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Hi all. Anyone here suffering dystonia symptoms taking levothyroxine?

I've been hypothyroid for more than 20 yrs and never had a problem taking my thyroid meds till wd. I was forced to cut my dose back because my nervous system was so hyper sensitive..I cut it in half. Levothyroxine not only stimulated my thyroid but also my CNS. 

I recently read that Levothyroxine can cause Dystonia symptoms. For yrs I've been blaming benzo wd only for my leg symptoms ..involuntary muscle movements..spasms..bone pain...sometimes it's almost unbearable.

I'm convinced it's both benzo wd and my thyroid med...but I never had any problems taking levothyroxine before wd.

I've asked my doc to switch to different thyroid meds thru the yrs..and he did as I requested. 

It was early off the benzos that I switched and I felt very stimulated with other replacements Aldo.

I also saw an endo and she said my thyroid meds would not cause the symptoms I'm having...I was done with her and haven't seen another one since.

My GP is willing to work with me but he has no clue of how to help because it's all so complicated. I've been going about this for 10 yrs and still so miserable. 

Any input or suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Thank you all so much.


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Maybe you can switch to a desiccated pig thyroid replacement, instead of the synthetic Synthroid.  I couldn't tolerate Synthroid at all and it made me extremely nervous.  I now take NP Thyroid.  

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Same here.   I can't tolerate the synthetic thyroid medication.   I suspected that my thyroid medication dose was too high after withdrawal.... I've been experimenting with cutting it down and then getting bloodwork to verify that.   Too much thyroid will cause jitters, sweating, gut issues..... the jury is out right now.   It takes 6 weeks for proper body adjustment before testing....  I'll report back in.....

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I did try NP thyroid yrs ago..couldn't tolerate it. I felt like I was in another world spacing out. I realize changing thyroid meds can give different unwanted symptoms but it was so horrible. I've also tried others and they act on me same as levothyroxine.

I need to know why it gives me dystonia symptoms. My muscles go crazy everyday within a few hrs after taking it...like Ive drank 5 pots of coffee. 

I am gonna ask my doc about trying NP again and start at the lowest dose.

I would have to taper off my levothyroxine first though because it stays in body working for 4 to six weeks.

How would you guys taper off and start the NP?

This gives me so much anxiety.



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