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I stopped CT with Klonopin 12mg every 2 or 3 days.

I used Klonopin since 2016 and started on 0,5mg/d, but had to increase the dose

gradually, my GP at the time told me that it was absolutely normal and it could do

no harm. That also told me the GP I had after her. And that one said nothing when

Klonopin was no longer available at the pharmacy.

I still don’t have words to describe the hell I went through...

In the past I stopped drinking alcohol (29 years sober), I stopped with: Lormetazepam ( gradually but without really tapering, in 2013), Lorazepam (CT in 2021)

and CT with Klonopin in 2017 (I felt bad and took Lorazepam to compensate. Reduced gradually with Lorazepam without any difficulty,

until 1 Lorazepam/d as my Gastroenterologist had prescribed for esofageal spasms). I also stopped CT with Tramadol and Fentanyl (by cutting 1mm/week

from the patch). But I understand that stopping with Tramadol and Fentanyl don’t cause kindling, only benzo’s do.

I’'m 71 - 72 in december.

To summarize: at my age, the very high dose of Klonopin, stopping CT and the kindling, is it realistic to expect to be more or less healed

2 years after I stopped? 

I would be very grateful for your honest answers.

Love, Tante

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Hello @[Ta...], it looks like you didn’t capture my entire username so I didn’t get a notification.  Next time, you may want to make sure you’re logged in before you copy the @[Pa...].

You’ve had a tumultuous history of medication usage and cessation, I’m sorry you’ve been through so much.  You want honesty and my honest answer is I don’t know.  I don’t know when or if you will recover fully, I’m hopeful you will but given your history, its tough to say for sure.  For some, recovery will take many years but what causes this?  I’ve read these members histories and posts and can’t find why this is, so predicting it is next to impossible but expecting it does no good when we have no idea why it happens.

One of the things many of us who have been on medications for years have to realize is, while we’ve been taking them, we’ve also aged.  Will we feel like we did when we were young and started these drugs, probably not but can we recover, I believe we can. 

I also believe we can recover, even if kindled, it may hurt more but in my opinion, this doesn’t translate to not being able to recover.   

Continuing on with our life as best we can is all we have, we can’t change the past, but we can do our best to make sure we never put ourselves in this position again and hope we make it through to the other side. 

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4 minuten geleden zei Pamster:

Hallo@[Ta...], het lijkt erop dat je niet mijn volledige gebruikersnaam hebt vastgelegd, dus ik heb geen melding ontvangen. De volgende keer wilt u er misschien voor zorgen dat u ingelogd bent voordat u het doet@[Pa...].

Je hebt een tumultueuze geschiedenis van medicijngebruik en stoppen gehad. Het spijt me dat je zoveel hebt meegemaakt. Je wilt eerlijkheid en mijn eerlijke antwoord is: ik weet het niet. Ik weet niet wanneer en of je volledig zult herstellen, ik heb goede hoop, maar gezien je geschiedenis is het moeilijk met zekerheid te zeggen. Voordeel zal het herstel vele jaren duren, maar waardoor dit wordt veroorzaakt? Ik heb de geschiedenis en berichten van deze leden gelezen en kan niet vinden waarom dit zo is, dus waarschijnlijk is onmogelijk, maar verwacht dat het niet goed is als we geen idee hebben waarom het gebeurt.

Een van de dingen die velen van ons, die al jaren medicijnen gebruiken, moet beseffen dat we, terwijl we ze gebruiken, ook ouder zijn geworden. Zullen we ons weer voelen zoals toen we jong waren en met deze medicijnen begonnen, waarschijnlijk niet, maar kunnen we herstellen, ik geloof dat we dat wel kunnen. 

Ik geloof ook dat we kunnen herstellen, zelfs als we ontstoken raken, kan het meer pijn doen, maar naar mijn mening vertaalt dit zich niet in het niet kunnen herstellen.   

Zo goed als we kunnen doorgaan met ons leven is alles wat we hebben. We kunnen het verleden niet veranderen, maar we kunnen wel ons het beste doen om ervoor te zorgen dat we onszelf nooit meer in deze positie brengen en hopen dat we de andere kant bereiken. 

Hi Pamster,

I would be very happy if I could recover enough to have a normal life for my age. I hope I can travel again, I like to go to Auschwitz, in Poland, because what happened during the Holocaust was so undescribely terrible...😱 I read a lot of books about that scaring time, the wife of my mothers cousin was a Russian, captured in Theresienstadt. They met each other in a factory, both where forced to worke there. You see, I won't travel to far...I visited the West Coast of the USA, and I always liked to return there, but I don't think this will be possible and thats fine. (I live in Flanders, Belgium) I would love to cook again, at home, for my partner and me, to clean my house a bit, so that my partner won't have to do all of that by her own. I plan to get married next year, to the woman who I have been in a relationship with for almost 11 years. And who's 28 year younger than me.

I love to go out to see a film, go to the restaurant, to take a walk with my partner. Me in my scootmobile, because since a few years I cannot walk to far anymore, due to osteoporosis. All of those things are impossible right now, because of my exhaustion and because I have to visit the toilet at least every hour. I would be happy with some sleep at night. Going to bed around midnight or at 01:00AM and get up at 8 or 9 AM, even with interrupted sleep, but enough sleep for my body and mind to recover.

You see Pamster, I think I don't ask that much...And I'm sure I will be able to do it all again. I want to be sure, because I think that I will get what I believe.

And I felt that you could confirm me in that certainty. Is it?

Thank you very much for your kindness, you are a fine woman.

Love, Tante

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