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UK tapering people


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Hi guys,

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this but please move if necessary. 

Is there anyone in the UK, particularly the Wiltshire area, that is going through a Diazepam taper? 

I would really like to meet someone face to face who is going through the same thing as me. It's great having people online etc but I haven't spoken to anyone face to face about tapering and getting to know the issues they're facing and having a connection with someone who is going through the same side effects and withdrawals from this poison. Then hopefully making a connection with said person and helping each other through this gruelling ordeal. 

Again, sorry if this is the wrong place to post. 


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Hi THFC900

                 I am in the UK, but sadly not in Wiltshire, I'm in North Wales, I to wish I could speak to someone face to face as this process feels so lonely, there is nobody in my hometown going through this, and also it would help my family realise this is withdrawal, And not just my Anxiety back. I have been tapering 10mg Diazepam for the last 16months, I would have been of it before now, but I have had health issues, A skin cancer, and then on the 7th of July this year an operation for a brain aneurysm which has held my tapering back. I had got down to 3.5 then stupidly I started a taper less than a month after operation, going down to 3mg. I have since crashed badly. 

               Where are you in your taper at moment, has it been smooth or come with lots of symptoms 

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Hi Scary Mary

Nice part of the country is North Wales. I know how you feel. Does it feel like no one understands you whatsoever? I've sent my mum across the Ashton Manual to have a read but when I mention the aches and pains, she just says 'oh it's all in your head'. Ok some of it is psychological but not all. 

I started on 25mg taper 🙄 pretty high I know but currently down to 10mg same as you. I'm tapering 1mg every 2 weeks. 

So sorry to hear about your health issues. I can't imagine how hard it must be including all that with a benzo taper. How are you doing today? Managed to reinstate the taper? 

My symptoms are okish at the moment. Only main symptom I've having is chest pain. Had ecgs, blood test, x-rays and it's all good according to the doctors but so hard to believe them. Had paramedics out 3 times in the last year due to the panic of the pain. 


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Hi all,

Just to alert you to a community rule which you are skirting:


You are not permitted to post your contact details to the BenzoBuddies forum; nor should you ask for the contact information of other members. Links to off-site chat rooms or requests to join Facebook or any other social networking website which might identify members' real-world identities are disallowed.

And for the PM system:

Ultimately, it is up to members if they wish to contact each other in the real world. Though we encourage caution. But we cannot allow requests for, or the exchange of personal information on our forum spaces.

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Hi THFC900

                     You have done well coming down fro 25mg to 10mg, do you mind me asking how long this has taken you? 

                  My family have been wonderful and kind, but I just think they find it hard to believe this is all withdrawal, I know they are frustrated and just want to make me better again, some think I should go on other tablets but I don't want to.     

                         Be careful because the lower you go down in dose this is when withdrawal effects really start to happen, but you might be one of the he lucky ones, 

                     I have been advised by some lovely people of here, to stop taper and reinstate original dose, as they think between surgery and starting tapering to quickly after surgery has sent me into Acute, not been great lately. I have had a lot of symptoms nausea has been the worst, with lots of weight loss. Your chest pain must frighten you at times, This is a horrible long lonely process 

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Hi Colin

           I am sorry if I've broken any rules, I didn't intend to, I won't give out any personal information, just general chat about my journey in tapering. I gather you mean I shouldn't say what part of country I'm in. I only joined site last week so just learning. Will take what you say on board, and again sorry didn't mean to offend 

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Hi Mary,

I started 25mg in April so around 6 months. I was dropping 2mg every 2 weeks then when I got to 11mg, I'm dropping 1mg every 2 weeks. 

Exactly the same here. If only there was 1 tablet you could take that would cure it all...can only dream. Only family member I got really is my mum. Friends have left me because they think I'm some sort of drug addict so want nothing to do with me. Had to leave my job of 6 years due to tapering. Been a horrific year. 

What dosage was you on when the withdrawals really started to happen? 

Yeah there are some really helpful people on here. Glad that it's been useful for you and you've found some insightful information. I found a post that mentions about your diet. It's incredible that you've got to change so much during all this! The chest pains are scary but I'm also finding it hard to accept that it's part of withdrawal. Never had this pre benzos so I've got to try and accept that it's "normal" for the time being. 

How're you doing today?


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Not sure if The Bristol Tranquilliser Project is still going. Unfortunately they lost their funding and charitable status and is due to close(state of the UK). But if they are, they do meetings and help others organise more local groups. Might be worth a call

Edited by [Ha...]
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Hi THFC900

                   And how long Have you been taking the Diazepam before that? I can't believe how quick you have come down, I started getting things at 8mg, I've had to hold twice once for 4 months once for 6 months, I wish now I had persevered and carried on and just got of this poison as I'm still feeling terrible taking the tablet, at least if I was off I would understand, I've been awake all night I don't get much sleep which doesn't help the symptoms next day. 

       That's very cruel of your friends to turn their back on you when you need them most, I'm glad you got Your mum.

               Yes I've been advised to start taking some protein drinks to make up for weight loss and muscle loss, 

                   I'm sorry to hear about leaving your job, but when your off this and better there will be other jobs to be had.

            I've learned to accept if you didn't have these symptoms pre -Benzo then they are definitely withdrawal but then on the hard days I believe maybe there is really something wrong with me 

                 I just want to be me again, I feel I've lost myself, I don't want to go to Doctors because they just want to put you on more pills.

               Its just going to be another day of putting a face on and trying to get through it as best I can.

                      I shouldn't have rushed to start the taper so soon after surgery.

                     Please take this part of your taper slow 10mg -0mg listen to your body watch out for symptoms and don't ignore them

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4 hours ago, [[S...] said:

Hi Colin

           I am sorry if I've broken any rules, I didn't intend to, I won't give out any personal information, just general chat about my journey in tapering. I gather you mean I shouldn't say what part of country I'm in. I only joined site last week so just learning. Will take what you say on board, and again sorry didn't mean to offend 

No problem. It was just a heads-up about the rule to the posters in the thread. We encourage anonymity - public sharing (or requests) of contact details are contrary to this aim.

You can state your approximate geographical location. That's not a problem. But be advised, the more specific you are about your location, the easier this is to combine with other information (such as a username which contains your real name), potentially identifying you.

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Sorry for late reply. Been feeling extremely lonely and I'm constantly living in the past lately. Always remembering what I've said and done to people to make them leave. Makes me really down. 

Well tbh I started on Valium in 2019 because I'm a nervous flyer....dr gave me a low dose and that was that. 

November 2020 came and my job was very stressful due to a massive warehouse move we had to do. So I remembered that I had some Valium left over and started taking some to calm me down during the move. Worst mistake. Body was like I want more! So I kind of went on an absolute horrid binge of street Valium, mixing them with all different types of benzos. Going out drinking on them and not remembering a thing the next day. Some days I would take over 100mg. I was completely blind and ignorant to what they actually do your body in the long run. I never researched about benzos till last year and thought right, it's time to get off these.

I tried private rehab but they were tapering me off at 5mg a week! I was like no way! So I left there and managed to get into a place called Turning Point near me. They've been great so far and still using them till I hopefully get down to the jump. 

Sorry, went off on a tangent there. 

Yeah doctors may put you on sleeping pills if you're having trouble sleeping etc so that's just added pills on top. 

I know exactly how you feel about losing yourself. Is it like your world has just come crashing down? I spend most of my time by feeling sorry for myself and wishing I could go back and change a lot of things. Finding that hard to accept. 

Might sound silly but I wish there was a magic pill that could erase certain memories. Memories that just kill me because of my stupid mistakes while under these pills. 

How're you today? Hope you're having a good window, think that's what they call it. 

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