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I am male I weigh 200lbs.   I had been eating primarily a meat carnivore diet because I seen someone on YouTube talking about how a carnivore diet healed his benzo wd. So I thought why not.  I literally was eating 3 rib eye steaks per day.   I honestly don’t know why. I don’t know if it’s the wd. And it is widely known cortisol erodes the gi tract. Even in a concussion it’s not 100 percent understood why but there is a GI connection and malfunction in concussion patients.  Theories are the excess cortisol wrecks the gi tract causing all kinds of chaos.  Hundreds of theories but I think that one sounds logical.  Also iron is prob one of the least understood elements and easiest to royally screw up.  There are soooooo many things that screw it up.  The girl i mention from here who spent thousand and thousands on stem cell treatments.  Was taking curcumin a known antioxidant didn’t realize it blocks iron. God knows how much money was spent on stem cell treatments. But the sad thing is.  She had labs years ago showing terrible ferrrtin and her dr didn’t say jack.  (Mine did the same).   So did havingamares.   These drs don’t know ish about iron and it’s the most complicated of them so they give up and don’t try to learn about it or learn how to interpret it because it’s not as cut and dry as some of the other ones

and there’s just so much that can block iron.  If you drink milk (calcium) blocks iron.   Tea or coffee.  Just an ungodly list of crap that can block it.  B12 I can swish down with a beer and won’t make a bit of difference with iron I have to say a prayer to the iron gods and sacrifice 3 goats to get 1/10th of it to absorb 

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The truth is I’ve actively been seeking out the “head pressure” people.  Not ones that have it intermittently but those that have a weird pressure and pain NON STOP. I am 5 for 5 having a messed up iron on.   They all been to countless neurologists drs had mris ct scans shitloads of drs and no one stumbled upon the simplistic of iron

my theory is it expands past head pressure but so far that’s almost I’d say beyond a theory as it’s 100% so far.  Having had this symptom and how agonizing it is. I really feel like I found something.  I’ve tried to get people to get checked but they skoff at the idea.    Wait what was his name.  SCOOBY. Long time veteran has had head pressure for 10+ years  dismisses me every time I mention it despite having low mch and mcv.  (These are tell tell signs of low iron) I wish I could just hold him down and take his blood lol cause I know his iron is wrecked.  He’d prob lie at this point cause I been harrassing him for so long lol but it’s because I KNOW his pain is low iron.    I’m a healthcare worker by profession so helping other is my passion and the idea of seeing another person in agony when it can be fixed is a tragedy.  Again I don’t think everyone here is positively iron deficient but I do think there is a decent percentage. What if I was right and 10% were and 10 people were falsely diagnosing themselves and didn’t have to suffer for the next 10 years.  Would my bitching and rantimg

be worth it? To them it might 

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@[Jd...] I think it's great that you're concerned about other people's pain. But the most you can really do is suggest that he get his iron levels checked, and maybe cite some studies that show a link between low iron levels and head pressure and pain. You know the saying: you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him flap his wings and quack, or something like that.


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6 hours ago, [[J...] said:

And Nathan go look at the post “pondering a solution”. 
you literally are giving doseage advice. “If I was you I’d take 1mg/day etc etc 

LITHIUM DOSEAGE ADVICE!!!! lol and here a register nurse is in trouble for offering advice on a vitamin with no kind risk of toxicity WITH LABS to go off of 🤣

hypocrite of the year award 🥇 

Such phrasing is it the limits of what we find acceptable - but it is acceptable. It is stating what the poster (@[Na...]) would do in that situation, not what his correspondent should do.

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In pretty sure me and Nathan decided we should just drop it.  We both decided that we both had given advice to others and decided it wasn’t worth bickering anymore.  But I guess not you.   I copied and pasted the part of interest.  Read the 3rd sentence.  “ If that is a concern YOU SHOULD prob start with a low dose 1mg/day”

I’ll dissect this one down real simple “if that is a concern…..” If the first part of the sentence   -  Meaning if that is a concern of yours   

… … you should …      (Telling said person what THEY should do)

English is my first language and I’m fairly confident that is telling someone else what THEY should do if they are concerned about toxicity as example 

mind you this is about LITHIUM.   Do I think the orotate version is safer than the rx and less likely to overdose yes I do but let’s get real.   I gave the advice on b12 likelihood of toxicity is next to none.  Lithium dosing advice Is what I was pointing out as if to indicate I was wrongly badgered by vitamin advice.  Not saying his advice was wrong.  It was great advice. Just pointing out yes indeed it was advice (and on lithium much higher chance of error than b12)

and of course anytime we give any advice there is the chance said person could be allergic to whatever we are suggesting.  If someone says they have a headache should we tell them to go see their dr ? Or the obvious take some Tylenol.   but what if it’s a brain tumor and now they took Tylenol and died.  Do we really need to walk around in this bubble our whole life and never help anyone else out for fear of saying the wrong thing.  Do we now lack the confidence needed to give common sense advice ?    Speak for yourself but I do not 

here is the entire paragraph for reference and you can say whatever you want to justify it.  But that clearly is telling someone what THEY should do

“As far as negative effects of lithium, I've never felt any.  But, you might get a short term worsening of symptoms I suppose since lithium acutely increases glutamate (which may worsen symptoms) but chronic administration should down regulate glutamate.  If that's a concern you should probably start with a very low dose (1mg/day maybe) and ramp up. I'm not sure that doing it before tapering would completely shield you from that effect as presumably you've got some sort of GABA/glutamate balance that might still be upset by the lithium. So, start low and ramp up.”


lemme practice what you said though.   Colin if I was you I would have just left things alone and minded ya own business…. Did I do good? Is that it???


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If I was you Colin maybe I’d just delete this entire thread. 
In my experience when two people have agreed to drop the argument  in my experience it was unwise to dig it back up 

I can even turn your advice into a friendly game of hangman. Try to guess the letters :) 

if I was you I’d _ _ _ _       _ _ _.   

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“If I was you I’d…. T A K E        B 1 2” 

is the answer.  
I bet you thought I said “fork off” silly goose :) have a great day 

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