other members who have asked this same question.     Of course, no one truly knows if this is the case or not because everyone is so different.  Are you feeling as if your symptoms flare with the change of season?   

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53 minutes ago, [[F...] said:

Does anyone else notice that their symptoms flare up and get worse when the season changes? 

FL, my wife is in a bad wave, hadn't thought about changing seasons.   What symptoms are you experiencing?

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Spring and Fall are my best times of year. And summer isn't bad until it's so blazing hot that I can't do anything outside.

But winter ......

Winter is the worst for me. The short days. The cold. The rain. I find nothing to recommend about winter. 

If I were in charge of things. we'd have 5 months of Spring, 5 months of Fall. 6 weeks of Summer, and 2 weeks of Winter - just to remind us to appreciate the other three seasons.


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If there is a immunological or MCAS aspect to some long term withdrawal symptoms - I wonder if seasonal allergies could be throwing things off.

As the seasons change here I've been waking up with nasal drainage and a slightly sore throat. Pollens and mold spores blowing about in the wind are changing now as the seasons turn over.

I've gone down the MCAS path to try to treat my issues and have come up with nothing much. But, people are different. Maybe that is an issue for some of us. 

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I have done 75 winters. I know how to do them. I do not want to do them anymore.

My biggest issue is not particularly with the seasons. Wind, gusty, constant wind, stirs my cart. Makes no sense at all to me.

I suppose it might be related to what I have named for myself "energy storms".

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Always. I love fall, it's my favorite time of year but I always seem to suffer the most then and also moving into spring. I do sometimes think it's related to allergy/MCAS issues. I have the drainage and throat stuff but also much more pain and really a resurgence of old symptoms. This time around I feel like I'm really spinning the symptom wheel. Knee and hip pain, tight muscles everywhere really, headaches, bladder issues which were mercifully short lived, throat issues which might also be nerve or muscular, more insomnia (well, pain is stressful..) So yes, and it seems particularly unkind that just when the heat eases off and you want to go out and enjoy the outdoors, pain comes in and robs your enjoyment. I go out anyway, I've lost enough time to this stuff, but I'd love to go into the fall and holiday season one year without some crazy physical stuff impeding me. Oddly enough, winter is usually my best time as far as feeling good but we don't have a lot of brutal cold days either.

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42 minutes ago, [[N...] said:

I have done 75 winters. I know how to do them. I do not want to do them anymore.

My biggest issue is not particularly with the seasons. Wind, gusty, constant wind, stirs my cart. Makes no sense at all to me.

I suppose it might be related to what I have named for myself "energy storms".

75 winters? In Nova Scotia?

You're made of sterner stuff than I. :classic_wink:

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I definitely notice an uptick in symptoms as seasons change.

Summer being the worst season for anxiety and winter being the worst for physical pain.

I know it's odd but bright sun depresses me and I always have to pull the blinds down on sunny days because I can feel depression setting in.

With every seasonal change I start feeling odd like something is off...just feel weird. 

These past couple of weeks I've had eye and nose drainage. I live in Ohio and we are well known for high allergens...especially pollen and ragweed.

Also..do any of you feel different during a full moon phase? I get high anxiety and insomnia.

I never used to be this sensitive before wd. This is so crazy.




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2 hours ago, [[N...] said:

75 winters? In Nova Scotia?

You're made of sterner stuff than I. :classic_wink:

Hello Nathan.

My name is Jimmy. I'm 67 years old and up to the beginning of my taper have been taking a high dose of benzos for the past 25 years.

I have spent most of this evening navigating through professor Ashton online manual for benzos withdrawal from 2002 I believe. 

TBH at this point I am totally exhausted. I went to my GP on June 30th and explained that I wanted to taper from benzos, to which he agreed. However, it was only after one month when I went back to my GP and asked him what experience he actually had with helping past patients withdraw from benzos to which he admitted "not much really".

I had been taking 20mg of diazepam per day for years and prior to 2018 I had been taking 40mg per day from 2012 to 2018.

I began my taper July 1st, under the guidance of my GP, going from 20mg p/d down to 10mg p/d. For now anyway, long story short, I had my last valium September 9th 2pm and to be honest, I'm exhausted, mentally and physically.

I'm not quite sure if you will receive this message never mind read it, If you do you may understand that I need some support.

I live in Oshawa Ontario Canada.

Siging off for now,

Good luck 👍 



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Hi @[Ji...]

Welcome to BenzoBuddies!

I'm sorry to hear you are struggling with withdrawal symptoms. If you are less than a month off, it is to be expected unfortunately. I suggest you start a thread here. You will likely receive more support at that forum since you're newly off. 

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On 24/09/2023 at 21:37, [[J...] said:

Hello Nathan.

My name is Jimmy. I'm 67 years old and up to the beginning of my taper have been taking a high dose of benzos for the past 25 years.

I have spent most of this evening navigating through professor Ashton online manual for benzos withdrawal from 2002 I believe. 

TBH at this point I am totally exhausted. I went to my GP on June 30th and explained that I wanted to taper from benzos, to which he agreed. However, it was only after one month when I went back to my GP and asked him what experience he actually had with helping past patients withdraw from benzos to which he admitted "not much really".

I had been taking 20mg of diazepam per day for years and prior to 2018 I had been taking 40mg per day from 2012 to 2018.

I began my taper July 1st, under the guidance of my GP, going from 20mg p/d down to 10mg p/d. For now anyway, long story short, I had my last valium September 9th 2pm and to be honest, I'm exhausted, mentally and physically.

I'm not quite sure if you will receive this message never mind read it, If you do you may understand that I need some support.

I live in Oshawa Ontario Canada.

Siging off for now,

Good luck 👍 

Welcome aboard @[Ji...].  We're here to support you.

I was myself on these drugs for about 18 years, but you've got me beat by a bit. The good news is you're off them now. Congratulations. I understand the exhaustion. You're going through acute withdrawal at the moment. I remember it well but I'd love to forget it.

You've landed in our little group of Long Haulers - people that have been off these drugs for over 18 months and are still having problems. I'm very hopeful that you won't be one of us, and I think you have every chance of that being the case.

In the meantime, as Jelly Baby pointed out you might want to try the Benzo Use, Withdrawal and Recovery forum as they will be better able to help you with your immediate issues you're experiencing in acute withdrawal.

But, if I can help you feel free to PM me.



Edited by [Na...]
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On 25/09/2023 at 23:02, [[N...] said:

Welcome aboard @[Ji...].  We're here to support you.

I was myself on these drugs for about 18 years, but you've got me beat by a bit. The good news is you're off them now. Congratulations. I understand the exhaustion. You're going through acute withdrawal at the moment. I remember it well but I'd love to forget it.

You've landed in our little group of Long Haulers - people that have been off these drugs for over 18 months and are still having problems. I'm very hopeful that you won't be one of us, and I think you have every chance of that being the case.

In the meantime, as Jelly Baby pointed out you might want to try the Benzo Use, Withdrawal and Recovery forum as they will be better able to help you with your immediate issues you're experiencing in acute withdrawal.

But, if I can help you feel free to PM me.

Hello Nathan,

I hope you're well.

Is this the section where I pm you?



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On 25/09/2023 at 23:02, [[N...] said:

Welcome aboard @[Ji...].  We're here to support you.

I was myself on these drugs for about 18 years, but you've got me beat by a bit. The good news is you're off them now. Congratulations. I understand the exhaustion. You're going through acute withdrawal at the moment. I remember it well but I'd love to forget it.

You've landed in our little group of Long Haulers - people that have been off these drugs for over 18 months and are still having problems. I'm very hopeful that you won't be one of us, and I think you have every chance of that being the case.

In the meantime, as Jelly Baby pointed out you might want to try the Benzo Use, Withdrawal and Recovery forum as they will be better able to help you with your immediate issues you're experiencing in acute withdrawal.

But, if I can help you feel free to PM me.

Hello Nathan,

I hope you're well.

Is this the section where I pm you?



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Got your PM Jimmy and responded.

Sorry I've been out of pocket for awhile. My wife had some surgery (she came through it fine) so I'm been at a hospital for a couple of days and haven't been checking in as much. We're all glad to be home now.



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3 hours ago, [[N...] said:

Got your PM Jimmy and responded.

Sorry I've been out of pocket for awhile. My wife had some surgery (she came through it fine) so I'm been at a hospital for a couple of days and haven't been checking in as much. We're all glad to be home now.

Just seeing your message Nathan...Im still trying my best to navigate the BB site no worries.Im hope your wife is recovering well 🙏.


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I am definitely seeing an uptick in symptoms!  Everything from increased head pressure, to sinus pain and pressure, and dry stuffy nose.  I looked back at my calendar for the same time last year, and I noted the same symptoms last year.  I also notice an uptick in symptoms when the trees and flowers start to bloom in March.  If I could get rid of these allergic reactions, I believe I could write a success story at 43 months.  I just had a window of two weeks, but now back in a wave.  This is really getting OLD!!!!


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